Mac :: Have 1.6 80gig Original MBA - When Pressed The Power Button, System Does Not Wake?
Dec 10, 2008
i have the 1.6 80gig original MBA.I did not use it for a few days and came back to it to find it had been on standby for that time, i pressed the power button but it didn't wake, so i held it down to force a shut down then pressed it again. at which point it came straight on to a greyed out screen for a few seconds and then went back to normal... all was fine.The next time i tried to use it, it would not turn on, so i assumed the battery was dead and connected the power chord and true enough it came on straight away.
my power button is constantly pressed. While I was using my computer, the screen got black automatically after a few seconds.After I pressed ESC in order to get back to my desktop, after another few seconds, the window asking if I want to shut down / log out / reboot appeared...When I'm trying to boot my Macbook, after a few seconds, it automatically shut down, without warning, as if I was pressing power button for a few seconds to force the shutdown.I can boot if I remain a keyboard's touch pressed during all the booting process, like Maj, or Alt, but as you could imagine, it's not really easy to use a computer with a keyboard's touch constantly pressed....Â
By the way, I won't go to the Genius bar for a few reasons, first, this Mac is 5 years old, so I'd prefer buy a new laptop instead of paying a few hundred bucks in order to change pieces of this old Macbook, secondly, I don't have an Apple Store near my location.
We're not used to having the computer's power button on the keyboard. Occasionally, when trying to hit Delete, one of us turns off the computer power. I'm wondering if there is a setting (I really don't know my way around macs or I'd check myself) that can trigger the shutdown only after the power button has been held 3 seconds or more. This would prevent those accidental shutdowns.
I still use this old PowerMac G4 (hopefully Apple builds a new MacPro soon!) and when not using it, it is in sleep mode.Unfortunately my cats like to touch the keyboard, thus waking up my Mac.Is it possible to wake the mac only by pressing the power button?
Sometime when I stop using my MBP for a minute or so, the screen goes black and won't wake up. I can see that the lights are on the keyboard and it's running but won't wake up. I will have to hold the power button down and then restart. Does any one know how to fix this? It's starting to do it more and more ofter.
Just got a Pioneer 216-R DVD Burner. It worked great, extremely fast and fully functional. But when I pressed eject button it said I inserted a blank DVD(which I didn't) it asks what I want to open it with. What am I doing wrong? Or what's wrong with the DVD drive?!
i have my power saver set up so that the display goes to sleep after 30 minutes do i get it to wake back up without pressing the power button in the back?
I have a iBook G4 laptop and there seems to be something very wrong with it. It started a few days ago just randomly. I was reading something on the internet and the screen went black on me, but the power was still on (I clicked CAPS LOCK to see if there was power). I then proceeded to push the power button and the power went off. When I pressed the power button again to turn it on, it made that internal noise it always makes and then the fan came on, and wouldn't turn off. There was no picture on the screen at all. Completely dead. But there was power, because when I clicked on the CAPS LOCK, the light came on). I tried pressing on the power button for at least 15 seconds and even went as long as a minute, and the power didn't go off.
I added 2 sticks of 512 to my power mac g5 1.6. I had ahard time getting the computer to see the new ram, but finally was able to kinda get it working after zapping the pram. However my computer only saw these 2 sticks as 256, odd. So i attempted to troubleshoot the problem. I tried just installing the new ram, but the computer wouldnt boot. I tried a few different combos with the other 4 sticks i had, but nothing. I put the old memory back in, and still nothing. The power led looks to blink once every five seconds or so. I tried pressing the pmu reset button, but still the same out come. I also tried taking out the battery, nothing.
I had a weird issue this morning. I started computer and it did not make the chime sound, it didn't do anything at all. I disconnected it from the extension cord as well as all the peripherals attached to it and nothing. I tried a different start up disk and again there wasn't a sound. Then i unplugged it and reset the SMU on the mother board and air sprayed the computer to remove all dust. Then plugged it back and it came back on.
Information: Power Mac G5 Dual 1.8 Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I'm using a B&W Power Mac G3 with 512MB RAM and OS X Tiger for a SMB file server (with 5 users) and a USB printer server. Everything is working good, but I have a problem.
It doesn't have a monitor or keyboard/mouse attached normally (I can configure it via VNC). The problem is that I would like to be able to turn the machine off when it's not needed (like at night sometimes, days when I won't be home, etc.). I would like to just hit the power button and have it turn off, however it puts it to sleep instead.
Normally, sleep would be fine, except on the B&W, the fans still run, just the HDs shut off, so it's still noisy as heck.
Is there a way to make the power button shut it off? If not, any other easy methods of shutting it off you can think of? Via VNC won't cut it, as my dad needs to be able to turn it on (not a problem) or off as well.
i just got my new imac 2 days ago. I was wondering is there another to turn on the power without pressing the power from button? (cuz i remember u can power on from the keyboard b4)
I have just shipped my Mac Mini to its new home and I've had reports that the panic error is appearing on boot up: "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the Restart Button." This screen appears on the blue window just after the grey apple screen has disappeared and does not get as far as the desktop at the same point each time. We have tried to reinstall mac OS from the original install disk but holding the "C" Key or the "Option" Key down on restart doesn't boot from disc. Is there a way you can view the Kernel Panic log before you boot into Mac OS so we can try and pin point the source of this problem. I'm wondering if this could have been the result of the shipping that has caused some hardware to come loose.
If I'm away from my computer for awhile, it goes to sleep and won't wake up. Hitting Return or other keys won't help; nor does pushing the Start button on the back. The only solution I've found is to unplug the computer, re-plug, then start again.
I have a G5 (Power PC, g5, Dual 1.8 GHZ with 1.25 GB SDRAM, and Mac OS X 10.4.10-phew!) and I recently: added more USB ports using a PCI card, and purchased a non-Apple 22" widescreen display.
Prior to adding USB ports, I was using a hub that ran off its own power source, and used a Samsung 19" monitor.
My situation now: everything starts up fine, but ultimately the fan will kick in at SUPER HIGH and won't stop. I can put my Mac to sleep--which stops the fan noise--but then it won't wake up.
I have run the Apple Hardware test and everything checks out OK. I've also reset the SMU according to directions from this forum; AND I've vacuumed out all the dust bunnies.
The fan runs so loud and so high it sounds like it's an airplane that's about to take off.
Short of bringing in my Mac to a technician, can you recommend anything? My Mac has been glitch free up until now.
I've been fighting bad sleep crashes for over a year. Sometimes it would freeze when it started sleep, sometimes when trying to wake from a sleep. I've spent countless hours researching the problem, reading everything on the boards. I tried resetting the PMU, turning off Bluetooth, removing all USB, and all of the other suggestions. Nothing alleviated the problem. Last week I replaced the lithium battery on the mother board because it wasn't keeping the correct time. So far it is sleeping and waking perfectly for the first time in ages. No more freezes or jet engine fans. I have my fingers crossed. Power Mac G5 dual 2 GHz, purchased June, 2003
I've just recently purchased my Mac Pro and have tried multiple times to leave it on, with the monitor set to sleep (using hot corner) and the computer set not to sleep. The purpose is to be able to access my music library while on the go. For some reason, when I come back to the computer it won't wake, the power light is on so I'm assuming it froze or had a kernal panic.
I'm running Simplify Media and a Hawking USB wifi adapter to access my music on the go, no other 3rd party peripherals.
I just purchased a used MacBook 5.2 with Apple care until Aug 2012. The previous owner doesn't however have any of the original installation disks but he does include a backup copy of Snow Leopard. Do I need the original installation disks or will the backup copy of snow Leopard suffice? *I don't know the difference between a backup version and original* And if I need them what are they and where do I get them?
About a week ago I received my new battery due to the recall. The last few days my power book has been great when I open my power book today it will not wake up. So i figured I would plug it in. The light stays green, does not change to orange, and still continues not to wake up. Even taking the battery out and trying to turn it doesn't work. Power cord stays green then as well.
I just bought a new dual 2.0 ghz power mac G5 about 2 weeks ago. I set everything up and dowloaded all the updates for everything, and then about a week into using it the problem started. I left for work and when I got home that evening after the computer had been asleep all day, it sounded like the computer was taking off from a runway. It would not respond at all to the keyboard or mouse so I had to shut it down by holding the power button on the front of the unit and then start it back up. I called tech support but they had me turn the option off that puts the harddrive to sleep when possible and then turn off my screensaver. Well it was fine again for about a week and then it happened agin yesterday, not once but twice. I looked on apple discussion boards and there is alot of this happening. Well I took one guy's advice that seemed to know what he was talking about. I restarted holding the command-option-o-f keys down, then prompted the computer to reset the v-ram, and two other things he suggested to reset that I cannot remember. Then I restarted, trashed the energy saver prefs and ran a repair disk permissions task inside OSX. Well that is where I am now, and it has not done it again, but I am still trying to find out what exactly is going on here. I just spent $2000 on a machine and it appears messed up and Mac has no answer.
My Macbook Was On And Working And I Tried To Hit The Power Button To Turn The Macbook Off And It Would Not I Shut It Down Using Computer Shut Down Under The Apple It Will Not Turn Back Has To Be The Power Button There Any Where I Could Buy A Replacement Power Button? And Is There Any Other Way To Get It To Turn On Without Using The Power Button?
After leaving machine on all night as I usuaaly do in the middle of a project I came in this morning to find power button blinking no -stop. No images on displays.Have reseated RAM (original 2G from Apple and subsequent modules (4x2) from OWC) twice and no change. No peripherals connected and no change.
Info:Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac Pro 3.0/8-Core, 18G RAM, 2-1Tb
I turn off Imac, using apple menu. Sometimes the power button will work to turn it on, other times it won't. Been to 2 authorized dealers, they can't find problem. Sometimes jiggling or shaking computer will allow me to start using power button. Sometimes I open up case, plug and unplug everything, and then power button will work. Never know when it will work or not. Power button has had continuity check. It checks fine. Power plug is fine, outlet is fine.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.5), Partition hard drive
I have a white 2008 model MacBook. Due to some unfortunate tampering with the circuits under the right command key on the built in keyboard, a lot of the keys and the power button are now effectively dead. I'be ordered a replacement top case, but was wondering if I could, in the meanwhile, somehow turn the laptop on. I'd prefer to do this without opening it up, though I could if that's the only way. Â
I read in another thread, can't find the link now, that disconnecting the battery, connecting mains, then connecting the battery would turn it on, but that doesn't seem to work for me.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I'm have an old iBook Clamshell 320mb of RAM with OS X 10.2.8 installed, and today I tried to replace the Extras.rsrc with the "Liger" theme (you know the one that makes it look like leopard?) but I didn't know it wouldn't work with 10.2 so I took the original put it in a folder on the desktop called 'System Files Needed Don't Delete' and then I restarted the computer, and it won't boot to the login screen and just stays blue with the cursor. Is there some way I can fix this without installing 10.1.4 again, and not sending it to a friend who can install 10.2.8? I only have the 10.1.4 install disk.