OS X V10.7 Lion :: Drag And Drop Not Working To Rearrange Files On Desktop?
May 17, 2012
I want to re-arrange files on my desktop. When I use 'drag & drop' the file I moved just snaps back to its original location. How do I get 'drag & drop' to work properly?
Yesterday I found that I can't drag and drop any files on my desktop. I get the white circle with a line through it when I try to drag anything. I can drag off of my desktop to my HD and to the trash but I can't drag anything back. I've read all of the previous threads about it and have tried all of the poetntail fixes including: Creating a new user account and switching back and forth
Sleep / Wake
Relaunching Finder
Checking the Dragging option in Universal Access
Checking all of my settings in preferences
(I don't have Air Display, Airparrot or any of the other listed problematic 3rd party programs)I even reinstalled Lion and the problem still exists?
It is odd: pre update (the latest) I could download to my literal desktop, or drag and drop a photo from iPhoto, an mp3 to mail later from iTunes.....Now I can only do that from within the finder in the "desktop" window. In other words: If I download (I prefer to download onto my desktop rather than the download folder-window. I want to have control over ny desktop again (rather than the folder-window entitled "desktop".
My Macbookpro was giving me a startup disk full message so I emptied out my photo library and itunes library to an external drive. By then I think the damage was done because I was still encountering the spinning color wheel all the time. On the advice of he Genius bar I reinstalled Lion. It worked well except for this one glitch. I can no longer drag and drop photos from the internet.
I have two Virtual Machines running on my MacbookPro. One is Windows and the other is Ubuntu. The Windows 7 system is running perfectly well but the Ubuntu VM has got issues with dragging/dropping files from Mac to Ubuntu and vice versa.When I checked on the Parallel Desktop's forum, the only solution provided was that the Parallel Desktop's tool should be uninstalled and reinstalled; which I have done. But that didn't solve the problem. The Configuration menu "Virtual Machine" offered checkboxes for the (Copy & Paste) section, and I can confirm that both boxes for 'Share Mac Cipboard' and 'Preserve Text Formatting' are checked. That should have solved the copy/paste problem but didn't.
They're still accessible through finder, but now I can't drag-and-drop anything (at all) to the desktop. It was fine a minute ago before I shut down and rebooted my laptop. Restarts and switching users does nothing. I'm using Mac OSX Lion 10.7.4.
I have created a ringtone and is held on my desktop, the instructions I have is too left click and hold to drag it back onto your iTunes program but when I do this it is not being displayed on my iTunes program.Is there a solution for the Drag And Drop function.
Not sure when it happened, but I can no longer drag & drop from my download folder to the desktop. I can, however, go through 'Find" and drop the file that way. I am running OS X. I'm on a MacBook Pro.
I've been having this problem for a couple of days now, it was working fine but all of a sudden I can't save a picture onto my desktop or any folder in finder directly from safari by dragging and dropping, I can do it in aperture and iphoto but not onto my desktop or finder, is there anyway I to correct this?!
I goggled for answers but can't find any. I'm looking for a way that students at the lab cannot drag and drop (copying) a quicktime movie found on Desktop. Yes, they can play/view the movie clip but I do not want them to copy it into their USB. Is there a way? Like using Terminal? I tried to look for 3rd Party software but couldn't find a good one?
Lately was experiencing a very bad malfunction from my PowerBook G4 drag and drop. As far as I know for this feature, we are able to drag then hold while we move our mouse over to a desired folder or destination, that selected folder will spring up it's internal folders' view. However this seems not to be working any further. Anyone knows what could be the issue? I was unable to find this piece of advise from else where and hence decided to seek advises from here.
Drag and Drop not working since last software update - this is occuring on Outlook for the mac and I just tried moving an icon on the doc and the same thing occured. YOu can drag but the items will not drop.
A colleague of mine has a Mac G5 with OS 10.5.8 and Adobe InDesign CS5 installed which has suddenly stopped working. On top of that she can't drag or drop items either. She didn't have this issue yesterday. She didn't install anything new or added any new hardware.
I'm not too sure what forum this fits in.I'm looking for suggestions for a work-around solution.My files are beyond chaotic. I want to search document contents for a topic (that I have hundreds of files on, but all over the place) using the finder. Then, I want to be able to drag and drop all the files into a topic folder. But, the search/finder window does not permit drag-and-drop functionality.
To me, this is hugely frustrating. It would be the easiest way for me to organize my mad mad files.I'm looking for suggestions for how I can do this? I'm on MacBook Pro OS 10.6.4
So I have a friend who is a pc who gave me his hp hard drive with simple save, one of those hard drives with software that com pies things automatically. When I plug it in it show up fine and I can look in the folder and I have read write access as you would expect on any hard drive. But when I try to drop stuf in I can't, and I obviously can't reformat it because he needs to use it. Any idea to work around it or what may cause this issue?
I'm pretty new to mac and a pro windows user. It's not been a month since I bought my first mac and now I'm feeling so comfortable with it.
I have a basic question on how to select a few files, drag and drop it into a new folder in the same folder level
For example, In windows I do this 1. Select few files in C:Temp 2. Cut those 3. Create a new folder and rename it C:TempNewTemp 4. Right click the folder and Paste it.
This is what I do in Mac now 1. Choose the files to be moved into a new folder (When I'm about to drag it, I remember that I've not created the new folder! Grr..) 2. Create a new folder and all my selection is gone 3. Now reselect all the files again and drop it to the new folder (Phew!)
Am I missing the cut feature in finder??? I know that 'Cut' is not much required in mac since everything works on DragNDrop.
I'm not sure whether there is any workaround for people like me who are used to selecting the files before creating a target folder. I'm sure that there should be something which can help me create a folder onthefly while dragging the files and keeping the selection intact.
I am trying to administer 3 PMG4's -quicksilver - I can access them via screen share etc...but cannot drag and drop files or folders not even into the public folders . All sharins turned on etc.
Haven't been able to drag and drop files anymore. What could be the cause? By the way, I have a Macbookpro 2.66GHz Intel Core Duo,4GB 1067 MHz DDR3 v.10.7.3
Info: MacBookPro 2.66GHz 4GB 1067MHz DDR3, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
I've noticed that I can add folders from network shares (in this case samba) to my sidebar in finder but I can't seem to add the actual share folder.So if my server has the share stuff and inside stuff there is a folder named documents I can drag that folder to places in my sidebar but I can't do the same with stuff. Does anyone know of any solution to this?
why i cannot drag and drop any file when using safari , and what happens the file auotmatically open while i need to upload it only , extra for that , i cannot write any remark or fill a space while using website related to my work.my work is to upload drawing files using dwf file to a website so the other parties can review and give me review , and then i reply to the remark at the same place and make meeting through the same site.please any body can give any way to correct my mac. latelly i installed win7 only to use it for that website , and iam now changing from mac to win whenever i want to work , this not acceptable to me because it is waste of time beside i like the mac and it working with other application but not for safari.
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), this happen after i updated my mac
On my G4 800MHZ Power PC I run OS 10.1.5 while running OS 9 in the background - I never upgraded my system out of FEAR - I publish 2 monthly magazines and have never been crazy enough to take the step.I have just encountered a HUGE PROBLEM because my superdrive has decided not to burn any type of DVD I have purchased - I HAVE PURCHASED THEM ALL. and it just does nothing when I put the disk in. What I am hoping to find is an external DVD burner that will run using OS 10.1.5 - I am happy burning through the finder - I do not need any fancy software just a drive that will work and allow me to mount the DVD so I can drag and drop files.
I can't cut & paste in any application, and can't drag and drop files into other folders or into the trash. I also can't print (keep getting error message). I have tried creating new Admin account, as well as repairing disk permissions.
I got a Mac Book Pro Intel Core 2 10.5.8 from this morning I cannot drag and drop any files, I cannot copy or paste anything, anywhere. I've tried to fix permission, and disk but everything was worthless?
I was sorting out my folders and files when all of a sudden it stopped letting me drag and drop. I didn't go on 'Show View Options'.I've also checked my trackpad settings and all is as should be.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), I haven't yet done a system update
After downloading a photo, I'm only able to drag it from the Downloads folder and drop it to my Desktop or another location about half the time. Often, I must open Downloads in the Finder to drag and drop. The Finder option always works. Is there a preference setting I need to change so that dragging and dropping from Downloads is always available?