OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Open Handycam Into Imac
May 5, 2012i need to know how to open my handycam in to imac
iMac, iOS 5.0.1
i need to know how to open my handycam in to imac
iMac, iOS 5.0.1
I tried to capture the video camera (Sony Handycam 2007) on to my iMac and it wont open till I need to install the sofeware MPEG file so where can I easy to download the free software on internet?
I cannot seem to open MPEG-2 files taken on a SONY handycam. Error claims codes is missing. Lion is supposed to support MPEG-2. Tried to follow links and bought teh reccomended MPEG-2 for iMac but that will not install. Error says software is intended for earlier software versions
my problem is i cannot work out how to get video to imovie from my son's sony handycam DCR-HC28E. some say use a firewire but the one i have doesn't even plug into the camera let alone the computer!is there someone out there who may have this same situation and has resolved it? there are sooo many bits you can stick into your various devices for ICT[information and communication technology-for those who don't get that in their mail all the time!] that i find it very frustrating when you think you have what you want only to get home and find it does not work with yours, is not compatible and so forth.maybe someone might know a good online store which deals in all those things...connecting things to other things.
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Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I can't open almost any app on my iMac (OSX Lion 10.7.4). Every time I attempt to do so, the affected app "unexpedtely quits", showing a window (sort of expanded dialog box) with the log history, wich form a complete report wich is said to be sent to Apple. Despite that this window has a "restart" button, I haven't been able to go any further from this point, as it repeats the process again and again, impeding me to use the affected app.
This has get to a critical point, as it is afecting apps like iTunes (especifically when I turn to the iTunes Store from within te app), MacApp Store, Software Updates (I can't update anything, given this problem) and many other apps, including Aperture 3, Fusion 4, integrated Dictionary and Wikipedia, as I've been able to verify.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Intel Core2Duo, 24', 4GbRAM, 500Gb
I have been trying to convince my Dad to get an iMac for himself for about 2 years. Right now he uses a 5 and 1/2 year old HP and it is draggin'. Anyways, he finally decided to get a mac (probably b/c he likes my mbp so much ) Well, tonight we realized that his Sony DCR-SR82 60GB Handycam Camcorder is not compatible with a mac. I guess Sony uses "muxed" video which means it is mixed together instead of having seperate video and audio tracks. I have got the run around from a whole bunch of sites and I need help.
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This has been happening for a while, is there a way to fix that?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just installed Lion on my IMac and I am not able to open PDF documents. Not even with Chrome.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
So my problem is I just got a macbook and I am transferring my files from my pc to my mac. My old sony handycam videos on my mac will not transfer. It says on my mac that "this is not a movie" and cannot be played. I have tried saving a video to a flash drive and doing it that way but no luck. I have figured out how to download videos from my handycam to my mac. I just need help getting my videos from my pc to my mac. Do I need to convert them to a different format? I am getting rid of my pc and am desperate to get these video's off. Also my burner is busted on my pc so I cannot just burn them either
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Used to use Microsoft 2000 Word Processor on Dell Laptop. My iMac is 2 weeks old and documents have successfully been transferred from the Dell to Mac via Maxtor external hard drive. How can I open the Word Processing documents - NOT to use, but to read. WPS is the extension. There is plenty of discussion on MS Word, but not MS Word Processor
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have some problems for my Imac. I don't know why when I open my browsers and some program keep crashing and freezing up.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I recently bought a new Sony Handycam to upload videos onto my Mac and the guys at Best Buy assured me it was Mac compatible. The driver that came with the camera has a Mac guide, but no apps for uploading.
iPhoto detects my camera and will import photos, but seems the videos are coming up as incompatible.
I just bought a Sony Handycam DCR-SR42. It does not have a mini DVD or Firewire, rather it has its own hard drive and connects via USB. My Mac, a desktop from 2006, running OS X 10.4.10, has iMovie HD. I have been trying tirelessly to import footage according to instructions from iMovie help and from the Sony Handycam handbook, but I keep getting a message that says: "iMovie could not import the file because it is not a movie file. Quicktime could not parse the file." The files are .MPG format. I've already tried to format the camera's hard drive (both on the camera and on the computer), but that didn't work...
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I'm trying to work on compiling a "family video" with clips from my siblings. They all use PCs and I'm the only Mac, but they're sending me Mpeg files that I can't open. I get a notification that I need "additional software" in order to open those files and get them working in iMovie.
iMac 2.66/2/500 and MacBook 2.4/2/250 and iPhone 3GS, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I run a Mac OS X 1073. I also run 2008 MS Office. I am recently unable to open doc files. Is the new Lion or Mackeeper stopping me?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
running OSX Lion on iMac Photoshop will not open. It says I need to update Java Runtime, but I do not have any updates. It says I am not connected to the internet and I am obviously since I am here.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When i open safari, several other web sites open at the same time...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a PPC iMac G4 running 10.5.8. Both in Safari and Firefox, some sites open right away (mail.yahoo.com, wellsfargo.com, apple.com). But others will not open or will take minutes to open (yahoo.com, mail.google.com, wunderground.com). Bizare for sure. Set up static IP address to find this mac on my network. No settings have changed since this system was set up a few years ago. Other PCs on my network work fiine. Also rebooted DSL modem, and router.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Also HP Notebook Win 7 SP2
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MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I don't know what the deal is. I'm trying to install 2 sticks of 2GB into my 7,1 iMac, and the screw just won't turn. I'm using a standard Phillips head, and nothin' doin'. The screw is now starting to strip, so I guess I'm going to have to take this into the friggin' Apple Store just to have them open the thing.
Since i don't like spoiling too much of a movie i hardly ever watch trailers but today i happened to stumble upon the "Green Lantern" one and decided to check it out.
Trouble is once i tried to open up the 720p or 1080p versions an error message popped up saying it can't find the server?
I have an imac running snow leopard. When I click on a pdf file it puts it in my download folder. Then I have to click the Macintosh HD, click on downloads, and then click on the file.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI use the webpage in question frequently - all other pages and email use ok. No problem with site - other sources confirm they can open it. Have cleared caches etc