OS Snow Leopard, iMac Intel Core i3 Installed Flash version restarted Safari, go to website needing Flash and it asks me to install Flash.Checked user library internet plug-ins, is empty.Checked system library internet plug-ins and Flash is there.Restart Safari, check Help:Installed plug-ins and Adobe Flash is not listed.Javascript and java are installed and enabled.I installed Flash 3 times today, just to be sure.Why does not Safari recognize the installed Adobe Flash?
I'm trying to read news sites and my eye is distracted by things bouncing around in adverts. It's even worse when they're playing obnoxious sounds until you click the mute button in them.Therefore I just thought I'd let people know about this wonderful piece of software. I've seen it mentioned a few times here but even if this thread only helps a few people I think it'll be worth it:[URL]Not only does it hide these horrific insults to humanity (ok a bit strong perhaps), it actually prevents them loading, therefore your pages load quicker! And it's completely unobtrusive! If you want to watch flash file, simply click on in.
I get the following message when I'm in Safari and select "File>Mail Contents of This Page" or "Mail Link to This Page" even though I have Apples Mail programmed installed and use it all the time as my primary email client. I don't see any preferences in Safari where I have to make a selection for these menus options to work and they have worked in the past. They have just inexplicably stopped working.
For some reason safari isn't recognising flash player or silverlight plug-ins despite uninstalling an reinstalling (seemingly successfully) a couple of times. I was prompted a couple of weeks ago to update flash player, and having done this I am unable to use it at all. In addition my netflix account prompted me to download silverlight (must have been previously present) and since will not play any netflix films at all. Im running an iMac intel on 10.9.4.
Safari does not have sound when using the flash extension. Same sites work well on Firefox. Any ideas of fixes?
I uninstalled and reinstalled Flash. I tried youtube5 extension (improved streaming, but still not sound). Searched for answers, but most seem to predate current Safari/Flash combination.
I have OS 10.7.4, safari 5.1.7 and flash player plug-in 11.3.300.257.
I am not sure when this problem crept in, but it safari worked well in before in OS 10.7.4 , but have upgraded Safari since, and it is possible that Flash auto-upgraded (I disabled this, but had not realized that that was a default setting - ugh).
This started happening before today's update to 10.4.11. I was running Safari 2.0.4 and am still having the same problem with 3.0.4. No flash will work in Safari, it was working fine and then just stopped for no apparent reason. Flash based websites won't load, YouTube video won't load, basically nothing that involves flash will work in Safari. Firefox works perfectly fine. I've tried uninstalling flash with Adobe's uninstaller and reinstalling it and then repairing permissions. I've tried deleting the plugins myself and reinstalling, that didn't work either. I have no idea what's going on, things worked fine and all of the sudden it won't work at all.
So, I've been using Safari 4 all day, and realized that while watching youtube videos and other videos on the internet, the fan speed didn't increase a lot like before. Were the flash problems with Safari resolved in this version ?
I recently updated Flash, and it's no longer working properly. On many sites it works just fine (YouTube, for instance). On some sites, however, it loads but doesn't work, if that makes sense. For instance, on [URL] where Flash is used, it shows a loading symbol stuck at 51%. When I right click and select settings, the settings panel for Flash pops up but everything is grayed out and it won't even close when 'close' is clicked.
A bunch of different sites are requiring the latest Flash Player. I download, it installs tells me to reopen browser, still the same notice sayig I need Falsh installed to see the site. I dunno. I have never had this happen before.
Flash is lagging on safari, even when all the latest updates are installed.It is happening on Youtube, and any other flash run website. Running the same homepages on firefox or google chrome there are no problems. Im considering to switch if this problem won't dissapear. Does anyone know solution to this? Or have the same problem?
After weeks of trying to download Flash player to Safari, I removed the program using AppZapper and downloaded a new Safari which behaved beautifully. What puzzles me is that when I opened this new Safari, it contained all my favorites and Bookmark bar bookmarks. Is there a ghost in the system or did AppZapper miss something?
Flash on Safari 4 was very quick, but after my update to Safari 5, all flash games slowed down. A flash game which I play very often is 'Restaurant City' on Facebook. Try it out and tell me what you experience using safari 5. I have no problems if I used Mozilla on my mbp, but once I use Safari, I need 5 seconds to press a single button in the game.
is there a easy way to switch off flash in safari? ideally i want to switch off safari on a case by case basis. meaning it's off most of the time. but when i think i need it for a special site i want to easily switch it on without any installation.
i want this mainly because i don't like flash and it slows everything down.
Like the title says since Snow Leopard when I go to websites with a flash video player built in it beachballs my internet browser endlessly until I force quit. It is very frustrating. I have reinstalled flash player many times. Youtube works fine, but Hulu is impossible to watch. This makes a good portion of websites I visit not even functional.
it keeps saying i need the flash plugin and no matter how many times i try to view it it wont work,it happens for several other fash things as well,can you view this website on safari? im using a 15in MBP
good Flash blocker for Safari?I've done a few searches and can't seem to find anything. The best I could find was ClickToFlash, but no matter what I do it refuses to install.
I developed a Flash mp3 player that is loading the Flash real slow in Safari on a Mac. Not sure why this is but didn't know if anyone else has run into this problem before? Not sure if the problem lies in the ActionScript or the XML file or if Safari just loads slow for whatever reason. This is real frustrating to say the least because it work on all browsers on a PC. Here is the site: [URL]
I have flashed based videos on my website and an uploader that requires flash to be installed. Does anyone know how to turn it back on in the new Safari? Everything works fine in Chrome. Would prefer to stick with Safari if its possible to fix it.
Safari 5.1 on Lion. Keeps saying blocking flash. Wants me to download. Already tried uninstalling, reinstalling, restarting, clearing the cache. Driving me nuts? Don't remember seeing this before the safari update?
I have been using this website. [url] to play some old videos of my favorite show... I was watching them today and It took a long time for them to stream so I let it load for like 30 mins and then played it. Some times it took longer. Some times it was really "chopped" playback... I thought if I uninstall the Flash Player and then Reinstall it, it would update and then load faster so I did. I finished the instalation process and then I go to the website and the video black box (where you would view the video and there would be a play button) wasn't even there anymore. Like I can't click on any video-type things. I don't understand what I need to do and I don't know who I need to ask about this... I really want to watch these videos. I tried to go to Youtube and see if it's all videos but it wasn't, just this website's.If it was working fine 4 hours ago and all i did was reinstall the Flash player thing then why would it not work now?
Safari 7.0.4 does not block the In-app flash ads... I tried Glimmberblocker, Safari extension, actually downloaded safari adblock from their site. Non of them works. how to block the flash in-app ads?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I have had Clicktoflash for ages, and recently got the Safari extension to replace the addon. Even more recently, i decided to disable Java, because my browser seemed to still be crashing. Ever since then, i have not seen Safari crash once, we're talking about a month of daily use. I'm curious, has anyone else experienced something similar?