is there a easy way to switch off flash in safari? ideally i want to switch off safari on a case by case basis. meaning it's off most of the time. but when i think i need it for a special site i want to easily switch it on without any installation.
i want this mainly because i don't like flash and it slows everything down.
I just installed Adobe CS4 which includes Flash Player 10. Since then, my QucikTime does not pop up and open stream audio file automatically. Instead, the Flash Player opens the file within the safari 4. Is there any way that I can make QuickTime Player become the default player for this type of file?
I gave my parents my old iMac to use so they can start browsing the web. However, every time they start to type in a web address and safari butts in with its autocomplete history, it confuses the heck out of them and they don't know what to do. So basically I want to completely disable Safari's history, or at the very least, its autocomplete feature. I've looked everywhere and can't find the option for this.
I've searched MacRumors and Google, but haven't found anything, so I'm wondering if I'm the only one annoyed by this mouseover that pops up when visiting many news sites, that allows you to share the article on Digg,, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Yahoo! Buzz, Mixx!, Twitter, etc.:I have SafariBlock, Safari AdBlock and ClickToFlash, but none of them block this mouseover. After looking at the "View Source" data, it appears to be a class called "socialTools" Quote:
<div class="socialTools">
but I haven't found a way to block a class on a website.
The problem is that the menu pops up when you move your mouse over the "Share" link, but then it doesn't always go away when you move your mouse away from it. I'd prefer it never pops up at all, but haven't found a method to accomplish this.
I Installed Safari 4.0.3 but for some reason the Google Suggestions drop down menu is no longer disabled and appears on top of Inquisitor. This is annoying because I prefer to use Google UK.
Does anyone know how to disable Google suggestions in Safari 4.0.3 or as a work around make Safaris default search engine Google UK?
I want to disable private browsing in Safari 4. I already managed to do it in Safari 3 following Mac Guide instructions (
Now I want to do the same in Safari 4. I also downloaded the newest XCode. However, again following the above mentioned instructions I only get an error message saying that it can't open "nibs".
I'd appreciate any help!
[please don't start a general discussion about private browsing. Doing it in Safari 3 was the perfect solution for me. I really love this forum!]
I recently purchased and installed Adobe CS2. With Acrobat Professional comes a Safari plugin that automatically views PDFs in the browser. However, I much prefer the standard Tiger PDF viewer as Acrobat takes forever to load. I've looked everywhere and can't figure out how to disable this feature.
I guess it's a change with Snow Leopard, but now when I download a .nzb file and try to open it I get the warning message that it's 'an unknown application downloaded from the Internet' (which, of course, it is not) and I have to manually open that. A .nzb file is not an app, but an executable file (launches NZB Drop, for me). The fact is I don't think I've ever had the message fire and not want to open it. I'd prefer to just disable it all together.
So, I've been using Safari 4 all day, and realized that while watching youtube videos and other videos on the internet, the fan speed didn't increase a lot like before. Were the flash problems with Safari resolved in this version ?
I want to disable t-mobile's connection application from popping up everytime i plug in the 3g modem device. i'm connecting through mac os'x native interface so i don't need the heavy connection application from t-mobile.
the 3g modem device presents itself also as a storage device so, a dmg present in the usb file system is fired as the usb device is plugged.
it keeps saying i need the flash plugin and no matter how many times i try to view it it wont work,it happens for several other fash things as well,can you view this website on safari? im using a 15in MBP
good Flash blocker for Safari?I've done a few searches and can't seem to find anything. The best I could find was ClickToFlash, but no matter what I do it refuses to install.
A mate has a late 2006 polycarbonate white plastic case Core2Duo 24" iMac. Did the 10.6.5 Combo update, now Flash doesn't work in Safari but it does work in Chrome and Firefox. He's uninstalled and reinstalled Flash, then Safari, been through the Adobe troubleshooting, repaired permissions etc. Still Flash videos won't work in Safari.
I recently switched from Safari 5.0.3 to Chrome on my Mac, and I noticed, that Street View scrooling doesn't work as smooth on Chrome as on a Safari.
That made me wonder, so I started running different Flash demos , and it looks that Flash running from Chrome is rather significantly slower than the one for Safari...
Could anyone confirm this? They appear to be the same versions.
Now I started using Chrome 8 beta , enabled hardware acceleration, and it's not as slow as Chrome 7, but still clearly slower than Safari.
I have had a lot of issues with Adobe Flash Player causing grief in Safari, and now it is causing it to crash. I am on a clean installation of OS X (just formatted and reinstalled yesterday).
I should point out that I use Adobe CS4 and have Flash CS4 installed. Maybe that is causing a conflict?
this happens at least 2-3 times a day. I will click to go to a youtube video, or some video on a site. The download box will immediately pop up and it will start to download the flv file of the video i'm watching. It gets annoying, but it doesn't happen all the time.
Good morning, I recently updated my software via Software Update yesterday, and I noticed that I can no longer play Flash videos in Safari. I just get the generic lego block and it says that Flash unexpectedly quit. I'm running the most recent Safai and Snow Leopard, and have included a screenshot of the updates that I ran yesterday. I also tried to run Camino and FireFox, but they just quit when I get to a Flash video. I also tried to install the most recent Flash player, and also the newer beta Flash player, but none seem to work. Anybody know of any fixes? Do I have to reinstall Snow Leopard?
Ever since YouTube has updated their video page, I keep on getting these "Old Flash - Go Upgrade!" error messages. I have re-installed Flash twice and I'm still getting the problem... however, just refreshing the page seems to work - but is getting very annoying.
I'm using Safari 4, anyone else having this problem?
Well, Safari was acting up and being super slow, so I decided I'd try to see what happens when I turn Flash off. Well, the internet flys now. It seems SOO much faster. Its no wonder Apple doesn't support it. I really like how fast everything is now. Anyways, the point of this thread is: 1) Apple is smart to not support Flash 2) Try disabling Flash in Safari, it makes the internet so much faster.
Upgraded to Safari 5 today. As a web developer working on projects, I should have known better, but I did discover a bug:
Safari 5 incorrectly displays some embedded Flash backgrounds.
This site uses SIFR (Scalable Inman Flash Replacement) for some text. For those of you that are unfamiliar, it is a JavaScript/Flash combo trick that allows you to show text in a font that is unavailable to the person viewing the site - using Flash. You still type the text out in HTML, but using Javascript, it hides the original text and displays a Flash plugin which dynamically grabs the text and displays it using a different font, often one that isn't commonly used. It's a good thing because if people don't have Flash, it displays the content in text/html, in a browser-friendly font; if they do, it allows the designer to use a wider variety of fonts and have them actually work.
The Bug
On every browser except Safari 5 (including previous versions of Safari), the Flash text is displayed properly with a transparent background. In Safari 5, the text is displayed with a black background. I tested this on Safari 5, Safari 4, Firefox 3.6.3, Chrome 5.0.375.55, and IE8 for Windows 7.
I don't know yet if adding more variables to the Flash SWF file will allow the black background to go away, but I intend to find out.
It's not just a small website, either. For those of you with Safari 5, check out Adobe's CS5 page. Notice anything weird about the headline text?
since i have updated to flash 10.1 my mid-2010-mbp i7, in safari (version 5) scrolling is very laggy, when on a page with flash contents. especially when on intel gpu (i use gfxcardstatus). on nvidia its a bit better, but it still sucks.
furthermore, if i do a right-click on any flash content and go to settings, it totally freaks out and switches gpu every second, and the only thing i can do is force quit safari. this doesnt happen, when i'm initially on nvidia-gpu.
I upgraded to Flash Player 10 a few days ago, and since then both Safari and Firefox are crashing almost every time i visit a page with Flash. I have tried uninstalling flash and reinstalling a developer's copy of version 9 but the crashes continue.
I have read a lot of complaints about similar problems, but have not been able to find a solution or even an explanation as to why it's happening. So I don't know if it's a conflict with the latest version of Leopard (not Snow) or what.
I've experienced several crashes with Safari 5.0, and noticed something about the dialogue box that appears when it crashes. It says something to the effect of, "The problem could be caused by a Flash plugin." Has that dialogue box been around in previous versions of Safari? Is Apple trying to subtly gain support for their view that Flash should no longer be used?
I have the New MacBook Pro 13inch with Snow Leopard.
I have the latest Safari, Firefox, and Flash.
Recently I have been noticing that while running flash programs on Safari my browser will freeze and then I have to force quit the application.
Thinking this might just be a Safari problem, I downloaded Firefox but I am experiencing the same problems. I tried running Safari using 32-bit and Rosetta but still experiencing crashing.
I'm trying to read news sites and my eye is distracted by things bouncing around in adverts. It's even worse when they're playing obnoxious sounds until you click the mute button in them.Therefore I just thought I'd let people know about this wonderful piece of software. I've seen it mentioned a few times here but even if this thread only helps a few people I think it'll be worth it:[URL]Not only does it hide these horrific insults to humanity (ok a bit strong perhaps), it actually prevents them loading, therefore your pages load quicker! And it's completely unobtrusive! If you want to watch flash file, simply click on in.