PowerPC :: IMAC G4 Stuck In Boot
Oct 14, 2007
I picked up this G4 (M6498, 17", 800/256/80HD) from a lady in her 80's whose son sent her a new G5, but I'm having trouble getting it to boot on HD or CD. When I turn it on all I get is a file icon alternating between mac face and "?". Boot from IMAC CD: same thing - I hear the CD track switching a few times periodically but that's it. Boot from OS9 Install CD: same thing. I'm not that familiar with iMac, although I've had a few other Mac machines on and off through the years AppleIIe, PowerMacG3). Any suggestions what to try next?
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Sep 23, 2010
I recently upgraded my Imac Harddrive from a standard 320 GB to a 1.5 TB Segate Barracuda 7200 Rpm 3GBS. Previously I had a boot camp partition for windows 7 ultimate. When I put in the new harddrive I decided to start fresh and do clean installs. Now when I try and install Windows 7 it goes fine until the last restart (4 total including initial restart). Then it just gets stuck at the screen where it says "Push any Key to Boot from CD or DVD". It will stay like that for a few seconds then the disk will stop spinning. So my question is now what do I do? I have to have windows for work purposes and this is driving me insane.
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Jan 14, 2011
I have Time Capsule and everything is backed up on there. My data is on a separate USB HD + Drobo, but for now I need my iMac to boot but it won't. It won't even get into the Desktop. all the guides online says double click the Install Icon this and that...I would if I can get into the Desktop !
It is just stuck on the Apple Logo screen with the spinny thing, that stops spinning!
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Jul 16, 2009
My Intel based imac (purchased in Sept 07) won't boot up because there's an unreadable movie dvd in the disc drive that won't eject... when I turn on the computer, all that happens is it plays the opening chime and displays a white screen... I'm wondering if someone can help or suggest what's going on: Basically I put a movie dvd in my imac that my regualar dvd player wouldn't play so I thought I'd try it in my imac. Once inserted, the disc drive tried to read it but it wouldn't mount, it just made an odd spinning/grinding sound. It wouldn't eject using the keyboard eject button so I shut down my computer so that I could call a friend to ask for advice.
My friend gave me several options to try - holding the left mouse button at start up, hold C down on keyboard, command option O F to open firmware, reboot pram but non of them work. Basically when I start my imac it immediately tries to read the unreadable dvd and doesn't get to the normal start up procedure, it just shows a white screen and chokes on the dvd. Is there a way to manually eject the cd or does the machine have to be opened up and the cd physically removed? Is it likely that my imac will start up normally once the unreadable dvd is removed? I hope my hard drive hasn't gone bad because I haven't backed it up in a long time... Is there a strong possibility that my hard drive is toast?
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Aug 19, 2009
24" imac. leopard system. the system was frozen (which was the first time in two years) a couple of days ago, so i turned the power off to reboot the system. then it's stuck at the grey screen. to make it worse, i have a dvd inserted in the drive. please tell me what seems to be the problem and how to solve it.
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Dec 25, 2008
I have a 700MHz iMac G3, which froze during DVD playback and it needed to be rebooted. Now it will not boot, the gray screen comes up with the loading circle, but it will just shut down after about a minute. I have reset the PRAM, PMU and it is running 10.4. No beeps or anything when it shuts down, it just turns off.
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Dec 4, 2009
I have an old IMac G5 without an Intel processor. The other day I heard a whistle sound coming out of it. The next day I turned it on, got the apple and a revolving pinwheel. The picture of the apple was a little broken up. After a minute the pinwheel stopped. Tried to boot of the leopard CD. Same thing happened. Looked inside for swollen capacitors. Did not find any. Does anyone have any ideas as to what can be wrong.
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Jan 9, 2010
I woke up this morning and my imac wouldn't wake from sleep. then when it finally did I had a all black screen with a few red pixels at the top. the imac wouldn't do anything so I had to hold the power button down and restart. now when I try to turn it on, I hear the apple sound, I get the grey screen (10.4) with the white apple and a spinning circle, then it goes to a light blue screen and just sits there. I still have a cursor and it moves with my mouse.
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Dec 11, 2008
I just bought an iMac with a G4 processor from a friend... The only problem is that apparently some vital file was deleted and as a result, it will not start up. I have a Tiger recovery disc, but because I'm only being shown the gray apple screen and the loading circle, I can't actually use it. Any ideas?
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Aug 8, 2007
The iMac forum is clogged with news of the new iMac, so I decided to post my problem here: I just bought a friends old iBook G3 for writing and surfing the web. It's slow and full of his junk. He doesn't have the original disks, so I was wondering, would the install disks from my Intel iMac work on it?
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Jul 13, 2009
Just bought a fantastic condition deep-blue 500 MHz G3 DV iMac yesterday for 15. Steal! The original hard drive was knackered so I've replaced it with an 80gb 5400RPM one which should be more than adequate. I'm aiming to get OS X on it. My 350 MHz G3 runs is well, so this should scream. Unfortunately, OS9.0 and OS9.1 disks in the optical drive still produce a flashing folder icon. I need to boot OS9.0 in order to flash the iMac's firmware before I can stick OS X on it, but it just won't boot at all. I'm thinking it could possibly be a knackered optical drive, but before I go to the trouble of finding a workaround, I wondered if anybody here might have some ideas.
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May 12, 2010
I just bought an 800 MHz iMac G4 , and whenever I try to boot into target disk mode it shuts itself down. I am connecting to an intel iMac, and the g4 has no OS installed on it (I am trying to install tiger using my dvd install dvd, the one with the black background and grey x which the G4 won't read). Does anyone know what could be causing this issue? I've already tried reseting the PMU and PRAM.
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Apr 27, 2008
trying to boot in Leopard my Mac Pro will get the the gray loading screen with the "loading circle" and just sit there forever. Than after a bit it will just stop and the whole computer can shut itself down. I just installed the 8800gt upgrade kit last week, and have had no problems at all for the past week. The only thing that changed that may be related is the 8800GT XP Driver. I installed the latest beta driver for it under XP in boot camp because it wasn't working properly with the default boot camp drivers. So I can correctly boot in the XP via boot camp, but trying to boot in Leopard it just hangs at the gray loading screen.
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May 17, 2007
I have an imac G5 20" that is approximately two years old. About 2-3 weeks ago it started acting a bit flakey....it would lock up on std apps (firefox), it would always lock up after being revived from sleeping etc. I ran the hardware test and everything checked out. Then a few days ago it wouldn't boot. I get the chime, I hear the drive spinning, then the fans kick into high gear and I get a screen with a folder in the middle with a "question mark icon" and a "finder icon" displaying alternatively inside the folder. So I booted up the hardware test dvd and the test failed 27 seconds in with the following error code:
2GMC/2/15: built-in
Logic Board Error Detected
Are there any other steps I should be taking before taking in for service?
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Dec 16, 2008
Originally my iMac G5 (1.6 GHz 17 inch) was failing to boot up. It would get to the grey screen and the apple and it would just stay there and pretend to be a rocket ship with it's little fan whirring as fast as it could after five minutes. So I reset the SMU, fan stopped, still wouldn't boot. Booted it off the 10.5 install cd (which it was running fine until it wouldn't start up). It wouldn't see the Macintosh HD for a while unless you went to disc utility > partitions and changed it from current to one and instead of applying just let it sit there before switching it back to current. Took about 10 minutes of sitting there.
I did disk repair said there was no problem. Disk permission repair said there was a few problems and said it repaired them. To be safe I backed everything up using target disk mode (where the fan tried to play rocket again even though I reset the SMU), erased my hard drive and reinstalled. Now it shuts down randomly when it goes idle, and takes 10 minutes to start up past loading the dock to load the apple bar Mac HD icon and whatever is on the desktop (which is a single empty folder).
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Feb 3, 2006
We have some new Intel iMacs and have transferred some information from our previous G4 PM (one MDD and one Quicksilver) to the new iMacs. For some reason the G4's will now not boot up and kernal panic on the gray Apple boot screen. This has happened to all the G4's we have in our office. They are running OSX 10.2.8 and the iMacs are running OSX 10.4.4. We can still mount the drives from the G4's using FireWire Target Disk mode.
I have tried zapping the PRAM etc but they still wont boot. I have also tried running the OSX 10.2 Installer disks to try and reinstall OSX on the G4's but the installer cannot see the drives?
I tried running the disk utility. It finds the hard drive but wont let me verify/repair permissions (the option is grayed out). It will only let me verify/repair the disk, but it finds no errors. The installer cannot find the disk at all.
We have more than one hard drive in the G4's and the target disk mode will only mount the system drive, it doesnt see the others, so we cannot retrieve out information. Whats going on. Never had this problem before.
Anyone have any idea what is wrong. Never had this problem before using the FireWire transfer.
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Aug 22, 2010
I am trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate onto my Mac Mini using Boot Camp Assistant. On the Windows 7 install it reboots three times. On the third time, it boots to black screen with "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD...." When I try to hit any key on my Apple Wireless Keyboard, it does nothing. Same thing when I hook up a wired USB HP keyboard to the mini. It is entirely unresponsive. I have tried letting it run for a while to see if it would move on. I have tried changing the startup disk in Mac OS X to the Windows partition but I get nothing but a blank black screen with a flashing underscore.
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Dec 4, 2008
A few months ago, while running Tiger on my Mac Pro, I installed a new additional hard drive and then installed Leopard on that new volume, calling it "Leopard".
The boot volume choice seemed to be a bit flaky the few times have rebooted while installing, but I went with the flow and didn't pay any attention to it.
Today, I installed a bunch of new software in this sequence:
On Leopard: I installed Windows Office for OS X and two immediate subsequent software updates for that, bringing me up to 12.1.4
I did Software Update for OS X, bringing me up to 10.5.5
I then had to restart. When my system rebooted, Tiger came up. (I wasn't quite paying attention). Then, I got a prompt for Software Update again, so I did that (for Tiger). I clued in that I was running Tiger (missing the obvious fact that my screen background was not Leopard.... duh), when I saw the Java 10.4, Version 7 update. Then, my Tiger BackUp kicked in, so that took a DVD write, and an Adobe Reader update. Phew.
So, then I go into Tiger System Preferences and set the boot volume to Leopard, and restart. Tiger comes up again. I go back into Tiger System Prefs and select Leopard to boot from, and this time I lock the preferences, and restart. No joy - Tiger comes back up. Each time it confirmed to me that it had selected Leopard as the boot drive.
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Mar 2, 2009
I have osx leopard. It froze up every so often and saying 'too much application memory on start up disc'. I end up restarting my computer. I have over 100gigs on my hardrive. I restarted my computer and now it does not boot up.
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May 19, 2010
This morning I went to use my laptop, Screensaver passsword box came up and it wouldn't recognise my password at all, So i rebooted. Now my macbook doesn't get any further then the apple logo with the progress wheel then after a while it reboots. So far i've tried the following:
1.)Reset PRAM
2.)Ran Disk Util from install disk and repaired disk permissions
3.) Booted into Safe mode
None of the above have made any difference at all? I thought about "repairing" the install of os x but the version on my disc is older than the version on the laptop so it won't let me?
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Jun 6, 2012
Ok so i yesterday, i wanted to learn computer programming so i decided to download Xcode for mac (The latest one for snow leopard) Everything went fine and a little error pops up during the installation saying something about needing to reinstall soundflower(or something similar to soundflower) I ignored it and everything went fine, i could use Xcode without any errors. Today (after my dad and my sister used the iMac) the Mac went laggy with the rainbow spinning thing. I restarted my computer and now i am stuck on apple logo. I went to the verbose mode and this is what i've found.
There was a line saying systemShutdown false between the errors and the errors is still continuing.
I also tried holding shift for the safemode but it just went into restart loop until i let go the shift button
iPhone 4, iOS 5
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Jul 4, 2012
So my MacBook is stuck trying to boot. I don't have disc.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 11, 2007
I have an iBook G4 1.07 GHz 30 gb 256 RAM with Panther. It was working fine until my HD got close to being full. Now I can't get it to boot past the Apple screen. It will either freeze there, or move on to the blue screen and freeze before the progress bar enters. I want to re-install Panther but I can't get any CD to boot during startup by holding "C", including the Panther OS CD, the Hardware Test CD, or the Tech Tool CD. I am able to boot to single user mode, where I type fsck -fy, and I recieve no errors with the hardware. I had this issue beore and my HD had to be replaced by Apple.
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Oct 21, 2010
I have an issue with a macbook pro and booting from DVD. When I try to boot from the DVD it starts reading and after a few minutes I hear the driver stops and only a gray screen with the apple logo in the screen. I have tried two snow leopard disk and the original disk that came with the macbook pro. I can boot into the operating system, repair permissions, verify disk and disk utility does not find any problem. I also tried with a usb dvd and the same symptom, after a minute it stops reading the dvd.
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Mar 25, 2009
So this morning i turned on my alu macbook (2.0ghz, 2gb ram) and i'm stuck on the apple logo and spinny thing at the bottom, i've searched here and the apple site but can't find a solution.
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Oct 17, 2009
I'm in way over my head after promising to fix my father in laws power mac g5. When I press the power button everything seem normal. You hear the apple sound but after a short while the fans speed up the screen turns grey with a folder icon and a flashing question mark and then the apple logo appears. I have never been past this stage. I have paired the memory installed correctly and I have tried every memory combination possible. I have reset the Pmu and I have reset the pram. I also tried to remove the battery but that didn't help either. I also tried to boot from a system disc but nothing I hear the disc spinning but nothing happens.
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Jan 22, 2010
I have a major problem with my first Generation MacBook Pro. It won't boot anymore: it just turns on and gets stuck at the Apple logo. There is no spinning wheel and nothing else happens. Pressing 'C' for booting from CD or pressing ALT and choosing the CD as an alternative boot source does not work either: it just does exactly the same, gets stuck at the apple logo. I already tried resetting the PRAM and NVRAM, as well as the SMC. This also did not change anything. CMD+V mode starts up then stops at the line "ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)"
What can I do? I really need to save my Mac, there is some really important stuff on there
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Feb 6, 2012
When I hit the power button it gets stuck in the Apple. Being that I have an older powerbook g4 I would need a way to get to the first aid application for a command prompt or an original 10.4 disk which I don't have.
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.4)
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Apr 19, 2012
Mac book is stuck on the grey screen with the apple logo and the spinning timer?
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Apr 27, 2012
It is getting stuck on the Apple Logo in white page with spinning gear. The apple logo keep disappearing and come again endlessly.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.0.x), Actually I only know it is OS X.
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