Software :: Mail - Mystery Icon In Mailbox Column Headers

Nov 9, 2010

For no apparent reason, now when I create a new mailbox, the first column header contains a mystery icon consisting of two arrows, one pointing northwest and the other pointing southeast. When I right-click on the headers, there is no corresponding item in the pop-up menu (e.g. Attachments, To, From), so I have no clue what it is, nor can I hide it. Mailboxes I created prior to whatever it is that changed do not have this icon. I have not changed my OS, nor the version of Mail I am using. Can anyone tell me what this icon/column is for, and how I can get rid of it??

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Sent Mail Display Attachment Icon In Mailbox List?

Mar 30, 2012

Mail (just switched from 15 years of Eudora use).  I have installed the paper-clip icon column in my mailbox windows, but when I move

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MacBook Pro :: What Is The Mystery Icon That Flashes On Wake

Feb 14, 2012

Twice now I have seen a strange, black and white icon that flashes momentarily upon waking my MacBook Pro from sleep. It looks vaguely like an Apple remote. It goes away almost immediately.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: List Of What X-Spam Headers Apple Mail Will Look At / When Determining Junk Mail Status?

Apr 25, 2012

Apple Mail has a preference to 'Trust junk mail headers in messages' but I can not find a list of what those headers are.By trial and error I've learned the "X-Spam-Flag: YES" will work (exactly that, no extra info), but I'd like to know what other options there are... particularly if I can send a score/rating back and have it look at that.But I can't find a list of supported headers.The Internet is full of "common spam headers" and yet none of them actually seem to work and lots of people who can't get it working with spamassassin which is incredibly common.

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Applications :: Changing The Headers In Apple MAIL

Sep 28, 2009

When I launched MAIL for some reason it organizes my emails by "TO" instead of "FROM"

i need to changing to to who the emails are coming from!! the inbox list just shows my address in the inbox column - makes no sense.

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OS X Technologies :: Apple Script For Mail Headers?

Mar 19, 2012

I am currently trying to generate a report using the headers from Apple Mail. The script I have works, but I would like to be able to pull out messages that are sent to a specific recipient ( a certain distribution group in this case...). 


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OS X :: No Contents In Headers - Unable To Delete / Move Mail

Jul 17, 2009

I have a problem with my inbox, seems its corrupted in some way. I can see the headers, but no contents, cant delete or move message. All other folders seem Ok. Its from a POP3 mailbox where the originals are deleted off the server when downloaded so I'd prefer to try and recover it but I can live with losing the contents if necessary. Any ideas? Is there a tool or way to repair? I have Time Machine but I doubt the TM backup will have caught these files between them being downloaded (they came in one batch) and being corrupted as it was only a few minutes. Not sure how I could tell if TM did catch them either. TM did recover them, now I just need to work out how to empty the inbox of the corrupt messages. Worst case I can create a new email account but I'd rather not as configuring it was troublesome. Mailbox > rebuild, then move the messages from the TM mail recovered folder back to inbox.

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MacBook :: Locate Email Headers On Its Cloud Mail?

Apr 29, 2012

how do find email headers of received emails on my imac. I've tried using "view," with no success, also used "shift cmmand H," still no results.

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OS X :: How To Disable Icon Preview In Column View

Oct 29, 2009

To stop the lagging of broswing server folders using OSX column view, I'd like to disable the 'icon preview' in OSX as the caching if the icon previews is what is grinding out fileserver browsing on our AFP server down. In Leopard 10.5 this option/checkbox is visible under the Finders View Options but on our Tiger Macs, the icon preview checkbox is missing?

Under View Options there are only the other two checkboxes visible which are the preview column and show icons. In Tiger you can turn off Icon Preview for desktop items as the icon preview option is available when you ctrl+click on the desktop but I cant seem to do it for anywhere else, in particular for when I browse server folders.

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OS X :: Can't Get Ring Tone Bell Icon To Show Up In Column

Sep 20, 2010

All of a sudden I no longer have the bell icon showing up on my itunes library. The odd thing is when I go to view>view options, "ringtones" is not even on the list of things to check. I don't know where it went. There used to be a bell icon next to the song and all you had to do was click on it and you could then make your ringtone. It used to be so easy. I even tried to right click on the song and go to create ringtone, but that doesn't show up either. Is there some setting I don't know about?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mail: How To Get Mail Headers To Show "Read"

May 12, 2012

How can I get the mail headers to "gray" out or be colored when they've been read? Right now, ALL messages in the list are bold black. Once I read an email, it still shows bold and black. I need some sort of identification to show what is NEW and what HAS BEEN READ.  

I've been using Outlook, which grays out read messages.  

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mailbox Icon Has Disappeared - How To Get It Back

Jun 29, 2012

My mailbox icon has disappeared, how do I get it back?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: How To Restore Mail 5.2 3 Column Interface

Apr 27, 2012

I'm having problems with Mail 5.2. I can't seem to get back to widescreen layout in my mac mail. I'm not sure what I did, but is there a way to get the 3-way split screen back? I went into Preferences and tried that, but nothing changes. I've read that once you go back to classic mail, you cannot get the widescreen layout back. Anyway, tried the Letterbox app. as well, is not working on Mail 5.2.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Reset Mail To Column View

May 3, 2012

I inadvertently hit some random key and can no longer see my mail in column view - the only way to see it is to go into File>New Viewer Window but this does not stay that way.

Mac Pro (Mid 2010), iOS 5.1

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Applications :: Numbers - Sum Column Based On Value In Other Column

Mar 12, 2010

I'm sure this is easy to answer by someone with basic spreadsheet skills, which I lack... I have a column of numbers (miles) and a column of use (Personal, Medical, Business). How do I set up 3 formulas so that I get the sum of the mileage column for each of the Personal, Medical, and Business categories?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Keep The Size Of Column In Column View?

Jun 16, 2012

since I don't know when, the columns in Finder windows have always the same size. If I change the size, and then close the windows, when I open a new one, the column get back to their "original size" (which is too small for my personal use). 

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OS X :: Use Gmail All Mail Mailbox As Trash In

Oct 21, 2010

I want to set up my Gmail IMAP account in so that when I hit the delete key in, the message gets archived permanently (in the All Mail folder). What's the best way to do this? Should I select the "All Mail" folder and then choose "Use this Mailbox for Trash"?

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OS X Yosemite :: Can Mail Show Colored Flags Instead Of Words In Viewer Flag Column?

Dec 10, 2014

OSX's used to display the actual colored flag in the (classic layout) viewer's flag column; visible and compact. I've noticed recently (since the iOSemite update?) that it displays the words (Red/Orange/ etc.) instead. With a narrow column that used to accommodate the flags, this now shows "R…/O…/ etc. instead. Since my Mail window is only a 1/2 screen wide, there is simply no room for an inch-wide column. 

Is there a way to make Mail show the actual flags in that column, rather than the verbose names of the flags? 

If not, I can of course rename the flags into a single-character name, so it fits

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10)

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OS X :: Using Custom Mailbox Icons In Mac Mail 10.6.5?

Jan 5, 2011

I'm just trying to organise my Mail App folders and wonder if there's anyway to either label or change the folder icons?

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OS X :: Recover Deleted Mailbox In

Oct 25, 2007

I did something really stupid... I have been accessing my GMail account using POP access and Apple I switched over to IMAP online, went into Preferences, deleted my POP account and was about to re-add it as an IMAP account when I noticed that the e-mails in my inbox were deleted when I deleted my POP account. I checked ~/Library/Mail and the folder was in fact deleted. Is there anyway to recover that folder? Not all of the e-mails are still on GMail's web interface.

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Applications :: - Can't Delete Mailbox

Jan 31, 2008

I have a Mailbox that I want to delete from

I can right click it, select delete. And it gives the warning. I select OK and it does nothing. I have tried it through the menu system too, and the same result.

Any idea how to delete the mailbox? The deal is I set it up to an email that I cannot access via POP and it is constantly trying to access it but can't, obviously.

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Software :: Rebuilding A Mailbox On Mail 1.3.11?

Mar 29, 2009

I was using OS X 10.3.9 in Mail 1.3.11 on my wife's computer. There are several mailboxes on the e-mail account. I was not able to get my mail from my mailbox, only saw some italic script telling me to go online to get my mail. I was already "online" so I went on and off and on again and nothing changed. So I noticed the "rebuild" option and clickd on it, not sure what it might do but it sounded promising. Well all the email in my inbox disappeared and around 12,000 others that my wife and I shared. Can I recover them?

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Should Mailbox In MAIL Say ICloud Or MobileMe

Mar 8, 2012

If I am on iCloud, should my mailbox in MAIL say iCloud or MobileMe?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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Intel Mac :: How To Get Mail To Go Directly Into That Mailbox

Mar 27, 2012

I created an inbox specifically for certain people, but can't figure out how to get the mail to go directly into that mailbox. Should be easy, right?


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MacBook :: How To Delete Mailbox From Mail App

May 25, 2012

How to delete a mailbox from the mail application?


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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Get Rid Of A Mailbox In Mail That Deleted?

May 26, 2012

I have a mailbox in Mail that I no longer want. I selected the option to delete the mailbox, but the mailbox will not leave the list. I have tried a few times to get rid of the box, but it will not leave. All the settings are still there, it still goes after mail and still allows me to send mail from that account. How do I 100% get this unwanted mailbox in Mail?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1333 M

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OS X Mavericks :: Mail Send Only From One Mailbox Out Of Three

Aug 26, 2014

I run Mail 7.3 on OS 10.9.4. I have 3 different mailboxes and Mial stopped sending from the different mailboxes and uses only one. I went to preferences and ensured this specific mailbox was not selected but that the setting to send from the selected mailbox was used. I even tried to use a different setting, selecting to send from a specific mailbox...still the same. Send always from the same one whatever the parameter selected.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Applications :: Shows No Trash Mailbox

Aug 3, 2006

On my new macbook (first mac) I set up Mail with my two POP mail accounts.I have Inbox, Junk, and Sent mailboxes but no Trash mailbox.I have checked the preferences for both accounts and have set the settings to "Trash - move deleted messages to a separate folder". Yet, there is no Trash folder. I have created a mailbox entitled "Trash" and tried to go to Mailbox->"Use this mailbox for" but all options including Trash are greyed out.

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Applications :: Constantly Loading Mailbox / What Does This Mean?

Jul 31, 2009

I HAD Gmail and Mail working perfectly, until i sent an email too "large" for someones Yahoo inbox.
All **** broke loose, ended up starting from scratch. Have done now 10 times.

Everything seems to be working fine, i'm getting emails through etc. But, next to my Gmail mailbox is the constant loading circle; either the Pie or the Spinning spokes thing.

The loading circles change every time i open Mail, although they are CONSTANTLY there and won't budge -

and this -

What does this mean? Im so frustrated because i had Mail up and running fantastically before the attachment mishap, now its refusing to go my way. It functions fine from what i can tell, just the loading circle (both instances) is getting on my nerves!

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Software :: Won't Find Old Mail Box / After Rebuild Mailbox

Feb 6, 2006

I had my Uni mail account as well as my hotmail account working through Mac OS X mail (Tiger 10.4.4) and managed to accidentally rebuild my mailbox. This resulted in the inbox appearing empty. Since then, I have not been able to get the inbox to show me my old mail. I may be able to get new mail (not yet verified) but I sure as hell would like the other mail there as well. Additionally the rebuild was done accidentally and NOT because the mailbox was ridiculously full. Anyone know how to "reverse" the rebuild procedure? Or at least to get the mail back?

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