MacBook Pro :: Hard Drive Slow Down Than Spin Back Up?
Jun 7, 2010
Last night, after a few hours of using it (from 100% to about 8%), I tried turning off the computer for the night. After the dock and everything else disappeared, I got a spinning beach ball of death. The computer wouldn't turn off for at least 15 minutes. I had to do press the power button for 5 seconds to get it to turn off. I restarted it this morning and it seems to be working fine for now, but I'm scared of turning it off again.
Here's what I know: while the beach ball was happening, my wallpaper was still on the screen, the trackpad worked, but the brightness and volumes didn't, so I'm guessing I was logged out and no files were corrupted.
During the beach ball, the hard drive would slow down, then spin back up. I waited until it had slowed down a bit to do the hard reboot. I have to say that I reset the PRAM yesterday morning, thinking it might be good because I changed the hard drive to the Momentus XT last week and I read that you should reset it when you change hardware inside the machine. I did that before the crash, so when it crashed, it was the first time I tried to turn the machine off since resetting the PRAM, could that matter?
This morning, I went to disk utility and repaired permissions, there were probably a few hundred bad permissions, but Mac OS fixed them. I also tried verification, but it was alright. I then ran the daily, weekly and monthly tasks and everything went great.
What should I do? I already have a charger problem and a �screen is too blue whichever way I set it� problem. Do I have a lemon here?
I bought an optibay clone and put it in my 2010 Macbook i5. I have an SSD residing in my standard hard drive bay (because of potential hibernate issues) and the 5400rpm Apple drive + optibay clone in the Superdrive bay. How do I sleep/spin down the 5400rpm drive ? Unmounting doesn't seem to help. Put disk to sleep option in preferences is selected, but it keeps spinning and spinning. What options do we have for sleeping/spinning down this drive within OSX ?
I have Snow Leopard (10.6.8) installed on a solid state drive (SSD). I'm wondering how I can check whether my internal hard drive is spinning or asleep. Is there a diagnostic to test whether a hard drive is spinning?Â
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12 GB RAM
I'm having a worrisome problem with my MDD dual 1ghz g4. It will sometimes turn off when in sleep mode. When I try to boot it back up, it comes on and chimes and I can hear the HDD spin up, but then it will just turn off. Usually after about 3 or 4 attempts it will boot up just fine.I thought it might be the battery on the logic board, since the clock would re-set every time the machine was powered down, so I replaced it. That fixed the clock issue, but the machine is still turning off and taking several attempts to start back up.
I have no idea what is causing this. One thing I do know is that this house is pretty old and the wiring seems iffy. I have a battery backup on another machine and sometimes it will start beeping like it's lost power, but it's still plugged in and the light indicating that it's receiving power is on, so I think sometimes the power from the wall fluctuates. This might explain the MDD spontaneously shutting off, but does it explain the difficulty restarting?BTW, I searched the forums to see if anyone had asked this question, but found no threads,
I got a new harddrive and had to use my computer before I could restore my back up on my external hard drive. My computer is telling me I need to reinstall os x so it can prompt me to plug n my external but I don't have the disk anymore
I recently replaced my stock HDD (500GB) with a 750GB. I went into the recovery partition, and did a disk copy. I figured cloning the disk would be the best way to do things. When it was done, I rebooted, and booted from the new drive (which was in an external enclosure). It was a little slow, but I didn't think anything of it. I opened up the case for my MBP and switched the drives. When I booted up after switching them, the boot-up process was very slow, and when OSX finally booted, everything was very slow (lagging) and unresponsive. I kept getting the "Grey Screen of Death" telling me to force shut-down my laptop. I have switched the drives back, and everything is working fine now, but I'm curious as to what may be causing the new drive not to work properly. Has this happened to others? Have I missed a step or 10?Should I maybe have used Carbon Copy Cloner instead of Mac's built-in disk copy?Â
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 17-inch i7 Core, 8GB RAM (mid-2010)
I have a Mac pro and i wanted to partition my hard drive to put windows on it, i have managed to partition it but know cant find a windows disc,How do i merge the hard drive back into 1?
My MacBook pro will start up but it will not boot up, I've tried many different things and they have all failed. I took my MacBook to a computer store and they told me that my hard drive is unhealthy and needs to be repaired. Is there any way of getting my data off of my hard drive ?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.4.6)
My macbook air keeps glitching. Everytime I start it up, I get a folder with a question mark blinking and i can't get into login in page. After turning on and off about 800 times, I got to my login in page. Ive read i can slip the hard drive out and slip it back in and it will be fine, but I just don't feel good about unscrewing the bottom and exploring my computer. Apparently it has something to do with the hard drive being fried, but obviously it isn't if i can log in one time out of many.Â
So obviously I want to back it up. (It's 11:24 at night).However, I need an external hard drive. Can't drive anywhere at night and grab one. Can't leave my computer on all night either. Is there an alternative way I can back it up until tomorrow? A way I could back it up online? I have programs on my computer i need back up that I don't have the disc to anymore, so its very important I preserve them. Â
Recently my new unibody 17" macbook pro start to act a little weird. It started with regular "clicks" from the hard-drive. I thought the hard-drive is just parking to safe energy and didn't saw any harm in it. But now my computer start to slow down terrible in many occasions or crash. I noticed that when this happened (the crash or the slow down) I often hear the hard-drive clicking and/or bouncing. Is this the sign of a hard-drive that will die soon? or can there an other reason be the cause of this behavior?
I am trying to back up my hard drive to an external (WD My Passport Essential SE) in Disk Utilities (after booting failed). Was getting error-61 until I changed the external format to Mac OS X compatible. But now I am getting an input/output error.
I'm probably going to need to erase my HD and reinstall Lion, so I HAVE to back-up.
I have an early 2009 macbook, with 320 GB hard drive and running OS Lion, after i upgraded my os to lion, the computer ran perfectly normal, although a little bit slower than running snow Leopard. However, recently I notice my mac become very slow, got rainbow wheel even when i open the safari. then I use the black magic to test the hard disk speed, it appears the read and write speed is only a little over 30mb/s.
i have recently change my keyboard at apple store, I notice my mac slow down after that, do you think it would related?
Could any readers recommend an affordable basic external hard drive for a macbook air, which would also serve as a back-up for my old pc laptop? I don't need it to be portable, just to serve as back-up at home, though if it doesn't escalate the price too much wireless would be a bonus. I see there is a vast range of products available at a vast range of prices
I probably have all kinds of misconceptions about Resetting to an earlier time for the computer I have. It's a 2009 macbook, running OS 10.8.5. I got it last week, previous to this machine I have been running a powerbook G4. It does not have a backup with Time Machine either.
When I insert a DVD into the MacBook Pro Drive it makes a loud spin noise and the DVD ejects. I've tried with multiple DVD's and still experiencing the same problem.
i had a 2006 macbook core duo that ran really nice with snow leopard, recently the logic board died so it hasn't been used for a month, i got parts from my friend and now running a 1.83ghz core 2 duo logicboard in its place. the big problem what i think is the hard drive got corrupted due to the bad logic board, when i first put the hard drive back in it wouldn't boot except into safe mode and after i repaired permissions it would boot. however it still starts up slow and os performance seems sluggish and if i run disk utility it always has permissions to fix and takes forever.
I had a MBP with a 7200 RPM, 320 GB Hitachi Hard drive. I sold the MBP and got a white nvidia MB, but I kept the 7200 RPM drive and used it in the white MB (I did not reinstall the OS). Everything works fine, but I've noticed that it takes a very long time to boot. From the time I turn the MB on, to the time the spinning disk appears, it takes approx. 60 seconds. Other than that, the MB works fine. Should I do a clean install of Leopard. Would this help the slow boot time?
 Model Name:   MacBook Pro  Model Identifier:   MacBookPro5,1  Processor Name:   Intel Core 2 Duo  Processor Speed:   2.4 GHzÂ
Was working on my emails and computer crashed. When I turned the computer back on everything came back except the email program and emails.
Instead it asks me to open new mail account. I can find the emails on my hard drive but when I click on them...goes to same window to open and asks to open new mail acct. How can I recover and have access to my mail account?
If you want to do modify or upgrade a Macbook you Should first back up your music, documents, photos etc to an external hard drive. That much I did know. And lucky for me because a few later I spilt wine on the keyboard. (Computers are not wine oriented). Lucky for me it was saved by a Mac expert. The iTunes library which also includes non-Apple purchases is sitting in an external LaCie 1tb Rugged external hard drive. And what I want to do is transfer/import the iTune library Back into the Macbook. Sure it probably sounds easy to a vetran computer person or even to someone who grew up with computers but to me it's like speaking Cantonese.
I will be getting a MBP but I will need more storage, hence the external hard drive. I wanted to buy time capsule but I read that it is not possible to partition it. So, would I be better off with an external hard drive(FireWire 800) that I can actually partition or get time capsule which offers the wireless connection. As for the speed I guess the wireless connection with time capsule must be pretty slow?
I deleted my startup and recovery drives. I still have every thing on external hard drive but cannot get my drives back on internal drive. Is there anyway to get those drives back and get all my info from my external drive back on my computer?
more specifically, how should i back up my data, seeing that i have one 350 gb external hard drive and two boots i want to keep. it's a bit long so stay with me.
about seven months ago, i purchased a new 320 gb internal hard drive, which i installed snow leopard on fresh. i then removed the 80 gb internal hard drive that came with the macbook which had tiger (never snow leopard). on my external, i have two partitions as of right now, one with the superduper! clone of tiger, and the other of random data i want to keep. the other day, i noticed that it's been a while since i last backed up my computer, and i would like to do it again, but i'm debating how to do it, and plus, i thought i was going to get a second external hard drive by this point, but that's not going to happen for a while at least.
i have two options i'm debating (i'll take suggestions from others as well). all the solutions have my 10.4 backup still around and 10.6 being backed up.
1. bring back my first internal, copy the 10.4 backup to that internal and store it away, and use the external as a time machine only.
pros: i don't need 10.4 around much, but it insures that it's there in case i need it (but 10.6 has worked well for me in seven months).
issues: i would have to use a screwdriver every time i want to access 10.4, concerned if 10.4 would boot on it's own due to the nature of this backup.
2. put the extra data over to 10.6 and have the backup containing 10.6 and the extra data, with 10.4 remaining on the external hard drive.
pros: can easily boot to 10.4 if need be.
issues: less space to back up 10.6 as i'm lagging on 10.4.
I mainly use it as a network media disk, the the problem is that it spins down after just 2-3 mins when idle which will probably wear it out quicker. So was wondering if there's a script of other method to keep it running for longer?
I woke up this morning to find my 13" macbook starting up with a flashing file and ? mark. After reading up and trying everything i could with no luck I thought maybe i should try to place in a new HDD i had. The new HDD i had lying around was the same specs, same brand that I took out of my PS3. After sliding it in still with no luck i decided to place the old one back in to take it to apple but the HDD wont slide back in, it gets half way in then feels like it is getting stuck, if i apply some pressure I can get it in 98% of the way but not enough to place the metal bracket back on that covers the HDD and the RAM. Any one know what the issue is or how i can fix this issue please?
I'm trying to use a lacie 500GB to back up my imac 10.4 prior to upgrading. Shop said i should use the Firewire 800, but my computer doesn't have a port which fits. I am using the firewire 400 but every time i try and use the lacie set up assistant the error message i get says the application installer quit unexpectedly.I have a imac 0s x version 10.4.11 with intel core 2 duo.
I bought a MacAlly GS350SUAB hard drive enclosure for the firewire 800 port. Before I made the purchase, I looked around for some FW800 drive xbench scores and found a few results:
When I ran the xBench disk test on my drive, I was unimpressed. They weren't much better than when I plugged it in using the USB port.
I thought maybe xBench was sucking, so I timed how long it took to write a 831MB file to the drive using both USB and FW800, and it was actually faster (marginally) on USB. FW800 took 30 seconds, while USB took 28. Something doesn't seem right. Does anyone have any thoughts on why this could be? I do have a FW400 audio interface hooked up, but that is of course plugged in to the FW400 port and shouldn't make a difference. The hard drive I'm using came out of a Seagate FreeAgent. Is it possible it's just a really slow drive?