Though I love buying new stuff (and that Blackbook is so damn sexy) I just want to stick with my Single 1.8Ghz G5. I get soo fed up with the problems I face when I'm surfing the web.... which is ALL I DO!
My G5 has 1GB of memory and 160HDD and am still running 10.3.9. All I do is surf the web; so I don't want to buy a new Mac. Is it 10.3.9 that sucks... or what? I am faced with A SURPLUS of "Safari Unexpectedly Quit" signs and MYSPACE never loads right and hardly ever loads photos on myspace pages.
If it's 10.3.9 thats messing my Mac up, I'll get 10.5 the day it comes out and 1GB more of memory. Otherwise I'll get a Blackbook... but I just rather not spend that money.
Anyway, I was thinking about upgrading the airport card in my powerbook to extreme, so I pulled out the battery and flipped the latch to find that the plastic tab to pull it out is missing. I sense a pain to get it out now, I haven't tried, though. Any tips on how to get the card out of its compartment without bending the aluminum etc? Also, there is a tiny nip in the little cable that plugs into the back of the card, I can't tell how bad it is, the WiFi works but doesn't that cable connect the card to the antennas on the top of the LCD on the system or worse.. to the logic board?
I just put 2 sticks of 512mb in my g5 with these specs pc3200r-30330, the machine doesn't recognize them. I notice that the existing ram got this on the label pc3200u-30330. Pease someone tell me the difference between these 2.
i recently bought a used imac g5 1.8ghz version 10.3.5.
is there any way i can change the processor to an intel processor as i cant seem to upgrade my os (and a lot of other programs) running on the current version.
I've got an old iMac 1.8GHz PowerPC G5 that I love to use for surfing the web etc.
I'm finding that I can't view anything that requires Flash as my system (10.3.9) won't allow me to download the latest Flash or Firefox.
I tried asking in the local Apple store how I could upgrade my OS but the guy said they don't sell the OS upgrade anymore.
Is there anything I can do to upgrade my OS so that I can download newer versions of software like Flash or Firefox?
I have another computer (imac intel) but I really don't want to have to get rid of this one as I like it and apart from the OS issue, it still works fine.
I am wondering if it's possible to use a GeForce 6600GT 256mb AGP card in this machine?
I have this card from another machine that a friend gave me. It was out of a PC, but is a perfectly good card, and would be an upgrade to the 64mb GeForce FX5200 card that's currently in the G5 we have.
I got the 3 dreaded blinking lights on a PowerMac G5 dual 1.8ghz. Turns out the memory is OK but it's the physical slots that are screwy.I found that applying pressure to one of the banks gets it to boot with no problem but then I remove that pressure and the Mac freezes .
I have put a brand new hard drive in the machine. I took off the plastic bezel to the power cord, to make sure it's plugging in all the way. I turned the computer on while watching the LED's on the logic board. All 3 stayed on, and the 4th never came on.
I have unplugged it, left it unplugged for a few minutes, plugged the cord back in while holding the power, then turned it on (forgot what that was supposed to accomplish). No change.
I have reset the PVRAM (or whatever) 3 times in a row by holding command-option-p-r until I heard 3 chimes after the initial boot. No change.
I can get into open firmware, but have no idea what I could even try in there (other than ejecting the DVD).
I hold down "C" while booting, it chimes, it goes to a blank grey background, then proceeds on to the white screen with the apple. It sits there for a few seconds, then starts spinning the circle for a while, then shuts down. I hear the optical drive spin up, but it does nothing.
I have a June 2004 revision Power Mac G5 (DP 1.8Ghz) with an AGP slow that is dying for a more powerful graphics card.
I have had the machine since new and have it paired with a 23" Cinema Display, Magic Mouse, BT Apple keyboard, 4GB of Kingston RAM, a pair of 500gb internal HDs, several TBs of external storage, Logitech Z2300 speakers, etc. We also have a new 15" Mac Book Pro, a 13" Mac Book, an Apple TV, Airport Extreme, etc. The desktop doesn't get a TON of use but it is still snappy enough for a lot of what I use it for.
However, since I installed Leopard on it, the OS is nowhere near as fast as it was before (with respect to UI graphics, etc).... I should have expected the newer OS would take more of a toil on the system (especially the graphics card) then did Tiger.... the system has only the factory-installed 64mb GeForce card.... I'm assuming that Leopard, probably more than Tiger, can draw from the GPU for graphic-needs/UI work and I'm assuming that a new graphics card would make a difference....
I just need help deciphering the cards that are available.... 9800XT?? X800??? Any advice on compatible 8x AGP cards would be AMAZING.
So, I was searching for OS X 10.6.3 update because someone had problems installing the one which came with Software Update (said after downloading that can't be expended) so when I opened Apple - Downloads there was no OS X 10.6.3! Only 10.6.2 and some other updates but no 10.6.3! So, have anyone else had issues installing it? Can anyone else find it from Apple's site anymore?
I deleted all my movies instead of an old word document and now I need a way to pull them from the trash. I stopped using my comp. the second I realized I did it so they should still be intact. But I haven't been able to find free program that lets you pull things from the trash. I have seen some, Data Recovery X 2, but it costs 100$. I have no more money after getting my new mbp, I realy need some free software for this.
I have two macbook pros linked via firewire. I set one as a target by holding "T" at startup. It should be a drag and drop from one iTunes folder to another, right?
The kicker is, I've done this many times before and now it won't work..
Is there anyway to show contacts when sending a new e mail. Example on windows it will sow all contacts and then click on the ones you want to send to. Is there anyway to do this using Macbook Pro with Lion 10,7.4
Since upgrading to Yosemite on my imac, I've noticed that when I sign in, my mailbox pulls up and updates automatically. I don't want to have my mail pull up everytime, its annoying, and cannot figure out how to turn this new feature off.
My job entails working with well over 100,000 images and up until we upgraded to Yosemite, we had no issues locating a file while typing the name into Finder. Now when this search is performed, the search returns the files alias only. Normally we would be able to open the parent folder, but that option is gone from the list.
I need to put together a quick montage of a couple of classic movies for a project I am working on and I found the footage I need through iTunes Store. Here's my question, how do I pull the m4v or mov file?
I keep trying to open up an online test for work, and my Mac keeps telling me that I need to update/intall Java. Which I have now done multiple times and it keeps giving me the same message.Â
I have an old iBook G4 that powers on, but then the screen just flashes on and off in grey then goes completely black. I would like to pull all the documents, pictures, and other files off the hard drive but I don't know if this is even an option.Â
i have an imac and have accidentally inserted an sd card into the cdrom drive located on the side of the screen, one above the other. how can i get it out as it seems to have disappeared?
i am looking to buy an imac 27. i came across 2 models. i am not sure which one to go for. i really appreciate if anyone this forum can help. i am new to mac
1 imac 27 i5 processor 2.8 ghz with hd 5750 graphics card priced at 169refurb
2 imac 27 i7 processor 2.8ghz with hd 4850 graphics card price at 1699 refurb
i am a basic computer user. i dont do much of photo editing. i should say once in a blue moon even if i do
please help me with the purchase..
another thing is i sawonline that bhphoto video selling appple care for 120 dollars vs 160 by apple. is it ok to purchase the computer from apple and buy the apple care later from a reseller
if there is any promotion codes please let me know too. i just wanna upgrade myself to a mac. i never used a mac before honestly
I know what to expect from the 2.8ghz model since you guys can see from my sig of what my previous mac pro setup was like but what do you guys think about the 3.0ghz model?
I remember at times even though the 2.8ghz model was overkill I kind of regretted for a while for not getting the even 3.0ghz.. anyone here whos gotten the 3.0ghz regret it or is it not worth it?