OS X V10.7 Lion :: Preview Loading Of PDFs Has Become Slow?
Apr 18, 2012
Preview has become very slow to load PDFs. This is for any PDF file. It still loads graphics quickly. This problem started a couple of weeks ago. I do not have "Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps" checked in the General pane of System Preferences.
I regualrly have to join several PDF files into one document. They way I am doing this at the moment is through preview i.e. simply dragging and dopping the files over one another in the thumbnail side bar. However, at some point the computer invariably freezes showing me the spinning wheel of death for perhaps 15mins. Some times I cannot revover and have to force a hard reboot. Other times, I can get it to soft reboot after waiting for ages. The funny thing is the resulting file is fine since I can access after it after performing the reboot.Â
why this is and how I can avoid it since it wasts alot of time.Â
Specs of my MacBook are:Processor 2.8 Ghz Intel Core i7
Memory 4GB 1333 Mhz DDR3 I have 600 GB of hard disc space freeÂ
I am running OSX 10.7.3Â
The total size of the documents I want to join amounted to less than 4 Mb so I don't think I should be running out of memory.Â
This PDF [URL] Will not load properly, it is all messed up in preview. If I get that same file and drop it into my XP virtual running adobe acrobat, it loads perfectly. Why is this the Case? would this be something Eli Lilly did when they saved the file and it does not open up correctly? All other PDFs from different companies load fine, its this Eli Lilly ones that seem to have this issue. (I am running the latest snow leopard)
I seem to be having trouble with large PDFs in OSX. Everytime I open such a PDF file, either under Preview or Adobe Reader, ATSserver and mdworker begin taking up 60-80% of the CPU. Can someone please shed some light into what is happening? I understand that OSX is indexing the PDF file, but it indexes it everytime the PDF is launched, instead of just once. For example, I open Textbook.pdf (50mb) in Preview. As soon as it opens, the above two processes take up 60-80% of the cpu and seemingly dont stop. I wait, and wait, and eventually they do. So then I search for a word in the PDF file, and those processes start up again, searching becomes painfully slow as each instance of the term is searched for (I thought it indexed it). Once the searching for one term is done, and I decide to search for another, the two processes come on again, and everything slows down again. If I close Textbook.pdf and open it again either immediately or at a later date, the same things happen again.
Isnt it supposed to index once, and then be indexed forever? Instead of indexing everytime the pdf is launched, and everytime a term is searched for? This has made large PDFs almost unusable in OSX, unlike in Windows which doesnt seem to have this problem. Is there a solution?
I can't seem to merge PDFs in Preview 5.5.1. I've read that you simply open multiple PDFs in the thumbnail and then place one PDF on top of another, but when I try, the two PDFs just wiggle around and change order. If not preview - what program should I use?
I've been having intermittent problems with the Preview app showing PDF files with either missing text or distorted fonts. The PDFs all display correctly if I use Adobe Acrobat (Reader or Professional). The one I can consistently get to malfunction is the PDF generated by the Postal Service label generator. The barcode always prints incorrectly by Preview, yet if I pull up that very same file in Adobe, it displays and prints just fine.
I have read on a lot of forums that it is possible to merge AND SAVE multi-page pdfs with preview. I can get all of the images I want, but when I go to save as pdf in the print menu, it only shows ONE page. I have seen tutorials online and I have followed them step-by-step (I have Leopard 10.5.6), and simply cannot make this work - it will only save one page.
I have Adobe in my parallels but I absolutely loathe opening it because it brings my computer speed down to a crawl.
Please, if someone knows of a workaround for this, let me know! I am taking tons of screen shots and trying to merge them as pdfs in a quick way so I can send back and forth with my web designer.
Have a Mac Book Pro 5.4 running mac os x 10.6.8. Recently I am unable to open bank statements or other pdf's on the web with preview. Unless I install Adobe Reader all I get is dark black screen. I've tried using Firefox instead of Safari but have the same problem. Somehow a pdf created with Adobe Reader can no longer be opened with preview. I've check and preview is the default app for .pdf files. I tried deleting Adobe Reader for Mac but when I click on the web link preview can't open the document.
Whenever I click on a PDF in my Safari window all I get is a blank screen. For some reason it has stopped opening them in Preview. I need to look at a number of PDF's. If I could download them I would but these links do not give me that option. What do I do?
Last year I could add pdf documents together in Preview to make a compilation that was much easier to print in booklet form as it avoided blank pages. Some time this year the behaviour changed, and now when I drag one open pdf onto the window of another, although on screen they look as if they are now one, even if I highlight each page in the sidebar when I press Print only the first one prints, which is a retrograde step IMO.Â
Is there a way to get the old behaviour back? This was a new feature in Snow Leopard and has been immensely useful to me, significantly increasing my productivity. It also used to be able to save the three pdfs as one file, but this too is no longer possible.Â
Is there a setting I can change in order to allow pdf import again? I can't even import files that last year I successfully imported to make new combined files, so I know it is not the pdf settings on the pdf file, it is definitely something that changed in preview itself in Snow Leopard in early 2012.
Forcing preview to see downloaded pdf's automatically. Safari downloads these but preview doesn't open it unless forced. My other MB air downloads them and automatically opens them in th media viewer of Safari.Â
Lion 10.7.4 is live and updated on my macbook pro, but after installing and system restarting my loading times seems slower and before memory usage averaged 1.86gb now averages 2.1gb...
Ever since I updated to the latest version of Safari, it has been very slow loading webpages and is also a great memory hog. I have been using Firefox (now) and don't have these problems, but I would prefer to use Safari if it will work.
I have a legacy HP LaserJet 1200 printer, that I've had forever and it STILL makes excellent copies so I'm hard pressed to replace it. However... when printing PDF docs, it takes FOREVER to print a page. Like as long as 10+ minutes. But only PDFs. All other doc formatted files print instantly as expected.I assumed it was a memory issue, so I installed as much RAM as possible in the printer,but this had no effect whatsoever I called HP and they don't have any new drivers or tricks to make PDFs print more timely.Does anyone have any tricks or thoughts, other than buy a new printer. When I have to print a PDF I just let let it sit and do it's thing. But right now I have a 40 page PDF and it will take all afternoon, seriously. The copies BTW, when the do print are gorgeous and crisp.
Info: Mac Pro 3.0 GHz Quad-Core, iPad WiFi/3G, iPhone4, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 30" HP Display, 22" Cinema Display
Hey guys, i got an old Powerbook that the whole family use to surf the net. I notice its been super slow lately. Ive never had a problem with this notebook, I've only done 2 reinstall in the time ive owned it. I recentluy did another one, and notice its still slow, loading websites is slow, cant watch movies on it. This is a notebook i use to do photoshop and illustrator work on.
Do you think its just its time? I think it could be the hard drive or memory, is there any type of diagnostic i can do to find out what the problem is?
Is there a way to tell which one is slow, if anything is going slow? I have an extremely old PC which is normally ok for most things, but gets bogged down if I am doing too many things.I was so annoyed with our national real estate site after they changed the format that I wrote a letter once a long time ago.. and I was ready to let them have it again, listing all the reasons why it is so bad and so much worse than the original.
Today for the first time, I accessed the site (mls.ca) using my new iMac. It was like lightening speed, comparatively speaking.Wow, suddenly I knew why the mls people hadn't changed their new format.But then I started going to other sites.. like airmiles.ca for example, and it was slow as heck... and stalling.. etc. How would I be able to tell whether it is an internet slowness or the computer being slow?
A couple OS's ago I remember if you opened a finder window on your desktop and if the column view was open it would attempt to create a preview, making your system completely useless until that preview was generated. It seems that this has been mostly addressed in Leopard, but still exists somewhat. But I've now discovered sadly another place where it exists and it has just cost me an hour of uploading time. getting info on idisk. I was uploading a large photoshop file on my idisk, 2GB, and I had 2 minutes left.
I accidentally did command I on a file on my idisk directory thinking it was my local directory. The file I got info on was 1.4GB.. it's now stuck trying to generate a preview image for that damn photoshop file and my poor 2GB upload that was 2 minutes away has apparently decided it was less important to finish uploading and to generate this damn preview! Which probably entails downloading the whole thing first.
I have 4 tabs open in Safari, each one has a Youtube video loading in HD and its really loading slowly, taking forever. Is this normal? its a MacBook 2.4GHz Unibody that I just got a few weeks ago. just checked iStat memory shows wired 173mb active 1.04gb inactive 292mb free 330mb.
About a week ago my Mac started loading webpages very slowly (CNN would take over 5 minutes to load). I have downloaded and occasionally use Firefox and it had the same problem.
I checked my internet connection and everything seems fine, my other computer (its a PC) is connecting just fine and loading webpages at the usual speeds.
I found online some instructions regarding Safari loading webpages slow they involved deleting the cache, and then deleting a few .plist files in the library. This seems to work, but with a day or so the problem comes back. Does anyone know what could be causing this problem?
I've recently brought a mac book never had one before. In the month I've had it page loading is really slow i have done the required updates, and nothing has been downloaded. I have tried some of the things people have suggested, cache delete, history delete, etc but nothing has worked.
I have an infuriating problem with extremely slow loading of extracts on the British Newspaper Archive site and something must have happened to cause it. I have a Macbook Air, was on Snow Leopard, the site always worked fine. When I came back to the site after a few months, the pages took 2 minutes or more to load. However on the similar Australian site, Trove, there is no problem. BNA say no one else has the problem. It happens on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera. I have even had an upgrade to Mountain Lion - the problem continued. I copied everything to a Passport and had the laptop cleared out and upgraded to 10.9.1. The site then worked, but as soon as I migrated my stuff back from Passport, the problem returned. I’ve tried disabling Sophos, had removed Ghostery.
I just purchased my Mid 2010 21.5" IMac a few days ago. Before it used to load pretty fast but yesterday I noticed it began to load slowly after a blackout. its taking about 30 seconds or more to boot up after a shut down and when I first turn it on, I hear a chyme and after the chyme. I am at a white screen for quite a while before I see the apple symbol. Is this normal??
just purchased right before he left (Febuary). His computer is now giving him troubles with programs taking ages to load. He said that one program took about 3 hours to load completely. What/any advice can I give him to resolve this issue? He has the warrenty package but since I'm in Alaska, shipping costs are expensive and we'd like to avoid them as much as possible.
I have been using my 13" MBP since the 7th of August and since the first day the internet has been slow and it won't load pictures half the time! It will load a little blue question mark instead of the picture! I have three other apple computers and a netbook on wireless (not all at the same time, just to check internet speeds) and they all work perfectly so it isn't the router and it isn't 10.5.8 because I have not installed it!