PowerPC :: Installing Leopard On IMac G4 800MHz 10.4.11 / Need Guide
May 30, 2010
Now, my poor little G4 was just standing there. After a lot of fumbling around, restores, it finally has regained life, running Tiger etc.
Now, I wanted to install Leopard, see for myself what I would prefer, and it would allow to tether wireless internet connection through my iPhone to the G4. But I need Leopard for that, Tiger is too old.
So, after Googling, I found out that if I put my Intel into Target Disk mode, I could use it as external DVD reader, seeing my G4's reader is dead as dead can be.
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Feb 4, 2008
Just wondering if anyone's tried to run Mac OSX 10.5 on their 800mhz G4 and how the performance is (good/bad)? Obviously the cutoff is 867mhz.
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Feb 1, 2009
Further to one of my previous questions i have now managed to get hold of OSX tiger for my Imac G4 800mhz superdrive. However no matter what I try I cannot get this to install. If I go through custom instal it checks my disk and then comes up with a notice saying "mail cannot be intalled on this computer - intallation not possible" or something along these lines. I have also tried restarting while holding down the command button but the 10.4 disk does not appear. I have completely wiped my harddrive and reinstalled my original osx 10.3 and even taken out the airport card and additional ram memory card which i thought was causing the problem.
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Feb 2, 2010
I recently was given an 15 inch iMac G4 with 256 MB RAM and 800 MHz processor and was running OS X 10.3.9. I upgraded the RAM to 512 MB and installed Leopard using a firewire connection with my MacBook. I can boot from the MacBook Leopard but the iMac will not boot or seem to find the Hard Drive. I can see the Hard Drive on my MacBook with Leopard installed on it. All I get on my iMac is a "finder" with a question mark.
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Aug 7, 2009
I have a bunch of macs in the house. I am trying to install Leopard on a 17" G5 imac but I can't get it to boot off my Leopard install CD (a dual-layer backup copy as the original cannot be located at the moment). The disk will mount under tiger, but will not boot, either from the internal DVD or an external drive.
Is there any good trick to do the install? I did an install onto an external USB drive that booted an intel iMac but that drive wouldn't boot the G5. Anyone have any tricks? I've never done target disk mode and don't think I have a firewire cable, but could get one if needed.
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Aug 23, 2009
I know that's below the required speed but there's Leopard Assist. As can be seen on that page, it says "Uncertain" ONLY for my iMac.
Has anyone done it with this iMac? Does anyone know? I'm running Panther now and, these days, that's no place to be. I want to get Leopard on my Mac before I have to <shudder> switch back!
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Nov 4, 2010
ive got a Imac 17inch 1.0ghz with 215mb ddr ram. anyways, as Sheepy suggested, i upgraded her to a nice speedy 500GB 7200 Sata drive and dropped 1.5gb ram into her...... but lets take a step back. when i got her, she was full of dust and had tiger on her.. no dramas, tiger is good. anyways, i wanted to do a reinstall of tiger, and so grabbed my tiger retail disk and started her up, no dramas there either, ran disk util, repartitioned (the old disk) and started to install. the install never finished and then it just rebooted after about 80% through... The reboot came to the disk flashing with the osx face and a question mark. I try a few more times, with the same result, and also with Leopard, also with the same result, but the leopard install actually tells me after about 80% that "Install failed" try again? anyways, so i think its a shagged optical drive. i have a few lying around and i need to get in there anyways to upgrade the hard drive. installing the HD and the new Optical drive went fine, all works well.. and while i was there also installed 500mb ddr400 stick in the main memory non user slot. close her up, checked the heatsink matchup spots and there dry as a nuns nasty.. theres no paste on them, but kinda like a pad.. (which isnt even sticky either) anyways, i stick em back together (without) cleaning the pad stuff nor with applying any paste and boot her up. I insert the leopard disk to istall and it all goes fine, i re-partition the newspeedy 7200rpm sata disk and start the install. and again.... gets to about 90% and reboots. flashing smily face with alternating question mark.
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May 14, 2009
how do i do a diagnostic on the hd.
and is there a defragmenter like on pc's..sorry for that devil word.
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Jun 25, 2007
I have been viewing the forums for the past few months and have finally joined MacRumors as I have purchased an ibook G3 (first mac). I love it to death, it is so portable and even runs like a champ considering it is almost 4 years old. The ibook has a 800MHZ G3 processor along with maxed out ram at 640MB. Anyway I am planing on buying an TV before school starts up again and would like to encode my dvds to h.264. I was wondering if my computer can handle this task. BTW I would need to buy a dvd drive for my computer along with an external HDD. My other option is to buy a friends Powermac G4 with dual 1GHZ processors(he is selling it at $250) it already has a dvd drive and two 200GB HDD so that will save me ~ 150. As I am new to macs and would like to know if the Powermac will significantly make a difference in encoding times or should I just stick with my ibook and save the $100?
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Dec 29, 2007
I've got a G4 iBook here that is really really slow. It's running Mac OS 10.3.9, has an 800Mhz G4 CPU, and 1.12GB of ram (Built in 128mb + 1GB upgrade).
Activity monitor shows over 800mb of ram free, and about 16000/0 page ins/outs.
The CPU is also about 80% idle.
Something is fishy. There is only 6GB of free hard drive space.. but I don't see how that could cause this nightmarishly slow performance. It takes 5 minutes to open a folder sometimes! Could it be bad ram? Malfunctioning hard drive? Does it sound like a hardware issue or software issue?
I also noticed that there were a few folders in the hard drive such as "Previous Systems" "Rescued files" and "Damaged files." I already trashed "Damaged files" because it was just a bunch of random crap that no one would need and it was taking up space.
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Mar 6, 2010
So im looking to start customizing my mac. Starting with changing the default icons. Are there any guides on installing the custom icons that you download?
Is there also a guide for applying different docks?
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Mar 14, 2008
I am working on a hardware hack with an iBook G4 800MHz where I can only power the iBook with the AC Adapter--NOT using the battery. When the compy is turned off and turned back on, I am getting this huge error message on the display that my time and date are wrong.
I gather there is no battery on the MB that sustains the internal clock--the compy uses the powerbook battery to keep the clock up to date?
Is there any way to set the system software to bypass or ignore the time and date? This computer is not connected to the internet, and time and date are irrelevant to my application.
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Dec 12, 2010
My brother has a second gen, 800Mhz eMac (the one that could be overclocked to 1.33Ghz - the earlier PC133 ram model). Since about 1.5 mths ago, when he powers it on, sometimes it will not power on, and other times it will give three beeps (diagnostic pages say bad RAM) and a flashing power/sleep light in unison with the beeps. Did this vintage suffer bad caps? I recall that it was only the 1.25Ghz model that had bad caps, but I could be wrong.
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Dec 20, 2007
I have an eMac 800mhz and I'm having trouble discerning whether it's an "early" build which needs the original AP card or a later build. What exactly am I looking for in the system profiler to tip me off?
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May 19, 2010
think this guide will be useful to anyone looking to install an SSD to accompany a larger capacity drive but is a little unsure how to tackle the cloning/file organization side of things with two drives.
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Apr 11, 2012
I've just installed Mac OS X Tiger on my iMac G4 17" i know Tiger is outdated, but it's faster than Leopard and Tiger still runs fine.now i tried to install Mac OS 9 too. For some performance reasons. But after the Welcome Screen, the Display turns black and i can't see nothing It's the original Mac OS 9 CD from the iMac G4. And it's the original rom, i never changed anything. Maybe Mac OS 9 doesn't have the right kext for the iMac?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), iMac G4 17" 800MHz
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Dec 5, 2010
I found a great deal on an eMac for the rest of my family to use. Before getting started, I wanted to reinstall Leopard using a disk image. Obviously with an eMac, I am not able to boot and install using a USB flash drive so I used an old iPod with a firewire connection and put the disk image on the iPod. The problem I am having is when I hold down the "option" key on startup, the iPod drive does not show up. Am I doing something wrong? To my understanding, I thought I could use an old iPod to install OSX
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Sep 12, 2008
i attempted to install leopard with firewire through my mac mini, yet it get to the install menu and says: leopard cannot be installed on this machine. it is the two leopard discs that came with my mac mini intel c2d. I also have a powermac g3 i could run firewire out of if necessary. I dont know if it is the discs because i used the restore disc from a powermac g4 to upgrade this ibook to tiger.
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Feb 20, 2007
is it possible to install Tiger on a iMac G3 with you iPod. Im in the process of selling it & i want to do some maintenance on it, so that its nice & speedy. Can i install Tiger using my Ipod Nano 2G? If so what is the process of going about doing so?
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Apr 3, 2009
Does anyone know how the ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT with 128MB compares on performance to the shared 256MB in new Minis? Also, in iMacs with an 800mhz system bus that have 667mhz ram preinstalled, will they take (and run at full capacity) 800mhz ram?
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Mar 28, 2012
And my second question is, where can I buy Leopard cheaply? It costs about £100-200 on eBay for something that I will need once.
Mac OS X (10.4.11), Apple Imac G4, SuperDrive, 768SDRAM
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Jan 12, 2011
I had a Mac Mini sitting around the house collecting dust, so I thought I'd boot it up to have a small computer in my room. When I booted it up it started with the standard "bung" sound, but then it showed a blank grey screen. After a minute or so the screen turned to black, then came back with the same grey screen, but with a blue folder in the middle flashing a question mark, then the old Mac two faces logo, and continued to switch indefinitely.
Both said that it was unable to open.
I then tried to eject the disc so I could try my other install discs MacBook Pro, but the drive would not eject, and I had to open the Mini up to get the disc physically out of the disc tray. When I tried to do the install with my other install disc it did virtually the same thing with identical error messages. The only way I could get it to do anything different was to hold option on reboot, and the screen would go blue with the old school clock spinning as the cursor, a button that had a arrow pointing to the right (like "next") and a button with an arrow that looked like a "refresh." "Next" didn't work even after multiple "refresh"es, even though clicking refresh definitely started whatever process it was doing over again.
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Oct 29, 2007
I recently purchased a G4 Mini (1.42Ghz I think) with 512Mb Ram for use as a second computer. It works fine with Tiger as it is, but I can get Leopard from my uni at a reduced cost, so.... I was wondering if anyone's been working with it on the lowest recommended Ram? Does it run OK? I'm loathed to take it apart unless I really have to as it's perfectly functional.
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Aug 11, 2008
I have a PowerBook G4, 1.33 GHz, 512MB ram and I am having trouble installing leopard. I have backed up the hard drive and erased it for a clean install. Every time I go to install if freezes at "calculating estimated time remaining" and gives a kernel panic error. I am unable to check the panic log as the hard drive was erased. I have already repaired disk, reset pram etc.
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Oct 2, 2009
I have a replacement motherboard (G4 MDD 1.25 dual) coming in and even though I have a very talented and technical friend coming by to help, it'd sure be nice to have some instructions on removing the current motherboard and the subsequent install of the newer one. Mine is having kernel panics about 98% of the time on attempted startups and I've tried (along with the Apple Store Genius Bar) everything I know how to do or have Googled and read. I think it's perhaps a USB bus issue.
I did manage to get it to boot from the Apple Hardware Test and everything passed. And, one of the USB connectors on the back of the machine is damaged, so I figure a complete motherboard swap should eliminate all possibilities except for maybe the CPU which seemed to pass. So back to the original query. Are there docs somewhere to guide one in the removal of the motherboard? I run a recording studio with this machine and I'm dead in the water! I am looking into either a new MacIntel or possibly a used G5 to replace it with.
G4 dual 1.25 MDD Mac OS X (10.4.11) Recording Studio
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May 13, 2009
I upgraded my Power Mac G4 from OSX 10.2 to 10.3. Got 3 install discs. The puter asked for the 2nd disc but completed the install without asking for the final disc. Its working fine.
Not sure whether the 3rd disc is significant or whether I should leave sleeping dogs lie.
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Sep 26, 2009
I just purchased a Seagate FreeAgent GO 640 edition. I pulled the hdd out and I am getting all my info migrated over as we speak, I will keep everybody posted on performance
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Feb 2, 2010
I recently was given an 15 inch iMac G4 with 256 MB RAM and 800 MHz processor and was running OS X 10.3.9. I upgraded the RAM to 512 MB and installed Leopard using a firewire connection with my MacBook. I can boot from the MacBook Leopard but the iMac will not boot or seem to find the Hard Drive. I can see the Hard Drive on my MacBook with Leopard installed on it. All I get on my iMac is a "finder" with a question mark. Is there any suggestions or tips about how I can get my iMac to run properly using Leopard?
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Apr 9, 2009
The iMac im using now has 10.4.11(tiger), however my brother has recently bought a MacBook. But what i was really wondering is if i am able to use the Leopard CD from the Macbook and install Leopard onto my iMac?(which is using Tiger) Is that possible or will i run into issues along the way? Edit:Also my iMac is using an Intel Processor(Core Duo)
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May 30, 2012
I have accidentally wiped the hard drive of a mid 2011 imac 27" there was no install DVD provided for this machine and a retail Snow Leopard disk will not boot, apparently I need 10.6.8 and the retail disk is only 10.6.3 is there any solution to this dilemma?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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