Safari :: Setup Weekly Time Restrictions To The Internet?

Jun 15, 2012

What I need to do is an extension of Parental Controls.  The main difference is I want to do WEEKLY time allocation/restrictions, not daily.  I want to give the kids (for exmaple) 10 hours a week for internet access.  I will set blocks of time up that will bar access from 11PM until 7 AM but within the open time, they will have 10 hours. Once that 10 hours is used, they are locked out. There are several tools that seem to do variations of this, mainly limit the # of hours per day.... this will not work.  I have looked at Content Barrier, NetNanny Safe, Eyes, and a few others... There are a couple on the Windows side but they do not have a Mac version. 

MBA, Mac OS X (10.6.1), Too many to list

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OS X :: How To Extend The Time Restrictions Of Trial Software?

Jun 15, 2010

Some trial software gives allows too short time (5 -15 days) to get into it and learn about it.

The question:

Is there any program (or method) which can extend the time restrictions of trial software?

I use Mac with OSX 10.5

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Setup - Internet Access Allowed Without Permission?

Sep 29, 2009

I'm having trouble figuring out how to set up my Time Capsule. So I have two computers at home, a router and a Time Capsule. I mainly use the Time Capsule to back up my computers and transfer stuff between them. I also have roomies which I don't wanna give access to the Time Capsule without my permission, I'd just like to allow them to connect to get some files every now and then and that's it. That's been my problem, my roomies are having trouble with the internet connection because of my Time Capsule.

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Safari :: Weekly Gift Winner Window Coming Up On Its Start Up?

Jun 18, 2012

When we start up Safari, it is automatically trying to access a website, and displays a window saying Congratulations! You have just qualified for a chance to win an iPhone 4S. Click OK for details  (and an OK box is shown at the bottom of this window).  There is no way to get out other than to force-quit Safair. Does anyone know what this is and how to get rid of it.  Even if I restart the computer, it just comes up again when I try to start up Safari? 

iMac, iOS 5.0.1

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OS X :: Slow Internet Browsing / Safari Or Firefox Taking Long Time

Mar 4, 2009

I've had my MBP for about a year and recently I noticed that when I open Safari or Firefox it takes FOREVER to load a page.Even a small page like Google! I tried a reset for both browsers but that didn't help.I did some maintenance but no help there either.

This is my first Mac so I wanted to ask if I'm missing something.. should I be doing something maintenance-like that I'm not?

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OS X :: 10.6.1 Update Destroyed Time Capsule / Time Machine Setup

Sep 15, 2009

Ever since I updated to 10.6.1 I've had the following problems:

- Time Machine does not work at all with my Time Capsule. When it attempts to back up my data, Time Machine gets hung up with a status of "Making backup disk available..." and the icon in the menu bar just spins forever (the status appears in the menu bar icon's menu). I also cannot enter Time Machine; it gets hung trying to connect to the Time Capsule and I have to cancel it. Finder then takes up 100% CPU and I have to power down by holding in the power button (shutting down from the Apple menu doesn't work).

- I store my iTunes library in a folder called Music under the Data folder on the Time Capsule. When I open iTunes, it prompts me to choose my iTunes library. When I do, it starts to load the list of albums, then iTunes locks up and I must force quit it. This also causes my machine to not be able to shut down or restart from the Apple menu.

Oddly enough I can still access the Data folder from Finder with no issues. I just wanted to put this out there in case other people are having similar problems. It's pretty frustrating as all this worked fine before the 10.6.1 update.

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OS X :: Setup Mac To Print Over The Internet Via Win2003?

Mar 31, 2009

I am trying to set up my mac to print over the internet via my Win2003 the same way my Win box does.

On Windows I just have to enter the url of my printer then i get a log on box, enter user name and password and my connected.

My url for my printer is [URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Setup An Internet Dongle?

Jun 9, 2012

I am trying to setup a Vodacom 3565-z Internet dongle on my girlfriend's Macbook Pro. She is currently in Tanzania, so I am trying to help her over the phone.It is a K3565-z Vodacom Internet dongle, and it has worked perfectly fine for the last 2 months. Now it suddenly stopped working and she un-installed the software used for logging on in her attempt to fix the problem. There are only Windows files on the USB stick now, and no internet connection.If she goes to the Network settings she can see the modem.

Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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PowerPC :: How To Setup G4 To Access Internet Through IPhone

Jul 12, 2008

Someone told me that O2 allows this but I forgot the right term for it so could someone help me with my situation please? I need to be able to access internet on my PBG4 through my iPhone as I'm going on a holiday and there is no internet cafe.

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OS X :: Setup IMac - Connect To HD / Files Over Internet?

Feb 2, 2009

How can I setup my iMac so I can connect to it's hard drive, files, etc over the internet? I'd like to connect to my iMac at home from my macbook while not at home. I'm familiar with connecting to my iMac from the "shared" section in the finder while i'm at home and in my home DSL network, but how would this work if I'm outside of my home DSL network?

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp - How To Setup Wireless Internet

Mar 2, 2009

I currently own a Macbook I purchased in January 2009. A few days ago I installed Boot Camp Agent so I could use it to play certain games I could not run using Parallels. I downloaded Boot Camp following the directions it comes with. (Installed Windows XP Pro, then installed Mac OSX Leopard 10.5). Everything works fine except I cannot figure out how to use the wireless network established in my home.

On the Mac side, I can connect to the internet with the Airport fine, never have a problem on that side. When switched to the Windows side I have no wireless options. Though I can use the internet when using an ethernet cable connected directly to my router (Linksys WRT110). I have read soo many forum posts and nothing I have read has helped so far. When I go to Network Connections and Properties, I do not have a Wireless Network Connection tab.

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Windows On Mac :: Installed XP - How To Setup Internet Connection

Jul 14, 2009

I've just installed XP on my Macbook Pro (No BootCamp, just Windows XP), and I'm currently trying to figure out how to set up my network connection. I'm assuming that I will need to install drivers?

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Software :: Secure Internet Connection Setup On MBP

Feb 19, 2009

How to I make sure that I have set up a secure internet connection on my macbook pro? Our internet has been running slower the past month or so and I want to be sure I have not left my internet unsecured for someone else to log on and use. When I check the "rainbow" at the top of my screen there are usually about 6 people listed and they all have a lock after their names. Our just has our last name with a checkmark. Does that mean it is secure?

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IMac :: I7 - Weekly SMC Reset Required?

Apr 24, 2010

It's happened twice this month - my CPU fans will suddenly rev up to 4,000 RPM, and iStatPro will show the CPU temperature as "--". The first time it happened, I was worried that the machine got too hot. The second time, I had just sat down at the computer in the morning... the top of it was hardly even warm.

Both times, after shutting down and rebooting the fans went back to normal, but the computer performed poorly in graphical tasks such as rendering and gaming until I do an SMC reset, which brings it back to normal.

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OS X :: Unable To Setup Printer On Internet / Prompts For Password

Oct 31, 2010

Recently I purchased a Canon PIXMA MG5220 wireless printer. I have installed numerous printers, software, hardware etc on other comps as well as this one and have never had a problem... until now. I connected my printer to the internet access port (my home network) and everything went fine. But when I put in the canon disk to load the software and add the printer to my comp, I click on setup, it prompts me for my user pw to allow install. I do that and when I hit ok, nothing happens...

No other window loads or anything. It's like there is nothing on it after the pw prompt. I tried it on a diff comp (windows based PC) and it worked fine... why wont it load on my iMac? Very confused. Also, I turned off my firewall thinking that would help, but it did not... any help is appreciated.

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Windows On Mac :: Internal Speakers Not Working - Internet Setup On XP

Jun 8, 2009

I recently installed XP with bootcamp on my MacBook Pro. The big problem I'm having is that the internal speakers on my computer don't have sound coming out of them. (When I'm on windows) The volume control on my keyboard doesn't do anything, either. When I go to find my sound control, to make sure it's not muted or anything, I find that I can't even edit the sound controls. It says I don't have a device that can output sound, even though my internal speakers work fine on my mac desktop. It can't seem to find my internal speakers, when I try setting up a new device. I'm having a lot of trouble setting up internet on the XP as well, I just don't understand how to do it. (I've used mac all my life, I am really new to windows.) Basically, I have a wireless internet connection, I've got the router downstairs, and the information is handy. But I just don't know how to set it up, and I don't know what type of internet connection I want.

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Hardware :: Trying To Setup The Airport Via Wifi To Share Internet?

Oct 10, 2009

I have a 500gb Time Capsule setup in another room. The problem is though that my DSL modem is in my office connected via ETHERNET to the iMac. I am trying to setup the Airport via Wifi to share my internet.

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: How To Correctly Setup Internet Sharing

Apr 4, 2012

I have been trying to use my Mac Mini with Lion Server as a router for my network with no success. I have tried the wizard and it finishes and nothing works. 

I have a Cable Modem connected to the Mac Mini via the USB connector and the server surfs fine. The DHCP server is now correctly working I think and the clients are getting the correct IP addresses now.

Mac mini (Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Ical - Print A Weekly View

Mar 19, 2009

Ical Time Settings. I want to print a weekly view BUT with the times of the daily meetings adjacent to the actual event....NOT all the way on the left hand side of the view.

Is there a way to have the meeting times next to the event? It is awkward to try and see 15 minute increments, etc.

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OS X :: Restrictions On Certian Software Programs?

Aug 30, 2010

I would like to make restrictions like you can on an iphone where certain applications are restricted and only accessible by a pass code without having to create a new account, is it possible to do that on my mac?

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Software :: Macbook Pro Authorization Restrictions

Oct 21, 2010

I got a new MacBook Pro 13� (2.66GHZ) from my University. When I tried installing a new, larger HDD I discovered that I cannot boot up from the Install disc and therefore cannot install OSX on the new drive. I tried holding C but nothing happens (just keeps showing the folder with the question mark). When I press Option while booting, I do get a screen with a lock and it asks for the password which I don�t have. Now when I try putting the original HDD back, it won�t even start (but it works fine in the external enclosure). I also cannot make changes to accounts nor enable the disabled automatic login. Where do these restriction live if they are not on the hard drive? RAM? Somewhere on the logic board? How could they be circumvented? I am currently having the battery disconnected and will wait for 48 hours to see if that will reset the whole thing.

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Power Mac :: Setup Internet Access Airport Extreme Network?

Apr 16, 2012

Would like to set up old computer to airport extreme wireless network. Purchased a usb adapter.

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Mac Pro :: Setup Internet Sharing / WiFi Icon On Menu Bar Has Arrow

Dec 10, 2014

I have an iPad and a Mac Pro so I set up internet sharing on the Mac Pro. It looks like it's working from the Mac Pro side -- the little WiFi icon on the menu bar has an arrow -- but the iPad simply will not connect to the internet. My Wifi connection preference tells me the correct network is selected, and the icons to the left of the name look right, but just right of the network name there's a spinning circle icon which means it's still waiting for a connection. 

Both were just upgraded to the latest OS (Yosemite 10.10.1 for the Pro, iOS 8.1.2 for the iPad) today, which means both were restarted today.

Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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MacBook :: White Keeps Getting Fatal Pinwheel And Having To Reinstall Weekly

Aug 1, 2009

Basically I'm having trouble with a white macbook. here are the specs just in case:

Model Name:MacBook
Model Identifier:MacBook3,1
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2 GHz
Number Of Processors:1
Total Number Of Cores:2
L2 Cache:4 MB
Memory:2 GB
Bus Speed:800 MHz
Sudden Motion Sensor:

Anyways this problem has been going on for a few weeks now so I have made a "timeline" of what happens:

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Daily/Weekly/Monthly Servicing Of It?

Mar 6, 2012

I am new to Mac and I have a 10.6 server running the following services: AFP, DCHP, DNS, NetBoot, NFS, Open Directory, Print, SMB, Software Update, Web. Everything is going well. I wanted to know what could I be doing to make sure it stays that way. I run the Repair Disk Permissions every 2 weeks, but that's about it.

Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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Hardware :: AT&T Not Responsible For IPad Streaming Video Restrictions Over 3G

May 3, 2010

ABC's streaming video application for the iPad will not work over a 3G cellular network such as AT&T, as a result of Apple's rules for HTTP Live Streaming and ABC's development of the application.

When the iPad with 3G launched on Friday in the U.S., many users realized that the ABC Player application, which allows users to view episodes of the network's most popular shows, does not work over the AT&T 3G network. While there were initially rumors that this restriction was due to AT&T -- which in the past has prevented services like streaming, MMS and tethering -- the wireless carrier played no part in the missing feature. While AT&T eventually alloed VoIP calls and MMS over its 3G network, it has not yet allowed tethering.

As noted by Engadget, the restriction in the ABC player was self-imposed, as the developers chose to skip the option of providing a 64 Kbps stream for 3G playback. That decision is why the ABC application does not allow streaming over 3G, while Netflix and YouTube do, albeit with lower bitrates.

"You must include a low quality stream of no more than 64 Kbps for your app to resort to when network conditions demand it, along with the higher quality streams you want to deliver to your customers when the network can support it," Apple's rules in the iPhone OS Reference Library state.

But the restriction may not last for long. Silicon Alley Insider reported Monday that ABC is working on a 3G-compatible version of its popular streaming video application for the iPad. An ABC representative told the publication that the lack of 3G support was "based on a variety of business and technical considerations."

Both the ABC and Netflix applications were released for the iPad when the Wi-Fi model first launched in early April. While both are free to download, the Netflix software requires a subscription to the movie rental service.

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OS X :: Permission Restrictions While Copying Files From Backup Manually

May 10, 2010

I am running into "chmodperation not permitted" when I try to change the permissions on my time machine backup manually.

Here is the complete info. I brought a new MacMini server and was trying to copy my music folder from time machine backup(of my MBP) into the Server. From the Server I logged in as root and tried to change the file permissions of the music folder with this command
sh-3.2# chmod -R o+rw Music
It throws the above error.

I don't have my MBP with me to do anykind of stuff. I don't want to install SL on my macmini and restore from time machine bckup. Is there any other way.

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OS X Server :: Windows Group Policy Settings - Restrictions?

Jun 2, 2007

I want to set up my Mac OS X Server to allow network authentication from windows clients, but I also want the users to have policies to restrict what they can do (like the workgroup manager for mac os x clients). I know that in Windows server 2003 you can set the group policy settings somewhere, but is it possible on a Mac OS X Server?

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OS X Yosemite :: Any Undocumented Rules Or Restrictions In Using Speech Commands?

Dec 9, 2014

I've created a handful of Speech Commands, and they work perfectly for four or five times.

Then they stop working perfectly;  they get erratic or they selectively stop working at all. 

However, the same commands, when spoken in Dictation mode, are recorded flawlessly. 

Am I violating some rule, or does Speech Recognition just get tired from command repetitions ?

iMac, Lion

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Software :: Bandwidth Meter - Display Daily & Weekly Preferably Monthly Even Hourly

Jun 15, 2008

Let me just say that I'm not a Mac user and and never have been i have the UK iPhone and was waiting in line to get it, so i do appreciate Apple products. Basically i want to find out the total of all the bandwidth that all the PC's/Mac's are using in my household, I've got the software for my Windows machines but my sister has a Macbook (which i recommended her btw) and i don't have a clue what to get for it? I need something that can display daily & weekly preferably monthly even hourly if it has it.

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