I have a copy of Sim City classic, I tried installing on my MBP, no classic/can't lower the screen resolution low enough. I picked up a Power Mac 5500/225 from work, figuring it would do the trick. I can't get the graphics any lower then 256, the game wants 16! It also has a black and white game, but even after I turned the monitor to black and white, restarted, still didn't see it as two tone. I love the original version of the game, and even though I know people claim you can play on the Maxis site, they never send me a log in, no matter how many times I try
I bought 2 crap iMac's off eBay, 1 is the lowest iMac G5 ever made, the otherr is the highest. I the lower shows the 2 green LEDS and no signal for the display. The second is the same. I have given them their respectivly correct memory, clean and hoovered the insides, tried on multiple occasions to clear the Pram, and reset SMU, on both using my Alu apple keyboad. I have put a 250gb he in them , and although it is still an so drive, I just wanna see some screen
I have 15" MacBookPro 3,1 and the lower 1/4 of the screen will just freeze up randomly. I can gently touch the lower right portion of the screen and it revives(refreshes) but I know its not good for it and it seems to be getting worse. display is shorting out. Any one else have a solution or idea of repair cost? Still a good computer! Just put Lion on it and it runs great, 4 years strong.
I have the 9C9E display. Is this a good one? Also, the colors on MacRumors look purple, where on my moms 2.4 Macbook they looked blue. Especially the thread links. What do I do?
I've just installed the 10.6.2 update in my new 21.5" iMac. When my computer restarted all the colors look inverted in all applications, dock, menus, photos, desktop image, everything. Does anyone has the same problem or an idea of how can I fix this?
We have an old eMac but it works pretty well for our daughter's needs. We have a mysterious problem where the lower case 'r' won't work. I thought the keyboard was faulty and bought a new one but have the same problem with that so it's in the system somewhere. The uppercase R works.
I was given a Macbook 5.2 2009 Early, with nvidia 9400m because it has a little problem and the previous owner has taken another one. Basically, the display colors are fuzzy. I already tried the CTRL ALT CMD 8 but does not change much. I tried resetting the PRAM by holding down ALT + CMD + R + P at startup and waiting for the second sound before leaving, but nothing happened. I tried to re-install the operating system, but no way. I cannot try it on an external monitor, but using teamviewer this is the result, you see everything perfectly. The image also shows colors comparison. Could that be the display data cable? Display itself? VGA card?
In display in system preferences there is a tab with "Millions," "Thousands," and "256" colors,but 256 colors is dimmed. How do you set your MAC display to use 256 colors so I can play an older game?
I have a 1.67ghz G4 PowerBook that has the dreaded lower ram slot failure. This limits me to 1gb of ram, though the machine works fine otherwise. My understanding is that this PowerBook does not accept more than 2gb ram..... So, my question is this: Will this PB not accept more than 2gb ram total, or will it simply not accept DDR2 larger than 1gb each, be it one or two??
Okay, so I installed Snow Leopard on my parent's Mac mini and it has a Hanns.g display connected to it. In 10.5 Leopard, the colors looked normal (still not as good as an Apple monitor, but colors were close enough). Anyway, like I said, I upgraded to Snow Leopard and now the monitor's color is all out of whack. I tried re-calibrating it and everything. The weird thing is, I got the Finder to look okay, but all of the blue icons in the Dock (iTunes, iChat, Safari, QuickTime etc) look PURPLE! Also, the menu bar selections are the same purple color instead of that light blue. The other weird thing is... looking at the Finder icon in the Dock looks half purple and half light blue, but when I hit cmd-tab, it looks half blue and half light blue. The cmd-tab icon of the Finder looks like I'd expect it to look, but all the colors are completely destroyed in the Dock. Another thing is... scroll bars seem to look like normal blue too. One more thing... when I tried doing the manual calibration, it shows you how bright to make the monitor with the little graphic. The graphic looked so washed out that I couldn't make the monitor dark enough (on the darkest setting) to get even close to the picture that the calibration tool wants me to see. Is Snow Leopard only compatible with Apple monitors? I installed Snow Leopard on my Mac Pro (Apple Cinema Display) and all the colors are consistent. The colors look the same regardless of 2.2 gamma or 1.8 gamma, so please don't bring that up. I want BLUE icons... not purple!
So I bought my MBP this past May and didn't have problems with it until now. I recently opened up my photo booth and noticed that the display flashes very quickly into different lightings/colors. It's very strange because the ceiling fan isn't on, and my MBP is sitting still. I've never seen this issue on anyone else's MBP either. I'm leaving for college very soon and don't want to leave unhappy with my MBP. If I visit the genius bar, will they give me a replacement with my one-year warranty?
I have a 30-inch cinema display and a Power Mac G5 (quad). Last night I was toying around by trying to boot an old 450 MHz G4 connected to my G5 via firewire ( I need to do some work on the G4 and it doesn't support my big display). So I connected it to my G5 via firewire target disk mode, then selected the disc (which has 10.2 on it) in the Startup disk preferences via System Prefs. Then I tried it and got a kernel panic. Alright, so it didn't work. Oh well. But now that everything is disconnected and my G5 is back to it's normal state (meaning the G4 isn't connected at all), when I start up, my display acts very weird. I get a few flashing colors blocks at the beginning, then it blacks out. Then when I login, it goes black again, then pops back on. So I'm trying to figure out what I did to my baby and how to fix it.
Information: Quad-core 2.5 G5 Mac OS X (10.5.1) 30" Apple Cinema Display
It's been a while since I've hooked up my MacBook (late 2008 aluminium) to my TV (Samsung LE40M87BD), to use the latter as an external display for watching a film. Tonight I did it once again, and to my dismay the TV was displaying only thousands of colors. Maybe even only 256, I don't know. It's not a changed setting in my TV, as I've looked through its menu and couldn't find any option that would force it to display the millions it's certainly capable of.
After seeing this weird issue, I opened System Preferences. I looked in the Displays preference pane, but since some years Apple allows no manual control over the color depth anymore. So no luck there. I tried restarting, but that changed nothing. It outputs a correct 1080p 50Hz (PAL) signal, but the colors are just all wrong.
How can it be that my MacBook always used to perfectly display millions of colors on my TV, but now suddenly doesn't? I'm using Apple's own Mini Display Port to DVI adapter, and then a DVI to HDMI cable, which always worked problem free. So it's not the cables, I think. It has to be something in the hardware or software. I'm hoping it's software, otherwise it will be a more serious problem. I haven't tried BootCamp yet, but will do so tonight, just to see if Vista will output millions of colors.
Recently my job gave me this laptop that I think from what teh net says is a Titanium model. They told me it was dropped and the screen never worked. The thing is the screen kinda works, well the top 1/3 Horizontally of the screen shows the desktop and what not. The 2/3 of the monitor shoes a vertical pinstripe randome colors. The thing is I dont have the charger and I cant take a photo of it. I am wondering if its worth putting money in this laptop. I did while it worked hooked it up on external monitor, overall it works fine. My brother told me to ebay it and use the money for a Mac book. I just want opinions to what to do. I feel since theres still image showing on the screen may be just a broken cable or loose.
My tibook .867Ghz was working fine this morning, but now when I restarted it this afternoon, the colors are all off (lots of green and rapidly vibrating pixels in background). The computer works, I can run programs and so forth. There are no changes to the displays settings, still 1280x854 and colors "millions". When I switch to thousand or 256 colors there is no significant change.
As the title says, I need a new monitor for my old G5 as the old monitor for it went bust. Apple does not make the old displays that came with the unit anymore and the only available monitor is the new LED ones ? but they all come with mini display ports
For the past few months i have been using an external display hooked up to my 12" powerbook g4. I have had it on a dual display mode so no mirroring. Recently i would open the laptop lid waking it from being in sleep mode and my internal display will not turn on. The apply system profiler does not even recognize that the internal display exists. My external display works fine and has always been set as the main display. If i go to detect displays nothign happens. I have tried restarting the computer, instering system disks, unplugging the external and nothing has worked. I simply cannot get my internal screen to fire back up. When i used to unplug my external display the internal display would switch back to being the main display and everything would be fine. Now i cannot get the internal display to function whatsoever. Please try and help me as a need this laptop working and i will be ordering a mac pro soon for use with my external display.
I am looking for a display to use with my Powerbook G4 12". I am in love with the 30" cinema display, but according to technical support today, my setup is not compatible (supposedly, but the person on the phone didn't sound to sure). I have a mini DVI, but the 30" requires a dual DVI. I think the 23" display requires DVI, which I can attain with an adapter. Does anyone have suggestions for what I can use with my computer? The bigger the better for me. Also what do you think of the older (plastic case) apple displays?
I am getting a Macbook Pro where the native resolution will be 1440 x 900 (I think).
Some older games (that I like to still play) do not support wide screen resolutions. On my PC this isn't an issue because under the nvidia control panel there is an option to tell the resolution not to scale. You get a black border around your screen if you do this, but at least it doesn't stretch it which looks awful.
Logic Pro 8 and I can't seem to find where I can lower the amount of volume my microphone takes in. I'm only doing this for fun, I only have the internal mic right now. But I know where it is in garageband but can't find it in LP8. where that option is? When I do louder vocals, it sounds distorts and it's annoying. But it works out quite well in garageband if I lower the mic volume
How Come Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard's system requirements are higher than Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard's if it has a lower footprint and makes everything run smoother?
How come after every new Mac OS X the system requirements are higher than the previous version?
From reviews seen so far the 4K monitors available do not achieve the 60Hz refresh rate...
The other issue is that the price of these displays is somewhat extravagant at the moment and since I intend to use my Mac pro for other applications and not Video and Photo editing I would like to ask whether a display of resolution (say 1920X1080) would work with my new Mac Pro.
I want to extend the desktop of a Mac Pro. Can I use the Powerbook as a second display? I searched and the answer seems to be no, but if anyone knows a way, I'd love to hear it!
I have a dead iBook G3 that I would like to use as a 2nd display for my iMac G5. What are the connections I would need to do this? Is it even possible?
I need to upgrade for photoshop applications, but I can still use my old PB 800 on the road. How can I use just the display part of the powerbook while I use another mac(such as a mini) as the main machine?
Being the IT guy at work, I've inherited a (currently) non-functioning Dual 2.0 GHz PowerMac G5. It' exhibiting some pretty odd symptoms. Let me explain:
First of all, the problems started with the machine coming on (fans audible, Apple chime 'chimes'), but nothing was displayed on the screen. This led me to believe if might be a video card issue, so we ordered a replacement from OWC and no dice. After trying this, I happened to leave the machine on unintentionally for a while, and after about 5 minutes, the fans ramped up to full speed, very loudly. Since we were in a bit of a time crunch (and it was out of warranty) we gave up on it, and purchased our graphics designer a new Mac Pro.
With a bit of googling, I determined that this sound a bit like a dead PRAM battery. So once again, off to OWC I went and purchased a replacement. I get it setup at home last night, and still no dice. If fires up just fine and chimes, but no image on the screen. And here's where it gets weird...
I powered the machine down, and took the cover off to check the PRAM battery again, thinking I may have inadvertently put it in backwards. It looked fine (fits both ways, BTW, so I'm still not 100% sure I have it in right), so I powered the machine backup--but without putting the cover on accidentally. The red light on the mobo came on indicating the cover was off, but I figured I'd wait to see what would happen first. Still nothing on the screen, so I popped the plastic shield in and latched the side cover, and BOOM! Wouldn't you know, it displays an image! I can see a folder icon with the Finder icon on it.
This is 100% reproducible every single time. If I turn it on with the cover ON, I can never get an image to display. However, if I remove the cover and plastic shield, fire it up, then replace the shield and cover, I always get the folder with Finder icon.This is quite perplexing. I should also note that I had my retail Leopard install disc in the drive the whole time, hoping to boot to the DVD if I got an image. It obviously wasn't automatically booting from the DVD, but instead would always display the Finder icon.
Being a post-PowerPC Mac convert, I'm not really sure how to proceed.I'm still not really convinced that there is an underlying hardware issue still, but I suppose it's a possibility.
I have an old 450mhz powermac g4 and about a billion old sticks of pc133 (and some pc100) ram. So I have 3 128mb PC133 memory sticks, and when i put each in the powermac individually (as the only mem stick in the computer), they work fine.
However, if i put any more than one stick in the computer, it will turn on but not boot up or display anything.