Is it possible to update my Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5 to an Intel or other processor? Of course, I'm finding that my machine is not being supported by software developers anymore?I'm running 10.5.8 on my Power Mac (June 2004).
A G5 PPC Dual 2GHz that I am working on freelance for a client apppears only to have 4 RAM slots - could this be the case? I thought that from the 1st Generation onwards all G5s contained 8 slots.
Information: G5 Dual 2GHz PPC Mac OS X (10.4.10) FCS 2 - FCP 6.01, Motion 3.0.1, DVDSP 4.2.0
I just got an AirPort Extreme Card from Apple that has been refurbished. I installed it in my G5 and then on power-on, the system hangs before the chime even sounds? I remove it and everything is back to normal...
Information: Power Mac G5 Dual 2GHz Mac OS X (10.5.1) MacBook 2.16, PowerMac G3 B&W, PowerMac 8100 AV, PowerBook 540c, Mac Plus
how do i add an additional hard drives to my G5 tower, what type of drive is needed? Is there a max limit to the the drive i can use like the G4's? What type of memory do I need to buy, and lastly, how do i determine what series fo Dual G5 do I have? It seems as if there was a 2003 and a 2005 produced G5 dual 2.0 GHZ model.
I recently bought a dual 2GHz Powermac G5. It really is a powerful machine, and dont preach at how much faster intel is thanks...I'd love one but I dont have multiple grand for a mac pro as Im 16. Im just wondering....what is the difference between dual processor, like mine, and dual core, like the 2.7GHz G5's.
Besides the fact that its on the same chip and you save power and space, what are the advantages? As for my 2ghz dual I think that these powerpc' s still have some life left in them, and I do wish to upgrade the cruddy stock 64mb radeon 9600 with a x800 256mb card or something like that to bring its graphics up to par with its power. What are some decent games that will run on my computer?
I've bought a dual 2Ghz powermac G5 secondhand, and bought a new drive and installed 10.4.3 and updated to 10.4.11, the fans where always on full blast so i searched the forums and ran the Thermal Calibration utility, everything seemed fine for a week. Then it started turning itself off with a click from the power supply after i left it on all night while downloading.
Crucial lists PC4000 (500mhz) as well as PC3200 (400mhz) for my Power Mac. It has 1gb of PC3200 in it right now. I always thought that you wanted your RAM to be AT LEAST as fast as your FSB. FSB is 1ghz per processor. SO, would it be a good idea to run PC4000 RAM as opposed to PC3200? From what I gather if I mix them, it will just run the RAM at 400mhz. So would it be substantially faster with say, 1gb of PC4000 as ooposed to 1gb of PC3200 ?
I have a G5 dual pro 2Ghz (June 2004), 1.5 Gb ram, Leopard
When I press the start button, the dvd drive spins, the startup disk "sparkles" (noise seems normal) but no image appears on screen (black monitor enabled), no start-music. It starts correctly after + / - 15 attempts ignition-extinction.
The various reset (pram, motherboard) have been tempted. "Cleaning" the computer with Onyx (maintenance). Battery voltage Bios = OK. The authorization of repairs were made. Repairing minor problems in head volume repaired (the install cd has booted). Tempted to start with a minimum of devices. The symptoms still persist for 2 to 3 weeks.
I have installed a new hard drive. I've installed Leopard on it.
But the problems stay. My mac starts when he wants...
I am seriously considering a Mac Pro but I am stuck if I want a single or dual processor. Ill barely do video editing, Ill run fusion, photo stuff, etc...
I have a powermac g4 AGP (single 450mhz processor). will this computer support dual processors, such as a dual 500mhz? If so, which processors from which computer model(s) can i use? like can i put a dual 500 from a Gigabit Ethernet mac in the AGP mac?
I am looking for a tear down guide for my 4 core power mac. I need some instructions on how to remove the CPU's since I bought this for $100 and found the part for $250.
I've got a g5 2.5 dual mother replace to a 1.8 dual g5 tower, nothing happen except all the fans, did anyone know is it work, or my 2.5 mother board also dead?
I recently purchased a Mac Pro and it's awesome. BUT I wanted to know is it possible to swap out the processors for maybe 2 quad cores or even 2 3.0 GHz processors and if so, how would you do it? Is this possible? (pictures of the motherboard are attached)
I have a Powermac Dual G5 @2.0ghz, with 8gbs of ram, and 2 1tb drives running the latest version of 10.5. The problem I have is that I have 4 LCD monitors that I was using with my PC. I swapped that out with my mac, and while I am no novice, I didnt take into account that I cant just put any AGP and PCI video card into the system. What I need to know is if I can use two PCI video cards both with Dual Monitor outputs, and if so, which cards should I buy, and where? I found some video cards on ebay that are PCI, and it is quartz extreme compatible, but I am unable to use it with the AGP card already installed. The person selling the cards was unable to answer whether or not two of those cards could be used together. I only have about 75 per card to spend. Please help, I cant go on using this awesome machine with only one 19inch LCD. and I cant afford to buy new monitors
With the Introduction of Civilization V for the Mac and its huge need for power. Now i'm not gonna attempt to try to play this game. But I downloaded Ship Simulator Extreme on my windows partition. Now on Steam it has the system requirements.
OS: Windows XP (Min. service pack 2), Windows Vista or Windows 7. 32 and 64 bits OS supported Processor: 3 Ghz P4 Intel or AMD equivalent processor Memory: 2GB (Windows XP) or 3GB (Vista or Windows 7) Hard Disk Space: 3.5 GB Video Card: Geforce 8800GT or ATI Radeon 4850 with 256MB ram (At least Shader model 3.0) Sound: DirectX compatible DirectX�: 9.0c
I have a MacBook Aluminium, Intel Core 2 Due 2.0GHz with 2GB Ram and NVIDIA 9400M. The game plays incredibly slowly and keeps jumping, like the refresh rate is so slow. I have downloaded the latest driver from NVIDIA but still it plays slow. Is my problem here the lack of RAM and I have a dual core processor which is above the requirements? I thought the good video card and processor would be enough? A lot of games seem to have minimum requirements much more than my mac, its not ever that old and seems outdated already.
I had a weird issue this morning. I started computer and it did not make the chime sound, it didn't do anything at all. I disconnected it from the extension cord as well as all the peripherals attached to it and nothing. I tried a different start up disk and again there wasn't a sound. Then i unplugged it and reset the SMU on the mother board and air sprayed the computer to remove all dust. Then plugged it back and it came back on.
Information: Power Mac G5 Dual 1.8 Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I have found a cheap, broken Power Mac G5 for sale on the internet. It is a 2.5 GHz dual model. The owner says that one of the G5 processors is damaged.
Will the Power Mac work with only one processor? If I bought another processor will it have to be the same speed?
i have a blue and white g3. it has a slow 400mhz processor and 640mb ram. i would like to upgrade this machine to something i can use for daily tasks. websurfing, music, videos, etc.i was thinking motherboard and processor from a g4 or g5?
I have a power mac g4 (Power Mac G4 350Mhz (Yikes, PCI graphics) (M7826LL/A) And i want to upgrade its processor to a 1.0 ghz can someone tell me where to buy one.?
I just recently switched to Mac and was given a Power Mac G4 (CPU type PowerPC G4 - 2.9). I would like to upgrade and replace the processor. Is this a possibility or would it make more sense to buy a new computer?