PowerPC :: Use A GeForce 6600GT 256mb AGP Card In PM G5 1.8ghz?

Mar 16, 2008

I am wondering if it's possible to use a GeForce 6600GT 256mb AGP card in this machine?

I have this card from another machine that a friend gave me. It was out of a PC, but is a perfectly good card, and would be an upgrade to the 64mb GeForce FX5200 card that's currently in the G5 we have.

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Power Mac G5 :: Will A NY GeForce 6200 256MB Graphics Card Work With A PCI Slot

Oct 24, 2007

Will a NY GeForce 6200 256MB Graphics Card work on mac with a PCI slot?

Mac OS X (10.3.8)

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OS X :: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M Versus GeForce 9400M And 9600M GT With 256MB

Sep 28, 2009

I am looking too use Photoshop CS4 and was wondering if it is worth the upgrade to NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 256MB or should I just stick with the NVIDIA GeForce 9400M.I am not able too spend any more than the 1999.00 price point so these are my only two options. I need the portability of a laptop otherwise I would go with the iMac. I am sorry if this has been asked before,

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PowerPC :: Wireless Card For A 1.8Ghz IMac G5?

Mar 29, 2008

would this fit?


if not, where can I get one that will?

Am I better off getting a USB wireless N reciever?

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PowerPC :: Graphic Card Upgrade For 2004 DP 1.8Ghz Power Mac G5

Aug 15, 2010

I have a June 2004 revision Power Mac G5 (DP 1.8Ghz) with an AGP slow that is dying for a more powerful graphics card.

I have had the machine since new and have it paired with a 23" Cinema Display, Magic Mouse, BT Apple keyboard, 4GB of Kingston RAM, a pair of 500gb internal HDs, several TBs of external storage, Logitech Z2300 speakers, etc. We also have a new 15" Mac Book Pro, a 13" Mac Book, an Apple TV, Airport Extreme, etc. The desktop doesn't get a TON of use but it is still snappy enough for a lot of what I use it for.

However, since I installed Leopard on it, the OS is nowhere near as fast as it was before (with respect to UI graphics, etc).... I should have expected the newer OS would take more of a toil on the system (especially the graphics card) then did Tiger.... the system has only the factory-installed 64mb GeForce card.... I'm assuming that Leopard, probably more than Tiger, can draw from the GPU for graphic-needs/UI work and I'm assuming that a new graphics card would make a difference....

I just need help deciphering the cards that are available.... 9800XT?? X800??? Any advice on compatible 8x AGP cards would be AMAZING.

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PowerPC :: How Much Faster Would A 2.8ghz IMac Be Than A Dual PPC 1.8ghz G5 ?

Dec 17, 2007

How much faster would a 2.8ghz 24" iMac be than a Dual PPC 1.8ghz G5 with 512mb ram?

Barely faster? Twice as fast? 10 times faster? Light years faster?

I couldnt find any tests so if you have input or test links let me know!

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IMac :: Possible To Add Another Monitor With The 256MB Graphics Card On It?

Jan 15, 2009

is it possible to add another monitor to a Imac with the 256MB graphics card on it?
The system will have 4gb Ram.Is this graphic card strong enough or is it better to get the 512MB one?can I easily run lets say... dvd encore, premiero pro type of software?

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MacBook Pro :: 15"with 256MB Versus 512MB Graphics Card

Apr 13, 2010

I only have a rudimentary understanding of OpenCL, so hopefully the premise of this question makes sense: Comparing the 2 possible graphics cards configurations for the new 15" MBP, would having the 512MB Nvidia 330M instead of the 256MB one mean that OpenCL in OSX will be able to extract more power to facilitate the overall speed of the system?

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Mac Pro :: Graphic Card - Install A Geforce 8800GTS

Feb 22, 2008

I'm trying to install a Geforce 8800GTS but when I start my Mac Pro nothing happens, my display doesn't start and I can't select Windows in the Bootcamp. Anyway I tried starting Windows directly too and the same problem, my screen doesn't start. But if the DVI is connected in the ATI 2600XT and I enter in Windows I can see the 2 cards in the device manager, but my 8800GTS is marked with an yellow icon, saying that the drivers are not installed, but really are installed...

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IMac :: Geforce GT 120 Graphics Card Vs 9400M In MBP?

Jun 20, 2009

What is the better graphics card, the NVIDIA Geforce GT 120 in the iMac or the NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 512MB found in the Macbook Pro?

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Mac Pro :: Standard Graphic Card Navida Geforce

Oct 16, 2009

Mac Pro Two 2.26GHz Quad-Core and im wondering is it possible to replace by myself the "standard" graphic card NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 512MB to any of these:- SAPPHIRE TECHNOLOGY Radeon HD 4870 - 1 GB GDDR5 - PCI-Express 2.0 (11133-19-20R)- SAPPHIRE TECHNOLOGY Radeon HD 4870 X2 - 2 GB GDDR5 - PCI-Express 2.0 (21137-00-40R) (here i found something about powering problems)- SAPPHIRE TECHNOLOGY Radeon HD 4870 Vapor-X - 1 GB DDR5 - PCI-Express 2.0 (11133-16-20R)- SAPPHIRE TECHNOLOGY Radeon HD 4870 Vapor-X - 2 GB DDR5 - PCI-Express 2.0 (11133-17-20R)

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Intel Mac :: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS Graphics Card Bad?

Apr 13, 2012

My 24" iMac has been exibiting strange behavior lately...  It appears to be if a graphical nature where the screen will randomly flicker or go blank in a variety of colors (black or white or yellow or red or blue).  Sometimes a preceeding indicator that this is going to occur is that the system becomes on responsive or extremely delayed, text and other graphics appear garbled/corrupted/scrambled. 

I've used Mac Hardware Test, Disk Utility, TechTool Pro 6, anti virus software - even took it to a local authorized Mac repair shop (not Apple Store) and the results are the same - Everything LOOKS fine with no problems reported.  I've reinstalled the OS and even gone as far as completely wiping the drive and starting from scratch, just incase it is/was some kind of odd software conflict.  Yet, the problem persists and the Console always captures something like this just before another epic fail: 

4/13/12 5:55:50.000 PM kernel: NVDA(OpenGL): Channel exception! exception type = 0x8 = Fifo: Watchdog Timeout Error

4/13/12 5:55:51.000 PM kernel: IOVendorGLContext::ReportGPURestart

4/13/12 5:55:51.000 PM kernel: 0000006e


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IMac :: What Is The Nvidia Geforce 8800 Gs 512mb Graphics Card

Mar 23, 2010

Okay so i own an imac. the specs of it are a 3.06 ghz intel core 2 duo processor, 500gb, 2gb of ram and an nvidia geforce 8800 gs graphics card with 512mb of video ram. Okay so like most people have asked this before, what is it? The GS only has 384mb of video ram, and this has 512mb of video ram. What is this graphics cards real name and what are the specs of it?

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Mac Pro :: Which Graphics Card For Dual 24" Dell DVI Monitor Use On 2x2.8Ghz?

Oct 21, 2009

Firstly sorry if this has been answered before

I have a 2 x 2.8 Mac Pro and want to have dual monitors for Photoshop and Dreamweaver development

The monitors I have are 2408WFP Dell displays

The MP has a ATi HD 2600XT fitted

What is the best solution for dual monitor support.

ATI 4870 or ATi X1900 or GTX285?

Does the ATI 4870 support 2 DVI monitors with adaptors?

Can I use the 4870 with the 2600??

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IMac :: Won't Upgrade Graphics Card ATI Radeon 2600 Pro To Geforce 8800 GT

Nov 14, 2008

I purchased my Mac a few weeks ago, wanting to both upgrade my computer.......and play Diablo 3. I do always want the best out of my systems and the person who sold me the mac told me it would be fairly easy to upgrade the card...well he was wrong. He also told me a few days later not to worry about upgrading since the system is already great.

I went to a local Mac store and asked about the upgrade and found out it would be close to or above a grand for the part from Apple and the labor.

Heres the breakdown:

$875 - Card
$130 - Labor
$15 - Shipping (from apple)

Are there any other ways to find this part online cheaper and just hopefully pay for the labor?

I just really dont want to pay a grand just to upgrade my damn video card, and I know within the new year Apple will release a much better fast computer and I'll be mad. I really wish it wasn't such a hard upgrade.

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IMac :: Upgradation (video Card - NVIDIA GEFORCE 8800) Of 24inch?

Mar 3, 2009

I have an Imac 24in that I purchased last June with the upgraded video card, NVIDIA GEFORCE 8800 GS W/512MB. Anyone know if it might be possible to upgrade it to one of the newer cards just released with the new imacs?

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IMac :: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M Card Able To Play Demanding Games?

Dec 21, 2009

Is the new MacMini with the NVIDIA GeForce 9400M card able to play demanding games? What games wont it be able to play adequatelly?

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MacBook Pro :: Nvidia GeForce 8600M Graphics Card Causing Memory Leak

Jul 21, 2009

I have a year old MacBook Pro with an Nvidea GeForce 8600M GT card.

I recently bought Unity but it turns out the Nvidea GeForce 8600M GT graphics card isn't fully supported because of a memory leak which is a problem with the drivers.
Unity Support have told me to update my drivers. I understood Mac drivers were always built in to the OS and no drivers were available from Nvidea but I see they now have one Mac driver for another card.

What is the actual state of affairs with this graphics card does anyone know? There have been a lot of reports of faulty ones and now this.

This is a just about year old top of the range MacBook Pro and it doesn't support graphics??

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PowerPC :: Ram For G5 1.8ghz?

Oct 19, 2006

I just put 2 sticks of 512mb in my g5 with these specs pc3200r-30330, the machine doesn't recognize them. I notice that the existing ram got this on the label pc3200u-30330. Pease someone tell me the difference between these 2.

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PowerPC :: 1.8Ghz G5 Pull Through?

Mar 8, 2007

Though I love buying new stuff (and that Blackbook is so damn sexy) I just want to stick with my Single 1.8Ghz G5. I get soo fed up with the problems I face when I'm surfing the web.... which is ALL I DO!

My G5 has 1GB of memory and 160HDD and am still running 10.3.9. All I do is surf the web; so I don't want to buy a new Mac. Is it 10.3.9 that sucks... or what? I am faced with A SURPLUS of "Safari Unexpectedly Quit" signs and MYSPACE never loads right and hardly ever loads photos on myspace pages.

If it's 10.3.9 thats messing my Mac up, I'll get 10.5 the day it comes out and 1GB more of memory. Otherwise I'll get a Blackbook... but I just rather not spend that money.

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PowerPC :: How To Add 2nd Proc To A Single 1.8Ghz

Jun 15, 2007

Just wanted to know if I could find just the proc. and then make it work..?

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PowerPC :: Imac G5 1.8GHz PPC Upgrade?

Mar 2, 2009

i recently bought a used imac g5 1.8ghz version 10.3.5.

is there any way i can change the processor to an intel processor as i cant seem to upgrade my os (and a lot of other programs) running on the current version.

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PowerPC :: Quad Processor Using GeForce 6600?

Oct 8, 2008

I am using a G5 Quad processor with a GeForce 6600 graphics card. I am working on a project in Second Life [URL] and have been advised that I need to update the driver on my graphics card to solve some problems encountered in Second Life. There does not seem to be an update for this card for Macs. I have asked Apple for help, but they have told me my serial number does not exist even though it is registered and I have had technical help from them in the past. Second Life say they do not support this graphics card!

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Software :: Upgrade Imac 1.8GHz PowerPC G5 From 10.3.9

Jan 22, 2010

I've got an old iMac 1.8GHz PowerPC G5 that I love to use for surfing the web etc.

I'm finding that I can't view anything that requires Flash as my system (10.3.9) won't allow me to download the latest Flash or Firefox.

I tried asking in the local Apple store how I could upgrade my OS but the guy said they don't sell the OS upgrade anymore.

Is there anything I can do to upgrade my OS so that I can download newer versions of software like Flash or Firefox?

I have another computer (imac intel) but I really don't want to have to get rid of this one as I like it and apart from the OS issue, it still works fine.

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PowerPC :: Got The 3 Dreaded Blinking Lights On A G5 Dual 1.8ghz?

Oct 15, 2009

I got the 3 dreaded blinking lights on a PowerMac G5 dual 1.8ghz. Turns out the memory is OK but it's the physical slots that are screwy.I found that applying pressure to one of the banks gets it to boot with no problem but then I remove that pressure and the Mac freezes .

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PowerPC :: Power Mac G5 Dp 1.8GHz Fans @ Full Speed

Jun 25, 2010

My PCI bay fan is running at full speed no matter what. The temperature sensor reads correctly in OS X, so I don't think it's a bad sensor.

Is there any way to set the fan speed manually, say in openfirmware?

It's a 1.8 DP June '04; I've ran ASD 2.5.8 to calibrate and test the mobo, which passed.

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PowerPC :: 20" IMac G5 (1.8ghz Single Core) - Not Booting From DVD?

Jan 18, 2010

I have put a brand new hard drive in the machine. I took off the plastic bezel to the power cord, to make sure it's plugging in all the way. I turned the computer on while watching the LED's on the logic board. All 3 stayed on, and the 4th never came on.

I have unplugged it, left it unplugged for a few minutes, plugged the cord back in while holding the power, then turned it on (forgot what that was supposed to accomplish). No change.

I have reset the PVRAM (or whatever) 3 times in a row by holding command-option-p-r until I heard 3 chimes after the initial boot. No change.

I can get into open firmware, but have no idea what I could even try in there (other than ejecting the DVD).

I hold down "C" while booting, it chimes, it goes to a blank grey background, then proceeds on to the white screen with the apple. It sits there for a few seconds, then starts spinning the circle for a while, then shuts down. I hear the optical drive spin up, but it does nothing.

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PowerPC :: Upgrade Internal Airport Extreme Card Instead Of Using PC Card Adapter?

May 27, 2009

I would like to upgrade my 17" Powerbook G4 to wireless n, but I'd like to upgrade the internal airport extreme card instead of using a PC Card adapter.

Are there any options for this?Will this airport extreme card from early model MBPs work?

my specs:
17" pwrbk Hi-res
1.67 G4
late 2005 model: Powerbook 5,9

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MacBook Pro :: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M Graphics Versus NVIDIA GeForce 9400M?

Aug 18, 2009

I am going to college this year to study Graphic Design and i am looking to purchase a MBP 15". I have read a couple of other threads which cover similar questions however i am not truly satisfied with the answers i have read.

My MBP will have to run the following programs on a regular basis: Photoshop, Bridge, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash. It will also have to run basic tasks such as word processing, internet surfing and email. Finally i would also like to install parallels and XP on the machine just in case an work or applications need to be run on windows. Obviously all of these applications will not be running simultaneously however there is a strong chance 2 or 3 maybe running at the same time. My Imac deals with this without problems, will the MBP be the same?

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OS X :: Can Use 256MB Less RAM In Snow Leopard

Aug 22, 2009

So what do you think? Is anyone else here using Snow Leopard having less RAM being reported in Activity Monitor? Is this a bug, or is the RAM being used by the OS?

PS. Yesterday I posted this thread here but a moderator merged it with the thread I'd posted in the MacBook Pro forum. If this is felt to be necessary in this thread. However, I do believe that the place for this thread is in the Mac OS X forum. The thread in the MBP forum was posted when I thought that the problem was with my MBP but it now seems clear that the problem is with Snow Leopard, hence the different threads (And if the threads were to be merged, it'd make more sense to merge the other one into this, in my opinion).

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