OS X :: Sleep / Spin Down 2nd Hard Drive (optibay Clone)
Oct 19, 2010
I bought an optibay clone and put it in my 2010 Macbook i5. I have an SSD residing in my standard hard drive bay (because of potential hibernate issues) and the 5400rpm Apple drive + optibay clone in the Superdrive bay. How do I sleep/spin down the 5400rpm drive ? Unmounting doesn't seem to help. Put disk to sleep option in preferences is selected, but it keeps spinning and spinning. What options do we have for sleeping/spinning down this drive within OSX ?
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May 21, 2012
I have Snow Leopard (10.6.8) installed on a solid state drive (SSD). I'm wondering how I can check whether my internal hard drive is spinning or asleep. Is there a diagnostic to test whether a hard drive is spinning?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12 GB RAM
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Jun 7, 2010
Last night, after a few hours of using it (from 100% to about 8%), I tried turning off the computer for the night. After the dock and everything else disappeared, I got a spinning beach ball of death. The computer wouldn't turn off for at least 15 minutes. I had to do press the power button for 5 seconds to get it to turn off. I restarted it this morning and it seems to be working fine for now, but I'm scared of turning it off again.
Here's what I know: while the beach ball was happening, my wallpaper was still on the screen, the trackpad worked, but the brightness and volumes didn't, so I'm guessing I was logged out and no files were corrupted.
During the beach ball, the hard drive would slow down, then spin back up. I waited until it had slowed down a bit to do the hard reboot. I have to say that I reset the PRAM yesterday morning, thinking it might be good because I changed the hard drive to the Momentus XT last week and I read that you should reset it when you change hardware inside the machine. I did that before the crash, so when it crashed, it was the first time I tried to turn the machine off since resetting the PRAM, could that matter?
This morning, I went to disk utility and repaired permissions, there were probably a few hundred bad permissions, but Mac OS fixed them. I also tried verification, but it was alright. I then ran the daily, weekly and monthly tasks and everything went great.
What should I do? I already have a charger problem and a �screen is too blue whichever way I set it� problem. Do I have a lemon here?
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Jul 18, 2010
I what I would like to do is Clone the internal hard drive of my Mac Pro (I believe its a Mac Pro 1,1. 2.66 dual core Xeon), and use the clone in the current model Mac Pro Dual core 2.66 thats out now.
I need to have both machines running everything the same as both my studio's are in two different locations.
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Jul 24, 2010
We have an old iMac G3 (very very old) it is teal and has a slot loading cd drive. It has a 233 mHz processor, 160 MB RAM and a 4 GB hard drive. We are planning on giving this computer away, but, before we erase the drive, I want to make an exact duplicate of it (perhaps as a disk image or on another physical drive.) The G3 has no firewire ports (only USB) but I can access it through the filesharing LAN. I tried using disk utility on another mac on the network to "create a new disk image from folder" and selecting the hard drive for the G3 on the network. It failed giving me a permissions error.
Any clue how to clone this drive? A disk image is a preferable method, but I am willing to spend money on an external drive if necessary.
I tried this and it didn't work: [URL}
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Sep 13, 2009
I just cloned my hard drive to a new and bigger drive. I did the OSX 10.5.8 update on the old western digital drive as a safety precaution, so that if it screwed up I would still have a good copy on my new Seagate barracuda. The update looks to have gone well and I will be waiting for a couple of trial days before backing the drive up again. My question is, when I clone the drive again(to the new seagate) how will that work? Should I erase the existing disk image(10.5.7) on that drive or will it overwrite the existing image with the new 10.5.8 one? This is the first time I have used carbon copy and don't really know all the in's and out's of it.
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Nov 1, 2010
I'm drop shipping my 27" imac refurb to OWC for them to install the sdd, ram, etc. Someone here said OWC will clone the hd to the ssd and then the end user went back and did a clean install. Wouldn't it be better if OWC just installed the SSD, left it clean, and I did the install from the disks myself? I mean I assume it's a time issue why they would clone, not fresh install. I have plenty of time to do it. Is it not that simple? Is there something more fangled to it, or is it just running the disks and doing what they say?
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Nov 23, 2010
I recently bought a Macbook Pro with a 200gb hard drive. Right now I am running bootcamp dual-booting OSX 10.6.5 and Windows7 100gb partitions each. I just got done configuring everything and then my friend offered me a 500gb hard drive for $50 so of course I had to buy it.
I am wondering if it is possible for me to clone the hard drive I currently have to the new 500gb hard drive and then extend the partition sizes so I don't have to go through and reinstall everything on the Windows side again.
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Mar 10, 2009
Can I clone my hard drive in my iMac and stick it in my Mac mini and expect everything to work smoothly? Or are there specific drivers installed on the iMac drive?
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Mar 28, 2009
I recently installed Boot Camp with Windows Vista. i partitioned the drive 50-50 and now i am running out of room on both partitions.
I am familiar with Ghost on the PC side but is there a software that will CLONE my Mac partition and Windows partition all in the same process? When i go to Disk Mangement in Vista, it recognizes four partitions. 1 for vista and the other 3 for Mac.
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Jul 22, 2009
This is a tutorial for people looking to clone their internal hard drive and install it into their macbook (usually because you've upgraded to a larger hdd). I have also included an installation of windows vis a vis boot camp style. Ive been battling this for the past 3 days, so hopefully this tutorial will answer some questions and save you some time.
1. Firstly get your external drive (clone) ready. Go to applications---->utilities---->disk utility. Click on your external drive and then partition it. I used 2 partitions, one for mac (200 GB) and one for windows (40 GB). For now partition in GUID partition format (found in options). This is important. You can check whether it actually as in GUID at the end of the format when you click on the drive and on the bottom part of the screen it will give you all the drive information. (NOTE: if you have a standard windows installation you can have 1 partition at this stage and then later let boot camp create a partition for you. Boot camp will only format in FAT, so all windows using NTFS are out of luck)..............
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Apr 18, 2010
Can I make a disk image of my current MB Pro (early 2008) and copy it to my new i7 MB Pro to retain all my docs and programs?
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Apr 12, 2012
I want to Create a Clone of my hard drive. What software is most recommended?
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Oct 2, 2010
I recently had to wipe my entire hard drive. I made a clone of my Windows 7 partition before doing so, but am now unsure about how to restore it. Is it possible to restore without first installing Win 7 from scratch, i.e., is there any chance I could partition the drive using the Boot Camp utility then simply copy the entire file system over?
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Jul 23, 2010
I'm going to be swapping the 250 GB drive in my 2008 MBP Penryn (17) for a Seagate Momentus 500/7200rpm drive. There are two ways to go. One is to put the new drive in an enclosure and use SuperDuper or CCC to clone the main HD and then swap them. The other is to use Time Machine. That means installing the new drive blank, boot from the OS disk and format. Then go to the most recent TM state and restore. My available external HD is the FW800 Western Digital Studio. It has space for a partition big enough for the cloning. The case coming with the Seagate is the Other World Express USB2. I have good pdfs on the install procedure. Need to remember to print them, first.
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Nov 1, 2010
I have a MacBook from Christmas 2009. I'm very happy with it. I am using an external HD, a Western Digital Passport with 500 GB for my Time Machine backups. The MacBook seems to have a 250GB hard drive, but no firewire connection. So far I have used up about half of my WD Passport external with Time Machine backups. I have about 6500 photos and almost 12GB of iTunes music, and I don't want a catastrophic failure to cause me to lose it all. In addition to the Time Machine backup, I'm considering using Carbon Copy Clone with an additional external hard drive for a complete backup. I'm not very Mac or programming savvy, so I'm looking for an idiot proof method. What do you guys think of CCC, and what size/brand external HD do you recommend? I think CCC has to have an HFS+ formatted drive. I don't want to keep it connected all the time, but I would like to occasionally clone the MacBook harddrive so I always have a fairly current bootable backup.
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Sep 1, 2014
I want to find the best way for a new college student to back up her MacBook Air files. Can she use cloning software and an external hard drive? I'm unclear if the Air supports attaching an external hard drive.
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Jul 4, 2012
I have a 13 inch Aluminum Late 2008 MacBook. Processor 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53). Currently I have a 160 GB SATA disk as my hard drive a d 4 GB of memory. (Is it time to upgrade or what?) I recently bought a Western Digital 1 TB internal hard drive to replace my exisiting internal hard drive. I spent a lot of time last night trying to first- connect this new hard drive to my computer so that I can then clone the existing hard drive and then hoping that I would get that done so I could install the new hard drive. No such luck.
My current hard drive is partitioned as follows:
Name: Macintosh HD
Format: Mac OS Extended (journaled)
Size: 132.5 GB
Format: Windows NT File System (NTFS)
Size: 26.69 GB
When I was partitioning the new drive I did so as follows:
Name: Macintosh HD
Format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
Size: 973.51 GB
Format: MS-DOS (FAT) --- This was the only option that I was given that I thought would work. I did not have the option of "Windows NT File System (NTFS) to choose from. Question # 1: is that going to be a problem? I only run 1 program on Windows and that is the only reason I have BOOTCAMP on there at all. However, I do HAVE to have that program. Like I said it didn't give me the option to choose Windows so I didn't know where to go with this. Any help with that would be awesome.
Size: 26.34 GB (I just used the same size that was current, or close to it.) I connected the Western Digital 1 TB through an external device, partitioned it as stated above, and then used Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the drives. The first one went through fine. (It took 2 hours and I went to bed before it finished.) This morning I woke to see that it had gone through well. I then started the process with the BOOTCAMP drives. However, before I started it gave me errors stating that I wouldn't be able to run Windows off of the Cloned BOOTCAMP drive. Question #2: Is it because of the Format type I chose when partitioning?
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 1, 2012
only the sleep button under the apple logo puts the hard drive to sleep it doesn't do it automatically though energy saver and a timed sleep?
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 10, 2009
I have a G5 that is about 5 years old. For some reason it will not sleep or shutdown. When I try to do either one of those actions it does simi-sleep/shut down, but not completely. By that I mean it sounds like the hard drive spins down but then fans still are running. After about two minutes the fans spin way up and the Mac won't start back up. I have to pull the power on my battery backup. I took it to the shop (Not an apple store) and they reinstalled the OS for me and put some new ram in. Supposedly they "Fixed' the problem.
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Apr 26, 2012
I can't quit, or force quit in finder. Beach-ball continues to spin and spin
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Dec 30, 2010
I have an SSD in place of the usual hard disk my MBP 13" came with to which i placed in the optibay. Since i did this (yesterday) ive noticed how noisy the drive is over just using the SSD alone.
Is there a way to either powerdown the optibay drive or 'eject' it when not in use for silence and prolonged battery life? Would you recommend it? Most of the time i will just use it as a netbook unless i download media to the optibay.
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Jul 14, 2010
Spent hours searching on MRoogle etc, couldn't find anything helpful, wondering if anyone else is having this problem.
I recently installed an Optibay in my new 2010 i5 2.4 MBP using Lifehacker's guide, which can be found here:
I have an 80GB Intel X-25 SSD in the main hard drive slot, and a 500 GB Seagate Momentus XT in the Optibay. The OS and applications are installed on the SSD in the main slot, while my home folder and some Pro Tools session files are located on the Momentus XT connected via Optibay in the optical drive slot.
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Feb 12, 2012
For the last few days, since carrying out a software update (dont know what update!) when I select "sleep" from the main apple menu my screen goes to sleep but my hard drive keeps running, how do I correct this so the whole thing goes to sleep?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 13, 2012
a couple of days before my wireless track pad and keyboard would have trouble connecting when computer is waken after sleep mode. Then one day my mac mini just suddenly stopped going in a physical sleep state. When I go to the apple sign and put the mac mini to sleep the screen turns black like usual but once its put to "sleep" the light indicator on the mac mini will not blink neither will I hear the hardrive slow down. whats going on. This is the standard $700 model mac mini mid 2011.
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Jul 10, 2009
I mainly use it as a network media disk, the the problem is that it spins down after just 2-3 mins when idle which will probably wear it out quicker. So was wondering if there's a script of other method to keep it running for longer?
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Jan 3, 2011
I installed a second HD in my Macbook Pro via Optibay.1st drive is SSD and second "normal" HD for data.When I boot I get a strange loop with the apple logo appearing and disappearing. It looks like my Mac does not know which of the two drives to choose for booting. Only when I press the options button before booting do I get the Bootcamp selector for Mac or Win which are both on the SSD.
As I use the second drive only for data, I want to make the SSD drive the "primary boot drive" without me having to press the option button on startup every time.
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Jan 14, 2010
I installed a x25-m, of course, transfering the HDD to the optibay. Here is my problem: Whenever I shutdown, restart or hibernate, I hear, right as the fans shutoff, a loud, almost sharp click. It is obviously the HDD. As many of us know,(that have this set up, or have read the optibay thread) this "hard shutdown" is probably due to the lack of sudden motion sensor for the HDD in the optibay setup. What to do, what to do...especially considering the fact that I boot frequently between Win 7 and OS X. Well, after some research on the interwebs, I have come to the conclusion that ejecting the poor thing prior to shutdown, much like any external device, nets a happy HDD. In the process I came to the conclusion that there should be some automation to this, and sure enough, in terminal, you can augment the volume to not mount on boot. It is a beautifully simple process as noted in this post: [URL] This is all very good news, except that I've only found a solution for OSX. I was expecting to find an equally elegant process in windows. Lo and behold, the process, script and/or command are/is evading me. If anyone out there is on a similar path, could they be so bold as to link their findings? Possibly we could collaborate to right this terrible wrong. To specify, I am hoping to make it so that the drive in question is never "mounted" until chosen to do so, hopefully something similar to the approach in OSX.
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Mar 26, 2010
I am looking to do the optibay or DIY version, but what I want is a ssd for the boot drive, how big of one do I really need? Do all of the applications need to be on the boot drive as well or can some of them run off the secondary drive, which will be the 1TB WD Scorpio?
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Aug 3, 2010
I just did the whole SSD/optibay upgrade, and now i have a question about booting from the SSD.I used CCC to clone my HD to the new SSD. After it was cloned, I installed the drives into my macbook pro, placing the SSD in the original HD bay, and the old HD into the optibay. When i turned on my computer, i think my laptop was still booting from the old HD. How do i set things so that i boot from the new SSD? I plan to use the old HD for music/movies/documents. I tried a search but didn't come across anything.
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