OS X V10.7 Lion :: When Close And Open The Screen It Does Not Wake-up
Mar 18, 2012when I close and open the screen of my mac book pro it does not wake-up. I will need to restart the same again.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
when I close and open the screen of my mac book pro it does not wake-up. I will need to restart the same again.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I open and close my 2010 MBP a lot. Maybe 15 times per day. Am I running the risk of breaking a cable between the base and screen or something? Should I just set it down and let it run?
View 9 Replies View RelatedThis happens randomly. I don't know if it's the new hard drive I put in there, which I doubt.
The screen flickers from time to time (nVidia issue.) Don't have the time to take it in right now, but I will.
My iPhoto has always worked fine. Now I can't get it to open. Light under it in the dock is illuminated but the app won't open or close. Tried to restart computer but message indicated I had to close iPhoto first. I tried closing everything else and shutting power off, then turning back on. Illuminated iPhoto app on dock remains and I still can't open or close. Is this a common problem? I've never had this happen. I have over 5,000 photos
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Just bought a new 15" Macbook a few days but I have a serious problem. Every time I conntect it to my HP x2301 (also brand new) with a minidisplay > DVI cable and the Macbook goes to sleep the monitor won't take up after I wake up the Macbook.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Is it that there is just too much going on for the system, I have my HD encrypted.
MacBook Air (11-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), HD encrypted
In the last 2 months or so, I have seen my MacMini 2011 OSX 10.7.3 crashing withing a minute of wakeup, after sleeps of more than 2-3 hours.
Sometimes the Black screen occurs almost immediately, sometimes it takes up to a minute after the desktop appears (after logging in). This did not occur until I got 10.7.3 and only within the last 2 months.
MacMini 2011 i5, 8GB, Radeon 6630M , Mac OS X (10.7), iPhone4; headless dual G5 via FW800
Most programs in OS X stay open when you close them (when you click the red X button) unless you specifically close them from the dock. I think Safari 3 used to have this functionality but now when I close Safari, it "quits" as in all my open tabs are closed. However Safari stays open.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to know how I can get one single info screen from the files I have selected. For example I have been working on my music files lately and I often want to get information about the size of the selected music files or music folders. But when I select them I don't get one screen telling me how big the selected files all together are, but a screen will open for every single file or folder. So you need to calculate it by yourself in order to get the total sum. Is there a way to avoid this? Then another thing: I can't find a function for closing all the open screens at once. Is there a way how I could close them all at once, because now I need to close them all separately. Like a couple of days ago I accidentally opened something which contains like 100 folders or more even. When I found it out, I couldn't stop it anymore and all the screens started to open. I had to close all the more than 100 screens one by one.
View 5 Replies View RelatedApple thinks there is no need for a button on the tower. Now I can't open or close the CD tray without the mouse. Via right click I can open it at least but to close it, I have to push the drawer, which I'm not a big fan of, as the machine is brand new and cost me 4k.
Due to my fingers tripping over themselves I accidentally double clicked and opened a bunch of stuff, about 50 files in all. Annoying but doable to manually close them. However, suppose I had accidentally opened 500 or 5,000 or 50,000? Hopefully I wont ever do this , but if I did Is there a way to get back to a 'clean' screen by killing these, perhaps even 'kill everything that opened in the last 5 minutes', or is logoff or even a restart the only realistic way
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan not turn off imac, an application is active (front row) and can not close it
View 1 Replies View RelatedMBP/Lion - I'm using my MBP in dual monitor mode with an external monitor and power supply connected. If I close the lid and then disconnect the monitor, my MBP won't wake after opening the lid. I know that with Lion a change was made and the power stays on with an external monitor attached and the lid closed (with the adapter plugged in), but if you unplug the display, there doesn't seem a way out of this state. Even plugging the monitor back in, the display wont refresh In this state the power managment is confused. When closed, the power light is on, with the lid opened the power light goes off, the display remains blank and I can't wake the device. The only solution is to re-boot. as I just want to close the lid, unplug power and the monitor and leave work to go home. I end up running the battery down if I don't catch it before putting the MBP in my bag, and I always have to reboot.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When close the lid it boots up, When open it shuts off
MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am not a tech! my mail will not open or close and it is connected
View 2 Replies View RelatedSometimes turning it off and back on works. Othertimes not unless I leave it off a long time.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a Quad Core Mac Pro running Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I've been having this issue for the past couple of weeks. Basically I have my monitor set to turn off after after 15 minutes of inactivity, my Mac Pro is always on. After 5 minutes of inactivity my screensaver comes on and stays on until my monitor turns off. When I move my mouse to wake my monitor, sometimes an image from the screensaver appears onscreen for a few seconds and then disappears when my desktop appears.
I have repaired Permissions, rebuilt my drive using Disk Warrior, installed the 10.6.4 Combo update but the issue remains. An image from the screensaver doesn't always appear when I turn on my monitor, this issue is sort of random. Usually my desktop appears right away with no static image from the screensaver.
I have a macbook air and everything was working fine until all of a sudden my computer froze. I then rebooted my computer by holding down the power key because it would not allow me to open or close any programs. After i rebooted whenever i open safari, itunes, or ichat the computer freezes. i don't know what is going on because firefox and other programs seem to be working fine but certrain programs i open freezes up the computer. the dock stops working and the clock does not even run. i am able to move the mouse around but i can not click and open or close anything.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Is there a way to disable the �pinch open and close� feature on a MBP trackpad? I swear, it�s going to put me in therapy. Every time I need to scroll through massive spreadsheets for work, if my fingers separate by even a hair, the trackpad reads it as a pinch, then the document suddenly balloons to massive proportion or shrinks to infinitesimally tiny print. Seems there ought to be a simple way to turn the thing off, but for the life of me, I can�t find it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFirst, I am fully aware of the two plug-ins that have both of these features. SafariStand and Glims. I'd prefer not to use SafariStand, and I don't want to use Glims (buggy). I'm not here to debate their merits. The features I want are for Safari's download manager to close automatically, and for all links to automatically open in new tabs.
What I'm wondering is: are there any other plug-ins that offer these features for Safari 4 running Snow Leopard? Are there any tweaks to the system that don't involve plug-ins? As in, are there some terminal commands that can emulate these settings somehow?
Safari has frozen after I tried to quit it, I can't open or close any programs, force quit, use shortcuts or use any open programs as the safari bar still appears at the top of the screen, I would force shut down but I've got an after effects project open.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My System Preference is stuck open on the wi fi section asking if I want to run diagnostics or cancel, I am unable to close this screen or to use any other function in the system preference, what I need to do to get rid of the screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know we can goto my computer click eject disk and then close it manually.
Is there anyway to do this? Is there a way to route the disk open/close button on the kb to work?
I have a macbook, and I replaced my Super Drive with a DualDrive that I got from powerbook medic. I decided to install Mac OS X on the Dual Drive and it installed correctly, but when ever I close my laptop screen, my hardrive turns off and I have to restart my computer. Is there any way that I can make it so that when I close my laptop screen it does not turn off my hardrive?
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust got a new Mac pro and installed an SSD as the boot drive. I was downloading some apple software updates and left the machine alone to download for an hour.Came back and it was asleep or hibernating (is there a difference?)At that point I clicked the mouse and I could hear it start back up but NOTHING came on the screen, just black.I could press a key on the keyboard and hear the error type noise so the desktop was active, just not being displayed.
I disconnected my mini display port (I have a 24' Apple cinema LED display) and plugged it into the second mini display port on the back and it came back on.Anyone know what this could be?A result of an SSD boot drive or do I need my LED display plugging into a particular mini display port out of the 2 on the graphics card?
I have a MacPro 1,1 (2006) 2.66GHz that it is always working as a home server.
After some time working idle the screen goes black. When I want to wake up there is no response. The screen turns into safe energy mode blinking his LED light power indication. I have to force shutting down pushing phisically the power button for some seconds.
Graphic Card problem? I have another one but I don't test it for now.
I have made a PRAM reset and SMC reset shutting down the MacPro, unplug the power and push the power button for 10 seconds. No results at all.
Even putting Energy System Preference on NEVER (computer sleep and screen) after some time (2-3hours) the MacPro goes to black screen.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8GB RAM; ATIRadeonX1900
What should I do to solve this? It's really annoying. I need my computer available immeditely after I open it and I don't have the time to wait until it starts again.
Trying to close full screen but only works using command control f to close and not the escape key that i like using, every time i press it it make a sound and the pointer disappears and reappears.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
when i try to close, minimize or maximize a window on any app. on my macbook it ends u pdoing the next thing it is close to...!:[ why?an example is when i try to minimize (click on the yellow buble) it ends up closing the app. when i try to close it it minimize it@ first i thoguth it was a bug
View 8 Replies View Relatedwhat the difference is between the commands 'close window' and 'close all windows'? They seem to me to both have the same effect. In my earlier version of Safari, if I opened a new web page, it just replaced the earlier one, now though the new pages just keep accumulating. T
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)