PowerPC :: Motherboard Removal / Replacement - Any Docs To Guide
Oct 2, 2009
I have a replacement motherboard (G4 MDD 1.25 dual) coming in and even though I have a very talented and technical friend coming by to help, it'd sure be nice to have some instructions on removing the current motherboard and the subsequent install of the newer one. Mine is having kernel panics about 98% of the time on attempted startups and I've tried (along with the Apple Store Genius Bar) everything I know how to do or have Googled and read. I think it's perhaps a USB bus issue.
I did manage to get it to boot from the Apple Hardware Test and everything passed. And, one of the USB connectors on the back of the machine is damaged, so I figure a complete motherboard swap should eliminate all possibilities except for maybe the CPU which seemed to pass. So back to the original query. Are there docs somewhere to guide one in the removal of the motherboard? I run a recording studio with this machine and I'm dead in the water! I am looking into either a new MacIntel or possibly a used G5 to replace it with.
G4 dual 1.25 MDD Mac OS X (10.4.11) Recording Studio
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Sep 15, 2007
I'm looking into replacing a motherboard on my newphews iBook G4. It's an early 2004 Series. I'm wondering if these Ibooks have interchangable motherboards, i.e. 1.0ghz vs 1.2ghz, 12inch screen vs the 14inch screen. I've done much work on IBM compatible laptops and these interchange pretty easily...but these MAC's are all new to me. I'm looking to get a busted up one off ebay and replace it for him for pretty cheap...
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Dec 16, 2009
I have an old iBook G4 14" (from about 2004 or 2005) that was just replaced by a MacBook. The hinge on the screen is pretty much broken and the screen looks pretty terrible. I'm thinking about installing a distro of Linux on it and using it as a file server or media server and connecting it to an external display, but I would like to have the keyboard and mouse readily available and would not like to have issues with overheating because the lid is closed. Is there a way I can completely remove the screen (including the hinge) and have it still be functional?
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May 18, 2012
What tool do I need (and where can I buy) to remove the cooling unit screws from the mother board for a early 2008 mac pro tower early 2008?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 8, 2009
So a few weeks ago I decided to do a little project since I came up on some money, and I wanted to share with you guys how to remove the lcd.. I bought a water damaged macbook unibody (originally purchased Jan. 29) from ebay for $550. After cleaning the logic board and the rest of the internal components, I reassembled it and put it back together and it booted up perfectly. But the only issue was that the backlight of the LCD did not light up, leading me to believe that it was a bad inverter board or the LEDs shorted out. Anyway, I tried one of my friends' top lids and it worked.
My next dilemma was how to replace the LCD inside... since a replacement top lid cost $600 from ifixit/techrestore/missionrepair... I decided to take the plunge and remove the glass myself(without breaking it). Here it is, also a link to the youtube vid I made:
video: [URL]........................
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Nov 4, 2009
i replaced the motherboard on my dual 867MHz G4 MDD.the computer turns on now, and i did a fresh 10.4.11 install...but i noticed that it says "Dual 800" instead of "Dual 867" in my "About This Mac" now. i typed "sysctl hw.cpufrequency" in the terminal and discovered that it is actually running at 800MHz, and not 867MHz.
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Jul 14, 2007
can you make this: fit where thisis? fitting g3 motherboard?
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Jun 24, 2008
I was recently given a non working G5 dual 2.5ghz machine. It is a quad core machine with the Delphi liquid cooling system. After some investigating I found it had a coolant leak. All the fans and lights come on as well as the bootup �chime�. I think (hoping) that the motherboard and power supply are still good. My question is this:
Can I use different processors on this motherboard? Lets say a dual 2.5ghz non-quad core processor assembly. Am I making sense? I am very new to the Mac world and would appreciate any help on this issue.
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Nov 24, 2010
I have Powermac G4 AGP (M7628LL/A) that has the AGP slot without the 'power-supplying' tab at the front of the slot. Therefore my NVIDIA GeForce2 MX video card (ADC/VGA) will only enable me to use the VGA outlet, and not the ADC. I have two Studio Display Monitors (M7649) and cannot use them.
I need to know (1) What other monitors will work with this G4 (in case I cannot fulfill #2), and most importantly (2) Which motherboard can I replace this one with that will enable me to use the video card in it's fullest?
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Jul 26, 2007
I bought 4 G4 towers of eBay for �85.. none have Hdd's so havent tried them out yet (two also have no graphic cards) I got a mix of ram size and speed (pc100/pc133) however thats not my question
Next to the ram slots theres a red light that comes on, is this normal? I've tried to do some research on it and some people say it is, others say it isnt.
I plan to sell them off again on ebay but I did it mainly as a project to keep the G4's alive. Any suggestions on graphic cards (cheap ones too)?
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May 22, 2008
Ok, my problem is as the title states. Why is this happening? My motherboard had 8gb slots and is compatable with 8gb ram. I installed 8 dimms of this ram I bought from newegg: [URL]
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Dec 15, 2008
Is it possible to upgrade the mac mini g4 to a intel processor or some other processor thats faster? Or motherboard upgrades? Well i appericate the help, and i hope there is an upgrade
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Jun 18, 2007
Anyone know? And if there is one where it is? Also: can the motherboard be reset using software?
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Feb 1, 2006
Is there any kind of polish that'll remove the scratches from the cases of my Power Mac G4's? It's cosmetic only but I'm curious.
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Mar 7, 2008
Recently I didn't do my research, and I purchased a Quicksilver power supply to put on a Gigabit machine. I noticed it had four extra pins which look like some of the ones they use to power processors in some PCs (tho I've come to find this is for the ADC port). I dug a little deeper (Googled "powermac_g4.pdf") and found out that some of the pins have differences between the Gigabit PS and the Quicksilver PS.
Has anyone else had an experience like this? Will the PS work without any wirecutting or do I need to get a new one?
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Jan 12, 2011
I had a Mac Mini sitting around the house collecting dust, so I thought I'd boot it up to have a small computer in my room. When I booted it up it started with the standard "bung" sound, but then it showed a blank grey screen. After a minute or so the screen turned to black, then came back with the same grey screen, but with a blue folder in the middle flashing a question mark, then the old Mac two faces logo, and continued to switch indefinitely.
Both said that it was unable to open.
I then tried to eject the disc so I could try my other install discs MacBook Pro, but the drive would not eject, and I had to open the Mini up to get the disc physically out of the disc tray. When I tried to do the install with my other install disc it did virtually the same thing with identical error messages. The only way I could get it to do anything different was to hold option on reboot, and the screen would go blue with the old school clock spinning as the cursor, a button that had a arrow pointing to the right (like "next") and a button with an arrow that looked like a "refresh." "Next" didn't work even after multiple "refresh"es, even though clicking refresh definitely started whatever process it was doing over again.
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Nov 17, 2006
While taking apart ibook to replace harddrive on grapghite 466 , I ran into trouble. In taking out the backlight cable, the whole plastic receptor (little white plasatic at J4) on the motherboard came off as well. This is a little part (1/4 x 1/8inch). I can't tell if it was soldered on or just slips on the motheboard since tiny bits of plastic broke off. Can someone tell me if/how this can be repaired.
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May 30, 2010
Now, my poor little G4 was just standing there. After a lot of fumbling around, restores, it finally has regained life, running Tiger etc.
Now, I wanted to install Leopard, see for myself what I would prefer, and it would allow to tether wireless internet connection through my iPhone to the G4. But I need Leopard for that, Tiger is too old.
So, after Googling, I found out that if I put my Intel into Target Disk mode, I could use it as external DVD reader, seeing my G4's reader is dead as dead can be.
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Oct 23, 2010
I have some MS word documents on my MacBook (intel) that I'd like to transfer to my white iBook. I tried plugging an enternal HD into the iBook (that HD contained the docs) but the iBook said that the HD wasn't compatible with it. So I went back on my MacBook and transfered the files from the HD to a memory stick.
However when I plugged that in and tried to open the files, MS word opened but the file did not. The word files are Word 2007 and on the iBook is an older OS9 version of Word. The iBook has Mac OSX panther on it, but the MS word opens in "classic mode". Any ideas on how I can get the docs to open on the iBook?
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Dec 5, 2007
Anyone have suggestions? I have a single 1.8ghz g5, 1gb ram, 10.4.10. I have a maxtor OneTouch III USB 2.0 200gb drive attached to it.
I can not seem to eject/unmount this drive. Every time i hook it up I just have to end up pulling the USB plug or turning the drive off suddenly to get it to "eject" but then i get the improper device removal error/warning message.
I have tried dragging to trash, I have tried apple E (which is what I usually do to any device) and I have tried going into disk utility and ejecting/unmounting from there as well. no dice.
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Jan 10, 2011
I have a great G4 MMD machine that I love. I've rebuilt it, and it does everything I want it to do with OSX.
The problem is the noise from the two fans. Its REALLY loud.
Is there a drop in replacement for the big fan that will be less loud, BUT will still move the same amount of air. The last thing I want to do is overheat the machine because I put in a substandard fan.
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May 6, 2007
I currently have a 40gb HD on my iBook G4 and was wondering if there is a way to install a new harddrive without voiding my warranty (I have over 1.5 years left on it). Also, where is the best place to buy new HDs?
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Sep 7, 2007
We are now trying to replace the hard drive with an 80 Gb one. The problem is that when I try to clone the existing HD over to the new one, CCC gets to the point of copying the applications folder and can't go any farther. I assume this means the HD in the iBook is well and truly dead, Worst case I'll have to install everything from the restore discs, although that will set her machine back some--I think she has OS 10.2 discs and the machine is actually on 10.3.9.
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Mar 9, 2009
My PowerBook G4 (specs in the bottom, except 250 GB drive) HDD is failing. It is the standard 80 GB one that came with the notebook. I have a 250 GB WD scorpio ready to go in, but I have a couple of questions. First of all, if I use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone my existing disc to the new WD scorpio by using a PATA drive enclosure (USB 2.0), will it boot once put in the notebook? Does it need to be a firewire enclosure to be able to boot? Second, what is the average life of the original Hitachi drives (80 GB) that were put in this model of PowerBook. This is the 1.33 GHz model with the superdrive 4x. I just want to know what to do before I disassemble it.
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Sep 1, 2007
how to use them i just got a two year old mac wit a stock 30gb hardrive, i took that out and put in a case, well apple took it out and put it in a case, now i tried attaching the external to my new 80gb in my ibook but its not mounting.
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Oct 10, 2006
Its been going for a while now and finally the right channel of audio has fully cut out from the headphone jack. This is a huge bummer. I mean the laptops 3 years old so its not to bad. I mean its taken a beating over the years. Its just that I use it to listen to music and audio out for watching dvds, so its no good for that anymore. I have an external audio card but thats no good for when I am mobile and I use the laptop all over the place. Is there a way to fix this or would it need a whole logic board replacement? Can I use a audio card that fits into those card slots on the left hand side of the Powerbook. What are those cards called again?
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Jul 15, 2007
Some guy is selling a 500mhz G3 ibook for 200, the only problem is it has a broken screen. How much would it cost to replace, and is this a good price?
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Aug 24, 2007
My hard drive just failed in my 12" PowerBook G4 1.3Ghz. I wondering if any one can confirm whether this disc would fit/work [URL]
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Nov 13, 2007
I have a chip on the side of my g4 ibook and would like to change the whole case to something other than the standard glossy white. I recall there was a company that made really colorful (red, blue, pink) Macs, but can't find anything online. Well, I found one company [URL] but they sell the machine not just a case. Anyway, I think they were painted, but by now I figure there has to be a company offering a way to customize Macs. does anyone know of one?
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May 6, 2008
My K key on my labtop popped off last night and I can't get it back on. Does anyone know how to pop it back on or if it's broken where I can buy a replacement key?
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