PowerPC :: IMac With G4 Processor Refuses To Boot?

Dec 11, 2008

I just bought an iMac with a G4 processor from a friend... The only problem is that apparently some vital file was deleted and as a result, it will not start up. I have a Tiger recovery disc, but because I'm only being shown the gray apple screen and the loading circle, I can't actually use it. Any ideas?

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PowerPC :: G3 Beige Minitower Failing To Boot After Processor Swap

Jun 1, 2010

I have a G3 Beige Minitower (233MHz model) that I recently upgraded with a A/V Personality card I got from a friend of mine. It booted with the new personality card just fine. Now I got a hold of a G3 450MHz ZIF processor card and I put it into my G3, swapping out the old 233MHz one. I also took off the red jumper block and put some jumpers in place for a 450MHz processor. (Thanks to MacAddict Issue 30 for the pinouts, see "Overclocking your G3"). Now I got it booting, chiming and the power light going green, but no video coming out of the onboard video card (that came with the machine). I also have another Hard Drive, a Ultra-Wide SCSI card and a USB card, all 3rd party.

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IMac :: OSX Boot Drive Corrupted - Trash Refuses To Empty?

Nov 9, 2010

1. I do occasional maintenance with onyx and have been getting a few startup disk errors in recent months. These seem to get repaired and the computer still functions as normal. I have never had these before in 8 years of using osx so they do worry me. Is the osx boot drive just a bit corrupted? Would a simple reinstall help or is the hd showing signs of failure?

2. The trash simply refuses to empty. The operation can�t be completed because you don�t have permission to access some of the items.

I've tried to bring the items back to the desktop and the folder they came from but they simply make a copy of them. I've tried the option key method and sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash + sudo rm -rf /Users/user_name/.Trash in the terminal but get no change

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IMac :: What Is The Processor Code For The 27" I7 / Is It A Mobile Processor Or A Desktop Processor

Dec 29, 2009

I wanted to do some research on this processor, do you guys know what is the processor model code for the iMac's processor?

Is it a mobile processor or a desktop processor?

What is the difference between this one and this one?

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PowerPC :: Upgrading Imac G5 Intel Processor

Aug 14, 2008

if it was possible to swap out the first intel processors with the newer ones the imacs are coming with. i found this info and mainly looks just as tricky as open heart surgery to risk my imac doing, and thats just replacing the processor itself.

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PowerPC :: Imac G5 17 Inch Power Pc Processor

Feb 25, 2010

ive got a macbook aluminum but my mums pc has crashed so since my switch over to apple i have been over impressed with the stability of mac computers.to cut a long story short i have had some great feedback from this site so wondering if you guys can help.ive seen a 17inch imac g5 1.8ghz ppc processor..and is it possible to run most streaming internet sites like youtube!! bbc iplayer. etc etc..and also can it run windows 7 so she can play some chinese games via flash...??

basically does flash support the power this imac produces..??

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Software :: PowerBook Refuses To Boot And Ignores Boot Keys?

Sep 13, 2009

I have OSX installed on a very old Powerbook. Well it was working and then I left it for awhile and now it is giving me the good old folder to question mark screen (maybe someone dropped it?). Well I'm not much of a mac user so I looked up all of the different boot key commands and tried to boot from my OSX CD. Holding down C did nothing, and neither did ANY of the other commands except holding down option and that key command that restarts the computer (apple, option, shift, esc?). Anyway, I got into the screen that shows your hard drive and all other devices and it actually listed the CD drive so I clicked it and clicked the next arrow. I waited for awhile and then the screen reloaded (as if it was rescanning for removable devices) and then stopped and only displayed the local disk. What is going on?! It only sometimes displays the CD in this screen and the next arrow never does anything regardless!!

I really don't know any of the computers stats but if I were to guess they're pretty bad. All I know is it used to run OSX just fine and then other people used it and now it doesn't do anything.

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PowerPC :: Non-intel IMac G5 Upgrade To Intel Dual Core Processor?

Nov 29, 2007

Has anyone tried to upgrade their old iMac G5 with a new Intel core Duo processor? If so how do I go about installing one?

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Mac Pro :: Refuses To Boot Normally After Installing New RAM?

Apr 8, 2008

I recently purchased a mac pro for my work! I just got my memory modules from OWC and i installed them. After installing them, my macpro refuses to boot normally. It keeps going to a black screen that tells me there is no boot disk available and please insert disk and press enter to boot. My bootable HDD is in the HDD bay. I held down the option key and it booted up by selecting the bootdisk. Problem is after i booted up, everything in my Mac OS is lagging. All the applications are lagging. As i am typing this thread, the words that i am typing are really lagging.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Refuses To Boot Into 64 Bit?

Aug 30, 2009

Brought snow Leopard from Apple, and got it yesterday. I installed it today, and whilst it seems faster I have a few problems. Mainly that it doesn't seem to boot into 64-bit mode, neither from an app changing it to boot into 64 bit or by pressing the 6 and 4 keys down.

Also, does anyone know why a plugin to make Quicklook have a list view for Folders won't work anymore?

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MacBook Pro :: Refuses To Boot From Windows 7 DVD

May 4, 2012

my Macbook Pro 17" early 2008 (modell 4,1) had it's motherboard changed a week ago (the video card issue). I am running Snow Leaopard 10.6.8.

I decided to install Windows 7 on this machine, preparing a partition via Bootcamp, and ran into the following issue: each time I try to boot the Mac from the Windows 7 install DVD (official one), I get a black screen with a blinking cursor.

Now, of course I searched the web, tried a lot of things, burned several DVDs in different ways, from the original DVD as well as from .iso files downloaded from MS, nothing helped.

After some time, I head the idea to try my DVDs on another Mac, an iMac to be exact, and they all work! 

So, it looks as if it is my machine that causes the trouble... but its motherboard is new, so it should not be a hardware issue. 

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MacBook Air :: Refuses To Boot From 3rd Party DVD Drive?

May 9, 2008

Ok I connected my Air to a LG drive GSA-E50L USB DVD drive. It seems to work fine in Windows and OS X. For booting it does work with the OS X dvd's.

However, it refuses to boot from a Windows XP installation disk.

I've tried different boot disks aswell. No luck.

When I boot pressing the option key, the DVD drive is one of the options. It says "Windows CD". I then choose it. It starts reading the CD and then the apple sign is displayed. The apple sign changes into a stop sign and goes back to the apple sign again.

Does anyone know what is going on?

Has anyone been able to boot from a Windows disk with a non Apple USB drive?

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MacBook Pro :: Taking Ten Minutes To Boot And Refuses To Sleep

Nov 6, 2010

Yesterday, I had some issues with my MacBook Pro, the keyboard and trackpad were unresponsive (I tried a USB Keyboard/Mouse, didn't fix the problem), it took 10+ minutes to boot up, and it refused to wake from sleep. So I did some hunting, found out if I removed the FireWire kexts, then that would solve the issue. I removed the kexts, and rebooted it, and everything works perfectly fine, with one exception. Both FireWire ports are undetected and inoperable. Would a OS reinstall fix this, or is it some deeper issue that may require a logicboard/hardware component replacement?

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Software :: G4 Refuses To Boot Past Apple Screen

Jan 9, 2009

I have just finished moving my G4 Sawtooth from one house to another. I shut down my machine properly at the one house carefully moved everything over and re-attached the peripherals. Fired up the machine and was greeted promptly with the Apple boot screen and spinning thingy. Then it spun and spun and continued to spin some more. After about 10-15 minutes my desktop backgrounds appeared on the dual monitors, but then sat there like that and no finder ever appeared. After waiting about another 5 minutes, I shut off the machine by holding down the power button. I waited about 10 seconds and powered it on again. Same thing, but this time it just sits at the grey Apple boot screen with the thingy spinning forever. Then I noticed something unusual.

I could hear one, or both of the internal hard drives park the heads and spin down like it was going to sleep. I hadn't noticed that before, but presume it was doing it all along. Meanwhile the computer kept spinning away on the boot screen. I thought, great my drive has crashed and burned. So I removed it and attempted to mount it on my G5 using an external ATA-USB adapter. It mounted without a problem and I was able to see and copy all of the files. So then, I took a spare drive I had with a valid bootable OSX Leopard install and put it into the G4. Fired it up and lo and behold, the same problem. The drive spins up, the machine shows the apple boot screen and keeps spinning the thingy, then after a bit of time the drive parks the head and spins back down. I'm stumped and would like some assistance in resolving this problem. Any suggestions? Oh, and yes, I've tried reseating all cards and memory and disconnected all peripherals.

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PowerPC :: G4 Refuses To Read A Particular CD?

Apr 3, 2009

I have an audio CD that my PowerBook will not read. I've read this CD in other media drives (such as my car's CD player and another computer's CD player), and I've read a different CD in my Mac's drive.

It appears to me that the issue then is this particular CD and my computer.

First, the CD is in very good condition, with no visible scratches unless you really scrutinize the read side. the label side has no damage at all. It is a 15 year old CD, but was probably played very few times when it was new, and has been simply sitting on a shelf for over a decade.

sometimes I insert the CD and after several seconds of unusual noises from my CD drive, I am able to begin to play it in itunes. However, after 1 to 3 minutes it inevitably will begin to skip so badly that itunes stops playing it, and often hangs up, forcing me to use 'force quit'. other times I insert the CD and after several seconds of unusual noises from my CD drive, the drive simply spits the CD back out, without ever having read it at all.

Is it possible that there was something about the way an older CD is encoded that my mac cannot deal with?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Clean Install On A Second Boot Drive Refuses To Start

Mar 2, 2012

I followed instructions from Apple and reformated a second boot drive with GUID partitions, loaded my Snow Leopard OS and updated to the last version. Downloaded Lion and installed, set this second HDD as the new boot drive and waited - one monitor came up but then nothing happened for so long I went away. This has happened three times now and while I'm not watching my MacPro Xenon 8 core reboots from the Snow Leopard drive..

Avid Media Composer 6, Mac OS X (10.6.8), MacPro 2.8 8 Core14Gb, 6Tb, AJA Io

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Power Mac G5 :: Dual 2GHz Refuses To Boot On AirPort Extreme Card Installation?

Dec 9, 2007

I just got an AirPort Extreme Card from Apple that has been refurbished. I installed it in my G5 and then on power-on, the system hangs before the chime even sounds? I remove it and everything is back to normal...

Power Mac G5 Dual 2GHz
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
MacBook 2.16, PowerMac G3 B&W, PowerMac 8100 AV, PowerBook 540c, Mac Plus

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 With AirPort Refuses Wireless Password

Jun 5, 2007

I connect two desktops and the subject ibook to an airport base station. The ibook is a 1.2MgH, 30GM hard drive, 256 RAM. The laptop has been in use approximately two years. The laptop has always automatically connected to the airport. Yesterday morning when I started the machine, it indicated it was not connected to a network. When I selected my network, it asked for the password. When I input the password, it told me it was invalid. Nothing I've been able to do with any utility or any other corrective action has changed the message "invalid password." And just so you know, I am entering the correct password for my network.

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PowerPC :: IMAC G4 Stuck In Boot

Oct 14, 2007

I picked up this G4 (M6498, 17", 800/256/80HD) from a lady in her 80's whose son sent her a new G5, but I'm having trouble getting it to boot on HD or CD. When I turn it on all I get is a file icon alternating between mac face and "?". Boot from IMAC CD: same thing - I hear the CD track switching a few times periodically but that's it. Boot from OS9 Install CD: same thing. I'm not that familiar with iMac, although I've had a few other Mac machines on and off through the years AppleIIe, PowerMacG3). Any suggestions what to try next?

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PowerPC :: IMac G3 Shuts Down During Boot

Dec 25, 2008

I have a 700MHz iMac G3, which froze during DVD playback and it needed to be rebooted. Now it will not boot, the gray screen comes up with the loading circle, but it will just shut down after about a minute. I have reset the PRAM, PMU and it is running 10.4. No beeps or anything when it shuts down, it just turns off.

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PowerPC :: 17 Inch Imac G5 Will Not Boot

Dec 4, 2009

I have an old IMac G5 without an Intel processor. The other day I heard a whistle sound coming out of it. The next day I turned it on, got the apple and a revolving pinwheel. The picture of the apple was a little broken up. After a minute the pinwheel stopped. Tried to boot of the leopard CD. Same thing happened. Looked inside for swollen capacitors. Did not find any. Does anyone have any ideas as to what can be wrong.

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PowerPC :: Imac G5 2.0 Wont Boot

Jan 9, 2010

I woke up this morning and my imac wouldn't wake from sleep. then when it finally did I had a all black screen with a few red pixels at the top. the imac wouldn't do anything so I had to hold the power button down and restart. now when I try to turn it on, I hear the apple sound, I get the grey screen (10.4) with the white apple and a spinning circle, then it goes to a light blue screen and just sits there. I still have a cursor and it moves with my mouse.

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PowerPC :: Reformat IBook With IMac Boot Disks Possible?

Aug 8, 2007

The iMac forum is clogged with news of the new iMac, so I decided to post my problem here: I just bought a friends old iBook G3 for writing and surfing the web. It's slow and full of his junk. He doesn't have the original disks, so I was wondering, would the install disks from my Intel iMac work on it?

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PowerPC :: 15" IMac G3 Won't Boot After Upgrade Hardware

Jul 13, 2009

Just bought a fantastic condition deep-blue 500 MHz G3 DV iMac yesterday for 15. Steal! The original hard drive was knackered so I've replaced it with an 80gb 5400RPM one which should be more than adequate. I'm aiming to get OS X on it. My 350 MHz G3 runs is well, so this should scream. Unfortunately, OS9.0 and OS9.1 disks in the optical drive still produce a flashing folder icon. I need to boot OS9.0 in order to flash the iMac's firmware before I can stick OS X on it, but it just won't boot at all. I'm thinking it could possibly be a knackered optical drive, but before I go to the trouble of finding a workaround, I wondered if anybody here might have some ideas.

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PowerPC :: IMac G4 Won't Boot Into Target Disk Mode?

May 12, 2010

I just bought an 800 MHz iMac G4 , and whenever I try to boot into target disk mode it shuts itself down. I am connecting to an intel iMac, and the g4 has no OS installed on it (I am trying to install tiger using my dvd install dvd, the one with the black background and grey x which the G4 won't read). Does anyone know what could be causing this issue? I've already tried reseting the PMU and PRAM.

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Won't Boot - Logic Board Error Detected

May 17, 2007

I have an imac G5 20" that is approximately two years old. About 2-3 weeks ago it started acting a bit flakey....it would lock up on std apps (firefox), it would always lock up after being revived from sleeping etc. I ran the hardware test and everything checked out. Then a few days ago it wouldn't boot. I get the chime, I hear the drive spinning, then the fans kick into high gear and I get a screen with a folder in the middle with a "question mark icon" and a "finder icon" displaying alternatively inside the folder. So I booted up the hardware test dvd and the test failed 27 seconds in with the following error code:

2GMC/2/15: built-in
Logic Board Error Detected

Are there any other steps I should be taking before taking in for service?

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Failing To Boot Up - Fans Whirring Fast

Dec 16, 2008

Originally my iMac G5 (1.6 GHz 17 inch) was failing to boot up. It would get to the grey screen and the apple and it would just stay there and pretend to be a rocket ship with it's little fan whirring as fast as it could after five minutes. So I reset the SMU, fan stopped, still wouldn't boot. Booted it off the 10.5 install cd (which it was running fine until it wouldn't start up). It wouldn't see the Macintosh HD for a while unless you went to disc utility > partitions and changed it from current to one and instead of applying just let it sit there before switching it back to current. Took about 10 minutes of sitting there.

I did disk repair said there was no problem. Disk permission repair said there was a few problems and said it repaired them. To be safe I backed everything up using target disk mode (where the fan tried to play rocket again even though I reset the SMU), erased my hard drive and reinstalled. Now it shuts down randomly when it goes idle, and takes 10 minutes to start up past loading the dock to load the apple bar Mac HD icon and whatever is on the desktop (which is a single empty folder).

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PowerPC :: Putting A G4 Processor In A G3 Pismo?

Sep 29, 2010

I know this has probably been asked before but I have no idea how to formulate search terms to not get a ton of junk results, so please bare with me on this.

I have a PowerBook G4 with a 1.67GHz processor and DVI output and a retarded graphics card. I want to buy a Pismo and hotrod it as mentioned by The Apple Blog. Basically, I'm asking if I can pull the processor out of the G4 and drop it in the Pismo.

Also, if there's any site I can look up sockets and whatnot for these guys, let me know. MacTracker doesn't mention that stuff as far as I know.


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PowerPC :: 1 G5 Processor Apparently Disconnected

Dec 6, 2010

This is an unfortunate development! It appears that one of my processors has died on me! Is this, in fact possible - and still be running? I have included a screen shot, using Temperature Monitor to show the processors and ambient temps. What other way could I determine if it truly dead? And lastly, can a replacement be had? (I'm fairly adept at computer repair) If so, where?

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PowerPC :: Removing The G4 Processor In The IBook G4?

Feb 27, 2007

Tonight, I might have a chance to get a G5 processor from a friend, who wants to dissassemble his iMac G5 and sell it for parts (he's going to buy a 24" iMac C2D). Should I replace the G4 processor in my iBook G4 with a G5?.

I really want to do this and show off with this (if successful) in the public.

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