OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Open PDFs From Websites Since Upgraded Adobe Reader
Feb 10, 2012
Since I upgraded adobe, I haven't been able to open pdf's directly from websites--I just get a black screen (in Safari, or a white screen in Firefox). I can sometimes right click on the link and either download the pdf or save it as a document as a workaround to enable me to open it.
I updated my Adobe per a box coming up as usual on my screen saying a new update was available. I was afraid this issue might have been becuase I might have closed my computer prior to it finishing. However, I've uninstalled and reinstalled the entire Adobe. However when trying to open websites that link to a pdf file, it will not open. It shows a blank screen. Adobe PDF files that are saved to my computer open fine in Adobe, but not through websites. Is this a part of that virus that supposedly happened two weeks ago- or is this just a coincidence.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), I have Snow Leopard
I have been able to open pdfs perfectly well up until I changed the security settings on Adobe Reader. As I read somewhere that Apples have an inbuilt pdf reader I trashed everything Adobe, but still can't open pdfs. Tried using Preview to no avail.
Is there some other way of opening pdfs without reinstalling Adobe?
I just "upgraded" yesterday from a Power Mac G4 to a 17" MacPro. Among other adjustment problems, I can't open PDF files. The message I get is "You can't open the application Adobe Reader because it is not supported on this kind of Mac."
I've tried downloading the latest version of Adoobe Reader, an although it seems to download, I can't find it.
Adobe reader will not open pdf files I have saved as, or, export as pdf to my desktop (latest Maverick). The same file does open when I am on the source website (i.e. user manuals etc.). Why?
I have just updated my Adobe Reader and now I can't download and open pdf files anymore.
I tried going through the preferences in Reader, but it says that the setting is tied in with 'security administration' settings on Mac OS X.
I have not actually changed anything in the settings so am assuming that this is something to do with the most recent update to either Adobe Reader or OS X security.
I'm running osx 10.6.4 and Adobe Reader is giving me fits. It doesn't play well. How do I change the default PDF reader from Adobe to Preview or iArchiver? Adobe Reader just grabs hold of the download and won't let go.
I had an update to adobe reader today which has resulted in the inability for it to auto download and open of pdfs. Before the update if I clicked on a link the document would automatically open.
Since I updated to Lion PDF, JPG and TIFF files open up very slowly in PREVIEW. Same with RTF files in TEXTEDIT. This is very apparent if the files are on a server in the network.
White iMac 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. 2.5 GB RAM.
There are some slower Macs on 10.6 in the network that open up 10x faster !!
Info: iMac 20, Mac OS X (10.7.2), We have our UNIX IT based on MaxOSX
Problems started after uploading the Lion in March. Now at least Windows 7 users can´t open any pdfs or jpegs that I have included into sent e-mails. They can see that they are included but can´t open them. What can I do?
I upgraded to Lion last week and now can open documents that are sent as attachments to e-mails? The file seems to download but when I try and open it I have this error message..... The document “BAAF__PAR_2008_Parts_A_-_C-4.doc” couldn’t be opened.
Since I upgraded to Yosemite I can't connect to certain websites. I get the message 'the server isn't responding'. It doesn't matter if I use Safari, Chrome or Firefox. If I try to log in to the same websites on my iPad or iPhone everything works fine.
A family member of mine needs Adobe Reader 7 (because they have an old iMac that can't be upgraded to Tiger) and I can't find it anywhere, not on the Adobe site or [URL}. Does anyone know where I can get it?
(PS- the reason they need it is because Preview somehow got deleted and they don't have the OS X install disks.)
I'm trying to email a pdf in Adobe Reader 8.1.5 but when I go to File>Print>PDF button>Mail PDF, I get this strange message saying "saving a pdf file when printing is not supported. Instead choose File>Save" but I'm not trying to save anything, just email.
Ever since the last Adobe Reader update I have been unable to open pdf files in Safari. So I attempted to delete all Adobe applications in hopes of reinstalling the software. Now I can not even save the Adobe Reader install File to download.
After uninstalling pdf reader from adobe, I lost possiblitiy to opend pdf documents in safari. Usually, before installing adobe reader pdf documents opened nicely in Safari, with link to download or print a document. Now, all what opens is a gray page, without any content in it. When trying printing, I get blank page. Has anyone encountered this problem? How can I switch to old Safari behavior - native pdf reading ability, present in OSX?
I just bought a new Mac, and find that Adobe Reader 9 does not open PDF files. I get a message saying that Adobe Reader 9 will not work on my Mac. Is there any other software that can use to open PDF files on OS 10.6.1? Mac 10.6.1 Intel Core 2 Duo.
I just bought a 24 inch iMac (2008 version) and love it but still figting my PC habits.Sure this is a dumb question - I searched but could not findI am running latest MAC OS X version. I go to Adobe reader website to download but OS X is not an option. Do I simply use the MAC OS version or one of the other options?
I recently installed Adobe Reader. It did installed the plug-ins for Safari (so I can view them in the browser) but not Firefox. Where can I find this plug-in? Or should I re-install Adobe Reader?
I am working for my eagle scout rank and in order to do my service project, a form must be filled out on the computer as a pdf. I started the PDF on my old dell, and i downloaded Adobe reader for my mac to finish it. For preview, it takes the lines of the paragraph and overlaps the words, rendering it unreadable, and for adobe reader, the words are invisible unless editing those words. when the text box isn't selected the words disappear.