Applications :: Unable To Install Plug Ins In Safari
Feb 14, 2008
I am using Windows XP SP2, (going to switch to Mac as soon as I get enough money!), and I want to know how to install a plug-in in Safari 3.0.4, mainly, Inquisitor.
I've found the "Plugins" folder that is in the Safari application folder, I just don't know whether to put the entire folder there, or a certain file. >_<
Many extensions on cannot be installed.However, extensions that I installed before, no problem, such as AdBlock, Bing, Echofon. Others, will not install, it will be stuck at installing. And Safari may lose response after a while. I initially noticed that if I try to install YouTube5 which I downloaded myself, Safari will immediately lose response.
Tried solutions:
- Reset Safari - Run OnyX - Repair disk permissions - Deleting all the extensions; extensions I installed before will install, others won't - Deleting Clicktoflash and Glims
So I'm brand new to Macs. I'm trying to relearn everything I know in Windows, and it's a bit overwhelming! Anyway I'm stumped by something that seems like it should be rather simple. I'm trying to listen to XM Radio Online. Safari tells me that the required plugin is not installed, but it doesn't give me any option to install it! So I installed Chrome thinking it would be smarter than Safari. Chrome shows me the little plugin icon, but it doesn't let me install the plugin either. How the heck am I supposed to install plugins in these browsers?
My work site requires me to download an internet plug-in (Safari comes up with the message - "Safari cannot find internet plug-in"). After following companies directions and installing the plug-in I still get the same message when I try to visit the site.
Yesterday, Safari began crashing every 45 minutes. I get a message that says Safari quit unexpectedly because of a plug-in called .MasterofDefense.tmp. I used finder to search my computer, and I cannot find this file.  PlugIn Path: /Users/<myname>/Library/Application Support/.MasterofDefense.tmpPlugIn Identifier: .MasterofDefense.tmpPlugIn Version:   ??? (???) The file is NOT in that location mentioned in the crash log. According to web searches, MasterofDefense is some game, but I have never installed any games on my machine.Â
i had an old version but finally upgraded to Garageband 3, the problem is that while i still had the old version I had installed and then deleted some plug ins and now when i try to start GB 3 it says please locate a folder but of course there is none so i hit cancel and then it just says some crap about needing to reinstall the plug in, which i want to do, and will not allow me past this point so I cant ever start the program.
At there are some videos that I want to watch and it says I need a MIME plug in to view them? Where can I get one?
Here is what it says:
The page Home Depot Video Library : This Old House How To Videos has content of MIME type application/x-oleobject. Because you don�t have a plug-in installed for this MIME type, this content can't be displayed.
I also already have Macromedia Flash 7.0 which is what I thought might view the video.?
I know that firefox has foxtorrent, and opera has a bittorrent downloader built-in, but I'm not really interested in switching browsers. I have looked everywhere but to no avail for a plugin that integrates directly into safari that can handle torrents.
I was very excited like everyone to install new Safari 4 and the excitement sustained for a while. Ubiquitously, it is visually delightful meeting Apple Standards. However, I lost lot of plugins that I had for earlier Safari version. Plugins like: DivX player, Real player are gone after I installed the new version. It is not recognizing by itself if there are missing plugins and neither I see an option where I can install by myself.
If you fill in the contact form and send a message, it will say if the mail doesn't get though, use the email in the readme but i can't find the readme. I have read it's quite difficult to contact the main guy which is a shame as saft is a great little addition to safari.
After I have installed the evernote extension Safari shows no more extensions. The extension window is empty and if I try to reinstall extensions regardless of extension, I receive a popup window that says "An error occurred while installing the extension According to the preference setting, extensions are "on" but no extensions are listed.
Much advice but not able to launch Safari. Also unable to INSTALL 10.5.8 update. I'm looking for Input Manager, but also am unable to find this folder on my system. Using MacBook 10.5.2. Should I be trying to install 10.5.3 or a lower version?
I didn't expect to have compatibility issues with this combination, but I am stuck. I was experiencing some small problems with Safari after upgrading: downloads would launch a new empty tab rather than an actual download, and I would get graphical glitches loading pages from top tabs - so I uninstalled Safari and downloaded a new copy. However, on re-installing, I get a message informing me that I need at least MacOS 10.5.8 installed...
Has anyone else found this? I did an upgrade install of Snow Leopard, and other than a few 3rd party apps being caught out, all is well, and I am enjoying an otherwise noticeably nippier system. As Safari was working previously (unsurprisingly), perhaps this problem stems from an OS compatibility flag within the Safari installer itself, similar to that found in 1Password recently, that could be altered within the installer package to allow installation - But I am guessing, and I don't see why I am having this issue in the first place given the amount of testing of Safari leading up to Snow Leopard.
I put off doing the software update on Safari... I just HAD a feeling something would go wrong and I didn't have time to mess with it if it did.
So today I ran and update. And it messed up.
Now Safari will "open"... it looks like it is open and I have access to all the menus. But a Safari window will not open.
I am surprised that I haven't seen others with this problem. I have tried deleting the cache and deleting the preferences file. Neither seem to have made ANY difference.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. And I am feeling like I'm missing a body part. I need my Safari back!
Every 5 mnutes my safari crashed and says its because of a plug in caled gamehouserestaurantrush plug in. I would like to get rid of this. I've been to preferences and gone to extensions but its completely blank.Â
I go on all the time to watch the Office and when I do I don't notice any lag but recently I have occasionally. I checked activity monitor and it says the Flash Plug in is at around ~45% CPU. Why does it hog so much CPU? How can I change this? Is this normal for flash?? I thought my MBP would be able to handle this..
I read a lot of reports that are similar to mine, but I can't find the answers you gave them. I clicked on "watch video." This was a video re: exercises for the back. Anyway, a message popped up stating this: Safari cannot find the internet plug-in. The page "Video/TV Page has content of MIME type "video/x-ms-asf-plugin", but you don't have a plug-in installed for this MIME type. A plug-in should be available on this page: Do you want to open this page?
I said yes, but this site confused me. I don't want to download something and have it be the wrong thing to download.
I got suggestions of updating Flash, I got suggestions of reinstalling Windows Media Player.
So far I haven't done anything. When in doubt, call someone who cares. I hope I came to the right place. I almost logged into "Just Answer," until I realized I had been there before about a year ago. Don't want to go back.
I tried to open some live web cam as link from the web site, but when I go, the following window with comment come on: 'This page has content of MIME type �application/x-mplayer2�, but you don�t have a plug-in for this MIME type. This page may have the plug-in for you to download and install:
For the past week my safari has been closing randomly while having safari open for lengthy periods of time (which I usually do) with the message "Safari quit unexpectedly while using hte .PictureOrganizer.png plug-inÂ
I tried to find the specific plug-in to deactive it by searching through my Internet Plug-Ins library through Finder, but I am unable to find the specific plugin labeled PIctureOrganizervÂ
how to stop safari from quitting due to this plug-in? or a way to find it and delete it somehow?
Why doesn't Apple discuss what it is going to do with 10.5 (Leopard) other than to say "disable Java?" Why doesnt Apple support its product, i.e., computers running 10.5 still COVERED UNDER APPLE CARE? Why must we disable Java and wait (and pay) for a Leoparad to Snow Leopard upgrade disk to arrive by SnailMail Apple support your products especially when we own over $15,000 of your products. I used to be your biggest fan, suggesting to everyone who would listen that they should "switch over. Why are you ignoring us, still covered
Actually all video content in Safari.Videos appear as blank in Chrome.Everything operates normally in Firefox.I've uninstalled and re-installed Flash.Cleared all browsing data both Safari/Chrome Checked DNS settings re-started zapped PRAM selected open in 32 bit mode for Safari attempted to turn off hardware accleration via settings I can't access deleted preferences unistalled and re-installed Chrome, re-installed Safari.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 3.2 Quad Xeon, 12G Ram
after upgrading to lion, seems like there is a plug-in issue - not sure if it's in safari or quicktime (i think the former). any idea on how to fix so you can view quicktime videos on web? already tried to reload latest (version 11) adobe flash without success.