OS X :: Restrictions On Certian Software Programs?

Aug 30, 2010

I would like to make restrictions like you can on an iphone where certain applications are restricted and only accessible by a pass code without having to create a new account, is it possible to do that on my mac?

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Applications :: How To Have Firefox Be The Preferred Browser On Certian Sites

Mar 26, 2009

i love safari, i think it's the best overall of the big three web browsers, but it isn't perfect (i'm running v. 2.0.4) and it tends to crash on certain sites.

what i want to know if it's possible to set firefox to be the primary browser if i click on links from the sites that would take down safari, and go to safari for the rest of the websites.

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MacBook Pro :: Empty Folder Keeps Coming Back - Certian Things Wont Go Away

May 8, 2010

Im recently registered but have been lurking the site for a few months now waiting for the new MBPs to come out. They came out and I got one (my first mac) but I have 2 issues.

1. There is a folder in my documents folder, from a program i manually installed via CD that keeps reappearing. Everytime i delete it, it comes back when i restart the computer. I have already uninstalled the program, but the empty folder keeps coming back.

2. Also, when i try and right click -->open with a video file, VLC comes up twice, any way to make it only appear once?

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Software :: Macbook Pro Authorization Restrictions

Oct 21, 2010

I got a new MacBook Pro 13� (2.66GHZ) from my University. When I tried installing a new, larger HDD I discovered that I cannot boot up from the Install disc and therefore cannot install OSX on the new drive. I tried holding C but nothing happens (just keeps showing the folder with the question mark). When I press Option while booting, I do get a screen with a lock and it asks for the password which I don�t have. Now when I try putting the original HDD back, it won�t even start (but it works fine in the external enclosure). I also cannot make changes to accounts nor enable the disabled automatic login. Where do these restriction live if they are not on the hard drive? RAM? Somewhere on the logic board? How could they be circumvented? I am currently having the battery disconnected and will wait for 48 hours to see if that will reset the whole thing.

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OS X :: How To Extend The Time Restrictions Of Trial Software?

Jun 15, 2010

Some trial software gives allows too short time (5 -15 days) to get into it and learn about it.

The question:

Is there any program (or method) which can extend the time restrictions of trial software?

I use Mac with OSX 10.5

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Hardware :: AT&T Not Responsible For IPad Streaming Video Restrictions Over 3G

May 3, 2010

ABC's streaming video application for the iPad will not work over a 3G cellular network such as AT&T, as a result of Apple's rules for HTTP Live Streaming and ABC's development of the application.

When the iPad with 3G launched on Friday in the U.S., many users realized that the ABC Player application, which allows users to view episodes of the network's most popular shows, does not work over the AT&T 3G network. While there were initially rumors that this restriction was due to AT&T -- which in the past has prevented services like streaming, MMS and tethering -- the wireless carrier played no part in the missing feature. While AT&T eventually alloed VoIP calls and MMS over its 3G network, it has not yet allowed tethering.

As noted by Engadget, the restriction in the ABC player was self-imposed, as the developers chose to skip the option of providing a 64 Kbps stream for 3G playback. That decision is why the ABC application does not allow streaming over 3G, while Netflix and YouTube do, albeit with lower bitrates.

"You must include a low quality stream of no more than 64 Kbps for your app to resort to when network conditions demand it, along with the higher quality streams you want to deliver to your customers when the network can support it," Apple's rules in the iPhone OS Reference Library state.

But the restriction may not last for long. Silicon Alley Insider reported Monday that ABC is working on a 3G-compatible version of its popular streaming video application for the iPad. An ABC representative told the publication that the lack of 3G support was "based on a variety of business and technical considerations."

Both the ABC and Netflix applications were released for the iPad when the Wi-Fi model first launched in early April. While both are free to download, the Netflix software requires a subscription to the movie rental service.

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OS X :: Permission Restrictions While Copying Files From Backup Manually

May 10, 2010

I am running into "chmodperation not permitted" when I try to change the permissions on my time machine backup manually.

Here is the complete info. I brought a new MacMini server and was trying to copy my music folder from time machine backup(of my MBP) into the Server. From the Server I logged in as root and tried to change the file permissions of the music folder with this command
sh-3.2# chmod -R o+rw Music
It throws the above error.

I don't have my MBP with me to do anykind of stuff. I don't want to install SL on my macmini and restore from time machine bckup. Is there any other way.

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OS X Server :: Windows Group Policy Settings - Restrictions?

Jun 2, 2007

I want to set up my Mac OS X Server to allow network authentication from windows clients, but I also want the users to have policies to restrict what they can do (like the workgroup manager for mac os x clients). I know that in Windows server 2003 you can set the group policy settings somewhere, but is it possible on a Mac OS X Server?

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Safari :: Setup Weekly Time Restrictions To The Internet?

Jun 15, 2012

What I need to do is an extension of Parental Controls.  The main difference is I want to do WEEKLY time allocation/restrictions, not daily.  I want to give the kids (for exmaple) 10 hours a week for internet access.  I will set blocks of time up that will bar access from 11PM until 7 AM but within the open time, they will have 10 hours. Once that 10 hours is used, they are locked out. There are several tools that seem to do variations of this, mainly limit the # of hours per day.... this will not work.  I have looked at Content Barrier, NetNanny Safe, Eyes, and a few others... There are a couple on the Windows side but they do not have a Mac version. 

MBA, Mac OS X (10.6.1), Too many to list

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OS X Yosemite :: Any Undocumented Rules Or Restrictions In Using Speech Commands?

Dec 9, 2014

I've created a handful of Speech Commands, and they work perfectly for four or five times.

Then they stop working perfectly;  they get erratic or they selectively stop working at all. 

However, the same commands, when spoken in Dictation mode, are recorded flawlessly. 

Am I violating some rule, or does Speech Recognition just get tired from command repetitions ?

iMac, Lion

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MacBook :: Unable To Open Programs - Programs Are Not Displaying

Mar 25, 2010

I have a question about using my new samsung tv as a monitor for my macbook. I have all the cables and such and my TV reads the computer. It actually shows the desktop background, mouse, and the toolbar on the tv...
BUT....when i try and open a program such as safari or itunes it does not display the program on the monitor but rather on my macbook screen. It shows the program open on the tv monitor but it shoots off the screen and then opens on the macbook screen.

Also the mouse disappears from the tv monitor screen on the left side only, and when it does it becomes visible back on the macbook screen! Any tips or suggestions on how to get the programs to show up on the monitor instead of the macbook screen?

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OS X :: Downloading New Programs To MAC?

Sep 5, 2009

I am a totally new Mac user and am struggling with the concept of these .dmg files that are downloaded to my desktop when i install a new application (example firefox) and then when i try to delete this file after the installation completes it appears the program requires this to run?

What do you typically do with the files after installaion? Is there a default setting someplace that tells the OS to dump and store these some place else in my HDD?

I also dont understand the icon that then gets placed on my desktop of the (in this example) firefox application... it looks like a new drive but its actually how i start the application? is it the equivalent of a link in windows or is that the .exe and my default file save settings are screwy?

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OS X :: Uninstall Programs?

Oct 12, 2010

This is probably a very simple task, but how do you uninstall programs on Mac OS X?!? I have the Macbook, and I can't seem to figure it out.

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OS X :: Uninstalling Programs On Mac?

Sep 6, 2005

I've just switched over from XP and have been problems with uninstalling programs off the Mac (osx tiger). In XP there would normally be a control panel which would show a list of programs on your computer which you could either modify or uninstall. There doesn't appear to be one in mac osx so I decided to drag the file from the applications folder to the trash. It appeared as though everything was fine until I ran a search in spotlight to still find some of the files still on my computer. I was uninstalling Limewire if this helps. I would like to rid my computer of everything associated to this program.

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OS X :: IM Programs That Support Web Cam

Jan 29, 2009

I have been looking for a program that supports web cam on a 10.4.11. I'm willing to try pretty much any program.

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OS X :: How To Install Programs On G4

Jul 28, 2009

My first Mac, a G4 M8570. Friend gave it to me and it has 10.2.8. I download the Firefox installer "Firefox 3.5.1.dmg" and it sits on the desktop. All of the tutorials say that Macs are so easy to install programs, just drag the installer to the applications folder, which I did. Now it sits in the applications folder. Is it installed? Nothing happened, no progress bar, no indication that anything happened. When I double click on it, the Firefox logo appears briefly on the toolbar and bounces up and down very nicely, but quickly disappears. Or sometimes the Applications icon appears instead and does the same thing. I didn't know Macs were so difficult to use! The Firefox download did say it was for OS X 10.4 and above, could that make a difference?

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OS X :: How To Override The Other Programs

Sep 17, 2009

My computer is a G5 but the first generation with a 1.8 GHZ processor. It currently has Tiger 10.4 installed but does have many extra programs Word, Excel,power point etc. If I install Leopard 10.5 will these other programs remain on my computer or will Leopard over ride them? Because I purchased this unit used off of Ebay I do not have any of the discs that would re-install the above mentioned programs. Then again I seldom if ever use any of the programs and wonder if Leopard would be more advantageous or should I leave well enough alone?

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OS X :: Can't Install Any New Programs?

Oct 25, 2009

Can't install any new programs for some reason, Installer has vanished from my system - wouldn't be a problem IF i had the install disk, would it! Any way of downloading installer anyone knows about? I got the powerbook 2nd hand - it's been awesome till now and a new one is not an option...

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OS X :: Keep Two Programs Active At Once?

Dec 22, 2009

I just bought myself a second monitor, and I was wondering if there was a way to, say, keep iTunes visualizer full-screen while browsing the web on the other monitor. Basically, is there a way to keep two windows/programs active at the same time?

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Mac Pro :: Which Utility Programs Do Use For Osx

Jan 19, 2010

Running snow leopard.I know there are automatic scrips that run at times such as 5am but if you dont keep your computer on all night everyday there are programs that can run those scrips manually.I've heard of programs such as onyx and cocktail.What do you use? Whats the best overall program?

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OS X :: Some Programs Not Even Run / Install?

Feb 15, 2010

Tonight, my sister comes to me saying that her MSN program won't startup properly. She's running OS X Tiger I believe (Her computers a couple years old and as far as I know she didn't upgrade to leopard or snow leopard) and this problem just started happening today. I asked her if maybe she had got a virus or installed any software before this started happening and she said "No." although I don't know how true that is. Regardless, I told her to try and run a virus scan to check, and she came back to me 15 minutes later saying that she tried to install a virus checker but when she tries to install it, all that happens is her finder "refreshes" (so to speak) - The top-bar at the top of her screen goes invisible and then slides back into place once the application refuses to run. No notices pop up, the application simply does not start up. The same issue is happening for her MSN program, too. From what I saw, Firefox is working just fine, as well as a few other apps on her Mac. Is it a virus? I'm not too sure since I unfortunately don't have a mac (yet)!

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Mac :: Application To Run PC Programs

Apr 8, 2010

it was possible to run PC/windows programs on a Mac.Such as .exe files can't be run on a Mac is there an application that would allow this?

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OS X :: Not Getting Sound From Programs

Jul 26, 2010

It was working just fine lastnight before I turned my laptop off, but when I turned it on earlier, I wasn't getting sound from my programs. I get the boot up sound, and when I press the volume down or volume up buttons on my keyboard, I get the sounds. I went through all my programs to check if the audio was working correctly on any of them and the only ones that are working are Google Chrome and Quicktime player. VLC, iTunes, etc, aren't working, and I don't know why.

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IMac PPC :: G5 Will Not Run Programs

Apr 15, 2012

I recently picked up a G5 20 inch iMac  1.8 PPC  1.5 ram (gonna go pick up another gig today.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  I actually really like this thing.  Anyways, when I picked it up, it was supposed to have 10.5.8 on it and it only has 10.4.11  No real biggie just need to get a hold of a 10.5 disc.  Anyways, here is the issue.  Programs will not open.  If it is a preinstalled program, it runs fine.  If it is a program that I have downloaded, it will not run.  Case in point, I use FILEZILLA ALOT.  I downloaded the PPC version, go to open it, and the icon pops up in the dock, then closes with nothing else.  No crash report, no bug no nothing.  Pops up in the dock then disappears.  Does this with any program that I download.  I already repaired permissions to no avail..

iMac, G5 20 inch iMac

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OS X :: Finder And Programs Locking Up?

Feb 10, 2010

This just started a few days ago. Any program I use, Itunes, Iphoto or even trying to install something like turbo tax results in the program in question locking up and then the finder. If i force quit any of the programs it will try and come back up, but locks up and if i force quit the finder all my drives disappear and i have to hold down on the power button and shut down the computer. Any one have any idea what's causing this? Could it have been the last system update?

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Applications :: How To Download Programs

Aug 30, 2010

im looking a good program to download from binarys... used grabit on the pc.

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MacBook :: Programs Crashing - How To Fix It

Oct 23, 2010

i recently did a software update on my macbook and now of my programs don't open... they open and then ater 2 seconds crash.

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OS X :: Cannot Schedule Time On Programs To Run

Oct 24, 2010

I downloaded Transmission so I can download torrents, however I want to schedule them to run between 2am and 8am on my off peak hours. When I go to preferences>bandwidth and go to schedule the speed limit, I am unable to set the times in the data boxes, it won't let me add numeric data. All I can do is toggle the arrow buttons from AM to PM. I had the same problem with igetter, so I'm assuming this problem is something to do with the settings on my mac and maybe not transmission.

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IMac :: How Can Keep Programs But Wipe Everything Else

Dec 5, 2010

I have an application that WILL NOT DELETE! I move it to the trash it does nothing. It stays there. I took my iMac to the Apple store and they said I would need to wipe my computer clean... I am fine with that but I have some expensive programs... i.e. Photoshop Lightroom etc. how can I keep those programs but wipe everything else?

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OS X :: Wish Programs Would Exit When Close Them?

Dec 9, 2010

I was wondering if there is a setting to change so when I close a program it doesn't still run on the dock.For example: If I open Numbers from the dock and then close it (by clicking the 'x' in the top left corner of the gui window), it will still be running in the background. The only way for me to close it (even after I've 'x'ed out of the window) is to right click on the Numbers icon and click on 'quit'. Since I have Numbers in the dock, visually I cannot tell that it is still running and using memory.This is fairly annoying, b/c it is easy to have many of these idle processes running in the background eating up memory and I find myself periodically having to go through my dock to see which processes are still running unbeknownst to me.

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