Pro :: Macbook Refuses To Start-up / Get It To Work?

May 26, 2010

So I come home and see that my MBP's battery is dead. I plug it in and it begins to start-up normally but shuts down midway through. I press the power button and keys several times but nothing happens. The weird part is the fans still run and it still gets very hot. When you close it the sleep indicator light still turns on.

Note: I tried to reset the PRAM but nothing happens.

Note2: Its the low end 15' model (arrandale)

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OS X :: Macbook Refuses To Start From The HD?

Dec 28, 2009

When I turned on Caliope -my macbook- yesterday in the morning, she appeared to have problems to boot, there was a grey bar which has never appeared before, the grey bar was loading but hen it reached half way, everything stopped and Caliope crashed -automatically turned off- Been reading about the global crashes, I'd installed SL last weed so I think that's the prob.

I've posting cause I've a LaCie External HD and I could log in using it, I can also log in on my windows bootcamp partition which is called Mathusalem.

Now If I send my Mac to apple repair, there is any need to backup Mathusalem? As it is a partition drive.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Clean Install On A Second Boot Drive Refuses To Start

Mar 2, 2012

I followed instructions from Apple and reformated a second boot drive with GUID partitions, loaded my Snow Leopard OS and updated to the last version. Downloaded Lion and installed, set this second HDD as the new boot drive and waited - one monitor came up but then nothing happened for so long I went away. This has happened three times now and while I'm not watching my MacPro Xenon 8 core reboots from the Snow Leopard drive..

Avid Media Composer 6, Mac OS X (10.6.8), MacPro 2.8 8 Core14Gb, 6Tb, AJA Io

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OS X :: Latest Version Of IMac But Sound Refuses To Work

Mar 29, 2009

I own the latest version of an iMac, and my sound refuses to work.However, when I start the computer up, it makes the long noise just before the gray pages with the dark gray apple comes up. But other than that, I have zero sound on the computer. I can't play my iTunes, nor can I watch youtube videos. Zip. Nada. No sound.

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OS X :: Won't Work With Start Up In Safe Mode

Feb 12, 2008

Leopoard 10.5.2 - Quad Core Mac Pro.

I'm trying to start up in safe mode, per a recommendation from Objective Development, for a Little Snitch upgrade. I'm following these steps perfectly, and I see no indication that I'm running in safe mode. Of course, I've never seen safe mode, so I'm not sure what it looks like, but I'm guessing I ain't in it because I never see the "Safe boot at the login window".


To start up into Safe Mode, do this:

1. Be sure the computer is shut down.

2. Press the power button.

3. Immediately after you hear the startup tone, press and hold the Shift key (the Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone but not before).

4. Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple and the spinning gear. Please be patient, booting in Safe Mode may take some while.

During the startup you will see "Safe Boot" on the login window, which appears even if you normally log in automatically.

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OS X :: When Start The System, Time Was Gone And Internet Did Not Work?

Jan 2, 2010

econd, my sound card (m-audio revolution 7.1) now doesnt work properly as the sound is fuzzy when i play music. i even tried to reintall the drivers but then i got NO SOUND and the analog out was disabled in sound preferences. i uninstalled the drivers and am left with no sound now. when i started up, the time was gone and my internet didnt work. the network preferences didnt even allow me to check built-in ethernet. i restarted and now everything works again *knock on wood*. is there any way i can go back to 10.4.9? also, how well does 10.5 work on PPCs? would my dual 1 GHz G4 run slower with it?

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MacBook Air :: Trash Refuses To Be Emptied

Feb 16, 2009

My Trash is not emptied by any instruction. I just hear the sound of empty trash basket.

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MacBook Pro :: Got Brick Out Of The Box - Refuses To Turn On

Oct 25, 2009

Just bought my first mbp from apple store today and when I get home it refuses to turn on. I got a brick from apple store. Plugged the power in an let it rest for almost half an hour and still won't turn on. Going to apple store Tom morning to demand a replacement. Will apple do anything to compensate for the hassle that I went through?? And the customer satisfaction definitely went down.

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MacBook Pro :: Refuses To Boot From Windows 7 DVD

May 4, 2012

my Macbook Pro 17" early 2008 (modell 4,1) had it's motherboard changed a week ago (the video card issue). I am running Snow Leaopard 10.6.8.

I decided to install Windows 7 on this machine, preparing a partition via Bootcamp, and ran into the following issue: each time I try to boot the Mac from the Windows 7 install DVD (official one), I get a black screen with a blinking cursor.

Now, of course I searched the web, tried a lot of things, burned several DVDs in different ways, from the original DVD as well as from .iso files downloaded from MS, nothing helped.

After some time, I head the idea to try my DVDs on another Mac, an iMac to be exact, and they all work! 

So, it looks as if it is my machine that causes the trouble... but its motherboard is new, so it should not be a hardware issue. 

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MacBook Air :: Refuses To Boot From 3rd Party DVD Drive?

May 9, 2008

Ok I connected my Air to a LG drive GSA-E50L USB DVD drive. It seems to work fine in Windows and OS X. For booting it does work with the OS X dvd's.

However, it refuses to boot from a Windows XP installation disk.

I've tried different boot disks aswell. No luck.

When I boot pressing the option key, the DVD drive is one of the options. It says "Windows CD". I then choose it. It starts reading the CD and then the apple sign is displayed. The apple sign changes into a stop sign and goes back to the apple sign again.

Does anyone know what is going on?

Has anyone been able to boot from a Windows disk with a non Apple USB drive?

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Windows On Mac :: Vista Refuses To Install On MacBook

Apr 10, 2009

I have tried partitioning my drive and I set the partition to 32gb. Okay, that's done and everything went well. Then I put in Windows Vista Home Premium cd and clicked start installation. done! So it rebooted. I tried letting it load by itself and not touch anything, also tried pressing the option key and clicking windows. But both came out with the same result: a grey screen forever and ever. I even tried letting it remain like this for an hour, but still the grey screen of death. I know the vista cd works as I've tried using it in vmware fusion. But vmware fusion is too laggy as I only have 1 gb of ram. Also, I even tried reformatting it twice in case there was maybe something that hindered it from loading but no still greyness.

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MacBook Pro :: Frustrating Keyboard Vibration Refuses To Go Away?

Aug 18, 2009

Around 2 months ago, the local AASP techs, working together with Apple Asia techs, finally agreed to replace the top case, fans, and superdrive of my uMBP. At that time, neither the tech nor myself could detect any vibration on the uMBP keyboard, and I took my uMBP home satisfied. After a month, I thought I was beginning to feel some vibration on the TAB key, but it was so slight I dismissed it as something psychological, perhaps even trauma from the previous episode which lasted for weeks. Now it's back with a vengeance. I treat my uMBP with kid gloves. I clean its whole surface every week.

I rarely take it anywhere. I've never bumped or dropped it. I've even bought an external keyboard and mouse so that I won't wear its keyboard and trackpad. In fact, I've even restricted my use of the 9600 graphics chip, preferring to use the 9400 as much as possible to avoid taxing the fans. I mean, if some/most keys were vibrating, then I could say that it could be a loose/poorly positioned keyboard/fan(s), but if it's only the bloody TAB key. I've gone through three fan changes and one top case replacement after all.

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Refuses To Open After Resetting

Nov 12, 2009

I decided to reset Safari because occasionally I get beachballs. I also deleted the caches on my MBP. Now when I open Safari, the window pops up but then I get a never ending beachball. Do I have to now uninstall Safari and reinstall it from the Apple website?

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MacBook Pro :: SuperDrive Refuses To Accept All DVDs

Nov 15, 2009

My Macbook Pro is approaching its second birthday and now refuses to accept any DVDs, it takes them, swirls them around making a funny noise for a few seconds and then spits the disc back out. I want update to Snow Leopard, but can't, I want to install Windows 7, but can't and more importantly can't even run FM2010! I can't see how Apple can justify charging so much and have the nerve to call the drive 'super', when it is clearly not. Reading across the net on forums this seems to be a common problem and one that Apple don't want to know. Can anyone recommend an external DVD drive to buy?

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MacBook Pro :: Trash Refuses To Get Empty - Running OS X 10.7.3

Mar 13, 2012

My trash refuses to empty, even when left running overnight. It just seems to freeze and make the computer run really slow. The only way out is to keep the power button pressed until the computer restarts. It says there are approx 1600 items now in the trash. I've seen elsewhere to untick "empty trash securely" in preferences, but this was not ticked and never has been. Is there a way to delete the items one by one?

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ITunes :: MacBook Refuses To Read/import Some CDs

Apr 9, 2012

When i try to import some CDs to iTunes or read some DVDs, sometimes my macbook pro refuses and eject the CDs or even worse => bugs !

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Refuses To Charge - Maybe Charger Defected

Jun 29, 2012

I am having issues with my macbook pro, it refuses to charge.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Air :: IPhoto Refuses To Close - How To Shut Down

Jun 20, 2014

iPhoto refuses to close - how do I shut down the computer?

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MacBook Pro :: Refuses To Backup To External Drive

Dec 10, 2014

My MacBook Pro refuses to back up to an external drive.  It used to do so all the time without any trouble.  Any hints as to what might be happening?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Taking Ten Minutes To Boot And Refuses To Sleep

Nov 6, 2010

Yesterday, I had some issues with my MacBook Pro, the keyboard and trackpad were unresponsive (I tried a USB Keyboard/Mouse, didn't fix the problem), it took 10+ minutes to boot up, and it refused to wake from sleep. So I did some hunting, found out if I removed the FireWire kexts, then that would solve the issue. I removed the kexts, and rebooted it, and everything works perfectly fine, with one exception. Both FireWire ports are undetected and inoperable. Would a OS reinstall fix this, or is it some deeper issue that may require a logicboard/hardware component replacement?

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MacBook Air :: Running Windows 7 - Refuses To Play BluRays

Nov 13, 2008

I was able to get Windows 7 running on my 1st gen MBA, with everything working except the wireless (but have found driver that I will test soon). Battery life is as good if not better than OS X, boot times are quicker than OS X and the MBA doesn't appear to get anywhere near as hot as it does in OS X when idling. CPU usage is 0-1% on idle but soon whacks up when screen grab is used, youttube CPU requirements are very low (which is to be expected) also even though this is pre beta the OS feels incredibly smooth, I have attached some screen shots below. I also installed on my iMac and the only things to report there are that sound and wireless require 3rd party drivers (as with MBA) and it refuses to play Blu-Rays or HD-DVDs no matter which powerdvd you use, (the blu-ray/hd-dvd drive is a sata device connected y a sata to usb adapter...) it simply says 'cannot recognise the format' even though windows know its a blu-ray and i can go and explore files on the disk. anyway here are photos and I will also try and make a video at some point:

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MacBook :: Early 2008 Model - Refuses To Turn On

Jun 21, 2009

I tried restarting my MacBook (2.4GHz, 2GB RAM, 250GB HDD, early 2008 model) today. But when it turned back on it would just shut off and automatically try restarting. It did this over and over again until I just pulled the battery so it would stop. It wouldn't even let me do a force turn off. It would just start up, shut down, start up, shut down over and over again.

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MacBook Pro :: Slow Booting And Refuses Sleep Mode

Aug 6, 2009

My MBP (about 2 years old, Santa Rosa) is having some major issues both starting up and going into sleep. First off, I'm using 10.5.8, everything's updated, I don't have a bunch of stuff on the startup processes (quicksilver and iTunes helper) and I'm plugged into a power source. When I start my computer (since yesterday) it has been taking an abnormally long time at the grey screen before the Apple, the grey screen with the apple and the rotating wheel, and then it goes to a light blue screen for 5 or so minutes (repeat: minutes) until flashing light and dark blue and finally taking me to the login. Not only that, but my computer will not go to sleep when I close the lid. Instead, the screen turns off and the hard drive and fans keep chugging. What's more annoying is when I then try to open the lid to manually turn it to sleep, the screen won't turn on. This usually requires a hard reset, which then takes 10 minutes to start up.

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MacBook :: Apple Refuses To Replace Swollen Battery?

Sep 4, 2009

My mom noticed the other day that the battery on her MacBook (purchased May 2008) was swollen (pics below). Due to this, the battery will no longer lock in place. The trackpad button will also no longer click, as the battery is pushing it up from the inside.

The one year warranty expired 4 months ago, but I was fairly certain that Apple replaced/fixed things that were widespread issues (I know, I know, I told my dad to buy the AppleCare but he never did). Swollen batteries in MacBooks were recently recalled, but apparently this MacBook was not one of the ones recalled.

The folks at Apple told me that it was an old battery issue, meaning the battery was at the end of its life. Normal. That it was simply time to buy a new battery. Now, I don't know much about laptop batteries, but I know for a fact that the swelling isn't due to a dying battery. My mom keeps the laptop plugged into an external monitor nearly all the time, and rarely takes it anywhere. The battery has had 31 total load cycles, standing at 98% of original capacity.

They refused to replace it because the computer is out of warranty.

They recommended buying a new battery before it swells more and causes any more damage. I expressed my concern over the possibility that the battery might explode (an issue common with other swollen batteries). I was told "it is a possibility".

Here's my question. If products produced between months C-D warrant a recall due to a certain issue, and a product produced in month E has the exact same issue, shouldn't it be replaced as well?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: MacBOOk Pro Refuses To Turn On After Having Install The New Version (10.7)?

Feb 20, 2012

I have intalled the new version of LION OS and since this moment, my Mac refuses to turn on. The same white screen appaears with the apple and the little thing which is turning again and again. Please help me I don't know what to do  

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Camcorder Is Flashing USB Symbol, And Refuses Disconnection

May 8, 2012

My camcorder is stuck, flashing USB symbol. Can't find my computer's Safety Hardware function to end the connection and disconnect the USB cable before using the camcorder.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Air :: Safari Refuses To Load Facebook Or Google On It

Jun 13, 2012

I have no internet issues anywhere else, just cannot load facebook, gmail, or google search.  This has been going on for a few weeks. NEVER had the problem before, and no other computers in the house have any issues at all, but this is our only apple.....

Info:MacBook Air

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OS X Mavericks :: MacBook Pro Headphone Port Refuses To Recognize Headphones

Sep 12, 2014

Since doing a clean install of Mavericks (which solved a ReportCrash loop problem), everything has been fine except..for some reason the 3.5mm headphone port refuses to acknowledge the existence of headphones when plugged in. The internal speakers do not cut out. No sound comes through the headphones. If I go into Systems Preferences/Sound/Output there is no option for headphones sound, just internal speakers. 

I have tried everything (deleting .plist files and rebooting, booting in safe mode, PRAM resets etc etc). I have also tried various sets of headphones (mono, stereo and three ring headphone plugs). They all don't work on my MacBook Pro, they all do work (and make the internal speakers cut out) on my MacBook Air. It's not the headphones. 

The port will happily recognize, charge and download my iPod nano. I am convinced this is an OS problem, as the port has not suffered any shocks, and it happened directly after a clean Mavericks install. It was working fine on Mavericks before the clean install. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: MBP Slow Start Up - Takes More Time To Work At Regular Speed

May 8, 2012

I have had my mac for a little of year, a few days ago I downloaded a few things. Since then it takes it about 10-15 minutes to start up, even after it starts up it takes a few more minutes for things to work at a regular speed. I have cleared firefox cache and reset the Pram.

MacBook Pro, iOS 5

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MacBook :: Aluminum Macbook Trackpad Refuses To Click?

Mar 4, 2009

a little tiny bit of water spilled on my Aluminum macbook trackpad and now it isn't clicking. The trackpad works, but when I press down to click it doesn't recognize what I am doing all of the time. It works some of the time, but obviously I'd prefer a fully functional trackpad.

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