OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mail: How To Get Mail Headers To Show "Read"
May 12, 2012
How can I get the mail headers to "gray" out or be colored when they've been read? Right now, ALL messages in the list are bold black. Once I read an email, it still shows bold and black. I need some sort of identification to show what is NEW and what HAS BEEN READ. Â
I've been using Outlook, which grays out read messages. Â
Apple Mail has a preference to 'Trust junk mail headers in messages' but I can not find a list of what those headers are.By trial and error I've learned the "X-Spam-Flag: YES" will work (exactly that, no extra info), but I'd like to know what other options there are... particularly if I can send a score/rating back and have it look at that.But I can't find a list of supported headers.The Internet is full of "common spam headers" and yet none of them actually seem to work and lots of people who can't get it working with spamassassin which is incredibly common.
I got a new MacBook Pro with Lion 10.7.3. I am using Mail and from some reason my top conversation (my emails are organized by conversations) always shows up as "unread" with the blue dot next to it even though I click on it and read all the emails in this conversation. The problem goes away if I quit Mail and relaunch it.
On my iPhone and iPad mail app, which is sourcing from my Gmail, 'read' mail is changed to read mail (from unread) status on across iPad and iPhone mail application platforms. But not for IMac using Lion.
We have an Exchange 2003 server and use Mac Mail as the imap/smtp email client.
All works fine but Mac Mail does not offer a warning if I try to send an email which exceeds the server sending limit of 10mb. If I use exactly the same email account on the same Mac but in Thunderbird, or MS Entourage I am presented with a warning when it tries to send the email, saying the the mail exceeds the mail limit.
But Mac Mail does not do this. It processes the email (just like the other apps) then it makes the whoosh (mail sending noise) and the email disappears!! its not been placed in the drafts or sent mail and I would have no way to know this mail had not been sent.
For the past few months my mail program has constantly said that I have two unread messages in it. I have gone through every folder on there and selected all the messages and marked them as Read but there is still a "2" on the icon in the Dock. It's not a huge deal but it's been kind of bugging me since it seems like it should be a simple fix. Anyone have any ideas for how I can get rid of this? Is there a "Master" way to to mark all messages read in the Mail program, in case I'm missing some somewhere? I'm not sure if this helps but the email account that it says the "2 unread messages" are in is a school Outlook account. I have tried deleting the account and readding it and the same "2 unread messages" notification is still there.
I don't know if this began with Lion or are some update.It is clearly related to Mail group messages by 'conversation'. Normally, if I select a message either with the mouse or by mvoing up or down the inbox with the cursor keys, the message I move to gets marked as read (it looses it unread mark). However, when a message is put into a group of related message by Mail, this often but not always does not happen. In some cases, moving to the message, to the next message, and back again will get it marked read. But in other cases, I need to expan the group with the nbr> mark and then select any member messages to get them marked read.
If the unmarked member messages were below the most recent message I might be annoyed but I could grasp what is happening.However, in most every case, the most recent message is marked as unread and I need to select is directly and then leave it to get the group marked as read.This slows down browsing through the messages I receive which include a lot which are of no interest to me most of the time (if always of no interest I could get them stopped). So I like to be able to select the oldest unread message and then use the cursor keys to move up the list one at a time and if I'm not interested in a message I just keep going, otherwise I stop and process it.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), 27-inch Mid 2011 2.7 Ghz Intel Core
I just switched from Snow leopard to Lion and i don't like the way that Lion has the mail preview set up as a 3 column vertical format. I thought in Snow Leopard you could change the set-up so it's either horizontal or vertical, but I can't seem to find that option in Lion. I want to have the list of my email messages in the top, horizontal window and the preview of the selected message in a horizontal window below. Am I missing this option to change the view format from vertical to horizontal somewhere?
I am currently trying to generate a report using the headers from Apple Mail. The script I have works, but I would like to be able to pull out messages that are sent to a specific recipient ( a certain distribution group in this case...).Â
I have a problem with my inbox, seems its corrupted in some way. I can see the headers, but no contents, cant delete or move message. All other folders seem Ok. Its from a POP3 mailbox where the originals are deleted off the server when downloaded so I'd prefer to try and recover it but I can live with losing the contents if necessary. Any ideas? Is there a tool or way to repair? I have Time Machine but I doubt the TM backup will have caught these files between them being downloaded (they came in one batch) and being corrupted as it was only a few minutes. Not sure how I could tell if TM did catch them either. TM did recover them, now I just need to work out how to empty the inbox of the corrupt messages. Worst case I can create a new email account but I'd rather not as configuring it was troublesome. Mailbox > rebuild, then move the messages from the TM mail recovered folder back to inbox.
For no apparent reason, now when I create a new mailbox, the first column header contains a mystery icon consisting of two arrows, one pointing northwest and the other pointing southeast. When I right-click on the headers, there is no corresponding item in the pop-up menu (e.g. Attachments, To, From), so I have no clue what it is, nor can I hide it. Mailboxes I created prior to whatever it is that changed do not have this icon. I have not changed my OS, nor the version of Mail I am using. Can anyone tell me what this icon/column is for, and how I can get rid of it??
In an effort to make Mail more gmail-like, I selected the "View>Organize by thread" option. However, this only seems to group messages in my inbox and doesn't include my sent messages within the same conversation.
Is this how threaded messages are supposed to work? Just one side of a conversation? Or is there a setting to get my sent messages to show up in the threaded conversation?
I am using Mac Mail to check my gmail acct via IMAP. I am using the settings specified by google. I have selected the appropriate folders and mapped them using the "Use this folder for..." menu item. My sent messages are both in the Sent folder (for a while, then they disappear) and below in my Gmail>Sent Mail folder (always current). I have the option selected to store them on the server.
I was sent this MSGÂ your email is still coming through malformed, with no email address in the From:Â There is no reply address appearing in mail I send.
I have set up my email account in Entourage and in Mac Mail. It is a Rackspace email account. I can retrieve messages from my email account in both programs. When I read a message in Mac Mail, it immediately disappears after I close the message. The messages remain in my Entourage inbox. In other words, after they are read, POOF! it's as if they never existed in Mac Mail. Â
Is there a setting I am missing? why this would happen in Mac Mail but not Entourage?Â
I have a problem in Mail that I can not seem to resolve which started some time after I started to used iCloud. I have been reading emails, which as they should become become unmarked once you have read them. Few hours later or next day or so, these same mails are marked again and then I will start reading them again finding out these are old mails. very frustrating and counterproductive. I use iCloud and I use organized mail boxes organized according to programs for instance in my mac account which are synced across devices through iCLoud. The problem only shows in these custom mailboxes not in the IMAP account boxes in which mails would arrive initally without the sorting rules I use to transfer specific mails to the mailboxes in Mac account folder
When i use Outlook on my windows comp (or bootcmap partition) i can view my spam mail folder. Sometimes mail i want, end up in there, so its quite handy. Is there anyways i can activate this feature in Mac OSX mail? Or do i have to use entourage?
I have created a group in the Address Book. When I create a new mail and entered the name of the group, Mail shows only the name of the first person in the the To: field. How can I get it to send mail to the whole group?Â
A step by step:Â
In the Address Book I select Reagan, G Bush, Clinton, Bush II and Obama and go under File and select New Group and name it Enemies of the State.Â
I open Mail and create a new message. into the To: field I type Enemies of the State and hit Tab or Enter.Â
What shows up in my To: field is Reagan. No one else.Â
I go back and check the address book and there is certainly a group there. I click on Enemies of the State and it lists all the members of the group. Â
Info: Address book and Apple Mail, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm using mail on various machines to access an Exchange server account. It generally works with no problems, but on my work MacPro (and only on this computer not the iMac at home, various laptops, iPad, iPhone etc) mail tells me there is an unread message. However, I can't find this message and it's not there when I use a webmail interface to access the same account. No problem, I figured I could just right click on the mailbox and 'mark all messages as read', but this doesn't work! I like to keep a clear inbox with no unread messages
I am using OSX Mail and a me.com address, via O2 broadband in the UK. About once a day, Mail, apparenty randomly, reloads dozens of recently read and deleted messages. So, just now for example, I appear to have 68 new messages, and it's all stuff I've dealt with already, some of it is in the InBox and some is filed in other Mailboxes - doesn't seem to make any difference. So now I'm getting duplicates and probably throwing out items I meant to keep.Â
This is just happening on my desktop iMac and is not replicated on my iPhone or Macbook Air. It feels as if the sync between the iMac and iCloud is somehow corrupting, if that's possible.Â
This has been going on for a few weeks and so isn't getting better on its own (as I have read in other postings). It also doesn't seem to be linked to any other event. The iMac is on all the time, either in use or asleep, and maybe gets restarted once a week.Â
I am wary of deleting things from the Library in case I either lose ALL my mail or it decides to replicate every message in the archive.Â
Once I could see which of my emails had an attachment but now I cannot. There once was an icon next to message in the email list to indicate the attachment and its name. The attachments are there. Also at one time I could sort my email by attachment.
My .jpg attachments open as a picture inside the body of my note, and do not show up as openable attachments. How do I get them to show just as attachments when sent to a PC? I already have them formatted for Windows in the Mail program. This problem is something new with Lion.
new mac user. have put my hotmail acc onto mail.i see my inbox from hotmail, but none of my folders already set up in hotmail. how can i get these to show too
For the last week I find that after sending an email with attachments that it remains in my draft box after sending. The mail shows up in the sent box, but it never get's deleted from the draft box until I resend it. This is happening on both my MBP and iMac. Both machines connect to iCloud for mail.