Software :: OSX Show Blue Screen With Spin Only - Disk Drive Won't Open
Apr 24, 2008
Mac OSX v10.4 tiger disk full and now won't start up. It showed lines of adaptec warning: SCSI reset detected and keep coming up non stop. After force quite and now Mac OSX shows blue screen w/spin only; I tried to start with CD but disk drive won't open. How?
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Jul 3, 2012
New to Mac computers. When trying to open computer after being in sleep mode, I clicked the mouse to open the password screen, & a blank blue/black screen appeared & the mouse timer( colored circle) appeared, as if to be waiting. I had to unplug the computer to reboot it. This has happened twice in 2 days.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011)
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Mar 29, 2012
I have iMac 27 and screen problem on start up i have blue vertical lines, when it start i have a lot of blue dots and nothing else. when I connect outside monitor its showing the same.
Just installed lion and still the same problem when it starts blue dots, when startup in safe mode loads of blue lines and dots on the screen.
iMovie (iOS), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 11, 2012
I upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard and I wanted to restore my computer so I found directions that said I should put the snow leopard disk back in the computer and restart it. Well, I did that and now all I have is a blue screen. What do I do!?!? I've tried manually turning it on/off and it will turn off, but still goes back to blue screen with nothing on it.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6)
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Apr 1, 2012
My MacBook Pro warned me that it had no disk space left. I deleted some files and then restarted the computer. Now it will not turn back on completely. Will only show a Blue Screen...
MacBook Pro
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Apr 18, 2012
macbook pro blue screen with spinning disk, won't start up. my macbook was really sluggish so i ran a hardware test. it said NO PROBLEMS. i did restart. my current login and password were REJECTED. then the macbook went into blue screen and it just sits there and flashes to gray and back to blue and the white lines that make up the circle icon just spin and spin.
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Apr 27, 2012
Finder will flick to blue screen for a split second and restart quitting all open apps. Not restarting the iMac, but just Finder? I've ran Disk Utility and found no problems and also ran a Hardware Test and found no problems. The only indication I have is in Console which without posting the whole log the below lines stand out to me as potential issues:
HIToolbox: received notification of WindowServer event port death.
This line is present numerous times with each application name that was open next to it indicating to me a reason each app has quit? Then a long list of this line repeated; [58544] FODBCheck: foRec->annexNumber != kInvalidAnnexNumber (0)
Followed by:[58526] WindowServer[58526] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
This happened once yesterday and a few times today so it's becoming more regular...
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 26, 2012
I can't quit, or force quit in finder. Beach-ball continues to spin and spin
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Mar 11, 2010
My PowerBook G4 crashed and I need data from it. I already had bought an external drive and had begun loading some fotos and music. Now I'm at a friend's Mac, firewired and all, and the external drive (visible in the disk utility) isn't to be found.
I don't want to erase and reformat, obviously, ... can I drag it onto the desktop from the disk utility?
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Feb 17, 2009
Was listening to a CD and closed the iBook G4 with the CD in it. 10mins later remembered I had left it in. When I opened the iBook for around 2hrs there was a loud fan sound coming from the bottom of the computer. The iBook wouldnt turn on or do anything for around 8hrs and now all I get is a blue screen with the CD still stuck in it.
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Aug 31, 2010
The HDD in my wife's black MacBook (2007, I think) won't boot up. I've run Disk Utility and have decided it's pretty much dead. I have a Carbon Copy backup, so the data is fine. I've tried replacing the drive twice now, and the MacBook simply won't "see" the new drives. When I install the drive, nothing shows up in Disk Utility (run either from the install disc or the Carbon Copy backup drive in a USB enclosure).
The new drives are formatted (I even copied the bootable backup to one of them), and the computer sees them just fine if I install them in a USB enclosure and hook them up that way. When I put them in the computer, though, no dice. Her old, corrupted HDD still showed up in Disk Utility when I reinstalled it, but the new drives don't.
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Jul 10, 2009
I mainly use it as a network media disk, the the problem is that it spins down after just 2-3 mins when idle which will probably wear it out quicker. So was wondering if there's a script of other method to keep it running for longer?
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Sep 17, 2010
while i am using my macbook the screen will suddenly go blue and flash between different blue colors like it is trying to work. sometimes it comes back on but most of the time it stays like that. I have to force shut down with the button and then restart...about half the time it is still flashing blue after the restart and if it does work, it goes blue eventually.
dont know if its a problem with the screen or what because the computer continues to work...if there is a movie on, you can here it in the background and the screen just flashes.
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Dec 17, 2009
I am having problem with starting up my new MBP, would really appreciate if you could help me out.
1. Current rev of MBP 15' 2.53 Ghz
2. HITACHI Travelstar HD20500 IDK/7K 500GB 7200 RPM
What happened is that I had this Hitachi drive in my PC laptop running Windows 7. Last night I got my MBP and decided to put that Hitachi drive in macbook, then format it and install OS X. Once i put the hard drive in and tried to start MBP i kept getting Windows Recovery Screen because MBP was trying to boot from hard drive directly. Since this is my first ever Mac I didn't know what key to press to be able to choose from DVD. On one of the attempts I actually hit "Proceed Windows normally" and it gave me blue fatal screen saying it was not possible...........
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Jan 19, 2010
I bought a Guardian MAXimus hard drive and it seemed to be working fine for the past few weeks. Now all of sudden when starting my Imac 27 I7 the grey screen takes a long time then it get stuck on the blue screen and stays like that. Some times after being on the blue screen it will goto the main page but it takes 3-5 min if it does. When it gets stuck, if I unplug the firewire from the back of the computer from the hard drive it boots up. Any thoughts, their tech support wants me to send the unit back with out doing any testing at home to see what the problem is, seems like a pain in the butt.
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Feb 8, 2010
Disks I put in the Superdrive, external hard drives, or anything in the USB or Firewire (thumbdrive, etc) -- nothing shows up on the desktop. All are visible in Disk Utility. USB thumbdrives and external hard drives are visible in the sidebar in Finder, but disks are not (only disk utility).
Because of this I can't burn a disk because the disk is not being recognized. In Disk Utility, the external hard drives appear mounted and can be opened in Finder, but why aren't they appearing on my desktop (they used to)?
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Feb 11, 2012
I have read most things to do with the grey screen and the screen with the question mark, and it's obvious I have to put some sort of disks in, but there is already a disk stuck in the drive?
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Dec 8, 2014
I used a new USB flash drive this morning to transfer my pictures to. It showed it was transferring them then the screen went blue and nothing responded. I shut down the computer and unplugged everything but now when I turn the computer back on it shows my home screen and I can see the mouse icon moving around but I am unable to 'click" on any of my programs and get a response.Â
iMac with Retina 5K display, iOS 8
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May 4, 2012
I'm replacing this hard drive but all I get is a blue screen when I insert the original CD.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
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May 29, 2012
I have just got an old 2004 G5 and thrown a brand new hard drive in it. When i tried to install leopard (which I'm told would be the best operating system to use) it comes up with a blank blue screen!
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Jan 1, 2010
I just got a new mid 09 macbook pro no matter how I calibrate the screen. the dark/deep blue will always look like purple colour.
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Jun 27, 2009
i have had my macbook go to sleep an not fully wake up, the keyboard, cd drive wake an the screen would just turn the LED on, it brights up but does not show anything.i do NOT think its hardware, i believe the os is just not turining on the screen or speakers. it has done this 2 times an had to hardboot. before i hardboot it, i let it sit for a few minutes to see if it would wake up fully , an tried to close the lid again. also is there a short cut to restart or put it back to sleep so i dont have to hard boot. i dont expect to have this happen again , but if it does a key would be nice
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Feb 19, 2009
Odd stufff, I have a 500 gig Lacie ext HD that my user uses on her Vista machine...
I am setting up a replacement for the Vi$ta machine, which is a 24 inch imac.
I plugged in the ext HD and nothing happened after I powered on the ext HD.
I checked disk utility and it showed up but as a 2TB size ext HD...
I unplugged the Lacie and plugged it back in and all the info showed up correctly.
But ALL the buttons under "First Aid" are greyed out so I cant verify permissions, disk, or repair disk or permissions.
imac 24 inch
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 19, 2012
I'm running 10.6.8 and yesterday I noticed my ipod not connecting to my computer at all. So I did a software update and restarted my computer. I don't remember what the install was because I've done this procedure before. But this time my computer restarted but held on the grey apple icon spinning wheel screen. I had to power down after several minutes. I've booted up from an bootable archived system and ran diagnostics on the directory using Disc Utilities & Disk Warrior. Directories were fixed. When I choose the main startup hardrive, same thing occurs.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
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Dec 14, 2010
I was using my Mac (Macbook Pro 15" screen) and tried opening a file in GarageBand, at which point a warning message came up saying something about a midi file and something not being allowed, and then froze, resulting in me having to switch the computer off from the power button and restarting (Sadly I didnt realise that this would be the start of a whole host of problems and didnt make a note of the warning message). After rebooting I got the 'stuck on the blue screen with the Apple logo and infinitly spinning wheel' problem that i've seen in a few posts. having tried numerous suggestions posted with no change I ended up taking it to the genius section of an Apple store. When i got it back they said that it may have been a corrupted file, and that they re-installed and reset the starting programs (Something along those lines, I cant quite remember). I can now get onto the computer and use it, though some new problems have arisen.......
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Apr 18, 2007
I am not quite sure the difference between the AUTO and ON power options. When I have it set to ON the drive will power on when the computer powers on, power off when the computer powers off and it will spin down when it has not been used for a while. Isn't the ON option not supposed to spin down when the drive has not been in use for a while?
Currently the AUTO setting does the same as the ON setting. It powers on and off with the computer and spins down when the drive has not been used in a while.
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May 21, 2012
There appears to be a rather serious (IMHO) design oversight in OS X's file system routines, as concerns the handling of external drives with power-save features. I've never bothered mentioning this online before, as I've always expected it to be resolved, "in the next update". But I've been waiting now since 10.4 Tiger and nothing yet. So I figured I'd raise the issue in here, at least to see what others might have to say about it.Â
I keep an external (Seagate) USB drive connected to my personal iMac, for use mostly by Time Machine. I'm sure I'm by no means alone in this practice. :-D The drive is, of course, modern and nice enough to power down when not in use (well, "spin down" at least.)Â The trouble is, even though OS X's disk caching system really ought to know (IMHO) that the drive has not been unplugged or accessed by anything else since OS X itself last did so -- alas, for the likes of Save As ... dialog boxes, we still get a several-second Finder UI "lock up" -- usually accompanied by "the spinning beach-ball of death" -- while the OS merely waits for the external USB drive to spin up and say, "Yup. Still here. Nothing has changed and all is well. Carry on!", before finally presenting the list of places I might want to save my file at.Â
This happens in all applications, apparently any and every time the OS wants to refresh the list of available storage devices. So it's obviously an OS X cache/driver issue, as opposed to anything in user-land. Wouldn't you agreed?Â
I guess my first question would have to be, "Is there something I've not been able to find, which I can in fact already do to fix this problem?"
I know it's not just me, actually, because we have five (5) Macs in and about the home office, which all exhibit this highly frustrating behavior. Two use Seagate USB drives (one is 5.25", the other 3.5") while two others use Western Digital drives and the final has two Samsung drives, in custom enclosures. In fact, that last machine -- with an second drive solely for additional mass storage -- has us waiting while both drives spin up, in turn, which is frankly just terrible.
Indeed, the retired TV producer gentleman who owns this particular machine, swears that his iMac is, "the worse Mac I've ever owned", solely because of this problem of, "... constant $@#% delays ...", as he puts it.
Meanwhile, I've been trying to convince the old fellow that doing a full system re-install is highly unlikely to fix his problem. He harkens back to the days of OS 7?P.S: While I remember it -- there's another problem you might have come across, whereby if an external display is connected but turned off, the UI (mouse pointer etc) continuously pauses about even second or so, forcing me to either unplug the external (DVI) display or leave it turned on, even when I'm not using it for hours on end. This one is not nearly such a biggie as the USB drive one, in my view. But a curiosity, none the less.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 16GB RAM
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Oct 19, 2010
I bought an optibay clone and put it in my 2010 Macbook i5. I have an SSD residing in my standard hard drive bay (because of potential hibernate issues) and the 5400rpm Apple drive + optibay clone in the Superdrive bay. How do I sleep/spin down the 5400rpm drive ? Unmounting doesn't seem to help. Put disk to sleep option in preferences is selected, but it keeps spinning and spinning. What options do we have for sleeping/spinning down this drive within OSX ?
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Jun 7, 2010
Last night, after a few hours of using it (from 100% to about 8%), I tried turning off the computer for the night. After the dock and everything else disappeared, I got a spinning beach ball of death. The computer wouldn't turn off for at least 15 minutes. I had to do press the power button for 5 seconds to get it to turn off. I restarted it this morning and it seems to be working fine for now, but I'm scared of turning it off again.
Here's what I know: while the beach ball was happening, my wallpaper was still on the screen, the trackpad worked, but the brightness and volumes didn't, so I'm guessing I was logged out and no files were corrupted.
During the beach ball, the hard drive would slow down, then spin back up. I waited until it had slowed down a bit to do the hard reboot. I have to say that I reset the PRAM yesterday morning, thinking it might be good because I changed the hard drive to the Momentus XT last week and I read that you should reset it when you change hardware inside the machine. I did that before the crash, so when it crashed, it was the first time I tried to turn the machine off since resetting the PRAM, could that matter?
This morning, I went to disk utility and repaired permissions, there were probably a few hundred bad permissions, but Mac OS fixed them. I also tried verification, but it was alright. I then ran the daily, weekly and monthly tasks and everything went great.
What should I do? I already have a charger problem and a �screen is too blue whichever way I set it� problem. Do I have a lemon here?
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May 21, 2012
I have Snow Leopard (10.6.8) installed on a solid state drive (SSD). I'm wondering how I can check whether my internal hard drive is spinning or asleep. Is there a diagnostic to test whether a hard drive is spinning?Â
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12 GB RAM
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