Safari :: Crashes On Start Since Two Days Ago On IMac?
Mar 19, 2012For two days ago safari crashes on start. It has worked perfect until then.Â
I tried to remove Safari but was not allowed to do soÂ
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
For two days ago safari crashes on start. It has worked perfect until then.Â
I tried to remove Safari but was not allowed to do soÂ
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've been getting panics every couple days with my OSX Lion. I do have vmware running always (which I need to). I'm attaching the dump below and wondering if anyone sees anything suspicious. It always shows chrome as the suspect, but I know chrome should not be able to crash my OS.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
When newly launched Safari 1.3.2 it launch fine but refuses to access any sites accept apples. It simply crashes with a dialog box asking to contact Apple ( to date no response ) The unit is an Imac 600MHZ with 1G of ram. The issue is a new one. Have had no trouble in prior weeks accessing similar sites.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.3.x)
All of a sudden Safari won't start on my iMac G5, 10.5.4. Everything is updated.I did permissions repair. I tried removing Internet Plug Ins. No Safari.Do I have to reinstall Safari from the 10.5 disk? Will I lose all of my book marks? I've got a bunch synced to .Mac/Mobile Me, but my idisk isn't loading.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo I was using Safari this afternoon, even though I usually use Firefox or Chrome. It crashed again on me and a box appeared that said it may be due to the WCIDEngine Plugin? When I read the problem details to send to Apple, it said "EXC_BAD_ACCESS for exception type, and then for exception codes it said "KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at (some numbers I'm not copying over). Worse yet, it reminded me that I've had 7 crashes since last report. I'm getting awfully tired of this crap. I run a PC that's on Windows 7 and it runs like a charm. I am seriously thinking about going back to it because I got my Mini with the expectation that it would work and most of the time it does, but it's little repetitive things like this that make me question it. I will add that I scrolled down the problem details list and it said that "Thread 0 Crashed" and then proceeded to list a number of things about symantec, like .com/symantec.WCIDEngine".
View 12 Replies View Relatedrecently I've been getting a lot of kernel panics. They usually happen at random times when I'm browsing Safari. Most of the time I can reboot normally but once I got 3 repeating beeps when trying to start-up.
This is from the problem report:
Originally Posted by Problem Report
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 1793 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 2
Anonymous UUID: C34C5139-B7F4-46C2-8CA4-C69C21CC73FD
Sun Sep 13 11:29:39 2009
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x2a6ac2): Kernel trap at 0x00000001, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x00000001, CR3: 0x00100000, CR4: 0x000006e0
I am using Safari 5.0.5.The preference is set to 'Remove History Items' after 1 month, but it only seems to keep about 17. How do I get it to keep the browser history for a month?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Safari has crashed 10 times in the past 2 days because of a plug in on my laptop called I have not downloaded this plug in and I can not find it anywhere on my computer. How do I fix it? I looked in the plug ins library and it is nowhere to be found.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)
My new iMac i5 (Mid 2010) is dead... after only 3 days using it...I was watching a movie in quicktime and suddenly all screen was messed up (lots of artifacts and coloful pixels all around).
It looks definitely a hardware problem (I would say a graphics card) anybody knows anyone else having the same problem? Tomorrow first thing in the morning I'll be going back to the store and returning it. I hope to get all my money back (2.000 Euros).
I recently bought a 2014 iMac (21.5) inch 16GB machine. I'm going batty with it randomly freezing (beach ball) once every 2-4 days for no apparent reason. I've even looked at console logs and can't figure out. I've resetted SMC/PV(whatever), even reinstalled Mavericks (using a clean bootable drive). We use the iMac for two main purposes: Plex Media streaming (once a day really) and we use Juniper VPN to connect to our corporate network (which explains why you see juniper there)Â
Etrecheck output:
EtreCheck version: 1.9.12 (48)
Report generated June 29, 2014 at 8:45:25 AM EDT
I took my iMac to the Apple store since it was stuck at the gray screen and spinning. They hooked it up and said FileVault was encrypting and to just let it go for a day. It's been 4 days now and its still spinning.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a PowerPC G4.OSX 10.4.11 is updated yet the finder crashes upon start up, requiring a restart by holding down the power button. Ran Disk Utility which reports no problems.I am sure the two are related. . . Mail often crashes. For the past few days I noticed I am not receiving any mail however I am able to send mail. The Connection Doctor says everything is fine.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have bought this Mac six moths ago. Now for unknown reason, it crashes when it starts booting. Before it crashes, it shows the Apple logo, then it shows the Apple logo with a loading bar. I guess it try's to restore the system... I don't know. But when the loading bar starts loading, the computer crashes.
The mail program crashes right after start. What to do? A new installation of OS X 10.10.1 did not work.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Everytime I start skype while in windows, the computer crashes and I get the blue screen... I think it has to do with the sound drivers, because when I'm using msn messenger also in windows suddenly the microphone mutes itself.
I tryed updating the realtek drivers with no help, updated skype, no help, I uninstalled the realtek drivers and the laptop did not crash anymore but I had no sound, any advice like for example how to get the microsoft drivers to work on the laptop without using realtek??
For whatever reason with the microsoft drivers,I think the sound is trying to come out of the digital outlet, I can see the ligth inside the jack, but nothing comes out of the laptop's speakers...
By the way, the vista version is Home basic.
computer won't start. tried unplugging and holding in start button. After about a half hour and unplugging a few times, finally got it going. Imac G5
iMac, MacOS X (10.5)
Safari crashes randomly on 10.7. Sometimes right away, sometimes after a bit. Tried deleting app and supporting files. No luck. Using macbook pro 17", 10.7, latest version of Safari.
Info:iPad 2
I'm afraid I'm new to Mac's and I've not had any luck finding what I'm after using the search function. My wife's macbook has recently completed a download and install of the latest Safari (4) and now every time we connect to the net it stays connected for about 10 seconds and then crashes. I receive a message window saying safari quit unexpectedly and offers me options to close, report or reopen safari. I'm useless at diagnosing problems.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I recently updated to Safari 4 and it crashes every time I load it. I send the report to Apple but it doesn't do anything.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI run a mac book pro 10.5.7
almost all the time when i start typing safri crashes .
Safari always crashes on launch.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Safari Crashes on Open
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2009 model
I upgraded to iCloud and Safari 5.1.4 yesterday and this morning, I can't get it to load. It crashes on launch, before I even see a window pop for it. Â
Here's the crash data: Â Process:Â Â Â Â Safari [31040]Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Applications/Internet/ÂÂ Â Â Â 5.1.2 (6534.52.7)Build Info:Â WebBrowser-75345207~2Code Type:Â Â X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:Â launchd [164]Â Date/Time:Â Â 2012-03-13 09:02:45.727 -0400OS Version:Â Mac OS X 10.7.3 (11D50)
MacPro5,1, MacBook
In upgraded to Safari 5.1.4 last night. Now I have multiple crashes in web inspector. I want to look at the history.state object in the console, so I type history the the period and web inspector crashes.I was debugging some javascript and part way through, web inspector crashes. Web inspector did not do this with 5.1.3. Being new to the Mac world. I have a MacBook Pro and would like to revert back to Safari 5.1.3 so I can complete my project. Does anyone know how I can revert to the previous version of Safari? I am unable to do my work.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I downloaded the beta of Safari 5.2 because I was curious, and then I uninstalled it with Appzapper. I reinstalled the current version of Safari (5.1.7) without troubles, but now when I launch it, Safari crashes and it says that Safari quitted unexpectedly. Here is the entire crash log.
Process:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Safari [2662]
Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Applications/
Identifier:Â Â Â Â Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I'm new to MacBook Pro (life long PC user) and need help with Safari.
Problem Description:
Safari closes right after opening, error message states that thread 3 crashed. Below is the error message:
just quickly to see if this is a widespread bug in Safari 3.2.1 if you click on the "Info" tab of a friend's profile or even your own and then click back on the "Wall" tab does Safari crash?
ive just sent a crash support and it would be really great if we get heaps of people sending one if its a widespread issue to squash this bug.
Any one else find 321 crashes A LOT?
It seems to hang and the only way to get out if force quit and even then it hangs before it quits.
Its fine on my MacBook but PMG5 is getting annoying. I have always been a Safari fan but I'm thinking about installing Firefox. Which for me is a giant friggin leap.
I am running Safari 5.0.1 on both my MacPro (OS 10.5.11) and my new MacBook Pro (new 2010 model w/ OS 10.6.4). Both Safari's have extensions loaded:MacPro: Reload Button, Amazon Search Bar, PageSaver, The New York TimesMacBookPro: Reload Button, Amazon Search BarSafari on my MacPro seems to be running fine. On my MacBookPro, I am experiencing slow downs, automatic quits and crashes.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just installed Safari 4.1 for Tiger, and it crashes every time I try to open it. I tried removing the input manager software that I had added, but that did not help. Is Smart Crash Reports a normal part of Safari, or should I remove that as well? Is there any way to reinstall Safari 4.0.5? Would deleting Safari from the Applications directory make it possible to reinstall 4.0.5?
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