Being the IT guy at work, I've inherited a (currently) non-functioning Dual 2.0 GHz PowerMac G5. It' exhibiting some pretty odd symptoms. Let me explain:
First of all, the problems started with the machine coming on (fans audible, Apple chime 'chimes'), but nothing was displayed on the
screen. This led me to believe if might be a video card issue, so we ordered a replacement from OWC and no dice. After trying this, I happened to leave the machine on unintentionally for a while, and after about 5 minutes, the fans ramped up to full speed, very loudly. Since we were in a bit of a time crunch (and it was out of warranty) we gave up on it, and purchased our graphics designer a new Mac Pro.
With a bit of googling, I determined that this sound a bit like a dead PRAM battery. So once again, off to OWC I went and purchased a replacement. I get it setup at home last night, and still no dice. If fires up just fine and chimes, but no image on the screen. And here's where it gets weird...
I powered the machine down, and took the cover off to check the PRAM battery again, thinking I may have inadvertently put it in backwards. It looked fine (fits both ways, BTW, so I'm still not 100% sure I have it in right), so I powered the machine backup--but without putting the cover on accidentally. The red light on the mobo came on indicating the cover was off, but I figured I'd wait to see what would happen first. Still nothing on the screen, so I popped the plastic shield in and latched the side cover, and BOOM! Wouldn't you know, it displays an image! I can see a folder icon with the Finder icon on it.
This is 100% reproducible every single time. If I turn it on with the cover ON, I can never get an image to display. However, if I remove the cover and plastic shield, fire it up, then replace the shield and cover, I always get the folder with Finder icon.This is quite perplexing. I should also note that I had my retail Leopard install disc in the drive the whole time, hoping to boot to the DVD if I got an image. It obviously wasn't automatically booting from the DVD, but instead would always display the Finder icon.
Being a post-PowerPC Mac convert, I'm not really sure how to proceed.I'm still not really convinced that there is an underlying hardware issue still, but I suppose it's a possibility.
I am creating a new image for some old iBooks that will be used in a school. To run a specific program I need to have OS 9.2 installed because it won't work any other way(even through the simulator). I have OS 10.2 installed on the master image iBook computer and have installed OS 9.2 through the restore disks. I can load up to both OS X and OS 9.2 but OS 9.2 does not take up the entire screen. It's contained within a small box in the middle of the screen.
I replaced my iMac G4/800 17" hard drive that was failing (S.M.A.R.T. status) tonight. Textbook operation, following directions from No problems at all. I pre-built the drive with Tiger 4.10 in an external case (using the iMac as host) and transferred everything to the drive and tested. I booted off the external drive for a few days for testing. Again, no problems.
I got the iMac back together and booted up. Everything sounds fine but the monitor is black. It's as if there's no power to it or perhaps the lamps were just out.
When I press the power key for 1-2 seconds, the mac goes to sleep and the white Sleep Light on the front of the monitor comes on, so the monitor would appear to be getting power.
The Mac is working, evidently, as the chime for new mail sounded and the new drive chirps a little (very quiet though, btw).
I do NOT have a second monitor to hook to the VGA port, unfortunately.
On one reboot there was a sine-wave 'bong' sound, but the Mac proceeded to boot. I shut down again after that, took the housing apart and checked for trouble. Nothing. The video cable and connector is fine. There are no cables pinched or cut that I can see. And I did ever-so-carefully align the two halves when reassembling.
On the third boot I got the normal Mac chime (no bong/gong) and it booted fine - with no video.
One side note that I expect to be un-related: I left the HD jumper in cable-select mode, as the drive that was in there was also set on cable select (was a Western Digital 250GB drive; the new drive is a Maxtor).
I have a quick question regarding the image quality when connecting my Mac Mini to my Samsung Monitor 24'' monitor. I am connecting it through a HDMI -> DVI adapter and connecting it through the DVI on my monitor. Although it does display the image, the colour look off, it doesn't look sharp or high definition at all. I checked the resolution and it shows up as 1920 x 1080, which should be very good, but the resolution doesn't look good at all. I am wondering if this is because I am using a 24inch monitor and whether I should try getting a HDMI cord to connect HDMI to HDMI from the Mac Mini to the monitor, or get a HDMI > VGA adapter instead, or maybe buy a better monitor?
So my screen is giving me issue, not so much the physical screen, but the actual image on my display. I took some screen shots. I assume its something related to the graphics card, but I'd love more info. The screen shots didn't end up working, they came out all black. But basically the image breaks up into a difference blocks, then reorganizes itself. You can see it repeats sections of the Window, but makes it impossible to try to work. Or sometimes part of a Safari Window will stay "on top" of any other Window.
I've tried to hook my macbook pro to 2 different displays, they both showed a very pink image, that gets more and more pink around the contours, I've tried calibration but it didn;t work
I have a 15inch Macbook Pro from Late 2007; well it worked just fine yesterday, but as of this morning the display will not work! It makes the Chime when you power it up, but no screen display; you can adjust the volume buttons and hear that it is on and the volume can be adjusted. The screen brightener and dimmer does nothing, as well as the keys brightener and dimmer. The apple website said to reset the PRAM which I did and then if that didn't work to reset the SMC which I did and got no change in my problem. And now the part that boggles my mind is I have the cables to hook up the MBP to my TV so I figured I'd atleast be able see it on the TV if the display has crapped out but its doesn't transmit the image to there either. Is it possible I caught a virus that kills displaying ability?
I was recently sent an email that used an HTML stationery wih several photos embedded in it. The email opens normally, but all of the images are icons, displaying file name and size. If I click the icon, the image opens correcly in a separate window.
I am running OS X 10.7.3 and Mail 5.2 (1257) and have checked "display remote images in html email" in preferences. A friend with identical software versions receives the same email and the photos are visible in the original email.
I'm using Yahoo Messenger for Mac version 3.0 beta and recently my display images have stopped displaying when logged in or when I open a chat window.
When not logged in and I am selecting a user the display images show, but they go out as soon as I login to any name. When I go to the window to set my browser image, the image field displays blank even after I try reloading the image. I have trashed my Preferences and that doesn't work.
I use MS Word on a Mac. In documents, sometimes a .doc file sent with a logo image above text will display the text, but the logo displays only as a border around an empty box. Yet when I send it to anyone else, the logo I can't see appears in the file for them. In some .doc files, I will be able to see different logo images fine. But about half the time, logo images will only display as an empty box.
As the title says, I need a new monitor for my old G5 as the old monitor for it went bust. Apple does not make the old displays that came with the unit anymore and the only available monitor is the new LED ones ? but they all come with mini display ports
For the past few months i have been using an external display hooked up to my 12" powerbook g4. I have had it on a dual display mode so no mirroring. Recently i would open the laptop lid waking it from being in sleep mode and my internal display will not turn on. The apply system profiler does not even recognize that the internal display exists. My external display works fine and has always been set as the main display. If i go to detect displays nothign happens. I have tried restarting the computer, instering system disks, unplugging the external and nothing has worked. I simply cannot get my internal screen to fire back up. When i used to unplug my external display the internal display would switch back to being the main display and everything would be fine. Now i cannot get the internal display to function whatsoever. Please try and help me as a need this laptop working and i will be ordering a mac pro soon for use with my external display.
I am looking for a display to use with my Powerbook G4 12". I am in love with the 30" cinema display, but according to technical support today, my setup is not compatible (supposedly, but the person on the phone didn't sound to sure). I have a mini DVI, but the 30" requires a dual DVI. I think the 23" display requires DVI, which I can attain with an adapter. Does anyone have suggestions for what I can use with my computer? The bigger the better for me. Also what do you think of the older (plastic case) apple displays?
I just bought a tv to use as a external monitor for my mac however when i boot into windows 7 the resolution (1080p) is fine but its not filling the screen completely, there is 1 inch of black on the top and bottom and about 1.5 inches of black on the left and right sides. it does not do this when i am booted into osx.
i think this could be because of how hdtv's are made and the resolution isn't exact (usually a little bit greater) so windows isn't "stretching" the image to fill the screen. i think osx does it automatically but windows doesn't. if this is the problem how do i get windows to stretch the image? i tried switching the screen mode on my tv's remote but that didn't work.
I am having problems with Preview and Snow Leopard. I can use Quick View to view jpeg files, but when I open them with preview. It does not display the correct image. It just displays a gray block. The only way to resolves this is to delete the preview prefernce files, and then it works. But after a couple of restarts it goes back to not displaying the correct image.
Okay, well I bought this display off of craigslist and when I have a webpage up for 10 seconds or more and minimize the screen, I can see like a faded ghost image of the screen for about a minute or so I guess, maybe a little longer.
Does anyone know how I can resolve this with having to change the LCD screen?
I am having problems booting my 700 mhz G4 Flat Panel Mac after connecting to my new Mac via Firewire to transfer a disk image of OS 10.4 I made from the DVD supplied with my new Mac. I was driven to trying this solution to upgrading my old Mac (from 10.2 to 10.4) after: 1) not being able to purchase a retail copy from Apple 2) not having a DVD drive on the old machine anyway, so connecting an external DVD drive and trying to load the OS software from the DVD install disks that came with my new Mac (old Mac saw the drive, tried to open the file but didn't know how)
So I learned about making a disk image of the DVD, which I did, then learned about connecting the 2 machines via firewire and starting up the old machine as a target disk. This all seemed to be working fine. The target disk image showed up on the new machine, I was able to drag the OS disk image to it and it appeared to copy the contents to the old machine. When I unplugged the Firewire and restarted the old machine it starting booting normally then just stopped, with a "You must restart your computer" message popping up on the screen. I have tried to restart the old machine several times with the same results and have unplugged the power then tried it again as well. Being far less than an expert at this I realize there are several ways this could have gone wrong, which is why included all the info. above - just wasn't sure which actions were relevant to helping figure out what to do next to get my old machine to boot, which is my most immediate problem. Dealing with the OS upgrade issue is also a concern.
What's a good image editing program I can use on a G3 that can run under 128mb that isn't GIMP? I need something that's like Photoshop. What is a version of Photoshop that can run under 128mb by the way? What is an alternative? I don't care if it's slow, it just needs to run okay on its own.
I have an iBook G4 which was working fine. A week ago my little sister used the laptop and now I have the following problem:
a) The laptop boots because I get the boot chime, but the screen keeps black.
b) I connected an external monitor to check if the problem was the laptop monitor. When I start the computer, I get a gray screen (in the external monitor), but no apple icon () and cannot pass from this gray screen.
c) I noticed that the caps lock light was not turning on, so I accessed the open firmware (keeping hold the power button - getting a weird chime and a light flashing near the case button - power chime ) and I got the open firmware screen (still in the external monitor) and I noticed that the keyboard was not working also! I connected an external keyboard (usb) and I am able to type.
I know I won't be able to use it as a normal computer because of this weird problem. I was thinking to keep it as a "desktop" with the external monitor and the external keyboard. My questions in this case are:
a) Is it there any way I can boot from cd from open firmware? (I cannot do the "keep the 'C' key hold during start up" because my laptop keyboard does not work.
b) Because I get the open firmware console, could this be a OS problem? What I mean is that if I reinstall the OS, could I at least keep using this computer as a desktop?
I need a step-by-step guide to display my weather image in Geektool. I got the idea from here:[URL]/The php script part beats me. My weather area code is SNXX0005(Serangoon, Singapore).
Safari used to let me drag an image from a webpage to the finder and have the dragged file be saved as an actual image but now all that's saved is a webloc file. I want the image saved, not a reference to the image's URL - do I now have to always use "save as" to save it?
I can understand Safari creating a webloc file if I dragged the site icon from the location bar to the finder, but to make the default behavior for dragging things that are parts of a page (not the page itself) as webloc files seems like a HUGE step backwards for usability.
Does anyone know if there's, say, a key to hold when dragging to avoid saving a webloc file or a defaults command or something to make Safari revert back to sane draging behavior?
One software says I cannot upload an image because the image or the container folder does not have permission. Indeed there is one "unknown" in permissions, that I cannot get to a read write no matter how hard I try -- both on the folder, the desktop, and the file (this is all on my laptop) I've done a repair permission.
When a user copies an image from a browser into PowerPoint 2011 he gets text of a link back to the image, not the image itself. But if he copies from a browser into Word he gets the image, and can then copy the image from Word to PowerPoint. Same results with both Firefox and Safari. Behavior is new so I assume it relates to recent software updates but user does not recall accepting any.
I recently right clicked a picture to set it as my desktop picture but didn't have the foresight to save the picture in case I wanted to change it later. I still have the picture up but I cannot find where the picture is stored so I can save it for later. I checked HD/Library/desktop pictures but no luck. Does anyone know where these pictures are saved?
I want to extend the desktop of a Mac Pro. Can I use the Powerbook as a second display? I searched and the answer seems to be no, but if anyone knows a way, I'd love to hear it!
I have a dead iBook G3 that I would like to use as a 2nd display for my iMac G5. What are the connections I would need to do this? Is it even possible?
I need to upgrade for photoshop applications, but I can still use my old PB 800 on the road. How can I use just the display part of the powerbook while I use another mac(such as a mini) as the main machine?
I have an old 450mhz powermac g4 and about a billion old sticks of pc133 (and some pc100) ram. So I have 3 128mb PC133 memory sticks, and when i put each in the powermac individually (as the only mem stick in the computer), they work fine.
However, if i put any more than one stick in the computer, it will turn on but not boot up or display anything.