PowerPC :: Replace Original Theme Now System Not Bootup

Nov 23, 2008

I'm have an old iBook Clamshell 320mb of RAM with OS X 10.2.8 installed, and today I tried to replace the Extras.rsrc with the "Liger" theme (you know the one that makes it look like leopard?) but I didn't know it wouldn't work with 10.2 so I took the original put it in a folder on the desktop called 'System Files Needed Don't Delete' and then I restarted the computer, and it won't boot to the login screen and just stays blue with the cursor. Is there some way I can fix this without installing 10.1.4 again, and not sending it to a friend who can install 10.2.8? I only have the 10.1.4 install disk.

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Software :: Can't Find Original Icon To Replace?

Nov 26, 2008

I have downloaded a full set of icons and i kno how to change them, my original icons rite now to replace them, i am running Tiger, 10.4.11, i knew where they were

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MacBook Air :: Replace The Original English Keyboard With Arabic One?

Apr 20, 2012

how to replace the original English keyboard of macbook air with arabic one...where I can buy it if it is available?

MacBook Air

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Mac Pro :: Replace New 3TB Internal Hard Drive With Original Stock HDD?

Jun 16, 2012

my old stock HD capacity is so small. and i want to upgrade/swtich to new 3TB ATA hard drive? it's possible?no issue with intel mac pro 2008? stock HD located in BAY#1  can i upgrade with new high capacity one? how to upgrade? step by step? do i have to move all content frm stock HD to new HD? and how? do i have to upgrade install new HD with disc utility ? how to change? 

Mac Pro 8core, Mac OS X (10.6.2)

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IMac :: System Hanging And Will Not Always Bootup

Dec 8, 2010

I have a iMac 20" 2.4ghz 2gig RAM. For a few weeks now been having problems with it running slow hanging and programs doing all sort of things like losing history in programs. But the other day it hang and had to turn it of by holding the button when tried to turn it on again it would only load till the grey screen and it had a flashing folder with a ? Tried for ages to get it to bootup but nothing so left it for a day turned it on and it booted up ok but still with the other problems. Now it hangs all the time and it wont always bootup.

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PowerPC :: 10.5.3 - IBook Black Screen On Bootup

Jun 5, 2008

Just bought a used ibook G4 from ebay for my sister and was giving it the once-over. did a software update and installed 10.5.3 (no backup first!). It installed ok, but after restarting it just sits on a black screen and goes nowhere. It plays the on chimes and churns the DVD drive, but then nothing. BTW, the computer didn't come with any installation discs

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Windows On Mac :: Leave Current File System Intact - Unable To Bootup

Oct 3, 2010

I wasn't paying attention when installing the windows XP and I choose the "Leave the current file system intact" option and I am unable to boot up my IMac. Its a black screen saying failing to boot from cd, press any key to reboot and it doesn't. I have ejected the cd and I been trying to hold down the option button to choose which to load up from but it doesn't work. I have an external hard drive that I been using for time machine, is there any way I can boot up from that disc and then have the hard drive in the IMac reset to the mac OS X partition? Running Mac OS X Leopard to its fullest updated on Intel core duo IMac with 2 gigs of ram

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PowerPC :: 12" IBook Made Strange Sound Bootup

Jul 1, 2008

Circa early January 2004 12" iBook, 800mhz running 10.4.?? (my daughter uses it - i think i upgraded it last month when i put iWork on it). She's been having issues with it turning on - can take awhile. But once it's on, it runs and runs (gee the battery is better than my MBP). She just went to turn it on, and there was this NOISE. Not a normal "problem chime" - i've heard those before, unless they don't chime like they did in the old days, it wasn't that. It then turned on, made the normal power up chime and she is now moving some files she wants to save to the Time Capsule Disk. It could have been another noise that got stretched out. She says sometimes if she plugs it in as it's booting it will freeze. Could she not tell me these things when they happen? I don't want to sink any money into it for repair - but dang, the budget needs to squeeze ME a new computer for recording school classes, not her a new laptop. So basically, could it just be a random noise? She said it's never done it before, here is hoping it doesn't do it again.

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PowerPC :: Earth Sign Icon / Folder With Question Mark Before Bootup

Sep 25, 2010

I turned it on today and it gave me a box around a little world, then it gave me the folder with a question mark and gave me the apple logo after that and booted into mac os x. It's really bothering me, is my machine dieing? Or is this just a software issue. A software issue, I can definitely handle if its just a reinstall of mac os x but if its the hard drive connection or logic board then my powerbook is a nice paperweight . Can anyone tell me why it did this and what I should do to fix it? I mean, it works but those symbols at the beginning I know aren't good to see. I recently installed onyx for OS X tiger and ran a few of the operations but I have restarted the computer flawlessly since then.

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MacBook :: Original Battery For My System 4.1 ?

Sep 5, 2010

What is yours? Mine is the original battery for my macbook 4.1, white plastic. I'm surprised mine has lasted this long

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MacBook :: Used System 5.2 Without Original Disks?

Jun 3, 2010

I just purchased a used MacBook 5.2 with Apple care until Aug 2012. The previous owner doesn't however have any of the original installation disks but he does include a backup copy of Snow Leopard. Do I need the original installation disks or will the backup copy of snow Leopard suffice? *I don't know the difference between a backup version and original* And if I need them what are they and where do I get them?

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PowerPC :: Want To Replace 2.0 With 2.5 Or 2.7

Aug 25, 2008

I have a powermac g5 2.0 dual, and I was wondering if I could replace it with a 2.5ghz cpu? Could I just swap the processor chips, or would i need the entire processor? I know the 2.5s were liquid cooled.

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Mac Pro :: System Restarting When Jostled - Options To Replace

May 3, 2008

I'm one of the folks who got an early 2008 MacPro, ordered the day after they were announced. Besides the 8800 GT card, I also have 4 GB extra OWC RAM and 2x500 GB WD hard drives installed.My problem (and I tried searching, didn't find anything) is that it I accidentally bump the tower, like with my knee since it sits under my desk, it will restart. I've tried padding the side that's up against a leg of my desk, but it still restarts. It has nothing to do with what's currently running just if I bump it, it restarts.

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PowerPC :: How Easy Is It To Replace HDD With New One?

Jun 17, 2007

I am having some trouble with my Powerbook G4. I am pretty sure my hard drive is failing but want to get some other opinions before I start replacing stuff. Over the last couple days the HDD starting make strange noises (clicking a lot, along with other undescribale noises). I am wanting to hold off buying a MBP until after Leopard is out.

I am wondering a few things:
1. Is my diagnosis of bad HDD right?
2. How easy is it to replace the HDD with a new one (seems pretty easy reading instructions from ifixit.com)
3. Will any 2.5" ATA drive work?
4. I installed OS X on a firewire drive before the internal drive died but now it will not boot. Am I right in assuming once the new drive is in I can pop the Install disk in and install OS X?
5. Am I forgetting anything? Any tips?

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PowerPC :: How To Replace Hdd In 12" 867 MHz

Jul 29, 2009

i just need to find a picture guide online. i'm fixing my friends computer and it is so frustrating to open.

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PowerPC :: PB Won't Recognize It's Original HD?

Jan 10, 2008

I replaced my hard drive and everything worked great for a day or two, I could transfer data off the old60 onto the new 120HD via the firewire enclosure.

I have a Tibook G4, need more space. then my pictures wouldn't load on the exterior, i've been days trolling the internet for answers, like 25 hours now. And now suddenly it can't get itunes open either. I did nothing!

i can go into the finder, navigate to my old itunes which shows that it's there (it's 7.1) and when i open it, it opens itunes4 off the new internal drive (fresh install of OSX had not been upgraded yet). (and the songs i had imported off CDs fresh into itunes4 on the new drive are gone as well, it's empty.)

same with iphoto, if i can get it to open at all, it ends up opening the application off the new drive and other aps won;t work now as well.

today i changed the home name to see if that helped (it was just left the same as the old homefolder name, thought that might explain the confusion) no change.

iphoto says it won't load, sometimes says it needs to be updated, or says files missing. (i did drag pictures and 3 .avi's off from the library that first day) or opens the new drive's copy of iphoto. itunes opens the new drive's version, and songs i imported fresh are now missing, but were there two days ago. this problem start about 5 days ago.

i reformatted the empty drive, as per instructions, when installing. was i supposed to change user names or passwords or not drag files across to the new drive?

so many questions...such a huge waste of time. pretty miserable at this stage. [URL]

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Mac Mini :: Replace Harddrive / Copy System To USB Drive?

Aug 4, 2010

I got my mini for BB yesterday.

The new Mac mini is indeed quite as dead! Love it so far.

Only thing is that, it's a bit slower compares to my Mac pro. It's expected. So I need upgrade some memory and harddisk I think.

I am thinking if I can buy a new HDD, put it into USB enclosure and duplicate OS over and then swap using Disk Utility booted from DVDROM, is it possible? I hate re-install OS. Anyone did this before that can confirm it's doable over USB?

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MacBook Pro :: Restore System Back To Original State?

Apr 5, 2012

I have just purchased a new MacBook Pro, however i was never issued with any recovery DVD's. In the event of a full re-instillation how would i be able to restore my system back to original state? When i spoke to the assistant in the apple shop, he told me that they were not required, is this correct? Can i purchase the recovery DVD's from Apple?

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: Mac Mini To Replace Vintage G4 MDD?

Sep 8, 2009

I am usually on the PowerMac / Mac Pro section all the time, but here I have a question for you:

I still have my old school PowerMac G4. But now I am running out of options and think about to buy a new Mac Mini. However I have heard that the mini doesn't really work for new games. How about "older" ones?
I have Windows games such as the Tiberium Wars and the Add on. I also would love to play Fallout3 on boot camp. Would that be too much for it, considering a maximum configuration of the mini.

Regarding a faster HD, I personally wouldn't like to open the mini. However I have seen the mini stack V3 on OWC. Going for a large 1 gig drive for booting, would that speed up things a little bit, or would I need a WD Raptor in it to make those games possible ?

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PowerPC :: Can I Replace The Processor In My Power Mac G4?

Feb 6, 2010

I just recently switched to Mac and was given a Power Mac G4 (CPU type PowerPC G4 - 2.9). I would like to upgrade and replace the processor. Is this a possibility or would it make more sense to buy a new computer?

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PowerPC :: Trying To Replace The Card With The Cheapest One?

Jul 7, 2010

I have a late model G5 Quad 2.5 Ghz that I'm trying to sell.The video card is dead and causing all sorts of kernel panics.So, I'm trying to replace the card with the cheapest one I can find, so I can sell the machine.I found this one on ebay:[URL]It says it will work with the G5 Tower 8x AGP, but I don't know if thats mine or not.
Do you guys know if that will work in my machine?

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Mac :: Have 1.6 80gig Original MBA - When Pressed The Power Button, System Does Not Wake?

Dec 10, 2008

i have the 1.6 80gig original MBA.I did not use it for a few days and came back to it to find it had been on standby for that time, i pressed the power button but it didn't wake, so i held it down to force a shut down then pressed it again. at which point it came straight on to a greyed out screen for a few seconds and then went back to normal... all was fine.The next time i tried to use it, it would not turn on, so i assumed the battery was dead and connected the power chord and true enough it came on straight away.

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OS X Mavericks :: Remove Update And Restore To Original Operating System?

Sep 7, 2014

I updated osx to mavericks and its been unstable since that update.  How do i remove the update and restore it to its original os?  and i didnt know i was supposed to do a backup prior to updating

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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MacBook :: How To Reset OS X 10.5.8 System To Original Factory Settings Without Discs

Jun 17, 2014

I am giving my old macbook to a friend's son and want to restore to factory settings.  I don't have the discs and there is no Apple Store where I live.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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PowerPC :: Replace Powermac 2.5 / 2.7 Dual G5 With Mini

May 4, 2008

replace powermac 2.5 / 2.7 dual g5 with mini Has anyone here done this?

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PowerPC :: Any Possibility To Replace Broken Keys

May 11, 2008

I have a Powerbook G4 that has a broken shift and enter key. The other shift and enter both work fine, so I haven't lost any functionality, but I'd like to fix it anyway. They are the only two keys that do not work. Would buying a new keyboard fix this problem? If not, what do I need to do?

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PowerPC :: Any Way To Wipe Install Without Original Disks

Sep 5, 2010

I have a summer 2005 14" iBook G4 that I'd like to wipe and give to a friend, but I seem to have lost my install disks somewhere in one of my moves in the last 5 years. The Apple Store employee I talked to said I should make an appointment at the Genius Bar and they'll do a wipe and reinstall for me, but I'm not interested in putting much more money into this since I'm giving it to a friend as a favor (hers just died). Any suggestions for how to get a copy of the right OS and all the iLife software, too? It has Tiger, but I could put Leopard on it, if that's easier to get a hold of.

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PowerPC :: Restoring IBook G4 But Do Not Have Original Discs

Dec 13, 2006

I am selling an iBook G4 and I can't seem to find the restore discs. Is there anyway to restore it to it's original form without them? If not, does anybody know how to go about getting them?

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PowerPC :: Any Way To Reformat Without Original Install Discs

Jan 15, 2007

I just sold my 15" PB and want to reformat it for the new owner. I lost the original install discs, but I have a legit retail version of Tiger just for this machine. Can I do the hold down 'C' thing, or is there something special about the original install discs?

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PowerPC :: Video - Replace Power Supply Burned Out?

Feb 21, 2006

I have a first gen imac g5 (bought it in dec. 2004). So far I've had three major problems with it:

1. After 6 months of use, the power supply burned out and had to be replaced.
2. 3 months later the well known video problems due to faulty capacitors appeared. The midplane board was replaced.
3. I was out of the country for 6 months; after the midplane board was replaced in August my imac was sitting unused. Booted it up yesterday and the computer would just hang. Took it to the genius bar at the apple store today and was told the logic board has to be replaced. Luckily, though the computer is out of warranty, Apple has extended the warranty for this specific problem.

At this point, I am very frustrated. I am going to call Apple and request that they replace my imac with a new one. It is obvious reading the posts here and Apple's boards (btw, before Apple's board monitors started censoring and delting posts that address these problems - my post on the Apple board yesterday was deleted by the monitors) that many users have had lemons with the first gen imac g5. I consider three major problems in less than a year to be symptomatic of a "lemon". If Apple doesn't replace lemon imac g5's what are the alternatives...I wonder if they would buckle if enough people threaten a class action lawsuit. Something must be done to alert the general public about this problem.

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