Hardware :: Isn't The ON Option Not Supposed To Spin Down When The Drive Has Not Been In Use For A While
Apr 18, 2007
I am not quite sure the difference between the AUTO and ON power options. When I have it set to ON the drive will power on when the computer powers on, power off when the computer powers off and it will spin down when it has not been used for a while. Isn't the ON option not supposed to spin down when the drive has not been in use for a while?
Currently the AUTO setting does the same as the ON setting. It powers on and off with the computer and spins down when the drive has not been used in a while.
I just got a new Mac Mini at work today. I noticed something missing from its small box. Is it supposed to come with a Mac OS X 10.7.x install disc/USB flash drive or something in case I ever need to reinstall, fix, etc.? I only got these items:
1. Mac Mini
2. DVI to HDMI adapter
3. Power adapter
4. White Apple stickers
5. A manual (didn't see any disc and USB flash drive in it?)
If I am missing it, then I hope I don't have to return since I already set it up, installed a bunch of software, copy my data, etc.
There appears to be a rather serious (IMHO) design oversight in OS X's file system routines, as concerns the handling of external drives with power-save features. I've never bothered mentioning this online before, as I've always expected it to be resolved, "in the next update". But I've been waiting now since 10.4 Tiger and nothing yet. So I figured I'd raise the issue in here, at least to see what others might have to say about it.
I keep an external (Seagate) USB drive connected to my personal iMac, for use mostly by Time Machine. I'm sure I'm by no means alone in this practice. :-D The drive is, of course, modern and nice enough to power down when not in use (well, "spin down" at least.) The trouble is, even though OS X's disk caching system really ought to know (IMHO) that the drive has not been unplugged or accessed by anything else since OS X itself last did so -- alas, for the likes of Save As ... dialog boxes, we still get a several-second Finder UI "lock up" -- usually accompanied by "the spinning beach-ball of death" -- while the OS merely waits for the external USB drive to spin up and say, "Yup. Still here. Nothing has changed and all is well. Carry on!", before finally presenting the list of places I might want to save my file at.
This happens in all applications, apparently any and every time the OS wants to refresh the list of available storage devices. So it's obviously an OS X cache/driver issue, as opposed to anything in user-land. Wouldn't you agreed?
I guess my first question would have to be, "Is there something I've not been able to find, which I can in fact already do to fix this problem?"
I know it's not just me, actually, because we have five (5) Macs in and about the home office, which all exhibit this highly frustrating behavior. Two use Seagate USB drives (one is 5.25", the other 3.5") while two others use Western Digital drives and the final has two Samsung drives, in custom enclosures. In fact, that last machine -- with an second drive solely for additional mass storage -- has us waiting while both drives spin up, in turn, which is frankly just terrible.
Indeed, the retired TV producer gentleman who owns this particular machine, swears that his iMac is, "the worse Mac I've ever owned", solely because of this problem of, "... constant $@#% delays ...", as he puts it.
Meanwhile, I've been trying to convince the old fellow that doing a full system re-install is highly unlikely to fix his problem. He harkens back to the days of OS 7?P.S: While I remember it -- there's another problem you might have come across, whereby if an external display is connected but turned off, the UI (mouse pointer etc) continuously pauses about even second or so, forcing me to either unplug the external (DVI) display or leave it turned on, even when I'm not using it for hours on end. This one is not nearly such a biggie as the USB drive one, in my view. But a curiosity, none the less.
I bought an optibay clone and put it in my 2010 Macbook i5. I have an SSD residing in my standard hard drive bay (because of potential hibernate issues) and the 5400rpm Apple drive + optibay clone in the Superdrive bay. How do I sleep/spin down the 5400rpm drive ? Unmounting doesn't seem to help. Put disk to sleep option in preferences is selected, but it keeps spinning and spinning. What options do we have for sleeping/spinning down this drive within OSX ?
Last night, after a few hours of using it (from 100% to about 8%), I tried turning off the computer for the night. After the dock and everything else disappeared, I got a spinning beach ball of death. The computer wouldn't turn off for at least 15 minutes. I had to do press the power button for 5 seconds to get it to turn off. I restarted it this morning and it seems to be working fine for now, but I'm scared of turning it off again.
Here's what I know: while the beach ball was happening, my wallpaper was still on the screen, the trackpad worked, but the brightness and volumes didn't, so I'm guessing I was logged out and no files were corrupted.
During the beach ball, the hard drive would slow down, then spin back up. I waited until it had slowed down a bit to do the hard reboot. I have to say that I reset the PRAM yesterday morning, thinking it might be good because I changed the hard drive to the Momentus XT last week and I read that you should reset it when you change hardware inside the machine. I did that before the crash, so when it crashed, it was the first time I tried to turn the machine off since resetting the PRAM, could that matter?
This morning, I went to disk utility and repaired permissions, there were probably a few hundred bad permissions, but Mac OS fixed them. I also tried verification, but it was alright. I then ran the daily, weekly and monthly tasks and everything went great.
What should I do? I already have a charger problem and a �screen is too blue whichever way I set it� problem. Do I have a lemon here?
I have Snow Leopard (10.6.8) installed on a solid state drive (SSD). I'm wondering how I can check whether my internal hard drive is spinning or asleep. Is there a diagnostic to test whether a hard drive is spinning?
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12 GB RAM
When I insert a DVD into the MacBook Pro Drive it makes a loud spin noise and the DVD ejects. I've tried with multiple DVD's and still experiencing the same problem.
Mac OSX v10.4 tiger disk full and now won't start up. It showed lines of adaptec warning: SCSI reset detected and keep coming up non stop. After force quite and now Mac OSX shows blue screen w/spin only; I tried to start with CD but disk drive won't open. How?
Over the past few months, I've paid for iTunes plus upgrades as they've become available for the different albums I'd bought from iTunes. However, I just noticed that they now claim that all music is now iTunes Plus.. but I still have 127 purchased tracks in my library that are not iTunes plus. I looked up the music in the itunes store, and sure enough, it is iTunes plus there. How do I get itunes to upgrade these 127 tracks for 30 cents per track or $3.00 per album?
If I have my Mac Pro connected to external speakers, is the startup bong supposed to be played through the internal speakers? When I had my PowerBook connected to speakers, it played the startup noise through them, not the internal speaker.
I was under the impression that starting with the mid 2009 macbook pros you were not supposed to calibrate the built in battery when you bought it. In fact I looked in the 2010 macbook pro manual and unlike the previous macbook pros it does not say to calibrate the battery.
So from what I understand my 2 month old MBP is supposed to have a 10 hour battery which is a stretch! I would say 5 hour battery at best, which is great and I am not complaining but 10 hour eh? Is that while the computer is sleeping?
I was told instead of a recieving a CD I had to download software like iPhoto from iTunes. The only option I see is to pay for it. I was told it was included. What am I missing?
I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out what the approximate costs would be to upgrade the hard drive in my mid-2009 macbook pro. I have a 160 GB hard drive and it is nearly full, but I am a bit of a photo enthusiast and now must labouriously find things to delete before adding new photos.
I know that an external hard drive is an option, although I'm not sure how it would work for me since almost all of my memory is eaten by photos and music, and I very much like having all of this media on the machine together in my iphoto and itunes libraries. I have no sense of what this would cost. Needless to say, I would bring my machine into apple to upgrade given that I'm not knowledgeable enough to even consider opening it myself.
I am willing to consider a new macbook, but this seems excessive given that I am generally happy with the machine and it has only slowed slightly since purcahse, and mostly in the recent months as it has teetered dangerously close to completely full.
I read this article which explains that Exchange Server 2003 is actually supposed to work: [URL]
Exchange Support Apple has built in support for Microsoft's Exchange Server 2007. This is what, on a PC, pushes and synchronises all your email, contact info and calendar entries to Outlook and your phone. By doing this, OS X's Mail, iCal and Address Book apps sync up just like Outlook. Note that if your company is still running Exchange Server 2003 (ours is), you will still be able to sync Snow Leopard with your office server. We confirmed this with Microsoft, a spokesperson from which said, "Correct -- it will work with Exchange Server 2003 as well." Our IT boffins here at CBSi confirmed this too. I know it's still early, but has anyone had any luck getting this to work? I'm about 30 minutes away from installing the $29 SL on my laptop. And I'm really hoping to have the ability to eliminate having a PC desktop on at work strictly for the connection to our exchange server 2003.
Is it supposed to snap in as well as screw in when putting it back onto the computer? When I upgraded my HDD I thought I remembered seeing in a tutorial video that the back panel was supposed to snap shut before screwing it in. Am I missing something or am I totally wong here?
I just recently purchased Snow Leopard and everything seemed to be going well. The installer popped up after I put it into my External DVD Drive and the installation was going smoothly but soon my MBP would restart and the installation would continue. The problem is that at around 35% completion, or in my case 32 minutes left, the disc would come out of the drive and any attempts to put it back in would result in the DVD drive promptly spitting the disc back out.
I don't think it's the MBP that is at fault since I would have received an error message or something of the like. My only guess is that either the Installation DVD is faulty or the External DVD Drive is causing the issue. I'm leaning towards the DVD Drive especially since it suddenly stopped reading the disc entirely while I'm typing this. I'm using an AmazonBasics USB 2.0 8x DVD Writer External Optical Drive which should be fully compatible with Macs.
I have a 2008 Mac Pro with the original OSX drive and then two other hard drives, one I use for Boot Camp/Fusion and the other for my work files. Under Energy Save in system preferences, I have it so that the drives will sleep whenever possible. The issue I'm having is one of the drives, I think the one with my work files, will wake from sleep every 15 minutes or so even if I'm not accessing any of the files. I haven't timed it exactly but it's around 15-20 minutes and happens throughout the day. What is causing the drive to wake? I disabled iStat Pro because before the drives would spin every time I checked my dashboard so that's not the problem anymore.
After clicking System Preference how do I get SCAN option to appear so documents can be scanned? Currently only the Print option is visible and having no problems with printing. Printer is a HP Laser Jet 300.
I have installed the beta of Google Chrome but is unable to select "Create application shortcut" (not so sure if its the correct words, because my installation is in Swedish)
The option is there to select but is greyed out (disabled).
I was surprised yesterday to find that holding down option key during restart did NOT bring up the Startup Manager screen.Usign Lion, wireless Appple Keyboard and external HD connected with FireWire. Is the isue the wireless keyboard? The Firewire connected drive?I was able to go to System Preferences and choose my startup volume but I much prefer the more temporary state pressing option key when rebooting to choose which volume for startup
Info: MacbookPro (Unibody) 2.8 Ghz 4 Gig Ram; 24, Mac OS X (10.7.1), Hubby'siMac 20" 2009 ,10.6.6. 2 Gig RAM
I've got a Mac Pro 2008, with 4 noisy hard drives in it.
I wonder if there is an easy way to manually spin down/up the unused harddrives when you feel for it? (That would be much easier that powering down the whole computer, and unplug the disks.
A couple of weeks ago I was running Parallels on my Macbook Pro. I had inserted a USB stick to get a file from it to windows. In doing so, the Macbook completely froze. I took the battery out and disconnected the power supply and waited for about a minute before booting it up again.
When I booted the Mac, it looked like it was starting up fine. However, it got to the point where it loaded my wallpaper, opened Finder and then froze for a few seconds. It appeared to try and restart again, got to the same point, froze and has been in a spin ever since.
I booted the Macbook Pro off the OS disc holding the D down to do the hardware test and it came back fine. I also reinstalled just the OS, but I'm still having problems. I ran the Mac if verbose mode too and I managed to get a crash log. I wasn't able to access it until last week as the Mac was in a spin. For some reason last week I put the Mac into sleep mode and the next day I was able to see the hard drive (though I'm not able to run anything as it seems to want the admin to login - which I am).