PowerPC :: G4 Latch Button Stuck / Jammed?
Jul 19, 2006
Well as the title says, my latch button on my 12" powerbook g4 1.33 is stuck in, and i have no idea how to get this thing fixed. It all started with a trip to the apple store to get my optical drive replaced because it was "eating" DVDs. When they sent it back to me, the report said they had replaced the bottom case, and within a week the button would get stuck in a crooked position so that the latch does not catch. I couldnt afford to give it to apple for another week because spring break was now over, so i just dealt with it until yesterday when i hauled it back to the apple store.
The genius there was like "ha! thats strange" and filled out the paperwork, and then can't get it to show up as a free fix because they won't replace lowercases without it being user repair. The head genius then came over, i explained my problem, and he said there was nothing he could do to help me, and then they walked over to the next customer.
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Mar 23, 2007
when my G4 was in my backpack it fell out (bottom down) pretty hard, a restart brought it back to normal and the latch broke... it still closes, i need to push harder, but the button doesnt have its springeness anymore, anyone know how much apple will charge to fix it?
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Nov 5, 2006
I just upgraded from a 12" iBook to a new MacBook Pro. My iBook is still working nicely and I'd like to give it to my bf's parents. The only issue with it is that the little magnetic latch that swings out from the screen bezel came unattached several months ago. I was rather annoyed when it happened, but I discovered what a big to-do it would be to take apart the LCD housing to try to fix it, so I just left it as is. But before I give it away, I'd like to now permanently afix the latch in the "out" position with some strong epoxy glue or something, so that the screen can be properly latched shut. I was wondering if some kindly iBook user out there could do a couple quick measurements of the latch in the out position, so I know where to put it. Knowing how far it's supposed to stick out and how far it is from the side of the little hide-away in the bezel would be excellent.
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Dec 19, 2006
I bought a Powerbook G4 17" 1ghz off of ebay, knowing it has latch issues (not catching). I was wondering if there was some way I could fix the latch myself that was not invasive (dont have to remove the bezel), or if there was a way apple would repair it for free since it wasnt from a drop(says prev. owner). IF there isnt, I was wondering if a magnetic strip applied to the case and bezel would keep it closed, or harm the internals...? Would velcro adhesives work? I would rather not use a wrap-around solution to clasp it shut
About the Powerbook G4 17" sound quality. It sounds almost the same as my Powerbook G4 15" 867mhz did, isnt it supposed to be a little louder than that? Could anyone describe their experiences with the PBg4 17" an sound volume?
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Sep 11, 2009
I have a late 2008 unibody MacBook. This happened before, and now is doing it again. When I click or even tap to click, my MacBook acts like I am holding the button down. If I click in sons text it just keeps highlighting as I move, if I click the bachround it wants to just keep making a box. The only wY u can get it to stop is to hold down power till it shuts off. Everything else works like normal, but the MacBook acts like I am holding the button down.
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Jun 19, 2014
My audio button is stuck in mute and I have tried to PRAM reset and nothing has worked. Is there anything else to try.
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Feb 6, 2012
I have an old "vintage" Macbook with Tiger as my OS. I have all sorts of sleep issues with it, and recently after accidentally hitting the sleep button, I had to force quit the machine by holding down the power button because it was just (beachball) spinning when I tried to start it up again.
I went to start it up and I get the gray screen with the apple on it and the spinning "clock hands" this goes on until I get a darker screen without apple and more spinning. It stays there. We've tried a host of solutions including the resetting through battery removal, we've tried to "archive and reinstall", etc.
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Oct 3, 2010
Does anyone know of a decent web camera that can can fit/latch on the top of the MBP screen that I can use inplace of the default isight? The camera is really small and not so great in low light (the iPhone4's camera would be a better fit it seems).
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Nov 17, 2010
I just purchased a 2005 Powerbook G4 12" and ordered a new battery. Unfortunately, when I stick a coin into the battery release latch on the underside of the computer, it just keeps turning around without ever releasing the battery. Therefore I'm guessing it's broken, and the battery is stuck in there. What do I do now? Can I take it to a Genius bar?
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Feb 1, 2012
How do i get a jammed DVD out of my MacBook?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 7, 2009
My brother jammed his CD in his MacBook. I've tried to eject through the eject button, through finder, and by dragging the cd icon from the desktop to the rubbish bin to eject.Would he need to get someone to fix it or manually taking it out or something.
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Sep 9, 2010
I noticed that my Mini isn't accepting CDs, and when I look inside it appears that a thing piece of paper or cardboard is inserted in there (possibly stuck to the last CD I inserted, which of course didn't operate.) If I'm right, is this something I can fix myself by opening the case? If I decide I don't care because I almost never use CDs anyway, can I just leave it inside the Mini or will that cause some kind of problem over time?
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Jan 17, 2009
About a week ago after importing a CD into itunes I tried to eject the disc, however after making a variety of noises nothing happens. It then asks me if i would like to import the CD again, meaning there isnt a problem with the drive, just the mechanism. I don't have applcare? How much did it cost to repair? and most importantly, did they have to replace the whole drive?
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Nov 22, 2007
I have a cd jammed in my optical drive and cannot eject it. I can hear the drive trying to move the cd which was not seated correctly when the drive closed. Any one have a low tech way of getting into the drive to get the cd out?
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Jun 13, 2009
I had put a cd into the slot on the side of my mac. By the time it had taken the disc, I had realized there was another disc already in there. However, Mac never showed there to be a present disc. You can hear the machine attempting to kick the disc's out however no luck. What can I do! How much to be repaired!
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Dec 28, 2005
I don't know if anyone else has ever had this problem, but it's driving me nutts. The trackpad button has done this once before where it would be real loud when you click it. There's a lot of play in it and sometimes clicks twice but only the second click registers... it's hard to explain.
The first time this happened it went awhile after a days use. However, now it's doing it again and it's been a few days now and it's so anoying!
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Jan 7, 2007
I know I can get the bulk of it here: [URL:..] But is there a controller board? I can't find any documentation on this thing. I want to use it for a PC. Making an acrylic top is no problem. Just looking for pin-outs, dimensions, and maybe some pictures of someone else dissecting one.
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Jun 18, 2007
Anyone know? And if there is one where it is? Also: can the motherboard be reset using software?
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Oct 30, 2008
I was just wondering if anyone knows how I can remove my eMacs power button, the one that you press to turn the computer on. I kinda wrecked mine and I want to "pop" it out to have a look at it. Looking at replacement costs they are like 50 bucks so I need to try what I can before I fork out for a new one.
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Nov 17, 2008
This is a mystery to me. Long story but the gist of it is that I found if I hold down the power-button on my iBook while it's off it goes into some weird mode. i.e. fan spins, disc spins, sleep light flashes and a tone comes from the speakers.Is this some sort of hardware test mode? Is it going to blow up? Is it resetting something?
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Nov 26, 2008
Does anyone know if there's anyway to turn on an aluminum powerbook without the power button? I mean is there any keystroke combination that can turn a powerbook on?
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May 26, 2012
After loading software osx snow leopard my imac has frozen.
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 17, 2007
Im looking for any directions on a mod that will enable my pb to act like a Mac Book Pro with the two finger trackpad ctrl click function. Or an actual second button hardware Mod.
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Sep 20, 2008
I have a 17" G4 1Ghz iMac, we used it until 10 months ago when I got my new 24" Intel 2GHz machine. That new 24" iMac is now in the basement craftroom as the digital hub for pictures/video/etc., while I brought the 17" G4 1Ghz iMac out from my closet for the upstairs loft general web surfing machine. It worked for 2 days and upon shut down would not re-start. I could only hear the fan and nothing else. If I held the power button for 10 seconds upon trying to start up there was a chime that sounded for a few seconds. Once the fan is making small sound, nothing else, if I hold power button for 5-20 seconds the computer will shut down (fan turn off).
Did some online checking, found article on PMU, so I did try and re-set PMU via the apple support article.Resetting the iMac (Flat Panel) Power Management Unit (PMU). Still, no re-start. It was running the latest 10.4.x update upon being put away for 10 months. Here is a picture of the bottom, the red light is on upon trying power on, my finger is on the PMU reset button. Is there any other diagnostic thing I can do? Is there a battery on this logic board that I can check/replace? I'm 100% ok at taking it apart and trying anything to fix it.
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Jun 3, 2009
Got a tricky one here: powerbook G4, 1.25ghz, 1GB RAM (2x512), 80gb HD, APX, 15" LCD, serviceable battery, SuperDrive, OS: 10.4.11. It was brought to me with a boot problem: Computer turns on, gives the start up sound, backlight comes on, apple logo shows, spinner spins... then you get the dimmed screen, large option icon and "You must hold the power button and restart your computer": a kernel panic. I've seen this a few times before and the last time, I fixed it with a new hard drive and the removal of RAM from a bad ram slot.
What I did was:
1) Replaced existing 80GB HD with a backup 30GB drive. Then booted with a Tiger CD (the computer won't start with my disk warrior cd, nor with a tiger DVD). I was able to install Tiger and restart the computer. But the airport card doesn't show up. I tried a known good airport extreme card and this too has not shown up.
2) I hooked up the 80GB drive to my PC via MacDisk and checked it. Sure 'nuf it had loads of problems. MacDisk went through and fixed it (I'm not sure what the problems were as I'm new to MacDisk and don't know what it's looking for and fixing when it does).
3) With the computer running the 30GB known good HD, I started having the same kernel panics so I removed the first RAM chip (512MB) and tried to reset the PRAM.... here's where it went wonky. (I know, only change one thing at a time...)
4) As I said I tried to reset the PRAM (Option, Command, P, R, at start up). While I can get the computer to not boot, it won't restart. I don't know if this is just unique to this machine. Next I tried to reset the NVRAM and again got nothing. The screen wouldn't come on at all. After about three or four resets, the computer did start in Open Firmware mode. I reset the NVRAM from there and restarted (reset-nvram, reset-all). Still nothing on restart.
5) After trying to start it 15 times like this, I swapped the bottom RAM card to the top slot and removed the airport card (again, I'm stupidly trying to change two things at a time). BAM, computer boots... I put back in the 80GB drive that's been "fixed" by MacDrive and BAM, that boots fine too.
So then I put back in the airport card and it will boot, but won't recognize the airport card. I've re-seated it about a dozen times and have used terminal cleaner on the card and on the socket for the ribbon cable from the card slot to the logic board. As it sits, I can't get the airport card (either of the two) to show up at all. I did realize that the open firmware did reference a problem, but I forget the code now and when I looked it up, the references were to a failure of the airport card, but there were also more general references, so I can't be sure.
I'm thinking now that it's the airport card controller on the logic board, the bottom RAM slot and a corruption of the hard drive. Yes, there was a history of moisture into the device and I think a drop in it's past too. I'm the Mac repair technician for the people at the local bike shop, so I get to trade my repair work for their bike repair work. The problem is that they ride their laptops like their bikes, hard and greasy. I'm really wondering about ways to get the airport card back up and running. Or, baring that, a good card-based wireless adapter that I can slide in.
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Jul 21, 2009
I have a G5 dual 1.8 power PC...Bought some ram put it in & booted up. Then a red light came on the logic board behind the power button. The machine wouldn't turn on....I called apple care & we rearranged the ram, now the red light is gone but my system still won't boot up. The white power light blinks every few seconds... the apple store told me sorry can't help because your machine is vintage. Even if my logic board is fried is there a place to buy one on the cheap?
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Apr 2, 2010
I just bought a new Logic Board for a 1.25Ghz eMac and I've put almost everything back together after installing it until I ran into a problem. The power button cable that runs from the power button on the casing into the logic board has no connector on the Logic Board itself, now I have an old logic board that whilst being broken has a connector on it but I really don't want to have to solder the connector on for fear of breaking the logic board.
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Oct 14, 2007
I picked up this G4 (M6498, 17", 800/256/80HD) from a lady in her 80's whose son sent her a new G5, but I'm having trouble getting it to boot on HD or CD. When I turn it on all I get is a file icon alternating between mac face and "?". Boot from IMAC CD: same thing - I hear the CD track switching a few times periodically but that's it. Boot from OS9 Install CD: same thing. I'm not that familiar with iMac, although I've had a few other Mac machines on and off through the years AppleIIe, PowerMacG3). Any suggestions what to try next?
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Nov 2, 2008
I have tried everything... I recently put an audio CD in my iBook G4 and have recently tried to eject it, but it will not come out! I have tried everything and my iBook just makes some weird sound and clunks and bangs.... but the CD doesn't come out. How can I get it out?
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Oct 22, 2009
My G3 keeps repeatedly rebooting. It goes through the loading process, but when it comes time to give you the desktop, it shuts down and restarts all over againl. As it boots up, a double image that you can't read comes up on the monitor, along with a solid color bar that separates the desktop image in two. I have two internal harddrives and changed it to reboot from the second harddrive, thinking that might be the problem. Immediately after doing this, it rebooted fine one time, but now is caught in the reboot loop again. When I startup from the install disk, the image is fine on the screen, as is the startup itself and when I run disk doctor, it says both drives are fine. I homeschool and would like to keep using all of the classic educational software on it for my 5 year old. It's running 9.2.2, 256mb memory 9gig drive is current booting drive, other one is 2gig.
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