Safari :: It Won't Load After Running Disk Utilities

Apr 22, 2012

Ran routine disk utilities and Yasu. Now Safari wont load off dock, ap folder. Tried to trash and reload. Wont allow it.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Safari 5.1.5

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MacBook Pro :: Printer Utilities Application Will Not Load

Dec 2, 2014

Printer is on and connected wirelessly.  Macbook Pro recently upgraded to OS X 10.10.1.  Printer utilities application on mac will not load either.  Is there a patch or driver that needs to be installed? 

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Printer HP Officejet 4620

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Intel Mac :: Internet Is Running Very Slow On Safari - Takes 11 Seconds To Load A Page?

May 5, 2012

I have an iMac model identifier 9.1, with Mac OS X v10.5.8 and safari version 5.0.6. All programs are running normally (fast) except safari. When I try to load webpages it takes about 11 seconds to fully load. All other computers in my house are connected to the same internet and running fine. What do I do to make the loading faster?

iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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EMac :: Repair Disk Is Dulled Out In Disk Utilities?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a very old E Mac running version OS X version 10.1.5. My Mac is showing a flashing question mark so I have tried to repair it using the Install Disk provided with my E Mac.  Unfortunately, when I insert my Mac OS X Install disk (which is for version 10.1.4) and press the C key at startup and click on Disk Utility the "Repair Disk" button is greyed out (although I am able to Verify the Disk.) How do I get round this problem? (I should add that I have had the flashing question mark once before, and I was able to repair my E Mac on that occasion as I was able at that time to click on the "Repair Disk" button. However, I can no longer do this.) 

I have also tried using my OS 9 Install Disk, as I was using OS 9 the last time before the flashing question mark appeared. When I go into Disk Utility using that disk, I am able to click on the "Repair Disk" button but it lists errors that it says it is unable to repair. 

eMac, Mac OS X (10.1.x)

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OS X :: Cannot Remove Partition Using Disk Utilities

Jul 23, 2010

The problem is with a mbp running Snow Leopard. I created a dual boot with win 7. I was playing around with the partitions, and at one point installed SL on both partitions, sure i did some other bone head moves that i can't remember. Now cannot remove the second partition. I think i may need a boot disk with a application to partition the HD from the disk?

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Software :: Can't Use Any Utilities From An OSX Install Disk

Apr 29, 2009

Our macbook woke up with a blinking hard drive. I went to boot up with a CD and run Disk Utility, and used the install disk that came with our Mac Mini.

Instead, it says I can't install on that mac, and all options are disabled.

I didn't expect to be able to install from that disk, but why can't I even use disk utility?

Obvious answer to obvious question - I can't find the Leopard disk I used with the macbook.

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OS X :: Erasing A CD-R In Disk Utilities - Every Button Is Disabled?

Sep 17, 2009

For some reason when I'm trying to erase a CD in Disk Utilities, after clicking the "Erase" tab, every button under it is disabled. Including the "Erase" button. I tried various CD-R's, what's the deal?

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Software :: Mac OS X Disk Utilities Correct Permission?

Nov 6, 2008

Does Mac OS X Disk Utilities correct permission on all the files and folders on the machine? or is it only on systems folders? If I need to correct permission on every file and folder on the machine, how do I do so?

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OS X Yosemite :: Disk Utilities False Positives

Dec 7, 2014

I've been using OSX since OSX.1 and I have yet to run into a time where Disk Utility did not come up with False Positives. In latest version Yosemite, all Print Driver components from all supported manufacturers that are part of Yosemite, show up as false positives. I haven't counted but seems close to 100 +files.

What I would like to know  is. Why is it so tough for the systems developers which mst likely some of the best in the world, Ca not come up with a script that would monitor  Disk Utilities for false positives and mark them as invisible after say the third run. This would be reset each time a new Disk Utilities version comes out.

How long has OSX.1 been out 15-20 years? You would think in that period of time this issue would be fixed.  I realize as OSX used FreeBSD UNIX that it is a Constantly moving system  being updated al most daily. But still you should be able to come up with something to prevent wasting tim repairing items that don't need to be repaired.

I used Mavericks previously a smaller portion of the same Driver files came up as false positives. When I switched to Yosemite the list grew 3 fold.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.1.x), Yosemite OSX.10

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OS X Mavericks :: Force Shutdown Now Only Boots Into Disk Utilities

Jun 28, 2014

I had to force a shutdown as Safari, mouse and Word would not respond. Command+Option+Escape would not work. 

Turning on now will only boot into OS X Utilities with options of:

1. Restore

2. Reinstall OSX

3. Get Support Online

4. Disk Utility 

1. Trying to restore I found my backup but the next screen lists no hard drive at all??? Can't go on.

2. Can't reinstall OSX Mavericks as when I click on the "Recovery HD" it says, "This disk is locked" 

4. Disk Utility says everything is fine 

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MacBook :: Cannot Get Past Disk Utilities After Resetting Computer

Sep 9, 2014

About a week ago I purchased a 2007 Macbook off of Ebay. It arrived in the mail and i opened it only to find out he had not deleted a majority of his content. I looked up how to reset it and I did. It turned back on and displayed a Mac OS X Utilities page. I tried repairing my disk and that didn't work. I tried erasing it & after a couple of times that worked. Except I cannot get past that point. I have no Time Machine back up since I just purchased it. So I decided to try my last option and tried downloading Lion. It had asked for my Apple I.D. and I typed it in and once i clicked continue it said that "iTunes is temporarily unavailable" so I tried it again. Nothing. I even tried my mother's I.D. It still comes up saying that it is temporarily unavailable. I cannot access it. I'm stuck on that Utilities page and cannot access anything.

MacBook Pro, OS X Server

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PowerPC :: Software To Burn Disk Utilities On Hard Drive?

Nov 23, 2006

my clamshell iBook [URL]I am looking desperatley for a CD ISO that i can burn that will let me run disk utilities on my hardrive. if you have any software like this?

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Access To Mac Os X Utilities To Repair Disk From 15" With Lion

Apr 10, 2012

Can't access to mac os x utilities to repair disk from a macbook pro 15" with lion. When I restart holding command key + R it would get stuck in a grey screen after the apple appears.

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MacBook Pro :: Disk Utilities: Storage System Verify Or Repair Fail?

May 12, 2012

The Verify failed when checking the drive at the physical disk level, but the main volumes passed.Is this "normal", i.e. should I just be checking the volumes?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Unable To Repair Disk / Unfixable Permission After Running Disk Utility

Jan 2, 2010

Running Diks Util on my iMac 10.6.2. i am given this warning.
Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/" has been modified and will not be repaired.

Is it something I should heed and what to do in that case?

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MacBook :: The Disk Reader Won't Stop Running And Can't Eject The Disk

Jun 16, 2012

The optical disk reader won't stop running and I can't eject the disk.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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App Store :: Currently Running Lion 10.7.4, But Can't Load

Jun 27, 2012

I have no trouble signing into iTunes, but my App Store won't load.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Running Very Slow / Taking Time To Load After Clicking

Aug 9, 2009

Within the last few days my iMac (Mac OS X 10.5.8) has started acting up. It is running very slowly. I have over 100GB of space left. 4GB of Ram. I have been so worried that I have tried everything, including a virus scan (which I knew would be useless) and turns out I have no virus'. I have repaired the permissions on my HD. I have also rebooted it a bunch of times, did a software update. Things like my hot corners won't work. My dock doesn't pop up when I run my mouse over it. Right click is VERY SLOW. It's gotten so bad that when the screensaver on my iMac turns on the motion of the mouse doesn't do anything. I have to actually push a button on the keyboard for the screensaver to go away.

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Safari :: Safari Doesn't Load Last Session's Windows

Apr 1, 2012

Usually Safari opens all previous windows upon startup, but not always. Today was one of those days. I last used DataBackup yesterday, but I'm not sure how to access the proper file to restore the missing window. I'm using v5.1.5

iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4GB memory

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MacBook Pro :: Unusually High CPU Load Running W7 Professional Bootcamp

Jun 12, 2010

I bought my first Mac, a C2D MBP 13". I really love the machine. But I'm experiencing this particular issue of having high cpu load of up to 80% while on W7 Professional bootcamp even though I'm not running any graphic intensive programs.
Specs: 2.4Ghz MBP 13" (The recently refreshed model)
Windows 7 Professional 32bit (MSDNA Edition)

Upon successful installation of W7, I inserted the OS X disc inside and the bootcamp drivers installed successfully. So I'm quite sure the drivers are okay. Being a DotA lover, I installed WC3 on my bootcamp. However, I realise that whenenver I'm on windows mode, the machine is very laggy. I even have problem opening a browser when I alt tab out from WC3. Is this normal? Even when idle, the cpu load on the processor jumps from 1% to 47% randomly. Just fluctuates randomly. I'm quite sure my Windows Security Essentials is not doing any scan btw.

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IMac PPC :: Files Will Not Load From Disk

Mar 9, 2012

I have a preloaded disk with files on but they will not dowload on my new imac one of the files is setup exe.


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Mac Mini :: Can't Get Application Install Disk To Load?

Jun 20, 2012

had to reinstall my software on my mac mini, can't get my application install to disc.

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Safari :: SIMBL Error. Failed To Load The Safari-sniffer Plugin, Error(1000) Creating CGSWindow

Feb 26, 2012

I have a problem with safari. Safari quits unexpectly and appear this message : the application safari quit unexpectedly. the problem may have been caused by the flash player-10.4-10.5 plug-in. When i am trying to open again appear this message(SIMBL error. failed to load the safarisniffer plugin. error(1000) creating CGSWindow) and the safari's screen is white Safari's Version 5.0.6 I have the Leopard and 10.5.8 versionProcessor Name:Intel Core 2 DuoProcessor Speed:2.4 GHzMemory:4 GB

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Leopard

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MacBook Pro :: Sims 3 Disk Rejected - Cannot Load To Install

Jun 12, 2010

My Macbook Pro that I bought in Sept 09 keeps rejecting the sims 3 disk. It doesn't do this with any other disk. I had once installed and played the sims 3 just fine on my laptop but I can't even get the cd to load anymore so can't install it.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Delete A Load Of Disk Permissions?

Mar 29, 2012

I would like to delete a load of disk permissions. They are continually needing to be repaired and I don't recognize any of the names of the apps, and if I do, I would prefer to uninstall them.  

Is this crazy? The main reason is that I am using drive genius 3 which continually monitors the health of the drive using 'drive pulse'. It comes up with 'critical' repairs needed each day and they are the same ones so I would prefer to just ditch them if possible?  

Also, what I would really like to know is how I can use the command line to 'batch' delete these suckers. 

Intel Dual Quad Core Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 12 GB RAM, Motu 828 Audio interface FW 400, Logic Mackie Control

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Power Mac :: Cannot Get The Disk Inside To Load And Cannot Open The Drive To Get It Out

May 26, 2012

My PowerMac thinks the optical drive is open.  No matter what I do, I cannot get the disk inside to load and I cannot open the drive to get it out.  I'v tried f12 several times and have eject in my menu bar.

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), MDD: G4 single, 2 GB Ram, 160 GB HD

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OS X Mavericks :: Running (10.9.3) And Safari 7.0.4 - Can't Print PDF Files From Safari

Jun 3, 2014

Running OS X (10.9.3) and Safari 7.0.4. Can't print pdf files from Safari and sometimes can't download them either (error says they are corrupted) but I can download from a windows laptop. I found something online about disabling a pdf plug-in, but it was for Lion, so not sure if it's still the correct fix.  Also, how to uninstall a plug-in unless you provide exact locations of where the plug-ins are stored.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Not Being Able To Load From Either Firefox 3 Or Safari?

Jan 15, 2009

For the last month I have not being able to load from either Firefox 3 or Safari. It used to work perfectly from my Macbook, but out of the blue it stopped loading.I tried updating flash player and still it does not open. I also tried deleting all cookies, and cache.This is the error message it appears on firefox:Network TimeoutThe server at is taking too long to respond.

The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the browser has stopped waiting for a reply. * Could the server be experiencing high demand or a temporary outage? Try again later. * Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's network connection. * Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing. * Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance.

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OS X :: Safari 4 - Pictures Don't Load?

Mar 3, 2009

basically im using the Safari 4 Beta, and half the time when im on Facebook or another site where lots of pictures have load quickly (flickr etc) instead of loading, half the pictures just show a blue square with a white question mark inside where they should be, and after refreshing the page about 50 times sometimes they show, sometimes they dont.

Does anyone else have this issue? Its happening with flash based images as well, which leads me to believe its a blanket issue with Safari. I've tried all the ususal stuff even reinstalling OS X. Its quite annoying because i code in AJAX a lot and i'd like to test my work without getting blue squares where photos should be

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OS X :: Safari 5.0 Videos Don't Load?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm currently using a MacBook Pro, and Safari runs perfectly except videos on sites such as Youtube won't load (black square, where video should load or just blank area) music also doesn't stream on sites such as Hype Machine.

I've reset Safari and emptied the cache. Can download files fine, pictures load fine, everything works perfectly except for the video and music streaming.

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