PowerPC :: TiBook 867 Run 20" External LCD?
Mar 5, 2008
I am (or was) sure that I could - be a recent experience with a new (TN panel) LG LCD monitor 20.6inch 1600 x 1050 native res. (LG L204WT) has sown some doubts. Basically, the external monitor would go blank after a few minutes or secs after scrolling around opening windows etc. Not to powersaving mode but just blank. Only unplugging the DVI cable, rebooting the powerbook and reconnecting the DVI would bring it back to life, only for same thing to happen.
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May 26, 2008
My former, babied, 400mhz overclocked by Daystar to 550mhz Titanium Powerbook has a fried logic board. Can I put a the old low resolution Tibook screen on a 1ghz Tibook body with a higher resolution screen?
Would it just power on at the lower resolution or is this just idiotic?
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Jul 30, 2006
Does anyone know if I can swap a VGA Tibook LCD screen onto a DVI Titanium Powerbook? Is the higher resolution in the screen set up itself? I actually wouldn't mind at all if it would work because I actually like the lower res screens of the earlier tibooks. Just wondering if it can be done.. and I don't mean taking out the actual LCD screen itself from the Tibook case and frame, I mean actually SWAPPING the LCDs and plugging them in. I just wonder if the older LCD could be plugged into the logic board or not. It seems that they would fit the case. I'd really like a faster DVI Tibook with the lower res screen because the font sizes are larger.
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Dec 23, 2008
I have an old Titanium Powerbook that wont startup. I haven't used it in about a year.
I've tried keeping it on charge for a day with and without the main battery inserted (which was knackered before I stopped using it anyway).
Any thoughts on what could be wrong with it? An internal battery problem?
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May 11, 2007
Fixing up my old TiBook to sell and discovered the CDRW is playing up reads some dics OK but makes a horrible crunching noise when ejecting, not good. The original drive is a Matshita CW-8121 but I can't find any for sale, what can I replace it with that's current and supported? And pref cheap on Ebay.
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Apr 24, 2009
I have the 1GHz Ti Book, 15", 1GB PC133 memory, 60GB 4200 RPM drive, Tiger, and it's awesome. Battery is basically dead (10 min). I do typical web/email stuff.I also do some music recording and it works fine. Watching video is difficult on [URL] though. I need to upgrade to Leopard as I want to start doing Web Development using Rapid Weaver. The new version of Rapid Weaver requires Leopard. So, while I'm planning on purchasing a new machine soon, I wonder if it's worth spending the money to:
1) buy Leopard for my TiBook (are there performance issues?)
2) buy a 7200RPM drive (for performance)
in order to run Rapid Weaver 4.0 or not.
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Dec 18, 2007
So my Pismo died shortly after I added an addtional 133Mhz 256MB RAM module to it. Don't know if the daughter card CPU connector socket is no longer making excellent contact, or I just static electricity shorted it (RAM transfered to new TiBook works just fine, so probably something more serious like logic board or PS gradually dying was what lead to kernal panics and finally only booting up to chime sound and black screen)...but long story short after lots of searching/troublshooting, I got a used 'dealer refurbished' 1Ghz TiBook from Wegener Media. Cost more than a alum PB, but it's the fastest dual boot (yes, I know, but I still want OS9.2 bootability) laptop in Apple's line. Only problem when I received the system, I did Apple Profile on it, and found no Airport Card installed. Sent an email to Wegener and got a reply that there were at least 9 different configurations of 1Ghz Tibooks, and that Airport Cards where a "CTO (configure to order) optional, not stock, item"...in Wegener's words.
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Aug 11, 2008
I've searched high and low for any and all alternatives to working with my, shall we say, "experienced" Powerbook Titanium, despite it's age(it's not old, it's chronologically advanced!). After looking things up and being able to think of nothing, I figured I'd finally register here and hope for some good advice from people who possibly know more about Mac hardware than I do.I received my laptop in June of 2002(it was likely bought either that month or April) from my father. As far as I was aware, it was a brand new Powerbook bought from Comp USA...with the latest specs and peripherals at the time. After 7 years of using and loving my laptop(despite the fact the battery is completely dead, both hinges are broken and removed to keep the wires from accidentally being cut until I can afford new ones, and the CD drive no longer working), it's come to a point where I'm needing to try to breath even a little new-found life into my true love...or be stuck using "The Rex", my overbearing Desktop PC with its snooty Windows XP and massive noise-creating fans.
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Dec 7, 2010
My tibook .867Ghz was working fine this morning, but now when I restarted it this afternoon, the colors are all off (lots of green and rapidly vibrating pixels in background). The computer works, I can run programs and so forth. There are no changes to the displays settings, still 1280x854 and colors "millions". When I switch to thousand or 256 colors there is no significant change.
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Mar 9, 2007
My TiBook 15" G4 (OSX 10.4.8) has an Airport slot but no Airport card. I got a Sonnet Aria Extreme card but it shows nothing on the TiBook � not in the menu bar or in System Profiler. I've tried restarting with and without the card inserted. The Sonnet support guy suggested everything I had already done and then came up with "Check under the keyboard to be sure the cardbus connection was intact." Seems fine. I'm assuming the card has the Broadcom chipset because they swear it works fine on the 15" TiBook G4.
Also, Airport software is updated, but doesn't show or function because it doesn't see any wireless capability.
Like everybody else who gets frustrated, I've also done everything again 4-5 times, just in case the computer or the card might forget that it doesn't work.
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Nov 15, 2007
So here's the deal. I have an 800mhz tIbook that I had to replace the DVD/CDrom drive and hard drive to get working properly.After I did that I've been having issues with the backlight. It worked fine for a couple of days then started blanking out. The machine would boot and it would be on for a second, then blank out (just the backlight, not the LCD itself). So I know it's CAPABLE of working. I took the machine apart a few more times and couldn't find a pinched wire or bad contact or anything.
Thoughts on what the issue could be? It's driving me up a wall. The only thing I can think to do at this point is to replace the backlight inverter board (the thing attached to the CD-Rom drive) as well as the wire that connects it to the logic board.Is there anything that I'm not thinking of? I'm so annoyed because it did work just fine for a day before doing this!
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Sep 13, 2009
I have a very old PowerBook that did have OSX running on it fine. Recently it has stopped working completely and when you startup it takes you to a blue screen with a question mark and a finder icon flashing on top of a folder. If you give it long enough it will just shut off. I have tried booting from a CD but I can't seem to get that to work. I boot up holding down the option key and it brings me to a window with a picture of my hard drive and a picture of the CD drive but when I click the cd drive and then click the forward button it merely acts like it's refreshing the list and doesn't actually boot from the CD at all. I've also tried holding down C during boot up but it ignores that and just goes to the same old flashing question mark and finder icon screen. The CD I am trying to boot from is the same OSX cd that I originally installed OSX on this computer from so I know it works.
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Mar 18, 2009
I'm in the process of repairing a TiBook, 1GHz DVI. I need a new LCD, but I'm not sure if I need one from the specific DVI model, or if any 15" screen will work (from a TiBook). I think I'm going to need the DVI LCD, but the other LCDs are a lot cheaper, so I wanted to ask.
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Feb 27, 2009
I have a 400 mhz Titanium powerbook I'm trying to resurrect for my teen daughter. Just replaced the internal pram battery, the external regular battery, and the a/c cord, all with brand new parts. The book was dead, and now I have power but not much more.
When pressing the power button I get one chime, and then I can hear the fan working, but no hard drive sounds. The screen is black.
Eventually, when left sitting, the thing will turn itself off. It seems as if it is not booting completely, but then I can't see anything. I am used to hearing hard drive pops and whirrs though, and nothing here.
1. I tried resetting the PMU with the button on the back of the unit.
2. I tried resetting the pram with cmd/opt/p/r before power, but no matter how long I hold I only ever get one chime.
3. Tried booting with my OS Tiger retail CD (which is what is installed) and the drive barely spins, and the screen remains black. Holding C doesn't help.
4. The new battery is charging normally.
5. I tried removing the two ram sticks, moving them around from slot to slot, and using one ram or the other. Nada.
6. Tried forcing shutdown by holding power button 10 secs, then rebooting. In fact, that's how I have to shut it down when I need to, since I can't see anything.
This laptop has been in storage for about a year. This is the same problem I had when I put it away. I think perhaps the laptop might have been knocked off the coffee table and fell about 2 feet to the floor a short time before these problems. I heard it, but the kids won't admit it. *grin* It worked fine for about a week or so, then began losing video at startup.
I just spent about $75 in parts. Should I maybe try a new PMU board before chucking the thing? Any other ideas what might be happening?
I've read till my eyes are blue, and can't seem to find a boot issue with one chime on this machine.
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Aug 9, 2006
i have a power mac g-5 quad with an external dvd drive and a external hard drive and 2gb of ram. on my ext. hard drive i downloaded mac the ripper and that is where i put all my dvds, now today on my pmac i was using mac the ripper, popcorn, itunes, safari all at once and it froze up on me?why? could the ram be an issue? how may programs can i use at once with my pmac?
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Dec 26, 2007
Transferring files from my PowerBook G4(1.5ghz/2gb Ram). I was using a flash drive for some stuff but I wanted to put some large video files on my external hard drive. I plugged in the Western Digital HD, 120Gb, but my powerbook would not read it. Is this because I originally used this hd on my pc? Or does the laptop not have enough juice to power the external?
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Jul 2, 2009
I have two USB harddrives and neither of them are recognized by my G4. One of them consistently requires two ports for power, so I'm not surprised that one isn't working. However, my backup drive (a Verbatim) should not need that and it is supposedly compatible with USB 1.1 ports. It shows up on a Macbook. I am also quite sure that the ports themselves are working.
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Sep 6, 2010
I have a G4 "sawtooth running OSX 10.4.11. Is it possible to boot this mac from an external USB2.0 drive?
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Jul 3, 2006
I want to take my old iMac G4 and use it as an external display for my MBP. Is this possible? Has anyone done this?
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Jan 31, 2007
For my mac Pro? It would help me out a lot. Any way it could work?
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May 25, 2007
I have a 15" Powerbook, and have just had an old mirror-door 867Mhz desktop Mac delivered. Is it possible to use the Powerbook's screen as its monitor? How could I connect the two?
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May 7, 2008
i've plugged my lcd tv to my powerbook using the dvi port and a dvi-to-vga cable and have extended the desktop to the left of my mac's monitor so i can throw windows and stuff there when i'm working (web design). because i would ideally love to have even more room to have my stuff laid out, it would be great if i could connect another monitor and extend the desktop to the right this time... is that do-able? could i use the s-video port for that?
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Aug 18, 2008
I've searched the threads but can't find an answer to my problem. I have two problems really but am hoping if I can fix the first, I can work out the second with existing information on the forum. I have a WD 500gb external drive which I use with my Powerbook G4 through firewire. It works fine but now I can't seem to use any other external drive. I tried connecting another WD 320 gb external drive which I am plugging in through USB, but get nothing. I also tried running my other mac (Ibook G4) in target mode to access information on its hard drive but have the same issue - the Powerbook just won't recognize/mount (i.e. I can't see it in finder or desktop or disk utilities).
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Jun 1, 2009
I have an old eMac collecting dust. Is there any way of using any it as an external monitor?
I mean, what I would like to do is display video out from my Macbook onto the screen of the eMac as a secondary display.
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Oct 29, 2009
looking for a 1 TB or 360GB External Hard Drive For My emac.
Processor : 1.25 GHZ power PC G4
Memory : 768 MB DDR SDRAM
Disk Has 4.9 GB memory Left. Want To Expand It Before Christmas.
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Jul 2, 2010
I am trying to do a clean install of OSX 10.5 on my old powerbook G4 15". I am using a 10.5 image file on my external. I partitioned the external using GUID, and restored the image file onto the external. (this method works when installing on intel macs). Unfortunately, I cannot boot 10.5 using this method on my powerbook. Is it because i am using a firewire 800 cable? Should I be booting it using a firewire 400? I know that PPC macs cannot boot using usb, so i am stumped.
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Aug 1, 2010
My G5 PowerPC will not recognize any external drive, on the desktop or Disk Utility. One showed up briefly, but the computer locked up . I've tried each drive on my Imac and they all show up and work perfectly.
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Sep 16, 2010
I know i might recieve some criticism from people but whatever.. it'l help some people out.I got ripped off on craigslist buying a powermac g5 from some punk (literally... he lived in a warehouse with skate ramps and grafitti "art" )Got this powermac, shady south side chicago kid, wont return for an antennaIve tried everything to use the airport extreme without an antenna, never get any signal without the side off. Today i was using a safety pin (a large safety pin for a hoodie or jeans)unclipped it and jammed it in the Dr. bott slot/hole ....wherever the port is on the back of your g5 that your antenna should go.Somehow i realized that it took less than 5 minutes to load a facebook page, i then scanned for networks and damn, i saw my neighbors networks.
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Sep 25, 2010
I got an 1.33 Ghz G4 iBook logic board, given to me as a working part. However, nothing else that goes along. I do have all the basic cabling such as speaker and power button, flex cables and such. Also got myself a new external AC power adapter. Now, I do not intend to use this as a laptop, thus, I will not be looking for a battery, just AC use. However, there's a big problem, I've no screen. I know there's this software hack that allows to connect an external display, in order to have a "mirroring" desktop.
I suppose that'd be achievable if I had the original screen to actually do the hack, but I don't have it. So, is there a way that I can just directly connect an external display and completely forget about the internal one? One more thing, suppose I can't do what I have in mind, if I actually found and borrowed an internal display, would I be alright if after the hack I give the internal display back to it's owner and continue with the external?
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Aug 28, 2006
I have a 17" G4 powerbook. I would like to get a display for it. Will i have to keep my laptop open if I am using the monitor? Or will I be able to close the laptop and still use the monitor?
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