Safari :: It Has Crashed 10 Times In Past Two Days Due To A Plug In

Apr 10, 2012

Safari has crashed 10 times in the past 2 days because of a plug in on my laptop called I have not downloaded this plug in and I can not find it anywhere on my computer. How do I fix it? I looked in the plug ins library and it is nowhere to be found.

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)

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MacBook :: Unibody Has Crashed 3 Times In 2 Days?

Jul 11, 2010

Friday night I was on my computer on hulu watching some show. All of a sudden the screen goes black and nothing happens. I turn turning it back on it makes like a beep noise and doesn't start up. After about 3 try's it boots up and everything is ok. So I go back to hulu and I'm watching a show and then it crashes again. Try the same process works but I give up and just shut my computer and say Ill take it to the apple store in the morning. Well It was fine all day Saturday until about 11PM. I try same process and it works eventually. I've made sure that the battery is ok by doing the utilities then power battery condition was good.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Trash Bin Has Been Frozen For Past Two Days

Mar 2, 2012

I tried force quitting, restarting and neither worked. It's done this before. I've had some problems with my Mac.

MacBook Pro

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IMac :: Backing Up External HDD - Crashed Three Times

Nov 12, 2010

I had a HDD fail. I backed up as much as I could save onto an older 500 gig drive, 365 gig in total. I then bought a bunch of 2 TB drives to make proper backups so I don't loose stuff in future. Anyway I have tried to copy the 365 gig from the older 500 gig drive over to the new 2TB drive. On my Mac pro it crashed three times after getting through about 50 gig. I have just tried connecting both drives to my imac and instead of copying all 365 gig in one go I tried one folder, it is 50 gig.

I have just come home and it says "copying 35.5 gig of 50 gig, about 30 minutes to go, it has crashed. It seems I can't easily back up my drives? They are both formatted as Mac Extended Journaled. I have googled and can't find any reference to this problem. I have checked to make sure my drives don;t go to sleep after 10 minutes and they don't. The files aren't corrupt btw. I have had issues in the past backing up mac drives for some strange reason.

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Mac Pro :: Previously Rock Solid Crashed And Now Will Not Boot-up Past A Screen Of Black?

Apr 8, 2012

Yesterday the trusted and loyal MacPro froze and on reboot kept going straight to a screen which looks like a modern art collaboration between Kasparov, a robot and the ghost of Jackson Pollock. You can see the artwork in the pictures below. Lion has recently been installed. Main programmes used are Logic and Final Cut Pro. I have taken the machine apart and dusted everything down, talked sternly to the ciruit boards, offered bribes to the CPU and even played it Salsa - I figured that this works in breaking the spirits of kidnappers, so it may work with the hard disk. There is a suspicion lingering that the computer was aware of a make or break week of editing coming up and decided to stop working in protest (it is getting on a bit), so I let it rest for a bit before trying another reboot. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3),

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Software :: Won't Work With Internet Plug In / Safari Can't Find Plug Ins

Feb 11, 2006

My work site requires me to download an internet plug-in (Safari comes up with the message - "Safari cannot find internet plug-in"). After following companies directions and installing the plug-in I still get the same message when I try to visit the site.

This is a brand new intel mac...10.4.4

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Intel Mac :: Safari Keeps Crashing Due To .MasterofDefense.tmp Plug-in - Can't Find Plug-in

Apr 12, 2012

Yesterday, Safari began crashing every 45 minutes.  I get a message that says Safari quit unexpectedly because of a plug-in called .MasterofDefense.tmp.  I used finder to search my computer, and I cannot find this file.  PlugIn Path: /Users/<myname>/Library/Application Support/.MasterofDefense.tmpPlugIn Identifier: .MasterofDefense.tmpPlugIn Version:    ??? (???) The file is NOT in that location mentioned in the crash log. According to web searches, MasterofDefense is some game, but I have never installed any games on my machine. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Software :: Ibook G4 Won't Boot Past Blue Screen After Running Fsck Several Times

Sep 25, 2008

My ibookG4 won't boot past the blue screen. I have run fsck several times in single user because it won't boot in safe mode. Every time it comes back **** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED **** and never that the volume is ok. This blue screen problem occurred after trying to hook up a wireless router and changing settings in airport. If anyone knows how I can fix this.

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MacBook Air :: 4 Kernel Panics In 3 Days / Using Safari

Sep 13, 2009

recently I've been getting a lot of kernel panics. They usually happen at random times when I'm browsing Safari. Most of the time I can reboot normally but once I got 3 repeating beeps when trying to start-up.

This is from the problem report:


Originally Posted by Problem Report

Interval Since Last Panic Report: 1793 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 2
Anonymous UUID: C34C5139-B7F4-46C2-8CA4-C69C21CC73FD

Sun Sep 13 11:29:39 2009
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x2a6ac2): Kernel trap at 0x00000001, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x00000001, CR3: 0x00100000, CR4: 0x000006e0

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Why Doesn't Safari Keep 30 Days Of History As Preference Is Set To?

Feb 5, 2012

I am using Safari 5.0.5.The preference is set to 'Remove History Items' after 1 month, but it only seems to keep about 17. How do I get it to keep the browser history for a month?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Safari :: Crashes On Start Since Two Days Ago On IMac?

Mar 19, 2012

For two days ago safari crashes on start. It has worked perfect until then. 

I tried to remove Safari but was not allowed to do so 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Software :: My Safari Update Crashed Nothing Works

Dec 2, 2009

I've got iMac PowerPC G5, running OS X 10.4.11.

I ran an update two days ago (Nov 30, 2009) for iTunes and Safari. The iTunes update installed, but the Safari update failed. Now none of the main Mac software will run, including Update, Mail, Safari, or iTunes. The icons just bounce once and do not proceed with the application. Thank goodness for Firefox.

What should I do? I've downloaded the MaxOSXUpdCombo10.4.11PPC.dmg today, but can't run it. I've already tried to run the auto update through Utility Terminal, and while it said it was updating I'm still not getting anything to open. I tried deleted the Safari phist and and History files from Library Preferences, but that didn't help.

I ran Disk Utility to Verify Disk Permissions and Repair, and everything ran without any error messages. Interestingly, when I click on either of the two disk icons (149.1 GB ST3160023As) and (Macintosh HD), neither will allow the Repair Disk icon on Disk Utility to work, it stays shaded.

I again ran Disk Utility and this time clicked on the top Disk Drive and then clicked "Verify Disk". A window popped up saying "First Aid Failed - Disk Utility stopped verifying Macintosh HD because the following error was encountered: The underlying task reported failure to exit"

Below this, here's what Disk Utility Reported:

Verifying volume �Macintosh HD�
Checking HFS Plus volume.
Checking Extents Overflow file.
Checking Catalog file.
Checking multi-linked files.
Checking Catalog hierarchy.
Checking Extended Attributes file.
Checking volume bitmap.
Volume Bit Map needs minor repair
Checking volume information.
Invalid volume free block count
Invalid volume free block count
%@ instead of %@)",2)
The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired.
Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
1 HFS volume checked
Volume needs repair

Please help. Honestly, all I did was run auto update. I have the original system disks, and can run them if someone shows me how to fix this, as long as I'm not risking all my photos and files, etc. Yes, I should buy an external drive, will do.

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OS X :: Browser (Firefox / Safari) Crashed For No Apparent Reason On 10.4.11

Aug 6, 2009

I'm having a hell of a time with my mac. It started out when firefox would crash for no apparent reason, asking to send in an error report and eventually it got to where mac itself would crash, turning the screen dark with a picture in the middle appearing saying "You need to restart your computer. Hold the power button down for 2+ seconds". I've tried a lot, I've repaired permissions using the disk utility, I've reinstalled Java and I even verified the disk using the disk utility which seems to be the problem. It said my mac needed the system to be repaired. Except I've got a big problem: I just moved and I don't have the apple hardware test disc, so I'm stuck. Then, today I tried to use Safari instead of Firefox and even it is crashing. This is really irritating, I thought it was a virus until I downloaded a free antivirus that said it wasn't.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Watch A Movie And It Disappeared - Did Safari Crashed It

Apr 7, 2012

It started downloading....I went away to watch a movie and it disappered, but now safari intermittently works.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.1

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Safari :: Uninstalling Bad Plug-ins?

Apr 15, 2012

Every 5 mnutes my safari crashed and says its because of a plug in caled gamehouserestaurantrush plug in. I would like to get rid of this. I've been to preferences and gone to extensions but its completely blank. 

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Applications :: Block Websites At Certain Times (Safari)?

Sep 2, 2010

I need a plug-in/add-on/application that will block certain websites I want at certain times. For example, block Youtube and Facebook from 4-6PM. Preferably these settings would be difficult or impossible to change once in place, haha. I want to be strict and not let myself procrastinate during the upcoming school year and I think this is the only way to actually do it.

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Applications :: Possible To Set Page Refresh Times In Safari?

Jul 3, 2007

Any commands or programs that will allow me to automatically refresh any webpage that I am currently viewing? Say for like my emails or forums or mypsace or something.

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Safari Crashes After Trying To Load Website 3 Times

Mar 26, 2012

I completed the latest upgrade yesterday and now Safari crashes each time I use it. I have restarted the computer however no change. Here is my error log: Process: [code]

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Safari :: Stop 5.1.4 From Force Reloading 15 Times A Day?

Mar 28, 2012

I waited a long time to upgrade to Safari 5.1 because the first time I installed it, it kept my fan on constantly / ate up all my CPU. I deinstalled and got the previous version. Finally, when no longer able to watch BBC content, I upgraded and got 5.1.4.  

Safari used to work great. Now it decides that it has to force reload all pages about once every 40 minutes. It dumps all my cookies so I have to sign back into everything I had open - the facebook, Netflix, twitter, email, etc. It doesn't even remember what Netflix movie you were watching so you have to rebrowse - just because of the force reload. And if you somehow miss clicking on every open tab at the time to start the reload, then the next time you go to that tab it will start all the reloads again. Sometimes I just force quit Safari altogether and restart, clear my whole cache and dump all my cookies. Then I can get a clean hour out of it. 

It takes up endless time to suffer through this bug and I see that it has been a bug for well over a year. What, if anything can one do about this? Why hasn't it been fixed?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Slow Loading Times For Safari

Jun 8, 2012

This problem has just krept up in the last couple of days on my MacPro. A page will load about halfway then just stall and when it finally loads it is in text with no images.

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OS X :: Displaying Active X Plug In On Safari

Feb 9, 2010

I am new to mac and i know c,c++ i want to develope an application for safari browser.

I want to display activex component on mac safari browser as we can see in IE.

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Applications :: Won't Use Google Uk Plug In For Safari

Dec 16, 2009

How do I get Safari to use instead of as its default search plug in?

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OS X :: Won't Work With Safari Internet Plug In

Jul 20, 2010

I just realized that I have a bunch of plugins for Safari, yet some of them I don't even remember installing.

Could sb please tell me if it's safe to delete any of these? I would just like to have the essential one.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Remove Safari Plug-in

Jun 4, 2012

I installed a skype plug-in which is a pain in the ***. How do I remove it from my Sarari browser?

Mac OS X (10.7.4), Safari

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Applications :: Can't Scroll Past YouTube Videos In Safari

Jul 2, 2010

When I'm using the two-finger scroll on my MBP on a website, if I scroll down and the cursor goes over a youtube video, I can no longer scroll up or down and have to move my cursor out of the youtube video to resume scrolling.

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Applications :: Safari Window Opening At Random Times

Mar 16, 2010

my mbp has a very strange problem. when i was using my computer it will open a window of safari once in a while. and i am sure i didn't thouch anything.

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Safari :: Quits Unexpectedly Everyday / Multiple Times

Apr 16, 2012

While using Safari it will quit unexpectedly quite often. This just started happening a couple of days ago, I made sure all updates were done and I am at a stand still as I am not familiar with how to fix these types of issues on a mac. This is a mac os x. Version 10.6.8. I will also be posting the report when it closes next.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: How To Find And Install Safari/Chrome Plug-ins

Nov 26, 2010

So I'm brand new to Macs. I'm trying to relearn everything I know in Windows, and it's a bit overwhelming! Anyway I'm stumped by something that seems like it should be rather simple. I'm trying to listen to XM Radio Online. Safari tells me that the required plugin is not installed, but it doesn't give me any option to install it! So I installed Chrome thinking it would be smarter than Safari. Chrome shows me the little plugin icon, but it doesn't let me install the plugin either. How the heck am I supposed to install plugins in these browsers?

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Applications :: Won't Work With MIME Plug In For Safari

Jan 18, 2005

At there are some videos that I want to watch and it says I need a MIME plug in to view them? Where can I get one?

Here is what it says:

The page Home Depot Video Library : This Old House How To Videos has content of MIME type application/x-oleobject. Because you don�t have a plug-in installed for this MIME type, this content can't be displayed.

I also already have Macromedia Flash 7.0 which is what I thought might view the video.?

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Applications :: Unable To Install Plug Ins In Safari

Feb 14, 2008

I am using Windows XP SP2, (going to switch to Mac as soon as I get enough money!), and I want to know how to install a plug-in in Safari 3.0.4, mainly, Inquisitor.

I've found the "Plugins" folder that is in the Safari application folder, I just don't know whether to put the entire folder there, or a certain file. >_<

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