OS X V10.7 Lion :: Apple Macbook Boot It From Usb Or Firewire External HDD Or Usb Stick, Which Of 3 Better Must Boot
Mar 25, 2012
MacBook Pro 15" (15-inch Core 2 Duo) late 2006 this apple macbook boot lion from usb or firewire ext hdd or usb stick which of 3 better must boot Lion on ext device? or none at all?
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Oct 13, 2010
Is it possible to boot from an external Firewire DVD Drive? It certainly isnt from an external USB DVD. Real answers only please, not "I think so" ones based on HDDs or rumours you may have heard!...
I've got an MCE Optibay in my Mid-2010 i7 MBP. When installing Bootcamp it refuses to install from the external USB DVD drive. In the end I pulled the 2nd HDD out and reconnected the internal DVD. It then worked fine without a hitch. Then I reinstalled the 2nd HDD and all was fine for a few days.
Now I want to resize my Win7 partition (bigger, as MS Visual Studio's bigger than I thought, and I might stick some games on). I can shrink the OSX partition fine with Disk Utility, but windows won't grow the Win7 one because the empty space is before the Win7 partition, not after it. Apparently this can be done with GParted. Guess what? I can't boot the Linux based GParted CDROM from the external USB DVD drive! So, will a Firewire one work where USB fails, and solve my alternative OS booting issues? If I buy one I can then either use GParted, or delete the Win7 partition and start again without having to pull the laptop to bits all over again, only to put it back once I'm done, and possibly have the same issues in the future. Obviously I don't want to blow extra money getting a Firewire DVD drive though if it's a waste of money...
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Mar 8, 2008
Can I boot to an .iso on a firewire drive? I've been having trouble with my disc drive lately, so this is how I'm trying to work around it
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Oct 15, 2008
when i restart and hold down 'T'...a firewire symbol shows on the screen.. my external HD only uses this USB cord/connection
i'm using a new MacBook Pro.
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Apr 30, 2012
Have late 2006 iMac 24'' and I can't boot from external FireWire drive. If I connect the same external drive via usb2 I can boot from it but it is slower than FireWire800 would be. The external drive is in i-tec 3.5 External Case.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac 24'' late 2006 intel DualCore2
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Oct 26, 2008
Broken harddrive, dont wanna get a new internal one, I need to boot from external firewire.
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Jun 16, 2012
I just purchased a LaCie triple interface (500GB disk to use as a bootable external drive to support our family's family of mac's, all running 10.6.8 including a 2006 Core Duo iMac, a 2007 Core2Duo iMac, a Core2Duo Mini, and a 2010 MacBook Pro.
The firewire drive does not appear as a bootable option on any of the computers, attached to either of the iMacs via the Firewire 400 port (through a 400 to 800 adaptor), or attached via the Firewire 800 port on the MBP. This is the profile of the LaCie via System Profiler on the iMac?
FireWire Bus:
Maximum Speed: Up to 400 Mb/sec
Rugged FW USB3:
Manufacturer: LaCie
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Jun 4, 2014
i have a big problem with my MBP 13". I install Mac os x (try also Maveriks) on a HDD drive it works fine, but when i put this HDD inside (internal) it won't boot.
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Apr 8, 2012
My mid 2010 iMac i7 will not boot past the apple logo? I'm running 10.7.3. I have tried restoring from TM backup from recovery mode (worked the last time this happened) however upon completion it returns to the recovery screen? I made a disk of Lion when I downloaded the first time (followed same instructions sourced from numerous websites) which does not seem to work when i set to start up from this disk, just gets to the grey screen and flicks between the apple logo, a folder icon with a question mark and the circle with line through? Now I can't eject the disk either, a message appears that system can't eject and to make sure all applications are closed? Not sure how to go about closing these applications without being able to start the system? When I tried booting from the Macintosh HD I got a message that the boot cache partition was faulty? I have ran disk permissions etc all ok.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 11, 2007
I have an iBook G4 1.07 GHz 30 gb 256 RAM with Panther. It was working fine until my HD got close to being full. Now I can't get it to boot past the Apple screen. It will either freeze there, or move on to the blue screen and freeze before the progress bar enters. I want to re-install Panther but I can't get any CD to boot during startup by holding "C", including the Panther OS CD, the Hardware Test CD, or the Tech Tool CD. I am able to boot to single user mode, where I type fsck -fy, and I recieve no errors with the hardware. I had this issue beore and my HD had to be replaced by Apple.
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Jan 5, 2011
I've been reading this site for a while now, first time I'm posting. I recently purchased 8 GB of RAM for my 2010 13" MBP. There are two 4 GB DDR3 PC3-10500 1333mhz sticks. When I install them in the laptop my computer does not get past the apple logo boot screen (the spinning disc freezes). However, I can boot into Windows (boot camp) without issues.
Also, when I pair either of the 4 GB sticks with one of my old 2 GB stock sticks the laptop boots up fine in OS X. The system profiler registers it as 6 GB of 1067 mhz RAM (the stock sticks are 1067 mhz)
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Dec 20, 2007
This is bad and old, and full of lessons about backing up. Anyway, internal boot drive crashed a week ago, and internal optical drive is busted. New external LaCie dvd burner works fine, but all attempts to start up from Tiger, Leopard and Diskwarrior installation disks just end up back in OS10.3 on my external LaCie FW drive. I've tried many things: unplugged everything; switched external LaCie to USB (wouldn't boot), unplugged power from internal optical drive so Mac wouldn't look there first (somebody suggested that). Attempts to start up installers from mounted DVDs result in installer screen with restart button, which, when clicked on, results in... you guessed it... boot back to dreaded 10.3 system. Night owls and westcoasters, I am up for hours yet, pulling hair.
G5 Dual 2GHz
Mac OS X (10.4.3)
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Jul 2, 2012
I need to start up my macbook via a firewire cable from my imac. is this possible and what cable do I need exactly.
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.3), itouch
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Feb 17, 2012
Computer: Macbook Pro 13 inch purchased Spring 2011 OS: Mac - Lion (10.7.3), Boot Camp - Windows 7 (64 bit) Utilizing an adaptor, I'm able to use my Samsung monitor without I problem when working in the Mac operating system. Unfortunatlely, when I switch to Windows 7 / Boot Camp partition, plugging in the Samsung makes both the external and laptop monitors go blank. I have spent hours researching this, but I have be unable to come up with solution. It seems like the problem might have something to do with the NVIDIA drivers.
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Dec 13, 2010
I have a friend who's oldish-Unibody MacBook Pro started giving him the folder with question mark-flashing symbol on boot-up. I guess it could be PRAM, but in any case, he wants to get his data off the hard drive. The computer wouldn't boot up from the install disk (holding 'c' on boot), all I have managed is to put it into Target Disk Mode, with my own MPB. The funny thing is, that it works, but all that mounts on my computer is the Install Disc (in his disk drive) and his hard drive shows up in my disk utility (see below), but it will not mount, and if I try to repair it, it gives me an error and DUPLICATES the original 'root' drive. Does this mean the hard drive itself is damaged and we need to go to a 'data specialist' to get everything off or is there anything else I could try?
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Apr 27, 2012
Last week I finally upgraded from 10.6 to 10.7, but now my Mac Pro (2008) won't boot properly. It'll start to boot with the gray screen and the Apple logo, but then the entire screen goes gray and it just locks up there. However, if I reboot and hold down the Option key to bring up the list of bootable drives that works fine. I've checked my Startup Drive settings and the proper drive is selected. why it won't boot on it's own anymore? Holding down the Option key is getting old.
Mac Pro - Octo Core, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Apr 15, 2012
there back in September when I got my macbook I had the problem where it wouldn't boot past the apple logo screen and it was taken away and the hard drive had to be replaced and now it has happened again! I'm so annoyed as Im getting really close to exams at Uni so need my computer but will it need to have the hard drive replaced again!? As well with it being Lion I dont have a disk with it to try utility disk.
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May 24, 2012
I am trying to create an external boot drive but I can not boot to an external drive.If I mount an install disk to any drive I have it will not boot to it. If I select it in startup drive or option boot it will not work.
Info:Xcode, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 3, 2012
After many hours of head-banging, I now realize that Lion cannot be installed on a boot drive that is part of an Apple software mirrored RAID (early Mac Pro hardware, Snow Leopard.)Something about a limitation that a RAID drive cannot be repartitioned to allow for the creation of the Recovery partition.Sad, but so be it.So, I plan to use SuperDouper! to copy my boot drive to a fresh, non-RAID drive, boot from that drive, and then and install Lion there.Once I have done that, will I be able to add the new Lion boot drive to a new Apple Software RAID mirror set? Or is Lion simply not capable of being booted from a software RAID device?
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Mar 16, 2012
I am unable to boot lion from an external drive on both a MacBook Pro mid-2009 and an iMac late 2008. Both have lion installed and I would like to boot from either a FW drive or USB key. I have reformatted both a FW drive and USB and set them to GUID and installed lion but I can only boot them to the Disk Utility App (drive shows up only as 'EFI Boot' when I hold option down).
The firmware is up to date and I also reset the PRAM. I am able to boot both computers from an external USB Snow Leopard drive.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPhone SDK
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Mar 25, 2012
I have just installed a 240GB LaCie Little Big Disk Thunderbold SSD as a boot drive for my 2011 iMac (which contains only the 7,200 prm HDD). This has improved read/write speeds dramatically. I have transferred all my data and applications to the external drive in order to see the full benefit of the SSD.
However, I had not considered Time Machine. I thought it would simply be a matter of identifying the external drive and then connecting to the Time Capsule. However, the external drive is not visible in Time Machine set up and I suspect there could be a good reason: that it is not possible.
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Jun 5, 2012
Prior to upgrading to Lion I used SuperDuper to create a copy of the existing internal hard drive on an new external drive (iOmega eGo 500GB). Tested booting from the external disk and it appeared to work correctly. Upgraded to Lion. Several days later attempted to boot from the external disk (by setting the start up disk in the system preferences) but it fails. The system always boots into Lion.
What I've tried: Setting the start up disk through system preferences. Holding down the option key to select a disk on startup - interestingly enough I only see the internal hard disk and a recover HD. No sign of my external disk. Using a clean partition on the external hard drive I installed SL from the retail DVD. This produces the same effect of system booting to Lion on the internal drive, which suggests that the problem is not related to the copy I made using SuperDuper, but rather has to do with the external drive or something in Lion that prevents using an external drive (but I've never heard of such a thing).
Lion 10.7.4
iMac 2007
External Drive Interface FW800
iMac 24, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 8, 2009
I recently had to take my mac mini to pieces to upgrade its RAM to 2GB. I initially had problems with booting up - it would get to the white screen with the apple logo and think for about 2 minutes then restart and repeat the process indefinitely. I managed to fix this by removing the clock battery for a while. I also zapped the PRAM after installing. But now, the strange problem is that OS X wont boot up (it will get to the white screen, think, then restart) if my firewire devices are connected. In case this helps, I have two HDDs and a DVD burner connected in daisychain to the firewire port. It definitely boots up fine with any other peripherals/connections. Once OS X has booted successfully, I can then connect my Firewire devices which seem to work fine.
I have tested my new RAM with memtest and rember and everything seems fine. After upgrading my RAM, I would also get two alerts on start up - "Do you want the application "configd" to accept incoming network connections" and "Do you want the application "mdnsresponder" to accept incoming network connections ". I have fixed this problem with the help of this post: [URL]. Aside from the horrible idea that I have damaged some hardware, does anyone have any clues as to how I can mend this? A wise colleague of mine said that if it was a windows machine, he would look at the BIOS settings as he thinks my computer is trying to boot from one of the HDDs, and that I should try to find a list of boot drives and remove the firewire HDDs if they're on it. I know macs don't run BIOS, but is there anything similar I could check?
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Oct 31, 2009
I have a cramped windows partition on my hard drive which is now full, I'd love to reclaim the space by moving it to my Firewire hard drive which has much more available to dedicate to Windows. I used the "Restore" feature of Disk Utility creating an identical copy but when I restarted my computer to boot from it there was no choice of a firewire drive. I checked in the Startup Disk pref pane it wasn't to be seen, and that didn't even show the current Windows partition that was an option when I restarted. When I get info on the volumes in disk utility it says EXACTLY the same thing about each. So needless to say, I'm slightly annoyed but somehow I think I'm trying to get it to work in a way that it can't.
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May 11, 2010
If I have a SSD enclosed in an firewire case can I use the same hard drive to boot both the MBP and the iMac?
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Feb 5, 2012
Macbook Pro 13" (2011) Upon startup, displays a grey screen, then after a few seconds, the logon screen, I would logon, then it would show the Apple White boot screen, then it would ask me to log on again (sometimes)
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 29, 2012
Internal hard drive crashed, could not repair. Lion installed on external boot drive, using Forklift to recover files. Cannot access the files of other users from internal drive. How di I change permissions on the internal old boot drive so I can recover the files?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 20, 2012
I'm using MacBook Pro 13" Late 2011 with 256gb SSD & OSX Lionafter I install boot camp + Windows 7 Professional when i restart to boot OSX it have blinking folder with question mark I've try using Option button to select drive but it have only internet recovery
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 30, 2010
can I boot from my HP iPod via firewire on a 2007 imac or an i7 MBP? in other words, do early iPods play nice w/ intel macs via firewire? the reason I ask is because I'm tempted by OWC's 40GB SSD sale and want to try SSD's without the risk that comes w/ surgery (save for the old iPod).
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Feb 17, 2009
I have a 2004 iBook G4. My internal HD broke yesterday, but I have a backup on an external firewire HD enclosure, made using CCC. I've tried to boot from it using the startup disk tool on the install DVD: it comes up as a useable startup disk, but when it restarts I get the blinking folder icon for a few seconds, and then it boots from the internal HD (or tries to.)
Disk utility says it is bootable, I can mount it and edit files using single user mode from the internal HD, etcetc, but it just won't boot from it.
I've even tried to go into Open Firmware and boot yaboot from the external drive, but it doesn't seem to see the drive at all until after OS X is booted.
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