I discovered my iMac shut down and to start. I feared it had been fried in an electrical storm the day before, though the whole house is surge protected, and a printer on the same plug was unaffected. I tried unplugging briefly, still no luck. I tried hitting the start button ( on the iMac itself, not the keyboard) a few times over a couple of days with no luck, and unplugged it in prepartion to cart off to a repair shop, fearing the worst. A couple of days later, I plugged it in for one last try before taking it to the car and, bingo, it started! Everything was fine, everything in its place.
A couple of weeks later, I once again notice the computer is turned off and will not restart. I uplug and replug - no luck. I unplug, let it sit, and try it again about 24 hours later.
I recently got an 20' 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Imac. It came with 1 gig of Ram. I purchased 2 2Gig SODIMM chips from New Egg. The ram specs matches what the little manual says. ddr2, pc2-5300 667MHz. When I install the new chips, the mac won't start. Period. No beeps, no nothing. I can sort of hear it try to start, then quits.
When I put back the original ram chip. Works again.When I have the original ram chip AND 1 of the new chips (for a total of 3 gigs of RAM) it works.Swapped one new chip with the other (as long as the original is in) Works.Original Chip is on the right side, New is on the left. Swapped places. Works.The mac will start ONLY if the original is in place. I should be able to start it with the nes ones in but it won't. I know both works because I swapped them.Anybody have any ideas on what's going on? Is there a setting somewhere I need to change or something?
I have been having problems with my Mac Pro for the last few days. When I am not encoding or downloading anything for the night, I usually turn it off. Recently though, if I turn it off, and then turn it on the next evening (around 16 hours later) then it will not turn on right away, and by that I mean that the fans turn on, I see the little white light turn on, but I don't hear the startup chime, the lights don't turn on on my logitech keyboard, and my screen stays black, the monitor itself not detecting any signal.
It may take up to 20 minutes of pressing the power button and turning it on and off until I hear the startup chime and see the apple on screen, but then it usually resets itself once and then it loads up to mac os. Once the Mac Pro has been turned on once though, I can turn it on and off without any problems it seems.
I just don't understand why this would be happening. One thing I thought was that we had an electrical outage a few days ago but all my other computers were fine and I am using a special bar to connect my stuff to make sure that when there is an electrical outage, no damage is done to my computers. The weird part is that the problems started appearing on the next day so I was wondering if that could have affected my computer and how.
This is a new problem, started immediately after moving the computer gently a foot to the left...
When computer goes to sleep it shuts down.
Then when I press the power button I hear the mechanical click but it doesn't power back up.
Then if I unplug and re-plug it'll start back up. Happens every time like this.
I've, reseated the RAM chips, repaired permissions and reset SDC (SMC? whatever you call it when you hold the power button in for five seconds after unplugging).
My Mac Pro takes two minutes to start up. It is also sluggish during normal operation. I have Parallels and a external hard drive installed. Do either of these contribute to this problem? Or is there a program that can be used to defrag the hard drive. (I recall having similar problems with my IBM computer. When it was defragged the performance of the unit improved).
I am dog/housesitting for my inlaws. Yesterday, before I left my house I shut down my iMac as always and for the heck of it, unplugged the computer, modem, and router stopped home today, and decided to hop on the computer real quick. plugged everything back in and the computer will NOT turn on. No noise, no lights, nothing. It was fine yesterday--I shut it down, unplugged it, and plugged it back in today---now it is completely dead! So I tried other plugs and no dice. Never had any power or shutdown/starup issue before. I called Mac---but outside of driving an hour to the Apple store--it wasn't much help. The guy did say it was most likely the cord. I would be wiling to try that--as it would be a cheap option, but it looks like I may have to drive to the Apple store anyway to get a cord that fits. I also tried resetting the PMU that Apples site recommends--and nothing. Any suggestion would be great. With the holidays the thought of dropping big $$$ on computer repairs is not appealing.
I recently upgraded to Mac OS X Lepoard and got Adobe Creative Suite CS3 loaded on my Powerbook G4. Now it's taking a long time to start up. It starts up with the normal gray screen with the apple logo in the middle then the screen turns blue for a while then I finally see my desktop. It just seems that the blue screen is there for a long time at first.
I've had a Vista 32 PC and it booted pretty fast. I now have a fully loaded iMac (newest one available) and Vista takes abnormally long to start. OS X boots very fast, and once Vista is loaded, it runs normal, no problems. I'm just wondering if there is a way to reduce the boot time, and why it would take longer to boot on this more powerful computer than my last generic PC, or if that's just a drawback of boot camp.
My aunt spilled wine on her ibook G4 and the period key won't work and hasn't for ages Is there a way to assign a different key as the period? This copy and paste crap is really getting annoying She's running OS 10 3 9
Lately I'm starting to notice that if I leave my Macbook just sitting there for awhile, when I return to it, it didn't go to sleep, but it rather logged me out, leaving me at the login screen. I then have to re log in and re-open everything I was working on.
I am creating a new budget sheet, and am trying to automate it as much as possible. I get paid bi-weekly, and I like to budget on a per pay period case rather than month to month. What this means is that on certain budgets I have one set of bills due, on another I'll have a different set of bills due.
The screen turns red striped and you can still see the desktop in the background and it freezes up. I think it may be due to over heating because after forcing it to shut down it will restart after a short period. But if you try to restart it quickly it will beep at you. The laptop is about four years old but is used quite a bit. I try to keep it from being too beat up in transport but mostly it just sits on my desk. One thing that has changed is that I have been shutting it down every night before bed where I used to leave it running near constantly. The problems have only started after the new routine.Â
I use Firewire 800, and my external has 80GB free on it. Both it and my iMac's drives are 320GB. What's with the extended period of preparation, going on 15 minutes now, maybe longer. Backup still didn't begin, this never used to happen me before. I only backed up 2 days ago?
Also, why when I click the Time Machine menubar item to open Time Machine prefs does the DVD (iLife '09) in my optical drive make a noise as if it's being accessed? It spins up a little too. Seems very odd, and it's not a coincidence, it happens exactly when I try to open Time Machine prefs from its menubar item. I could do it 5 times in succession and the optical drive would make the same accessing noise each time, on cue
Hey everyone, so I keep seeing posts about how much SSDs degrade over the first week/two after using an SSD (one that comes WITH the MBP). However, how much do they degrade after...say....6 months-1 year (or even longer)? I know they are still new hardware, but I'm sure some people have an idea. Is it really THAT significant of a speed and performance decrease?
How do I prevent my Mac Book Pro from shutting down after a period of time? I have set Preferences, Energy saver to "never" but still it shuts down while trying to download a large file. The file is 4.14GB and at my slow connection speed may take 48hrs+.
Just recently my iMac has been taking over 20 seconds to go to sleep after I press the button. I don't know if I have a virus or malware, but it is taking a lot longer then it used, which was instantly
is it recommended to have my Mac Pro set to go to sleep when inactive for a certain period of time? right now I just have my monitor set to to turn off after 45 minutes of inactivity, the computer stays on all the time. What do you guys do? Any reason why I shouldn't?
Well im concerned that my imac is slowing down and is taking to long to boot-up, because when i first got him the imac was a bit faster. So i was thinking i should ask you guys for your boot-up duration before i reinstall Mac OS X. My MBP is also slowing down, don't know if im doing anything wrong so would love to know how long others boot-up lasts.
When I install an update via Software Update, the installation appears in System Preferences/Software Update/Installed Updates, but then permanently disappears after a period of time. Same issue in Software Update.log.Is this normal?
I previously installed a demo of iWork and life but after the trial period uninstalled it. Well I've now bought the licensed copies of each. Upon install and trying to launch iWork or iLife I'm getting prompted for my serial number, and of course the discs do not require a number.Do i have to call Apple or is this a common, easy fix?
I recently bought a 27'' iMac (3.2 GHz Intel Core i3, OSX10.6.4) and all was fine and dandy until yesterday when my internet connection suddenly got very slow. It takes forever to load pages, if they load at all. The rest of the iMac is fine as before, which leads me to conclude this is an internet issue. I cleared the cache and browsing history in Google Chrome and no improvement. I tried using Safari and Firefox and they were slow too.
I also have a MacBookPro (2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OSX10.6.4), so I checked the internet speed on that and it was normal. Both MBP and iMac are connected via an Airport Express. I searched various forums and threads for a solution, but I know very little when it come to these things so I quickly got stuck in technical jargon. I've tried to change the DNS server settings (first to and, then to and but this has not helped.