OS X :: Browser (Firefox / Safari) Crashed For No Apparent Reason On 10.4.11
Aug 6, 2009
I'm having a hell of a time with my mac. It started out when firefox would crash for no apparent reason, asking to send in an error report and eventually it got to where mac itself would crash, turning the screen dark with a picture in the middle appearing saying "You need to restart your computer. Hold the power button down for 2+ seconds". I've tried a lot, I've repaired permissions using the disk utility, I've reinstalled Java and I even verified the disk using the disk utility which seems to be the problem. It said my mac needed the system to be repaired. Except I've got a big problem: I just moved and I don't have the apple hardware test disc, so I'm stuck. Then, today I tried to use Safari instead of Firefox and even it is crashing. This is really irritating, I thought it was a virus until I downloaded a free antivirus that said it wasn't.
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Nov 24, 2010
ok so i suppose the inevitable had to happen. and so my mac OS X crashed badly within a few days of my getting this new MBP!
i had a short word document open in 1 workspace some firefox tabs in another, and was checking out the movies in my ext HDD (formatted with NTFS).and suddenly i start seeing this multi colored round icon which i guess is the cousin of the windows hourglass. after trying unsuccessfully to force quit, i was forced to hut down using the boot up button. yes, the same procedure that wreaks havoc on the HDD.
- so my questions are - what to do if even force quit doesn't work ? its surprising that it didn't in this case, as i have used ubuntu for almost 3 years and never had the OS crash on me! of course there were a few application crashes but the force quit always worked. and there was the keyboard shortcut - Ctrl+Alt+Del.
- also what is the norm with macs in this regard ? do they crash often and for the flimsiest of reasons as in my case ?
- probably i am not aware of the Mac OS equivalent for the Ctrl+Alt+Del function that almost always works in ubuntu. so is there some key combination that is guaranteed to work in the even that even force quit does not?
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Oct 7, 2009
A few days ago I found that launchd was constantly using around 14% of my CPU (via iStat), which drastically lowered my battery life and caused my CPU to reach 75 degrees Celsius and higher. Initially I thought that SL just needed to do something, so I ignored it. But it has persisted for a few days now, so I decided to do something about it.
I checked the Console and nothing appeared to be repeating itself, so what I did was use MainMenu to perform a batch of system maintenance tasks, and then left my Mac on overnight to see what Console would report. Besides hourly instances of "kernel" running "iCalHelper" and "SubmitDiagInfo", there was nothing else.
However, launchd lowered its CPU usage to about 3%, but it is still constant and my CPU is still at a constant 40-50%. Activity Monitor says the following processes are (constantly) taking only 1-4% of the CPU:
...and others
The CPU is reported as 35% User and 20% System. But I am not running anything besides Activity Monitor.
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Nov 6, 2010
i know safari is default cuz its apple and all.. but what do you guys have as a separate option:
Google Chrome
Firefox 3.5
Firefox 4 Beta
Just safari
just curious.. wanting to put a browser but not too sure. (on my desktop PC, i have firefox 4), but i would like to know
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May 23, 2012
Should I use my Apple Care, or is there a quick fix?
MacBook Pro
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Jun 28, 2012
My iMac shuts down by itself ocassionally for no apparent reason.It happened overnight last night.Here's the Problem Details report that appeared on restart. [code]
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 27, 2014
my MacBook Pro keeps crashing.Â
Anonymous UUID:Â Â
Wed Aug 27 14:18:24 2014
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff80250dc24e): Kernel trap at 0xffffff80250c6d91, type 13=general protection, registers:
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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Dec 5, 2014
My iMac ( late 2012, 27", 3.4 GHz i7, 16 GB RAM, 3TB Fusion Drive, OS X 10.10.1 ) has taken to randomly restarting for no reason that I can find. It seems to be mostly when I am not actually doing anything, but, as I say, it's random. It did it five times in about half an hour the other day, then it didn't do it for a day or so, but it just did it again, which prompted me to ask. I have run Tech Tool Pro 7, and everything has passed. I have repaired permissions ( there were lots ). What next?
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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May 16, 2010
I have had my MacBook for 3 years and it has run great. Recently I have noticed that my exhaust fan has been hovering around 6000 RPM for no apparent reason. When I took that screen shot I only had Safari Open. Here's the vitals on my Mac..
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Jan 25, 2010
I have loved and cherished my MacBook Air for two years now, but last night it went in to a reboot cycle for no apparent reason. Now every time it gets to the apple logo I get the rotating "thinking" ident under the apple logo and it restarts, continually. I did the hardware test (holding down "D".....that was fine.) I also reset the PRAM... so the troubleshooting keystrokes work.
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Jun 27, 2012
The audio on laptop is off for no apparent (muted) reason.
MacBook Air, iOS 5.1
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Apr 12, 2010
I have a Mac Mini with two external WD MyBook's attached. The drive in question, is configured for Time Machine backups every four hours. It should sleep the rest of the time. But every once in a while, it wakes. I just revs up for no reason, then after a short while it goes back to sleep. It can happen when I open a folder, open a file, click a link in the browser or some other seemingly unrelated action.
I tried to untick the "Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible" to see if I then at least could get the drive to stay awake instead. This did not change the behavior at all.
Does anybody have a clue what I can do, to get OS X to leave that drive the hell alone, other than Time Machine??
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May 11, 2012
I have 750GB MacBook Pro and up until the other day I showed 250GB used and 500GB unused. I discovered this because the past two days my computer would just freeze and I couldn't do anything. So I ran the Disc Utility and it found some errors and fixed them. So I'm wondering if the 400GB of lost disc space now has something to do with the computer locking up? I've searched all the folders and added up their size and still come back to 250GB that I can see. So I'm assuming there's something hidden somewhere that's eating up over half my hard disc space?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 17, 2012
Can I use Safari as my main web browser and Firefox when Safari isn't supported?
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 6, 2010
I know benchmarks [URL] tend to give higher numbers for chrome.. But is this true? Is chrome really faster/better than firefox/safari?
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Aug 17, 2009
What's the best browser? Is Safari 4 the way to go or should I get firefox? Where can I find the top apps for mac users (I am a PC turned mac user so just curious) Do I get a class at the apple store free for purchasing a mac or something?
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Mar 30, 2012
I have just recently installed Lion on my iMac. Even though I have Firefox listed as my default browser in both Firefox and in Safari, any links in Apple mail default to Safari rather than to Firefox and any URL's I save in Firefox default to the Safari icon. While I understand that Safari is an Apple product that is tied to their OS's, I want to continue to use Firefox as my default browser.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 6, 2012
I began to have this same problem on my old MacBook within the last year...but I now have a brand spanking new MacBook Air (as in 1 week old) and it's worse than ever. Â
Extremely often - sometimes 2 out of 3 webpages, it seems - the browzer says it can't find the server or otherwise won't open a page (takes veeeery long to do so. Then eventually gives me a "can't find" screen when I try to click around.). There's nothing wrong w the internet - it works just fine on my husband's computer. Sometimes it helps to switch browzers but mostly not.
MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 18, 2012
I just switched to a Mac and now I cannot get onto the Consumer Reports website because they require Internet Explorer or Firefox as a browser and I am using Safari. What can I do?
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Sep 25, 2010
But other programs still running fine? On my OSX partition only 4 free gigs left. Could this be the problem? I miss firefox, but alas I'm stuck using chrome.
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Sep 19, 2009
Macbook Pro 15inch OS X 10.4.10 Tiger
Firefox crashed on me earlier. I went away from my macbook pro for awhile and when I came back the screen was black. I tried clicking, tapping every button, yet in never woke up; therefore, I pressed the power button the turn it off, then back on. The screen remained black.
I went through the on/off process a couple of times, then tried to whole trick where you turn it on and reset the PRAM by holding down Apple, Option, P, and R simultaneously. This did nothing for it; screen still black.
Then I tried removing the battery while it was on; then put it back and turned it on again; no change in scenery here.
Finally, I tried turning it on and inserting Mac OSX Install Disc 1. Nothing changed. The screen is still black and to make matters worse, I can't eject the disc now no matter how long or how many times I hold to the eject button or the keypad button after turning the mac on.
Please help. I would rather not pay apple to assist me as I am a college student with no money and no Apple Care Protection Plan.
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Dec 2, 2010
I made a simple test by opening same webpages with firefox and safari.facebook, gmail, apple start page and an internet newspaper...in activity monitor safari was using 270 mb of memory versus 170 of firefox... on a clean reboot...before after using safari for a while.. kept the open pages and reopened them in firefox.. it was safari 550 mb vs. firefox 250 mb
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Aug 29, 2010
I recently arrived at college and when you join the wifi network (and through ethernet) you have to register your computer. I did this at orientation and everything worked fine. Once I got here I had to reregister (maybe they reset something in the system, so I don't think its a big deal but youre supposed to only have to register every 12 months).
I believe what happened is I opened Safari and I registered over Wifi and ethernet. And then nothing would load while I was on wifi, but Skype would work (but I've noticed that the Pandora One app won't load, but I'm not going to worry about that, at least for now. I can use the website).
So after like an hour chatting with tech support, resetting Safari, restarting, trying Chrome, I go in to the library where tech support is.
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Oct 18, 2009
The mac I have listed below does the spinning beachball thing a lot when I'm using Mozilla's FireFox browser. It's got to the point some times where I have to hard shut down the machine by holding the power switched. I have the following installed with firefox as addons.
Office Live Plug-in 7.6.3(Microsoft)
Shockwave flash 10.0.32
Jave Embedding Plugin MRJ Plugin ver. 1.0-jep-0/.9.7.2
Quicktime 7.6.3 plugin
Flip4Mac 2.2.3
Default GECKO plugin(No idea what this is)
I also have something for a facebook plug in but it's not listed and I don't remember what it did. I just removed the Mini-istat widget, maybe that was the problem, not sure. I just uninstalled Firefox with App Cleaner and reinstalled using something I freshly downloaded. I ran all the Tech Tool delux stuff that came with the MacBook Pro Apple Care CD set. I also play COD4 and World of Warcraft, without problem. iTunes Illustrator CS3 and MS Office run fine.
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Jul 30, 2009
How do I make Firefox the default browser? I.e. when there's a link in an e-mail I'm reading on mail and I click on it, I want the link to be opened by Firefox, not Safari.
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Dec 18, 2010
I have firefox for a few years. I seldom use it because I do not what to spend an hour absorbing all the hype about firefox to find out how to make it look like a modern browser. It looks like something from the 90's. Every thing is displayed minus images usually and just generally looking amateur. I know there is something to D L but I have no idea which one it is and don't want most of what they offer to 'help' me. And why not just make it look like a real browser instead of beak dipping ubber ales?
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Jun 5, 2012
All the suggestions seem to assume that Firefox >tools contains a deselect function. It doesn't. I can find nothing in my MacBook Pro to indicate that I can deselect the browser. I have selected Safari as my default browser in the Safari Systems Preference page, but every time I open my system Firefox appears. I know I can uninstall Firefox but I don't want to lose my address book or bookmarks.
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Mar 26, 2009
i love safari, i think it's the best overall of the big three web browsers, but it isn't perfect (i'm running v. 2.0.4) and it tends to crash on certain sites.
what i want to know if it's possible to set firefox to be the primary browser if i click on links from the sites that would take down safari, and go to safari for the rest of the websites.
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Jul 4, 2010
Which internet browser is the most battery friendly on OS X? I currently use Safari (obviously you'd think apple would make a battery-friendly one), but I was wondering if there was another good browser. I know chrome is pretty battery intensive, which is sad, it's one of my favorites. How is Firefox and Opera and such?
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Nov 1, 2008
how can I save swf file from a flash website in Firefox please?
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