PowerPC :: Iomega Tools Will Not Recognize When A Disk Is Inserted?
Oct 19, 2009
I am running OS 8.6 and have installed the iomega ware for classic on it (I believe the driver is 6.2.3). The drive will power on when I insert the drive. The drive is recognized by the Iomega Tools but will not recognize when a disk is inserted. The drive does not even try to spin up when a disk is inserted. Iomega tools says no disk is inserted. The only way to eject the disk is to put a paperclip in the "emergency eject" hole.
I have a mid-2010 iMac. Recently, it has failed to mount DVDs, either video or data, on a reliable basis. I have been able to work around it by restarting my iMac, but that doesn't always work.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), mid-2010 model
i have been using an external HD for a while now, i was using it today and it was working fine, then out of the middle of nowhere, i get this message: "disk insertion" the disk you inserted was not readable by theis computer....i run disk utility and get this message:[URL]can someone please give me some advice, i have a ton of important stuff on this HD!
I bought a 1TB Iomega Prestige drive, it worked great for a few months. Started making loud clicking sounds. Iomega sent me a replacement drive (refurbished).
I am using it as my time machine backup in Leopard, so it was really just a matter of plugging it in, formating it with the OSX file system and setting it up for time machine.
When attempting to format from Disk Utility, I get an error (see screenshot).
(Additional info: I can access it and format it without any problems from Windows 7 based PC).
I have a Seagate HD attached to my computer that was working fine with my old iMac, but when I just upgraded to a new iMac Version 10.7.4, 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7, it seems to be doing something srewy. I use that disk for my "Backup" files. Since I have switched it to the new computer, the backups continue to fail. An error message comes up saying "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer." I tried to repair the disk, but I get an error message that states that the drive cannot be unmounted.
I have a Macbook Pro with an External 2TB My Book for Mac Hard drive. I used it earlier this week, ejected and disconnected it, went to sleep and then tried to use it the next day and the error message: "The disk you inserted is not readable by this computer." popped up. I have checked partitions, firmware, etc. and all are showing that it is there. It no longer shows up in Finder, though DiskUtility does show it, though it doesn't show any of the partitions, etc. it doesn't even have the name of what I called it.Â
- I am trying to get access to my files, I NEED them, (don't we all?!?) But seriously, these have hundreds of photos and videos of my college seminary on them and we need them for our 10- year anniversary.Â
Since theres no physical eject button and the computer doesnt think I inserted a disc, how the hell do I eject it? When I hit the eject button on the upper right corner it just says No Disc
I got this message every time I boot into Snow Leopard. It's the Boot Camp drive (not partition). I don't really need it in SL, but how to hide this warning?
I have been getting an error message each time I connect an external HD to my MBP; "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer." which allows for 'Ignore' or 'Eject', I typically ignore and all appears to run fine, but still there is something obviously off a bit, incidentally the HD is a WD 640Gb that has my iTunes library?
I recently had a friend fill my hard drive with movies and DVD's. Until this morning I had no problem with viewing the files on my computer and through my tv, other than the fact that I had to download VLC player on my computer as the files were all avi. Last night I noticed that two of the individual files either wouldn't load, or dropped out half way through. I fixed these files by repairing them individually, which solved the problem. This afternoon, my files were working perfectly, with no problems at all. Â
Tonight, I have gone to plug in my hard drive, and it won't recognise it at all, other than to tell me that the disk I inserted was not readable by the computer. This afternoon my Mac suddenly needed to restart, the grey screen came over and I had no option but to restart my computer by pressing and holding the power button. This has happened before, but hasn't seemed to affect anything?Â
I've tried restarting the computer and changing the hard drive into a different USB port but neither have made any difference. I've also tried to repair disk in Disk Utility, which hasn't worked either. Is there a way to fix this? Or at least get the files off the hard drive onto another hard drive? The hard drive won't show in Finder so I don't know how to back up the files as Disk Utility suggests I do. The hard drive is a HP SimpleSave, about 2 years old. Never had any problem with it before!Â
I wanted to install Windows 7 to my Macbook Pro Lion using Bootcamp. I opened Bootcamp Assistant, it told me first to make a partition, then to insert a disk. I tought what if i insert recovery disk of Win7 that left from another computer.. So I inserted it and it told me to install Win7 and there was no exit button or anything like that. I switched computer off then on again and it again started Win. disk and it wont eject ether. Then with some miracle I ejected it, restarted and it gave me black screen with "no bootable device, please insert disk and press any button". I thought it wont leave me till I install it, so I inserted the disk again, and tryed to install it. During the installation it asks me where it should be installed, I chouse disk marked as bootcamp, also I had to format it because it was in fornat (something three letters) and it needed to be in format (something four letters). Then Windows installed, it is also not registered (only 3 days) and I can access Mac OS, when restart - it starts like Windows. There is no drivers for anithing, I cant connect to the internet even.
I have a mate with an Apple iMac G3. There is a problem with it, however. When a CD is inserted into the slot-load drive, it automatically ejects without even reading the CD first.
When I insert the DVDs I have burned from Toast 9 Titanium into both of my DVD players they display "no disk inserted." The movies play fine on my computer, though. Any tips? Can I change a setting on Toast 9 to make the DVDs able to play on my (somewhat older) DVD players?
It would appear that the new iPhoto app that is being prepared for cross-platform use is being optimzed for cross-platform as iWork applications have been. The tools for altering photos only has a fraction of the tools currently available in Aperture (and even less than available in platforms like Lightroom. There had been hope that with the new iMac Pro that there was going to be a supercharged version of Aperture...but no mention at that role out, nor in today's WWDC.Â
Hi, just wondering if anyone could give me some diagnostic tips with a very unhappy powerbook. I�ve tried the Apple support pages, but they didn�t do the job so I thought I�d look for some helpful experts � I will be immensely grateful if you could help me figure out what�s wrong.
It�s a G4 Power book, running OS 10.4. It suddenly froze on me one day, so I held down the power button to reboot and it hasn�t worked since. One thing that I guess could be relevant is that it was pretty much out of disc space � it had flashed up the warning a few times in recent days and I was in progress of doing a clean up when it went.
What I�ve tried so far:
Normal power up:
Result: Chime, apple logo and spinning logo appear. Stays that way for 4 mins, until screen goes darker grey and �You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the Restart button.� message appears.
Safe boot (with progress status) � power up holding shift-command-v:
Result: Chime, apple logo appears, nothing else. Stays like this for ~30 mins until I give up and power down.Reseting PRAM and NVRAM � power up holding command-option-p-r
Result: Chime, then restarts and second chime, then does exactly the same as the normal power up.
Next step recommended by the Apple Support site is to start directly from the OSX installation disc � but my powerbook already has a CD inserted which I am unable to eject.
Any tips � how can I eject? Could the safe reboot take more than 30 mins (bearing in mind it didn�t give me any progress indication)? Anything else I should try?
I got this message this afternoon "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer" with the options to either "Ignore" or Eject"  This is in reference to my External Hard Drive "Buffalo" 1TB. I just got my Mac 27inch this week and when i got it i hooked up this hard drive to it, historically used on my old windows machine, but was still FAT32 formatted. I was able to upload all my pics to Aperture and music to iTunes. Was able to surf the data no problem. This afternoon i noticed that it was no longer visible in the "Finder" and afre rebooting several times,got this message "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer" Neither the mac nor the HD was moved since yesterday, early this am when it worked. Â
Some info:I had used this external storage unit for more then a year.I sold my PC today so cant test if the hard drive still works on that. I have the latest 27 inch mac (2.7GHz)Storage is connected to a power source ( I tried both USB and FireWire, both yield the same message)
I am running a MacBook Pro, Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 Recently, I had formatted by Western Digital 2TB harddrive into two partitions. One in Mac OS Extended Journaled) format, for backing up files via Time Machine. And the other in MS-DOS (FAT) format, for my normal harddrive use between Mac and Windows. Â There were no problems, until I had ejected it and replugged it into my MacBook a few days later. It came up with this error: "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer". The harddrive doesn't show up on the Finder sidebar. Â
I tried opening it via Disk Utility, and gave me the following: Disk Description : WD Ext HDD 1021 Media Total Capacity : 2 TB (2,000,396,746,752 Bytes)Connection Bus : USBWrite Status : Read/WriteConnection Type : ExternalS.M.A.R.T. Status : Not SupportedUSB Serial Number : 5743415A4137383538373835 Partition Map Scheme : Unformatted In the Disk Utility:
It doesn't give me the option to Verify or Repair the disk. I tried erasing everything and reformatting it in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format. It stalls on "Unmounting disk" for a few minutes then proceeds with another error: "Disk Erase failed with the error: Unable to write the last block of device" - and sometimes the harddrive would just randomly eject during this process. It wouldn't let me partition the drive to any parts (not even back to one). It also wouldn't let me restore  I booted My MacBook into Windows 7 Home Premium and plugged in the harddrive. Again, Windows couldn't install the driver properly and thus, it didn't show up on "My Computer". Â
I'm assuming the hard-drive is corrupted. The hard-drive was working fine before all the formatting and partitioning - in a Windows format, I think. What might be the problem and what can I do to format and/or recover files from the corrupt hard-drive?
I got Lion and now running into several problems. There Are files I still need to access and I keep getting "no powerpc tools" supported message. I am also running into problem with the finder. A mac friend helped me "re-boot" finder and Suggested I re-install Lion. That didn't work -- couldn't get the program to "reboot/re-download." Is there a way in which I can get programs/files to work in Lion? Can I revert back to Leopard or Snow Leopard and save the upgrade I purchased for later?Â
I inserted a DVD-R into my iMac (which I know contains pictures, viewed on PC) but it only recognizes the disk as being blank. My machine responds exactly as I assign it to when a blank disk is inserted so I'm assuming the problem is not with my iMac but rather the format of the disk. I do not know which platform the disk was created with nor the type of machine. However, as I stated, I do know for a fact that this disk contains photos as Ive viewed them on a PC.
I connected Lacie Backup Disk and used Time Machine to select the disk. But then a warning popped up telling me to eject the disk properly next time before disconnecting it, even though I never disconnected the device. Now time machine does not even recognize it.
I recently installed an LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray and HD DVD drive into the second bay of my Mac Pro. This in itself was an absolute pain, as I had to enable AHCI for Windows Vista by using a modified mbr because I was using one of the ODD_SATA ports on the motherboard which Windows doesnt' "see" cause it runs in legacy mode. Everything there went completely fine, as now I am running in AHCI mode and I can see the LG drive and I can play CD's and regular DVD's via that drive in Windows Vista. However, the problem now is that when I insert a Blu-Ray or an HD DVD, Windows doesn't even recognize that there is media in the drive. It says there is no disc inside. When I boot in OS X, I can clearly see both the HD DVD and Blu_ray (although I can't play it or do anything with it).
I am trying to do a clean install of windows 7 using two upgrade disks (windows vista and windows 7) after windows vista was wiped from my hard drive when my hd crashed. I put in the windows vista disk after partitioning my hard drive (using only 5gb for windows side) and the disk cannot be recognized. It ends up trying to load for 20min then finally allows me to pop it back out. Can anyone direct me how to fix this and install windows using these two disks? My macbook pro is running snow leopard if that matters.
My son made me a DVD-r of mp3 files and a dvd on his new mac. I cannot get it to read on my system. Other CDs and dvds work fine so know disk drive is ok. I have tried the disk on windows based computers and it works fine. Is my computer too old to read or do you have a suggestion on how to read? When I insert the disk, nothing comes up on the desktop to click on to read.
I have a situation which seems somewhat unique to what my searches have uncovered. I have a powerbook g4 that will not recognize the install disk it came with. The version is 10.2.7
The Powerbook was working just fine with 10.4.11 when I tried to downgrade Quicktime using Pacifist. I must have done something wrong because the Powerbook turned into a brick. I was able to boot onto my tower G5 and back up all my important data, I then reformatted the drive to mac os journaled and zeroed it. The problem I am having is that when I try to boot from the original install disc I get an error on gray screen that says "You need to restart your computer" Sometimes it doesn't even get this far, it just shows the apple logo and then the screen goes buggy and the machine powers down.What I currently have at my disposal is a G5 tower running 10.4.10, three 10.3 install discs that came with the tower, a burned copy of 10.4, and the Powerbook's original 10.2.7 install disc.
I started having problems with Yosemite and lion (installed in the same hard drive, different partitions) so i erase all and instal mavericks, the macbook is late 2009 stock but i don't have startup disk, when i install mavericks it tells me that wont boot and it went an error trying to install, so i am able to boot with the alt key but my mac doesn't recognize de boot disk, when i try to select the startup disk on preferences it tells me: "You can’t change the startup disk to the selected disk. The bless tool was unable to set the current boot disk.", what i can do, i can boot with the alt key but it doesn't boot automatically.
I recently purchased a MBP and a Time Capsule. Still waiting on the MBP, but went ahead and set up the TC as a router for my current Dell laptop. In theory, I don't really care since I will have my MBP w/in 2.5 weeks, but is it possible for my Windows machine to see the disk on the TC? I went into TC and set up the workgroup name to be the same as the workgroup on my PC, but I still don't see it. I doubt anyone has done it, but was curious if it's possible. I assume that the Windows client should be able to access that giant disk (or a Windows user would never buy the product). One question though, it shows the filesystem as FAT32. Is that right, or just how it's represented to the Windows client?
I am going to install a new SSD drive on my MBP mid-2009. After it is installed, can I then start up computer and then insert the DVD Install operating system disk, or do I install the DVD install disk, then shut down computer and swap the HD drive? I know that I will reformat the disk when Installer begins, but I want to know if the computer will recognize the install disk with a new blank HD in place.