PowerPC :: 12" IBook Made Strange Sound Bootup

Jul 1, 2008

Circa early January 2004 12" iBook, 800mhz running 10.4.?? (my daughter uses it - i think i upgraded it last month when i put iWork on it). She's been having issues with it turning on - can take awhile. But once it's on, it runs and runs (gee the battery is better than my MBP). She just went to turn it on, and there was this NOISE. Not a normal "problem chime" - i've heard those before, unless they don't chime like they did in the old days, it wasn't that. It then turned on, made the normal power up chime and she is now moving some files she wants to save to the Time Capsule Disk. It could have been another noise that got stretched out. She says sometimes if she plugs it in as it's booting it will freeze. Could she not tell me these things when they happen? I don't want to sink any money into it for repair - but dang, the budget needs to squeeze ME a new computer for recording school classes, not her a new laptop. So basically, could it just be a random noise? She said it's never done it before, here is hoping it doesn't do it again.

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PowerPC :: 10.5.3 - IBook Black Screen On Bootup

Jun 5, 2008

Just bought a used ibook G4 from ebay for my sister and was giving it the once-over. did a software update and installed 10.5.3 (no backup first!). It installed ok, but after restarting it just sits on a black screen and goes nowhere. It plays the on chimes and churns the DVD drive, but then nothing. BTW, the computer didn't come with any installation discs

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Strange Battery

Mar 13, 2010

I recently bought an iBook G4 off eBay. There is one issue with it and I am not sure what is causing it. The battery shows it has about 35 charge cycles, and when it is fully charged it says around 5-6 hours of battery life left. I will use the laptop for around an hour, at which point the battery life is at around 80% with around 3-4 hours remaining. All of a sudden, the computer will go into sleep mode and when I plug the charger in, the battery is at 0% and charging! I am not sure if this is a bad battery that is old and can't hold a charge, or what. I have already tried resetting the PRAM and PMU but with no luck.

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PowerPC :: Strange Sleep Screen On IBook

Oct 21, 2006

When I sleep my iBook (indigo clamshell), it does not dim to a black screen like it is supposed to...Instead I het a multicolor static looking screen...the hard drive does appear to power down and the green light slowly blinks as usual in sleep.

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PowerPC :: Ibook Battery And Strange Sounds

Jan 16, 2009

First one,when my ibook is fully charged (and turned off) it makes an annoying noise,is this normal?as soon as I power it up the sound disappear. Second,my battery did some strange thing,it shuts off @30% sometimes 40%,but it shows 92% health and lasts 2/4hours,in an attempt to do something I tried a routine of discharging and full charging it,and it had been earning mah lol..is this possible?why does it happen?can it be because it was not very used by the last owner? here it is a screenie: istat says the same.. Do I have a very good battery,or one that in a few days is going to heaven?

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PowerPC :: Strange Sound From Powerbook

Jun 2, 2008

my powerbook makes a strange sound every now and then, from the side the super drive is... but not when i have a disk inside. i don't know if it's the drive itself or something higher up under the keyboard... is that where the hard drive is? i've verified permissions and the drive and everything seems ok. should i be worried? (i do have time machine running so i guess i won't lose any data if something does happen, but still it's pretty odd for this to happen...)

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PowerPC :: 190cs - Made Start Up Sound A Few Times But Never Starts Up

Jul 16, 2008

I got a Powerbook 190 from my grandfather. He didn't give me the cord to plug it in with. He gave me the cord that has the big box, that connects to the computer. It was missing the cord that goes from the box to the wall. I read that it said to ONLY use an apple cord.My step dad said "that's not how electricity works." and gave me a regular, random computer cord. I was unsure, but plugged him in anyway.

He worked perfectly for one night. No problem at all. Booted up right away. I played on him for a few hours. It was time to go to bed.

He hasn't woken up since. He's made the start up sound a few times, but never starts up. I've pushed the reset button on the back a thousand times. At least what I THINK is the reset button. They just say under the video out port, but I don't know what that looks like. What I'm pressing is a small, very flat, wide (but still very small) rectangle of a button. Nothing. I've held it down for 40 seconds, 4 or 5 times. I've taken the battery out, and then held the reset button. Nothing. I've tried everything I know to do, for about a month now.

I left him alone for a few weeks. I plugged him in today, and it made the start up sound, and then nothing.

Can I save him? How? Should I try an apple-specific computer cord? Do I need a new battery? If I did, wouldn't it start up with the battery out, but still plugged into the wall? Fried motherboard?

I even found a freaking airport card that'll work with it, and an external floppy disk for my new mac, so I can transfer files from one to the other. I was so excited about him. And my dreams were crushed.

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PowerPC :: Strange Ibook Display - Disassembling / Reassembling Things?

Jul 6, 2008

also posted on apple discussion forums. My wife has a 12" ibook g4 1.33 mhz. It has been exhibiting the following symptoms with increasing frequency:

1) the display will completely dim to the lowest setting or cycle between bright and dim, as if pressing f1 and/or f2 repeatedly
2) some of whatever she was typing or working on at the time will be deleted
3) a string of repeated characters (usually q1aq1aq1a) will appear in her typing
4) often the desktop is brought to the front as if pressing f11 in expose
5) other than the problems described, the computer continues to work normally
6) problems are almost always related to moving the hinge position, but sometimes happen randomly, with no movement at all
7) it will sometimes occur many times a day, then not at all for several days
8) it seems to happen more often when the computer is not on a hard surface, but this may just be my imagination or some random bad luck

I am at a loss as to what the problem may be. I was thinking it might be the display cable because of the link to hinge position, but that wouldn't account for the random typing. Then I thought it was the motherboard, but the computer seems to work ok other than this. I did realize the other day that most of the problems are things on the left hand edge of the keyboard (display brightness, the q1a pattern), but this doesn't account for the deleted typing and the mysterious f11 thing. Does anybody have any thoughts? Am I looking at a display cable (hopefully this is it - I have no problems with disassembling/reassembling things)? Or is it the motherboard (probably means it would be more economical to get a new machine)? Or is it something else?

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PowerPC :: Ibook G4 Dead Won't Turn On - No Fan Cooling Sound

Apr 3, 2008

My ibook G4 died last night. After having some trouble with the battery (i have to replace it), the laptop finally did'nt turned on never again. Although is plugged with the power cord, the computer does'nt make any sound and it does'nt turn on, it does'nt even sound the cooling fan spining.

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PowerPC :: Tilt IBook - DVD Drive Makes Ejecting Sound

Aug 17, 2006

If I tilt my iBook a certain way or that, sometimes it'll try to eject a CD, even if there's not one in the drive. This has me sort of concerned, has anyone else's done that?

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PowerPC :: Steelfist Re - Ibook Lost Sound From Internal Speakers

Nov 15, 2006

Saw a problem a member (steelfist) had awhile back regarding loss of sound from internal speakers. I needed to know how that was resolved since I have the exact problem on wife's ibook. Apple iBook Notebook 12.1" M9846LL/A (1.33 GHz PowerPC G4, 512 MB DDR SDRAM, 40 GB Hard Drive, Combo Drive, Built-in AirPort Extreme

Problem: Internal speaker option in sound preferences GONE all of a sudden. Only headphone option exists. Headphones sound good and so does any external speaker plugged in to that jack. But internal speakers are gone.

Tried: everything except reinstalling OS X. I've messed with opening and closing Garage Band, checked Midi defaults, tried to trip jack into not thinking headphones was plugged in - did the PRAM, power reset - no mutes on or sound lever out of balance either. Want to avoid sending unit in for repair if I can do it myself.

Need to know: Would opening the unit and unplugging / plugging the sound jack or speakers (if possible) make the system "see" the internal speakers? Or should I reinstall operating system? Just afraid of losing files.

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PowerPC :: Sound Volume Becomes Uneven - IBook Internal Speaker

Feb 22, 2008

I have a small issue on my iBook (G4) that's been driving me a bit crazy lately. I noticed a few months ago that when I selected a song/video on iTunes to play, I would get uneven volume output on my two internal speakers. I tried restarting iTunes, restarting the computer, etc. to no avail. In addition, sometimes this problem would not arise for a few days, and then suddenly start up again.

I then dug up the program Audio MIDI Setup and saw that the sliders were uneven . Once I slid them back together, I thought I had solved my problem. Nope! It came back, and I even saw that if I opened up Audio MIDI Setup right after the computer turned on, the sliders would be skewed even before opening iTunes or Safari or some other program that used audio.

I've come accustomed to manually balancing the volume output, but the irregularity of this problem occurring frustrates me. Attached is a screenshot of Audio MIDI Setup with the issue--note the Audio Output sliders.

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PowerPC :: IBook Making Funky Noises / Mechanical Sound Coming From CD-Rom

Feb 28, 2007

but anytime someone pounds on the table and I have my 12' iBook just chilling on it, it makes a resetting noise, a very mechanical sound that makes it seem like it's resetting itself once. I have no idea why, and I just beg people around me to regulate their anger.

However, even when I am picking up my iBook it'll make the noise.Is this a sign of a deteorating cd-rom drive? Or are most iBooks and Apple laptops like this?

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OS X :: Mac Bootup Sound Working Only Sometimes

May 12, 2010

Just curious if anyone else has experienced this? Sometimes when I bootup the chime sounds and other times not. Running tiger osx.

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MacBook Pro :: HD Makes Mechanical Sound During Bootup?

Oct 26, 2009

I've had my 13inch MBP for almost 3 months now. I love it. However within the past month and a half the hard drive on when I press the button for the laptop to turn on makes a horrible sound. A mechanical sound of the hard drive..turning on or starting up or something. It's like, kinda embarrassing to turn it on in public cause it sounds like a disabled electronic robot baby yelling for help. When I first got my MBP when it turned on it did not make a noise at all. at all. but now all of a sudden it does? And let me tell you, when I had my original white macbook from 2006-early 2009 it began making the same noise in like mid-07. Therefore I know I'm not the only one to have ever heard this noise before.

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Software :: IBook G4 Unable To Mount New Internal HD - Bootup With External Hdd

Jan 10, 2009

i bought a ibook G4 off of a friend and knowning it needed some repairs it needed a new Harddrive. He had a 100Gig Seagate replaced in it before me and I tried a new 60Gig when I got it.either one of us couldnt boot either HD, we can not find the new Internal HD with the Mac. I can boot off a External HD holding down ALT. And i already tried clearing the P-ram many times.

Also when i go to load a 10.3 OSX disk it loads and either gives me a red circle X or like sorta artfacts and shifts the apple screen to the side of the page. Ive spent hours trying to fix this and have no luck. do i need a 10.4 or 10.5 disk? i did add 256MB ram to it so heres the specs. I have no clue what to do. ALSO! when i boot the external under the specs it wont show the HD under disk utilty or the about my pc info...

Ibook G4 1.25Ghz
512MB Ram
12In Screen

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OS X :: MagSafe Made Pop Sound - Temporarily Disabled

Jul 25, 2010

This morning when I plugged in my MagSafe Power Adapter to my MacBook Pro, I heard a 'pop' sound. It sounded like fuse going or something. Then I noticed that the Green light was not turning on, nor was the Amber light. I then unplugged everything and let it sit there for about 30 seconds and then plugged everything back in. The Green light then turned on and the MBP recognized it as a power source. The question is should I be worried? AppleCare expires for me in December of this year.

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MacBook Air :: Strange Sound From Speaker?

May 20, 2008

I am heading a strange sound from my speaker, sounds like an application is causing it. I check the logs and I dont see any errors. a good method of tracking down the error? Is there a log file for system sounds or do I have to kill each application one by one and wait 2-3 mins between application kills to see if the sound comes back.

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MacBook Air :: It Is Making A Strange Sound

Mar 28, 2012

Every 20 minutes or so, I hear a strange sound as though I've pressed the wrong key or something. I've tried closing all of my apps as well as restarting my computer but I keep hearing it. It is literally driving me crazy.

Info:MacBook Air

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MacBook Pro :: Frozen With A Strange Sound Every 5 Seconds?

Mar 18, 2012

I was just surfing the net and suddenly my macbook pro 13 got frozen with a loud "beep" every few seconds (the same sound as that of upgrade booting). What happened? I've shut down and then it restarted as usual.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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PowerPC :: Replace Original Theme Now System Not Bootup

Nov 23, 2008

I'm have an old iBook Clamshell 320mb of RAM with OS X 10.2.8 installed, and today I tried to replace the Extras.rsrc with the "Liger" theme (you know the one that makes it look like leopard?) but I didn't know it wouldn't work with 10.2 so I took the original put it in a folder on the desktop called 'System Files Needed Don't Delete' and then I restarted the computer, and it won't boot to the login screen and just stays blue with the cursor. Is there some way I can fix this without installing 10.1.4 again, and not sending it to a friend who can install 10.2.8? I only have the 10.1.4 install disk.

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Final Cut Pro X :: Modifications Made To Duplicate Projects Also Made To Original

Jun 21, 2014

I'm basically trying to make a "save as" version of a project so I can change what I have without risk of losing everything I've done. But every time I save a new version of the project (and even rename it, store it on another drive, etc.), the changes I make to the new version are also made to the original.I'm also not getting the popup "duplicate project" window (which should give me a choice of where and how to save the project) I'm supposed to get when I click on "Duplicate Project." How can I simply save a fixed version of my project? 

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ITunes :: How To Get Home Made Movies (made With Final Cut )

Mar 22, 2012

How do i get my home made movies (made with final cut ) into iTunes

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PowerPC :: Earth Sign Icon / Folder With Question Mark Before Bootup

Sep 25, 2010

I turned it on today and it gave me a box around a little world, then it gave me the folder with a question mark and gave me the apple logo after that and booted into mac os x. It's really bothering me, is my machine dieing? Or is this just a software issue. A software issue, I can definitely handle if its just a reinstall of mac os x but if its the hard drive connection or logic board then my powerbook is a nice paperweight . Can anyone tell me why it did this and what I should do to fix it? I mean, it works but those symbols at the beginning I know aren't good to see. I recently installed onyx for OS X tiger and ran a few of the operations but I have restarted the computer flawlessly since then.

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PowerPC :: G4 Hard Freezes And Strange Fan Noise

Oct 5, 2007

My PowerBook G4 has been slowly dieing over the last couple of month, ever since I told it was going to get replaced with a MacBook Pro early next year (hopefully around MacWorld). The Airport signal is slowly decreasing and I'm in the same room as the wireless router, the mouse touchpad in parts is loosing sensitivity, there are randomly hard freezes of the system, etc.

But over the last couple of days I have noticed a strange noise coming from the fan (well that's guess), it sounds like its sighing, I know it sound ridiculous but it's the only thing it reminds me off. It comes and goes (the sighing) but it is constant and it's really starting to: 1) Freak me out that my computer could die and day, 2) Annoy me. I have a sound clip (.amr - also converted to .mov) does anyone know how i can upload it onto here or a link, so people can hear what I'm experiencing.

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PowerPC :: Strange Powerbook Monitor Dimming Screen?

Sep 1, 2006

I'm experiencing a problem with my monitor on my 1.67 GHz PowerPC G4 recently. A few weeks ago the monitor would dim when extended past parallel. Now It dims past 30 degrees. It seems to be getting worse by the day. Anybody have any ideas why this is happening, and more importantly; how to fix it? By the way, I don't know much about the insides of these things.

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Strange Vertical Lines Of Squares?

Nov 2, 2008

I have a problem with the display of an iMac G5 20". It shows up as vertical lines of small squares.

If I change screen resolution, the display will look ok for about half a second, and then it comes back again. Anyone had seen this before? (This is does not look like the usual problem with iMac and thin vertical lines.)

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PowerPC :: Strange Pink Artifacts Over IMac G5 Screen

May 11, 2009

I have an iMac G5 (rev. B with ambient light sensor) which has suddenly started having a problem where the entire screen is covered with pink artifacts. The iMac had been left on overnight and when waking up in the morning I found the screen looking like this and now it continues to stay like this no matter what I do. I have attached a screenshot and was wondering if anyone might have a clue what has caused this to happen

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PowerPC :: IBook Display Stopped Working / Boot IBook Via Target Disk Mode?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a G3 iBook and just the other day the display stopped working. There were no signs of the display going bad, it's just went. Am I able to boot the iBook via Target Disk Mode on my PowerBook and run the iBook Hardware Test CD on it? Also, can I reboot my PowerBook and choose the iBook as the startup volume?

I know how to do Target Disk Mode but the latter I'm not sure about.

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PowerPC :: Unable To Start Powerbook / Freezing And Strange Clicking Noises

Oct 5, 2007

So I've got my mothers aluminium 12" Powerbook here because there were some troubles with it, it was freezing, made strange clicking noises on the left side (like 20 times every time she tried to restart) and eventually wouldn't start up anymore. So I guess there must be something wrong with the harddrive .

What is the best strategy to try to save as much data as possible? I have the original OS X 10.3.4 installation disks, I have an external hard drive to write the users data folder to. Do I just slide in the install disk while starting up (I mean I can't slide in the disk while it's off can I?) and will I be able to attach the external drive in order to copy the files?

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