OS X V10.7 Lion :: Using File Vault On A Laptop That Contains Some Encrypted Disk Images
Feb 14, 2012
I keep several encrypted disk images in the Dropbox folder on my laptop. Can I use File Vault to encrypt the laptop when it contains these already encrypted .dmg and .sparsebundle files? Or will this double encryption harm them? Â
(These folders need to be individually encrypted to reside in an encrypted form on the Dropbox server. If I unencrypt them and use only File Vault, then when I'm on the computer and File Vault is off, the folders will sync to Dropbox in their unencrypted form. I want to keep these folders individually encrypted for security on the Dropbox server, then use FIle Vault on top of that to secure the rest of my laptop in case of theft).
If I encrypt an external drive using File Vault 2 (Lion 10.7.3) as a Time Machine backup from my current laptop, then later purchase a new laptop and attempt to read that encrypted backup, will there be any problems to consider? Â
1) I expect that, since the password will be stored on my current laptop, there would be a problem reading the password on a new laptop Â
2) I was told that opening a File Vault 2Â encrypted external drive would require the same laptop, as the encryption creates a match of serial numbers between the laptop and the encrypted drive.Â
I did not save the recovery key for filevault 2 when I set it up. For safety I would like to store it somewhere. Can I access it ? Somewhere in the keychain ?  Otherwise I will have to uncrypt and recrpyt all my disk. Â
I have a 2007 macbook pro with legacy filevault enabled. I realised after I had installed Lion that there was a new version of filevault, but when I attempted to move to the new filevault I was unable to get rid of the legacy version as the process seems to demand more disc space than was available, so I have just left things as they were.I have now bitten the bullett and have bought a new Macbook Air, which will still be running Lion...when I move my stuff from my old to my new laptop, with migration assistant, will the legacy filevault move too, or is it specific to the old machine?
I have run the Disk Utility verify function against my system partition. It tells me there are minor issues that need fixing up and I should run the repair disk function, by booting using Command-R and using the Disk Utility to repair the drive.Problem is, when I boot using Command-R and select Disk Utility the partition is shown greyed out and the Verify and Repair options do not work.I think this could be because the partition is encrypted. The utility does not offer me the chance to unlock the partition with my passphrase.How can I repair the filesystem errors on this partition?
I want to decrypt a full drive because I want to use a encrypted disk on Macintosh operating system like Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard. If lion does not support decryption method then give me full specification about hfs+ journaled encrypted.
I literally just bought my Macbook Pro today. I got the most basic model (13 in. with minimum memory). I'm going to college in the fall soooo it's going to be my college laptop obviously. Anyway, I was playing around with the settings and I noticed my firewall was off so I obviously turned that on, but when I got to the filvault I was unsure as to whether or not I should turn that on or leave it off.
ok trying not to get a panic attack here. I downloaded espionge to encrypt my valuable files and while it was encrypting (AES 128 bit i think) the program froze and I had to Force quit it. Now I try to open my file (that i was trying to encrypt) and it looks f*^&# up. I can't open it, and when I tried to unmount the partially encrypted file, espionage gave me errors that it couldnt recover the original file.
I had basically all my life's valuable accumulated data in that folder (it was 10 Gb+). I will praise anyone to the end of my days that can somehow tell me how to restore my file to its original state. Usefull info:
1) AM planning to pay gazillions for recovery software if need be, but free alternatives are always better.
2) I never secure delete if that helps
3) I still have the .sparseimage for the file created by espionage. (P.S. sparseimage's size looks really close to the orignal, also 10 Gb +).
4) Newest version of OSX, and have an IMac.
5) after incident I haven't done anything (no installations or downloads) apart from writing this.
6) the encrypted file was gonna be in HFS+ i think
I just wanted to let people know about an experience I had the other day. After using my Powerbook G4 for about 4 years with some files encrypted with File Vault my Mac suddenly refused to let me log into my user account. I took the Mac to an authorized Apple repairer and was told that a file in File Vault had become corrupted and infected the rest of my hard drive. I lost all my files and documents, photos, music - the lot. When it happens, all you get from Apple is "Sorry about that, but there is nothing we can do - You should have backed up all your files".
I'd just like to warn people not to use File Vault.
I just got a new MacBook Pro at work, and it is running Lion 10.7.2. So far, the system will not mount any disk images, although all programs are also brand new. Neither .iso nor .dmg works. The warning message I receive each time says "Warning: The following disk images couldn't be opened ... Reason: not recognized"Â Disk Utility is also unable to mount the files.Â
I am having this problem with disk images (no matter if they are .dmgs or isos or whatever) in a Lion 10.7.3 fully updated iMac: when openning one of these from the desktop or a Finder window, the disk utility helper starts opening and checking the image, and then it gets to a point where a window opens as a result with the message "image could not be opened, file system not allowed" (or so, I'm translating the message from Spanish).Â
And after that, no image I ever click even shows even theprogress dialog. Just nothing happens. I still see the process in Activity Monitor, and force quitting it allows the helper to work again, but I never get a .dmg to open up (so I cannot install anything...). The same images work perfectly in other computers and systems..
I am wondering if anyone has an update on when finder will show a thumbnail for the raw files from the Canon 5d mark III? I've done all the updates possible and nothing has changed, I can't do a quick preview either, it just shows the extension image, not the actual image taken. (The symbol for crw).
I just downloaded and set up screen vault and it looked straight forward so I checked the box for start up but every time input my password according to the tutorial it doesn't work ?
Info:MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
my roommate and I want to put together a Mac- or Linux-based file server. I have an old iBook lying around, so it can either run Mac OS X 10.3, or some version of Yellow Dog Linux. (I'd prefer to keep it a Mac system.) I can set up our router to push requests on a certain port to that laptop, with a static IP, but we're concerned with file safety. We're going to be keeping all our personal information on there including any code projects, pictures, homework, etc. My roommate attends university, and will be accessing the server from the uni. wireless network. As such, privacy/encryption is a big concern for us. (We don't want people packet sniffing and getting any personal information or data.)
Does anyone have any suggestions for setting up this kind of server? Hopefully it will be a fun project.
So my current backup strategy uses two western digital external hard drives. The first I have permanently connected to my iMac using Time Machine. On the second I use CCC to backup to every week and keep it in the trunk of my car as an offsite backup.
Just had a couple of questions to make sure I'm prepared for the worse... - What temperatures can hard drives survive at? Is there a risk of it overheating in my car? - I've read about some issues with CCC's backups. I'm currently backing up to an encrypted disk image - is there any way to verify the backup? If I just cloned the drive instead so it was bootable is there any way to encrypt it? And is Super Duper more reliable?
I have encrypted my macbook pro hard drive with FileVault and now find powerpoint files attached to emails are rejected by some recipients, with the following bounceback message:"An email you have sent has been blocked.This email has NOT been delivered to its destination as it contains an encrypted or password protected attachment. Please resend without the password protected attachment and it will be delivered to its destination"Other file types (jpeg, pdf, word) seem to get through and resaving the PowerPoint file as PowerPoint 97 let it go through. The presentation is not locked or password protected.
I have a 10 GB encrypted disk image on my macbook (type OS Extended (journaled)). I've pretty much filled up the space so I want to resize. I go into disk utility with the disk unmounted and 'Resized' it to 20GB. Then I mount it and go into the Partition tab. I drag the corner all the way down to fill up the space and hit Apply. It goes through the motions without error but it does not actually extend the partition to the resize. On the right next it then says something to the effect that the disk is read only and cannot resize the partition. The write status is read/write until I click apple....then it switches to 'Unmounted, read-only'.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9)
I've done all of this and it won't open. I double click on it, the default program to open it is diskimagemounter and nothing happens when I double click.(Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4)
The last security update I downloaded maybe a month ago totally wiped out a 10 Gb encrypted .dmg file I made with Disk Utility. Disk Utility can't find it. It's gone. Is there a way to recover it?
Info: PowerBook G4 (17-inch Double Layer SD), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a Macbook Pro . The hard disk failed smart disk and my laptop does not start any more. Is it ok if I replace the HDD with CGET or WD hard disk rather than the apple hard disk. the pros and cons of a non apple HDD.
After installing Lion on my MBP several dmg's I had encrypted under Snow Leopard and prior will not open. They still open on an iMac with Snow Leopard. I have repaired permissions and restarted the MBP, but no joy.
I decided not to use just one partition with my disk because i wanted to separte important documents from the OS and apps so reformated my disk with 2 partitions 1 for OS and apps and one for docs. I also wanted to keep the docs partition secure so it was my intention to use filevault... however it learned that file vault would only work on my whole disk and not on a sigle volume. At least thats the only option i get when i go to "Turn on FileVault" in the Security and Privacy of system preferences. So what i tried next was to reformat the "docs" partition i have created using the Mac OS extended (journaled) encrypted option. This option seemed to work but after formating the partition, I could not mount the volume.
Question is: what is the best way for what i am trying to do and how to do it.
a) is there a way to use FileVault on a single volume instead of the whle disk?
b) alternatively, how to format an encrypted partition and mount it?
I don't know if this is a problem or not, but recently on my 15" MBP using Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3, clicking on a .dmg file automatically opens Disk Utility. Which is weird, since before this situation happens, opening a .dmg file will not automatically open Disk Utility. I have a screen shot below opening the .dmg file for Firefox installer for Mac OS X. Shouldn't it actually be like this when clicking on a .dmg file? Is there a problem with my MBP or my Mac OS X Lion?
Today i formatted my entire disk, but made it Journaled, Encrypted. It installed (actually "downloaded aditional files"), and then booted with a cross/do not proceed sign. I booted from the install disk again, got an error telling me to reinstall OS X. I was never asked for my password, and when i started disk utility, the disk was locked.