Applications :: Numbers - Sum Column Based On Value In Other Column
Mar 12, 2010
I'm sure this is easy to answer by someone with basic spreadsheet skills, which I lack... I have a column of numbers (miles) and a column of use (Personal, Medical, Business). How do I set up 3 formulas so that I get the sum of the mileage column for each of the Personal, Medical, and Business categories?
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Jul 17, 2010
I've been ripping my hair out trying to find the answer to this.
In Numbers for Mac, I need to fill a column automatically with a series of integers (1 - 50) and then the next column with a function that interacts with the first column.
For example:
Column A - 1 - 5
Column B - (value in Column A * 5)
I can't figure out how to do it in Numbers When I try to fill column a with 1 - 50 all it does is fill all 1's and I cant find an option how to make that change so it automatically numbers when I highlight them.
The best I can describe is how in Excel you can type 1 in the first cell, then highlight a bunch of cells and the little box appears that lets you click "Fill Series"
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Aug 24, 2010
I have a column that has name / phone and i'm trying to break out the two into two separate columns. I can't figure out a way to do this? I'm trying to figure out to use the line break to trigger the column separation but no luck? Here is an example of what i have in a column:
Joe Blow
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Sep 24, 2010
I have a .txt file that is quite long and I need to get some data off of it. The file is made up of a few thousand lines each with a format similar to: 1 2.4 5.4 abcde abc.def, The 1, the 2.4, the 5.4, etc each signify a different value and I need to somehow get them into separate columns into excel. The number of digits in everything except the first value (which is always one digit) varies, and all the values are separated by spaces. What is going to be the easiest way for me to get these values into numbers in separate columns? Realistically, doing this manually isn't an option.
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May 6, 2010
I'm trying to "lock" or "freeze" the first column in the spreadsheet I'm making so that it will always be on the left side of the sheet when I scroll right. I cannot for the life of me figure out how though.
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Oct 17, 2009
I'm new to iworks and have trying to figure this one out for a while. I used a template to set up financial info and calculate how much was spent on items. This was the preset formula: =SUMIF(Transactions :: $Category,A2,Transactions :: Amount)
However, I only want the sum from a particular range of dates (e.g. 9/1/09 to 9/30/09, as in cells B2:B10) so I can budget accordingly. In excel, you just grab the highlighted corner and drag it to where you want- here I can't do that and it won't let me add any more "conditions". Any idea how to remedy this? It's driving me nuts. On a side note, I am NOT a programmer so programming language will unfortunately not help unless you get VERY specific about how to do it (which you probably don't want to do).
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Nov 26, 2010
I have a column that has name / phone and i'm trying to break out the two into two separate columns. I can't figure out a way to do this? I'm trying to figure out to use the line break to trigger the column separation but no luck? Here is an example of what i have in a column:
Joe Blow
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Jun 16, 2012
since I don't know when, the columns in Finder windows have always the same size. If I change the size, and then close the windows, when I open a new one, the column get back to their "original size" (which is too small for my personal use).Â
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Jan 13, 2008
I was wonder if there was a way to use both coverflow and 3 column view. I did search.
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Sep 3, 2010
I just downloaded the new itunes 10, and the first thing I noticed was the "album by artist" column under the music library. I don't like it at all. I want to remove it, but I can't! I'm not talking about the "album artist" column. This is totally new with the iTunes 10. When I try to remove it by, it only gives me the option of sort and artwork.
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Feb 13, 2005
After a few months mild use on OS X I'm starting to get used to it more and more now. I love the column view, but find it really annoying that occasionally new finder windows will open in Icon view. What exactly is the point of the finder preference "always open new windows in column view"? It sounds pretty straight forward, but finder doesn't exactly pay much attention to it. When I'm viewing in column view and I command-double click a folder, finder will open a new window in Icon view, depsite my preference. I have to reset the new window to column view and then close it, and then when I repeat the command-double click it will open in column view but it kinda defeats the point. I've read numerous posts about finder not remembering views, I don't understand also why there's only an option for column view? why isn't there "always open in list view" or "always open in icon view" option?
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Apr 10, 2006
Two emails in my mailbox have two exclamation points (!!) in the flagged column. I was unable to find what this meant in the help doc or on google. I was wondering if someone on here might know what this means. The two emails were sent via forms on my websites so I imagine maybe that has something to do with it? Anyway, any insight on these crazy exclamation points.
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Jun 24, 2010
I have about 20 playlists. I want to apply the column formatting (including widths and orders) of the main itunes music library to these playlists. Is there a way to do this? I cannot do it manually.
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Jan 3, 2011
Does anyone know how to set all the folders in Outlook 2011 to show the same set of columns?
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Mar 1, 2009
Got Numbers 08 installed, never really used it as didn't have a need. Created a spreadsheet the last day with some survey results for a project and saved it.
My spreadsheet looks like:
(A1-Grey) - Sex - Age - Multiple choice question
(Blank-Grey) - Male - 30 - Answer1
(Blank-Grey) - Female - 25 -Answer2
With a blank column on the left that's grey and the top heading thing being grey. Bit lost though with turning say the "Multiple choice question" column into a pie-chart (or any sort of chart tbh). I choose the header and all the 30 or so replies in that column and select chart -> pie-chart. It presents me with a pie-chart "Chart1" with just blue - 100% and the legend stating : blue - Untitled 1. How would I go about making the chart with the data I need? (I know I'm selecting it wrong or have it laid out wrong or something) or editing a chart manually.
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Mar 2, 2009
I have over 250 films on an external hard drive, and I was wondering whether I could get an extra column on finder so I can put what actor is in the film or what year was?
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Feb 27, 2009
I'm running Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G55) with Leopard. On a typical work day I'll open Finder to look for pdf files. I'll perform my search for pdf documents and, as expected, all pdf documents that exist on my Mac are listed in Finder. In the Finder dialog box there are headings at the top of the columns that include "Name", "Kind" and "Last Opened". When I single click on any one of the listed pdf documents, the path to that document's location is given at the bottom of the Finder window. Every month I save hundreds of different pdf documents in about 135 different customer file locations.
As a result, I need to be able to add a column heading that orients the results on a file location basis. On my former XP I could add many different headings, including one that simply stated "Filed In" (or something along those lines). By clicking on the heading "Filed In", all of the pdf documents would be grouped and listed by their file location. My question is: Can I add a "Filed In" heading to the search results window of Finder so that I can click on "Filed In" and group search results by the file locations?
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May 12, 2010
Have googled and MRoogled, sans success. I want to see Unix file permissions and user / group owner in the Finder ,for work reasons. How do I do this?
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Feb 8, 2012
Actually I would have to obtain a database of about 30 - 40 columns in a fixed order to come. I received many different databases, some fields such as street-houseN/boxN or names of persons in 1 field or multiple fields. (Depends on how the company keep track of data in a database)I would now systematically change databases automatically with applescipt and convert to all databases to the fixed database structure that includes all fields separated. How can I split 1 column in 3 columns?I have a tab delimited file with 1 column NAME (first-middle and last name in same field) but I need 3 columns.So I need it separated.If possible It would be great to just see for the column names.So the start file (select file) and see for column NAME.
So watch for the column NAMEÂ and make a new tab delimited file with 3 columns.FIRST NAME/ MIDDLE NAME/ LASTNAME as column names.Select file (tab delimited- mac roman)see for column NAME make new file in same directory with (_spit) in file name With 3 columns FIRST NAME/ MIDDLE NAME/ LASTNAME...The first word is the first name - the last word is de last name - the middle word or words are the middle name.When only 2 words in NAME FIELD > first name and last name.
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Mar 14, 2012
When I open my server window, there are no longer lines between the columns when the first desktop window opens as "list." I like to adjust these columns so that the "name" column is wider than the rest. I cannot do that the old way, by putting my curser on the line between the columns and widening it, as there are no lines between the columns. Strangely, the secondary windows do have lines, and can be adjusted in the old way.
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Mar 31, 2012
When I auto size all columns or just auto size the Name column in a playlist, it gets the width of that column wrong. It's the only one where this happens, but it tends to undershoot by a few characters. It's as though it's trying to estimate how much space to leave for the Ping button -- does anyone use that button?but gets it wrong. This has been happening since 10.6 and still happens with 10.6.1.Â
Is this just me? Or does it happen to everyone?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Also various iMacs
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Jul 1, 2010
I am buying a car with iPod integration to the Navigation system. When I connect my iPod, I go to "artists" on the Nav screen and it comes up empty. Track, Genre, and other lists come up fine. In the past I have highlighted my entire library and cleared the unnececcary fields (Album artist, comments, etc) and I'm thinking the car may read album artist instead of artist.
So, I would like to copy the Artist for every song in my library into the Album Artist column. Is there an easy way to do this?
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Oct 29, 2009
To stop the lagging of broswing server folders using OSX column view, I'd like to disable the 'icon preview' in OSX as the caching if the icon previews is what is grinding out fileserver browsing on our AFP server down. In Leopard 10.5 this option/checkbox is visible under the Finders View Options but on our Tiger Macs, the icon preview checkbox is missing?
Under View Options there are only the other two checkboxes visible which are the preview column and show icons. In Tiger you can turn off Icon Preview for desktop items as the icon preview option is available when you ctrl+click on the desktop but I cant seem to do it for anywhere else, in particular for when I browse server folders.
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Sep 18, 2010
The services I use that work on files and folders in Finder do not appear in the services menu when a folder is highlighted in column view. Instead I see a 'No Services Apply' message. The strange thing is that they all work flawlessly on files and folders when run from the services menu in any other view (icon, list or cover flow) or the right click menu in any view. This is frustrating because the shortcuts I assigned do not work in column view.
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Mar 27, 2007
Is it possible to adjust the default width of columns in Finder? As you can see from the attached screenshot, almost all of my file names are too long to fit in the column, and I have to continually resize the width of the column to show everything.
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Dec 9, 2009
When I have a Finder window open, and I press cmd-j to bring up view options, I get a "Use As Defaults" button at the bottom for all views except column! How do I use Column view as my system default for all windows?
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Dec 20, 2009
These have been appearing for a while in my shared column in Finder as 'PC Servers' - I'm aware they're duplicate references for my actual computers but how do I remove them?
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Jan 1, 2010
Can you change the default size of the widths of the columns when you open Finder in Column View? I'm getting tired of grabbing the drag-bars and adjusting every time just so I can read the truncated text in sub-folders.
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Apr 27, 2012
I'm having problems with Mail 5.2. I can't seem to get back to widescreen layout in my mac mail. I'm not sure what I did, but is there a way to get the 3-way split screen back? I went into Preferences and tried that, but nothing changes. I've read that once you go back to classic mail, you cannot get the widescreen layout back. Anyway, tried the Letterbox app. as well, is not working on Mail 5.2.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 3, 2012
I inadvertently hit some random key and can no longer see my mail in column view - the only way to see it is to go into File>New Viewer Window but this does not stay that way.
Mac Pro (Mid 2010), iOS 5.1
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