I am a first-time Mac user and have a question about quiting/closing programs.
When you click the red button/X in the upper left corner of a program, is there a setting in Lion to make the program actually close/quit instead of having to go to the menu at the top and click Quit?
This was annoying on a windows mobile phone - it is still annoying on the iMac and I could not find any settings in System Preferences to change how clicking on the red button closes a program.
I have downloaded an app/program that I cannot delete as it keeps telling me the program is still open, but I am unable to open it and find it. The program is Tone Sync Zedge.
I was wondering if there was a way to close windows while in expose mode. For example, I hate it when I go to a site and a few pop ups come up and i turn on expose mode and i have to click on each one and make it come up and then press exit and then reopen expose and then click on another pop up and then exit and reopen expose and etc etc... To be more specific its kind of like the new windows 7 feature where you hover your mouse over the icon at the bottom and those little windows come up (kinda like expose) but those little windows have little x's where you can just exit the window without having to click on it and then exit and then go back down to the little icon and etc etc.
I downloaded the update for iTunes but I can't load it because it tells me to close the iTunes program. The only thing I tried to do was the install. I din't have iTunes open, but when I try to install it opens it. Also won't respond to trying to find out which version i have ot any other info . I had to close it buy using the atctivity monitor and forcing it closed. I just upgraded to lion the other day and have been trying to get this set up to work with the cloud which it did.
when i try to close, minimize or maximize a window on any app. on my macbook it ends u pdoing the next thing it is close to...!:[ why?an example is when i try to minimize (click on the yellow buble) it ends up closing the app. when i try to close it it minimize it@ first i thoguth it was a bug
what the difference is between the commands 'close window' and 'close all windows'? They seem to me to both have the same effect. In my earlier version of Safari, if I opened a new web page, it just replaced the earlier one, now though the new pages just keep accumulating. T
I'm using a 2011 Macbook Air running Lion 10.7.2.I open a group of photos using Preview. I right click one and select "open in new window". It opens. I decide to close said window by clicking the red X button. Nothing happens. I click the red X button of the main preview window with the pane of thumbnails on the side. It closes immediately. I click on the red X of the other window again. Still nothing. I go to Preview>Quit Preview. I get 10-20 seconds of pinwheel spinning. Finally, it closes.I've also noticed Lion hanging sometimes, especially when booting up.
My iPhoto has always worked fine. Now I can't get it to open. Light under it in the dock is illuminated but the app won't open or close. Tried to restart computer but message indicated I had to close iPhoto first. I tried closing everything else and shutting power off, then turning back on. Illuminated iPhoto app on dock remains and I still can't open or close. Is this a common problem? I've never had this happen. I have over 5,000 photos
You can close or dismiss tabs in Safari with the X on the tab until you get to the last one. How can I dismiss the content there and get a blank page, similar to the way Safari in iOS 5 works.
i was clearing my Bulk E-Mail. marked one as JUNK and then deleted it. Now I cannot close or open the Mail Box. Also, I cannot shut down the computer as there is a warning that the Mail Will Not Allow Shut Down.Â
Just switched to Lion, and was alarmed to notice existing (previously saved) TextEdit files closing without an option to save or not save changes. How can I open a TextEdit file, edit it, and then close it without saving the changes? (I often like to print a document without the photo that may be in it, so I delete the photo, print, and then close without saving, because I didn't want the photo permanently removed from the document.)Â
I open Mission Control up, have a few desktops and full-screen apps open. However, when I hover my cursor over a thumbnail, no 'X' appears. How do I close a thumbnail in Mission Control?
I recently found that the cause for my macbook pro hanging on shut down was due to Kaspersky running in the background. Because quiting it before shutting down every time is annoying is there a way to automate the quitting of an application when I request my computer to shut down?Â
I finally upgraded to 10.7.4 this morning, and promptly opened TextEdit to write a new note to myself. When I tried to save it- cmd+S - the "File" in the menu bar was selected for ~10 seconds, as though it were saving, and then it was done. I never got the dialog to actually name the file, choose where to save it, etc. (Keep in mind that I'd just opened a new blank file, so I was kind of expecting this dialog.) Then it got weirder. I tried to close the window- cmd+W - and the x in the upper-left corner of the window was selected, as though it were trying to close, for ~10 seconds. Then it gave up and the window was still there. Needless to say I gave up, force-quit TextEdit and wrote the note in emacs. Should've done that all along...Â
Then, just now, I had the same thing happen to me in Preview. Can't save files, or close windows. Tried duplicating a jpg to save as a copy somewhere else, and never got a save dialog, and couldn't close either the copy or the original. Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Ever since I installed Lion last year on another iMac, and now on my current iMac, whenever I hold down option and click the red close button on a Finder window to close all open windows, the Finder crashes. It doesn't happen every single time, but enough to really make me angry.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2012 iMac | 1GB VRAM | 12GB RAM
This just recently started to happen. Safari and Mail disappear everytime I quit the applications and I have to relaunch from launchpad. I have the checked the option "keep in the Dock".Â
I am running Mac OS X version 10.7.4 on an iMac7,1 and have been for a while. Â
I can't seem to find any current information in the Apple Discussion Forums. Probable something really simple for a really annoying occurance.Â
I tried to send an email to almost 300 recipients through Mail. For whatever reason (not important to me for these purposes) the message cannot send on the server it attempted to use. The message itself remains on my desktop, with a dropdown error message over it. Here's the problem: due to the number of recipients, the dropdown menu goes beyond the lower end of the monitor.
When I view the message in Mission Control I can see that there are options at the bottom of the error message like Edit Message, Try Later, and Try Selected Server, but I cannot click on any of those to try any of them. Also, Tab seems to have no effect on what button is highlighted, and Try Selected Server remains the active choice. If I press return it will try the same server that did not work and then the message remains. I have also tried going into the Outbox and deleting the message but that doesn't work either.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I installed a small program which I now can't get rid of. The program is called Imac fan control. The package does have uninstall instructions, but these don't seem to work in Lion. I've asked the developers for help, but this being freeware, they don't offer any support. Can anyone tell me whether the program will be deleted if I use time machine to go back to the day before it was installed?