Software :: Won't Work With Internet Plug In / Safari Can't Find Plug Ins
Feb 11, 2006
My work site requires me to download an internet plug-in (Safari comes up with the message - "Safari cannot find internet plug-in"). After following companies directions and installing the plug-in I still get the same message when I try to visit the site.
Yesterday, Safari began crashing every 45 minutes. I get a message that says Safari quit unexpectedly because of a plug-in called .MasterofDefense.tmp. I used finder to search my computer, and I cannot find this file. PlugIn Path: /Users/<myname>/Library/Application Support/.MasterofDefense.tmpPlugIn Identifier: .MasterofDefense.tmpPlugIn Version: ??? (???) The file is NOT in that location mentioned in the crash log. According to web searches, MasterofDefense is some game, but I have never installed any games on my machine.
I read a lot of reports that are similar to mine, but I can't find the answers you gave them. I clicked on "watch video." This was a video re: exercises for the back. Anyway, a message popped up stating this: Safari cannot find the internet plug-in. The page "Video/TV Page has content of MIME type "video/x-ms-asf-plugin", but you don't have a plug-in installed for this MIME type. A plug-in should be available on this page: Do you want to open this page?
I said yes, but this site confused me. I don't want to download something and have it be the wrong thing to download.
I got suggestions of updating Flash, I got suggestions of reinstalling Windows Media Player.
So far I haven't done anything. When in doubt, call someone who cares. I hope I came to the right place. I almost logged into "Just Answer," until I realized I had been there before about a year ago. Don't want to go back.
I tried to open some live web cam as link from the web site, but when I go, the following window with comment come on: 'This page has content of MIME type �application/x-mplayer2�, but you don�t have a plug-in for this MIME type. This page may have the plug-in for you to download and install:
I'm trying to run a site for uni through Safari and it tells me that safari cannot find the internet plug-in. then it says this...
This page has content of MIME type �application/x-director�, but you don�t have a plug-in for this MIME type. This page may have the plug-in for you to download and install.
I was very excited like everyone to install new Safari 4 and the excitement sustained for a while. Ubiquitously, it is visually delightful meeting Apple Standards. However, I lost lot of plugins that I had for earlier Safari version. Plugins like: DivX player, Real player are gone after I installed the new version. It is not recognizing by itself if there are missing plugins and neither I see an option where I can install by myself.
could you please tell me if i should keep the internet plug in that came with my new mac book pro i5 .would these slow down my computer it seems like alot. PhotoPhotocast iPhoto6 — from file "iPhotoPhotocast.plugin".
I have an i5 27" iMac and was curious why VMWare Fusion with Windows 7 was running so slowly. My iMac works at a snails pace when I try to run VMWare Fusion and anything else at the same time. I thought it might be a memory issue. I have 2 gb of RAM allocated to the virtual machine and 2 gb for Mac OSX. I was looking at the activity monitor and noticed that the Flash Player (DashboardClient Internet plug in) was taking up almost 600 mb of memory. What is the flash player that takes up so much RAM? Do I need to have it running? The other big program I am using that is taking up alot of RAM is PS3 media server which is taking up almost 500 mb of RAM.
So I'm brand new to Macs. I'm trying to relearn everything I know in Windows, and it's a bit overwhelming! Anyway I'm stumped by something that seems like it should be rather simple. I'm trying to listen to XM Radio Online. Safari tells me that the required plugin is not installed, but it doesn't give me any option to install it! So I installed Chrome thinking it would be smarter than Safari. Chrome shows me the little plugin icon, but it doesn't let me install the plugin either. How the heck am I supposed to install plugins in these browsers?
I know that firefox has foxtorrent, and opera has a bittorrent downloader built-in, but I'm not really interested in switching browsers. I have looked everywhere but to no avail for a plugin that integrates directly into safari that can handle torrents.
So macrumors peeps, as the title reads, whenever i open a web browser and go to either espn or youtube or anything that flash associates itself with, the windows hangs or freezes and the beachball cursor comes up forcing me to force quit. I am currently using a Macbook 10.5.8 and Firefox 3.6.3 and Safari 4.0.5. Also i have restarted my macbook, updated it completely, tried reinstalling Adobe Flash Plug-in, done the disk utility repair disk (even though idk if i did it right) and i have been surfing the web for two days to find a solution.
I'm all up to date with OS X software updates and the new Adobe Acrobat Pro 10.1.3 but the Safari plug is being invoked, which I don't want. can't find it in Internet plug ins in the library
If you fill in the contact form and send a message, it will say if the mail doesn't get though, use the email in the readme but i can't find the readme. I have read it's quite difficult to contact the main guy which is a shame as saft is a great little addition to safari.
At there are some videos that I want to watch and it says I need a MIME plug in to view them? Where can I get one?
Here is what it says:
The page Home Depot Video Library : This Old House How To Videos has content of MIME type application/x-oleobject. Because you don�t have a plug-in installed for this MIME type, this content can't be displayed.
I also already have Macromedia Flash 7.0 which is what I thought might view the video.?
I go on all the time to watch the Office and when I do I don't notice any lag but recently I have occasionally. I checked activity monitor and it says the Flash Plug in is at around ~45% CPU. Why does it hog so much CPU? How can I change this? Is this normal for flash?? I thought my MBP would be able to handle this..
I was wondering if there was a way to use the iPhone's audio jack as an external jack for the macbook pro via USB or so, as i own the 13 inch model, that only offers one jack.
I want to use garage band just trying out a bit and i'd need an extra jack for the headphones, otherwise the microphone will record what's played over the internal speakers.
EDIT: I forgot to say that I already tried things like AirPhones, meaning wireless stream to iphone. But there's unfortunately few moments of latency, so i hardly can use it for recording.
I have a functioning network with a Mac Pro (primary box), Mac Mini, 3 Dells, 2 wireless IBM laptops and 2 wireless netbooks all connecting either wired or wirelessly through my Airport Extreme and an ethernet switch. Everything works well UNTIL I boot up and plug in my aging Gateway tower. It works fine and boots up nicely but when I plug it in to the network, it's cpu usage stat jumps immediately to 100% and it kills internet access for itself and to my other machines through the Airport even though the Airport's light is happily blinking green. Its been under my desk for a couple years but I'd like to retrieve the contents of it's hard drive via Fusion before I give it away.
I know its a Mac forum but maybe an Airport setting??
I'm desperate - I've already messed with it for a couple of days to no avail.
So I recently downloaded the plug-in "ClickToFlash" which lets you choose when you want flash to launch, if at all, and seems pretty useful. The downloading/installation was no problem, but I heard that you can get youtube to be automatically "white listed", so I assume there is a preferences section for this plug-in? If so, where is it? If not, how would I go about doing the aforementioned.
Every 5 mnutes my safari crashed and says its because of a plug in caled gamehouserestaurantrush plug in. I would like to get rid of this. I've been to preferences and gone to extensions but its completely blank.
My electrical connection doesn't always work when I plug it in. Yesterday I had to try six times, figured it was broken and decided to go get a new one. However, this morning, before I left for the Apple store, I plugged it in and it worked. My husband also has this problem once in a while and his is brand new.Just so you know, I've never had this with my Mac Book Pro.
I am using Windows XP SP2, (going to switch to Mac as soon as I get enough money!), and I want to know how to install a plug-in in Safari 3.0.4, mainly, Inquisitor.
I've found the "Plugins" folder that is in the Safari application folder, I just don't know whether to put the entire folder there, or a certain file. >_<
For the past week my safari has been closing randomly while having safari open for lengthy periods of time (which I usually do) with the message "Safari quit unexpectedly while using hte .PictureOrganizer.png plug-in
I tried to find the specific plug-in to deactive it by searching through my Internet Plug-Ins library through Finder, but I am unable to find the specific plugin labeled PIctureOrganizerv
how to stop safari from quitting due to this plug-in? or a way to find it and delete it somehow?