OS X V10.7 Lion :: View PDFs With Firefox?
Jun 11, 2012How can I view PDFs wih Firefox? Just upgraded to Lion and doesn't work any more. What Adobe product/version do I need? (Have Adobe Reader 10.1.3)
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How can I view PDFs wih Firefox? Just upgraded to Lion and doesn't work any more. What Adobe product/version do I need? (Have Adobe Reader 10.1.3)
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I upgraded to latest version of Firefox 12 2 days ago and will not open pdfs or view.. worked fine before?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
It seems like every other version of Firefox is not capable of displaying PDFs. I went to the Firefox website and found many others looking for a solution but no answers. Because people at this site are so much smarter, I thought I would ask here. I tried this, no joy.[URL]..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am unable to view or download bank statements from our bank online using Safari. Also tried Firefox and it didn't work. Also unable to view, open, or download any other type of PDFs on my iMac since removing the hard drive, replacing it with a new one, and reinstalling OS X Lion 10.7.4. I didn't notice this problem until after installing the recent Updates for Safari 5.1.7 and OS X Lion 10.7.4, so I don't know if it could have anything to do with them or not. I am still in the process of reinstalling programs, but everything else seems to be working fine since the switch to the new hard drive except for not being able to view PDFs.
Info:iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Sometime in the last several months, Safari (now at v5.1.2) on my Mac (OS X 10.6.8) stopped being able to view PDFs natively. It will download PDFs if I make it do that, and then I can open them in Preview or Acrobat. But when I try to open any PDF from any website within the browser, I get a blank page (or the current page) with the PDF control bezel overlay, which looks like this:Â
But the PDF content never appears in the browser. Â This happens with any PDF file, such as the one at [URL]
The Adobe PDF plugin was removed from /Library/Internet Plug-Ins a long time ago. So that is not the cause of the problem. Â
Google's Chrome browser will display PDFs in the browser. Firefox will download them and open them in Preview. It is only Safari that is giving me trouble.
Three days ago, I stopped being able to download or view pdfs online. The problem persists whether I use Safari or Firefox and with both Preview & Adobe. I have never had this problem before. Now if I try to view a pdf online, I get a blank screen. If I try to download a pdf, I get an error message stating that the pdf cannot be opened.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Can't open Pdfs in firefox, works fine in Safari.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
For some reason Safari won't open PDFs. Not sure if I can download them but PDFs that are supposed to open with a script (for example, can't just open in a new tab) do not open. Nothing happens. It won't even auto download or anything.Just tried Chrome and it downloaded just fine off the same web page.
Can display PDFs just fine if going directly to PDF link, but it definitely doesn't open with script based ones
I have flip4mac, windows media player 9 and all the plugins that I supposedly need for this to work. I get "Firefox cant view Media Player, Click here".
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow is it possible to view such a video: [URL:.....] I installed flip4mac , no use mac os 10.5.8 firefox 3.5.3 anyone could see that video?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo here's something that's been on my mind for a while, but never figured it was worth while asking...anybody. But with Snow Leopard coming out tomorrow which feature Expose in the dock now thought i'd ask. I'm sure to some degree this question boils over as your personal productivity preference because i'm wondering what sizes your windows are normally at. For example, say you use Safari or Firefox; is that window taking up the whole screen? If so, why? Ever really think about it? Do you have it full screen cause you wanna surf the web and do your research or procrastinate at the biggest possible size available ...or.... is your Safari/Firefox window not fully screened, simply because you normally have more than just one Firefox or Safari window open, and it makes it easier to navigate multiple windows when they ain't taking up the whole screen?
For example, iTunes for me is possibly the only window I ever fully enjoy being full screen. I love cover flow so have a "space" (3) devoted to iTunes in full screen. In Space 2 (of 6) I have FireFox in full screen but many time throughout the day hate that it's full screen cause I easily need to navigate back to something else, such as the finder or w/e. Anyways, i'm really wondering what others do here, I think it'll be interesting to hear what's up. With SL coming out tomorrow i'm sure Expose in the dock will help big time, but nevertheless.
I have been having problems with my Safari and firefox. They both say they are up to date. When I use fire fox to look at Hotmail.com, it takes a while to load and when I try to open mail in new tabs, it opens a tab saying "javascript;;".
When I use safari to look at hotmail, it does an infinite loop and stays blank..the URL thingy just goes in loops. I mostly use fire fox, and some times when I go to type, I will get a 10 second delay before my text appears..
I have the most recent version of Adobe Reader and can't open/read some PDFs that I could open with OS10.6.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI can't see PDF links in Safari. I get a tab with a plank page, althugh the url shows that it's looking at a pdf. If I try to save it I get a message that it couldn't be saved. Been like this for months..
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Radeon HD 4870, 30-inch Apple Cinema display, 4GB RAM
I can't seem to merge PDFs in Preview 5.5.1. I've read that you simply open multiple PDFs in the thumbnail and then place one PDF on top of another, but when I try, the two PDFs just wiggle around and change order. If not preview - what program should I use?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I just upgraded to Lion and pdfs won't print. It doesn't appear to be the printer driver, because the printer works with others apps. It's an HP Laserjet 1300. Yes, it's old, but still works, well, sometimes. just not with pdfs.
iMac, iMac, OS 10.7.3
Preview has become very slow to load PDFs. This is for any PDF file. It still loads graphics quickly. This problem started a couple of weeks ago. I do not have "Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps" checked in the General pane of System Preferences.
Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I regualrly have to join several PDF files into one document. They way I am doing this at the moment is through preview i.e. simply dragging and dopping the files over one another in the thumbnail side bar. However, at some point the computer invariably freezes showing me the spinning wheel of death for perhaps 15mins. Some times I cannot revover and have to force a hard reboot. Other times, I can get it to soft reboot after waiting for ages. The funny thing is the resulting file is fine since I can access after it after performing the reboot.Â
why this is and how I can avoid it since it wasts alot of time.Â
Specs of my MacBook are:Processor 2.8 Ghz Intel Core i7
Memory 4GB 1333 Mhz DDR3 I have 600 GB of hard disc space freeÂ
I am running OSX 10.7.3Â
The total size of the documents I want to join amounted to less than 4 Mb so I don't think I should be running out of memory.Â
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
So I designed some art for someone in Illustrator, made a PDF, and sent it onto them in email as an attachment.  They got it in Apple mail.  Immediately they contacted me back. "The PDF I sent them is the wrong size". (it was meant to be business card size).  Â
It seems Apple mail "did them a favor" of showing them the PDF contents inline to their document.  OK no problem there, BUT...Â
#1. It looks wrong size. When they printed it out on paper, it printed wrong size, adding confusion and delay.Â
#2. Apple Mail actively hid the fact that this was an attachment. (as opposed to rich-content mail, i.e. a JPEG inline.) There was no visual indication that it was an attachment, no way to "peel it off" and get to a "save as..." box.  There WAS a paperclip icon (which generally means attachment) but it did something totally different and unrelated. I couldn't even tell her how to save it to a file. Â
I told the person "Just forward it to your publisher on faith that it's correct" but that really doesn't cut it. Heck I'm not even sure the forward carried the attachment along. There's just no way to tell. Â
So is there a way I can send mail to this person so it is easier to work with? OS X Lion Mail.
Since I upgraded adobe, I haven't been able to open pdf's directly from websites--I just get a black screen (in Safari, or a white screen in Firefox). I can sometimes right click on the link and either download the pdf or save it as a document as a workaround to enable me to open it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Problems started after uploading the Lion in March. Now at least Windows 7 users can´t open any pdfs or jpegs that I have included into sent e-mails. They can see that they are included but can´t open them. What can I do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
unable to view user login in OS X Lion 10.7.3 startup. I had made some changes in icloud settings & by mistake must have checked some option related to username & password. Also when i turn my macbook pro on, i can see the grey background with apple logo, however it does not show my image & login password space. thus i'm unable login to my system.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I would like to view as Columns but it is grayed out in Finder view options. Why is this? And is there a way to fix it?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Earlier tonight I opened iCal, only to find that none of my calendars were there. it was completely empty. However, when I changed the view from "Week" to "Month" all of my events were listed (in the proper color) on the appropriate day, but I still had no list of calendars on the left. Subsequent changes between "Day" "Week" and "Month" view continued to display the events properly, but nothing showed up in the calendar menu on the left.
I repaired permissions same thing happened.I trashed com.apple.ical pref (forgot the exact filename)�same behavior. I use .mac to sync between computers, and I use Missing Sync to sync to a Palm T|X.
I have an older MBP (2.2Ghz, 2GB RAM, 120GB HD) and am having problems with PDF files. Well, I guess it would be better described as annoyances with PDF files. I use Adobe Reader and the lag when scrolling is unbearable. Does anyone know of a way to fix this? Can anyone suggest alternate programs that may remedy my problem.
View 11 Replies View Relateditunes 10.6 after upgrade when i select movies grid view it crashes every time works fine in all other view modes
View 3 Replies View RelatedUpon upgrading to Lion, I can no longer view pdf files unless downloaded and then opened. When attempting to view pdf files in Safari all I get is a black screen. I am able to download most files and then view, but some sites don't have that option.
Another issue that I can't seem to fix and I think first appeared with Snow Leopard is that whenever I open Safari I get a message about my version of Safari doesn't support Community Toolbar although have upgraded my browser whenever a new version is availalbe.
Info:Power PC G5, Mac OS X (10.5.3)
I was playing with the different display configurations and options in the Finder trying to figure out what suited me best. I right-clicked on "All My Files" and there was an option to add a search bar to the file. I clicked on this to see what happened and all the files were gone and the full search bar was at the top of the page with all the filters (like 3 or 4 lines worth) displayed. I went back to All My Files, right-clicked again and there was an option to Remove Search Bar (or something like that I dont remember exactly). When I clicked on this the search bar was still displayed but without all the lines of filters and I still can not see any of my files.
I right-clicked again on All My Files and there was no longer anything in the menu about the search bar, the right-click menu magically changed from four items to three. I have looked at all the view options and tried to figure out what happened but I am at a loss as to what I did that made All My Files search only (or at least that's what seems to have happened). This obviously doesnt stop me from being able to view the files through other routes (i.e. clicking on Documents in the Favorites sidebar, selecting Computer from the Go tab, clicking on Macintosh HD on the desktop) but is still quite annoying.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
i cannot view pdf files on my mac when i try to open them.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I cannot view the attachment file received through Mail in my Mac but it is there, I can view it in my iPad and iPhone. Also the expanded header says there's an attachment. And the size says so.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)