PowerPC :: Best Graphics Cad For A Dual Processor 2.5 Ghz Power Mac G5
Oct 27, 2008What is the best graphics cad for a dual processor 2.5 ghz power mac g5
View 2 RepliesWhat is the best graphics cad for a dual processor 2.5 ghz power mac g5
View 2 RepliesAlso, Will I have any trouble running panther on this machine? I am now using 10.3.9
Mac G-5
Mac OS X (10.3.x)
I use the computer for music production
Is it possible to update my Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5 to an Intel or other processor? Of course, I'm finding that my machine is not being supported by software developers anymore?I'm running 10.5.8 on my Power Mac (June 2004). Â
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have a Dual 1.8ghz G5 with 6 gig of Ram and wish to upgrade the Graphics Card. Can anyone tell me a decent card that would improve my system and that would be compatible with the machine. I currently have a 64mb card installed.Â
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I am looking for a tear down guide for my 4 core power mac. I need some instructions on how to remove the CPU's since I bought this for $100 and found the part for $250.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAll this talk of 8800GT's on the Mac Pros is putting me in the mood for upgrading the 64mb ATI 9600 in my stock PM g5 dual 2 GHz.I have an old Formac Oxygen ADC monitor (used as one screen of my dual head system) but the ADC connector on the graphics card seems to be dead, and everytime I plug the monitor in to the port, the Mac just keeps 'tripping' out and won't power up - almost like something is shorting out.As a result, I'm stuck to using just the DVI port (1 screen is so limiting after being used to 2!!), connected to an ancient VGA monitor. I really miss having a dual screen set-up, and this is another reason why I would like to upgrade the card. would be good to still be able to use my ADC monitor, but I guess only the older, low spec cards had these, and I'm probably gonna have to ditch the monitor and get a couple of DVI screens.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have found a cheap, broken Power Mac G5 for sale on the internet. It is a 2.5 GHz dual model. The owner says that one of the G5 processors is damaged.
Will the Power Mac work with only one processor? If I bought another processor will it have to be the same speed?
i have a blue and white g3. it has a slow 400mhz processor and 640mb ram. i would like to upgrade this machine to something i can use for daily tasks. websurfing, music, videos, etc.i was thinking motherboard and processor from a g4 or g5?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a power mac g4 (Power Mac G4 350Mhz (Yikes, PCI graphics) (M7826LL/A) And i want to upgrade its processor to a 1.0 ghz can someone tell me where to buy one.?
View 17 Replies View RelatedI just recently switched to Mac and was given a Power Mac G4 (CPU type PowerPC G4 - 2.9). I would like to upgrade and replace the processor. Is this a possibility or would it make more sense to buy a new computer?
View 2 Replies View Relateddoes anyone know what the largest gfx card i can put in this machine? (agp)
radeon 9600 256mb is the largest one ive found that i compatible :S
i just bought the powermac from a work colleague for �120 with a 19" apple lcd (not a bad price) 2gb ram, 1.42 x2 PPC and im going to put 2x WD Caviar Blue 500gb HDD's in (using it as a home media center and torrent box)can anyone help me with regards to the gfx situation?
ive got a macbook aluminum but my mums pc has crashed so since my switch over to apple i have been over impressed with the stability of mac computers.to cut a long story short i have had some great feedback from this site so wondering if you guys can help.ive seen a 17inch imac g5 1.8ghz ppc processor..and is it possible to run most streaming internet sites like youtube!! bbc iplayer. etc etc..and also can it run windows 7 so she can play some chinese games via flash...??
basically does flash support the power this imac produces..??
I found one on craigslist for $15 but want to make sure it will work, or if I do get it and try to install it I want to make sure I don't break my computer.
View 7 Replies View RelatedHas anyone tried to upgrade their old iMac G5 with a new Intel core Duo processor? If so how do I go about installing one?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a Power Mac G4 AGP Machine and was wondering what is the best graphics card that will go into this machine??I dont it can but im going to ask Are there any HD Graphics cards that will work with it??
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking on cragslist right now for an older powermac to use as a media hub and I think I found one. It appears to be an AGP G4 PowerMac (500Mhz-ish). I have a 256MB graphics card I was using with my PC, I was wondering if I could plop it in and it would work? I know it's probably a pipe dream, but it doesn't hurt to ask
View 7 Replies View Relatedis it possible to switch processor apple power pc to the Intel processor?
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
I am thinking of buying a PCI Express Power Mac G5 to run PPC apps.
It seems I should not buy a quad because of leaking.
Are the dual core reliable?
I am looking to get another mac to do some basic video editing and encoding. All the editing is going to be done in the mpeg4 format and once the video has been edited I am going to encode the video into H.264. My question is which will be better A Power Mac Dual 1.8Ghz G5 or a Mac Mini Core 2 Duo?
I am looking for stable set up that can handle encoding video for a few hours at a time. I am leaning towards the Power Mac Dual G5 because of how much more cooling it has however that said a Mac Mini with a Core 2 Duo running at 1.66 Ghz would also probabley work well.
If the 13" isn't updated I may get the current version...but was after some advice about the graphics card/processor (I realise I'm probably using the wrong term).
I'd read that users have to log off to switch the graphics option when using the mbp for heavier work.
Can anyone provide an idiot's guide on what this actually means? How often it has to be done, for what tasks (video editing etc) and how long the switch physically takes?
I'd like to start by saying excuse the stupid questions, I'm still very new with using macs. I'm a long time PC user, but I've recently made plans to replace my PC with an iMac. Specifically a 21.5" with an Intel i3 processor. This mac comes with 4gb ram, and a Radeon 5650 HD graphics card.
Now I'm a fairly big gamer, and I like my hardware to be as high-end and up-to-date as possible. If I were to plan on upgrading the graphics card, ram, and processor, could this be easily done at home?
I'm asking because of the unusual structure of the iMac. i.e. the lack of tower, and all the hardware being merged with the screen. I'm assuming it would be a lot easier on a mac pro because it actually has a tower that I can easily open/customize.
Lastly, granted that the above is possible, are the generic graphics cards, processor, and ram chips compatible with iMacs? Or would I need to buy a special iMac compatible version from an Apple specialist shop?
So mines at 142 degrees... that seems high to me but i am not really sure... i guess it is a heatsink it should be trapping heat
View 1 Replies View RelatedUnder system properties of my Vista VM... it says Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz (as that's the processor my MBP has)... but after that it says 1.14GHz... what is this about?
Also, I tried to Run the original Call of Duty today, and it said it could not open "OpenCL" or "OpenGL"... can't remember... it said to update my drivers? Why would this be? I assumed with the latest technologies it could run an old game, but I'm missing something.
I have just finished a seven month fiasco working with a refurbished 3.4 GHz i7 mid-2011 iMac, with the Radeon 6970 graphics card. I had originally purchased it to replace an early quad core 2008 Mac Pro. I had the iMac hot-rodded by the OWC folks to include a Mercury 480 GB SSD and eSATA port. That story involves multiple issues with failed components and a complete inability to install bootcamp, which was needed for work-related software that did not play well in a virtualized environment. So now, with the latest iMac hardware failure (Fire Wire port), I have thrown in the towel and will be going back to Mac Pro. (Takes deep breath.)The iMac is currently being used for work, my second job as a part time pro photographer (Photoshop, Aperture), some videography and transcoding and occasional gaming.I'm looking to hit performance marks for processing and video similar to the i7 and am willing to consider refurb or pre-owned machines. New 8 core Nehalem and 6 core Westmere machines are outside my budget. Definite upgrades I intend to add are:
a. 512 GB SSD as primary drive for OS X
b.256 GB SSD for my Bootcamp installation
c.12GB RAM
d. 2 Seagate Momentus XT 750 GB drives in RAID 0 configuration
So, my questions are
1.For real world performance, particularly with regards to my photography work and video, what core processor combinations (going back to 2008 or 2009 used machines could be considered) are likely to yield EFFECTIVE processing power close to the iMac i7? Among recent vintage machines, it seems that a quad core 2.8 GHz would be reasonably close, but I find it's difficult to translate Geekbench results into my needs.
2.I'm having a real hard time with my video card options. It seems that potential choices include the 5770, 5870 and 6970 cards.I'm not overly concerned about the price differences, but would like to find the best performance/value combination, given my needs.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I am seriously considering a Mac Pro but I am stuck if I want a single or dual processor. Ill barely do video editing, Ill run fusion, photo stuff, etc...
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have a powermac g4 AGP (single 450mhz processor). will this computer support dual processors, such as a dual 500mhz? If so, which processors from which computer model(s) can i use? like can i put a dual 500 from a Gigabit Ethernet mac in the AGP mac?
View 18 Replies View RelatedWhere do I switch graphic processors in Snow Leopard on my late '08 uniMBP?
It used to be in the "Energy Saver" area but, I had to log out and then back in again to activate the change. Is there something I'm missing here?
is it even possible to upgrade an old dual core powermac g5 to a quad core or even an 8 core.
I have a dual core one and i really need to upgrade to a quad or even 8 but it is so expensive to buy a whole brand new one and i was wondering if there was a way to just get a new processor and more ram or what not.
Does anyone know of any compadible Dual Layer DVD that work with a PPC G5 Dual 1.87ghz?I tried memorex DVD+R DL and it kept on spiting out the disk
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got a g5 2.5 dual mother replace to a 1.8 dual g5 tower, nothing happen except all the fans, did anyone know is it work, or my 2.5 mother board also dead?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)