Software :: Unable To Open Encrypted File / Recovering The Original File?
Aug 23, 2009
ok trying not to get a panic attack here. I downloaded espionge to encrypt my valuable files and while it was encrypting (AES 128 bit i think) the program froze and I had to Force quit it. Now I try to open my file (that i was trying to encrypt) and it looks f*^&# up. I can't open it, and when I tried to unmount the partially encrypted file, espionage gave me errors that it couldnt recover the original file.
I had basically all my life's valuable accumulated data in that folder (it was 10 Gb+). I will praise anyone to the end of my days that can somehow tell me how to restore my file to its original state. Usefull info:
1) AM planning to pay gazillions for recovery software if need be, but free alternatives are always better.
2) I never secure delete if that helps
3) I still have the .sparseimage for the file created by espionage. (P.S. sparseimage's size looks really close to the orignal, also 10 Gb +).
4) Newest version of OSX, and have an IMac.
5) after incident I haven't done anything (no installations or downloads) apart from writing this.
6) the encrypted file was gonna be in HFS+ i think
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Oct 18, 2010
Today I tried opening my keynotes presentation file to make amendments to it and when I double clicked on it, the program loading bar only loaded up a third of the way and then hanged. I then tried to save it to a flash drive and use it on a different computer, but when I tried to copy it over to the flash drive it gave me this error: "the finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "garment styles" could not be read or written error code - 36".
I have tried changing the file extension to a zip, then unzipping it and then renaming it but that did not work.(It wouldn't let me unzip it). I have also looked at the index file name to see if that was the problem, but that is as it should be.
I have also tried uploading it to a website and emailing it and it will not let me.
Is there anyway I can recover this file as I have been working on it for over a month and it is due next week, or will I need to start again?
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Aug 31, 2014
I'm working on a school project in my intro to computer programming class on my new MacBook Pro. I'm using TextEdit, and I can't seem to create the right kind of file. When I save the file as an .html file I can open in a browser as text, but I can no longer open in TextEdit as the original code to edit it.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jan 20, 2009
Ive noticed that a couple of websites that have only .wmv available to download movies. I am running a Mac G4 with OS Tiger and Opera/Safari/Firefox for the net. I can easily play wmv's with my QTpro and or VLC.
The movies that I typically DL are usually 300 to 400 megs. They completely DL on my browser (Opera, Safari, or Firefox) after about 10 minutes or so. However once I DL the .wmv files onto my harddrive , they show up at only about 3 or 4 kb!!?? So thats about a total of like .2 seconds of play back!!?? Therefore one second of total playback.I believe this is not an Apple vs Windows issue, but something else. Any ideas?
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Mar 24, 2008
I managed to successfully hide the file: cat picture.jpg > picture2.jpg
results in a picture (picture2.jpg) that is the size of the sum of picture.jpg and I presume this means that I am successfully putting hidden into the picture.I can open picture2.jpg, but I can't figure out a way to access the hidden zip.
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Oct 24, 2010
my roommate and I want to put together a Mac- or Linux-based file server. I have an old iBook lying around, so it can either run Mac OS X 10.3, or some version of Yellow Dog Linux. (I'd prefer to keep it a Mac system.) I can set up our router to push requests on a certain port to that laptop, with a static IP, but we're concerned with file safety. We're going to be keeping all our personal information on there including any code projects, pictures, homework, etc. My roommate attends university, and will be accessing the server from the uni. wireless network. As such, privacy/encryption is a big concern for us. (We don't want people packet sniffing and getting any personal information or data.)
Does anyone have any suggestions for setting up this kind of server? Hopefully it will be a fun project.
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Aug 17, 2008
I have an encrypted DMG with important info on it and I went to mount it and I got "No mountable file system": can I fix this and save my data?
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Feb 1, 2010
i have a ppt saved on my pendrive which i got saved from windows as (.pptm) but now when i tried opening it on my macbook it shows a message (�CORPORATE GOVERNANCE org..pptm� could not be handled because Keynote cannot open files in the �ZIP archive� format).
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Feb 26, 2007
I'm trying to install a printer driver for my Epson Stylus Photo 2200 printer. I downloaded a file from the Epson support site that contains the correct drivers (according to the webpage directions) which has the label: epson11019.sea I am supposed to be able to open this file by double-clicking on it, but all I get is an error message that reads: "Open Dictionary Unable to open the dictionary or extension of the application because it is not scriptable. OK" I tried the help menu and was told to drag the application onto the Script Editor but get another message to the effect that it is not readbale, or something. The file [epson11019.sea] is supposed to be for the Mac OS X system but I am at a dead end here.
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Apr 10, 2012
I was filming a video in Photo Booth from my webcam, and I assumed that quitting Photo Booth would stop the recording. I was wrong. It seems to have not closed the file properly, and now I am unable to open the file or do anything with it. how I can recover it and make it openable?
Photo Booth, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 6, 2012
For some reason I am having problems opening up one of my avi files as well as some .mov files. This is the error I get:
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Apr 10, 2010
This PKG makes snow leopard able to be installed on Windows PC's. I'm trying to do this on my PM g4 400mhz running 10.3.9. Or would it work better on a eMac? .
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Jul 8, 2010
IWhen I mount and open it, it contains three files: autorun.inf, edisk.dat and SVOLBRO.EXE. I am assuming that it is the edisk.dat file that I should be reading but I can not open it. I have spoken to the company who say that it should contain an encrypted pdf file. I have tried copying and renaming the file to edisk.pdf and then using preview but I am getting an error message saying the preview is unable to open the file.
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Mar 15, 2012
I am not able to open a .zipx file on my iMac. What application do I need for this file format?
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Jul 5, 2012
Why can't I open a pdf file with Pages?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 4, 2010
however, I never did find that one file I was originally searching for!
The program I was using ( Data Rescue 3 ) renamed all my .jpegs in its search of my deleted files. So when I searched for the one I wanted not only did it not come up, but I was searching through 40,000+ jpegs one by one. Didn't get too far before I gave that up.
Is this normal for a data recovery program? Since I deleted them, it deleted the file structure for it so it renames them?
And has anyone successfully restored a deleted item? Just wanna save a few jpegs, that I was attached to.
I've never backed up my HD in the 4+ years of owing a mac so thats out of the option unfortunately. Looks like I know what I'll as for for christmas. An external.
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Apr 3, 2009
I accidentally deleted a file from my iPod (used as an external hard drive) while it was connected to the laptop.
It's not in Trash, can I still recover it ?
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Apr 6, 2009
I have been searching all over this site, but I am in a time crunch. I deleted a paper saved as a word file earlier this afternoon. I downloaded Data Rescue II and FileSalvage, but they are both pretty expensive and I am not sure if the demo actually found the file i need. Can anyone direct me to a free program that works well, or confirm that one of those two programs works before I drop $100 to save a 7 page paper.
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May 11, 2012
I was usnig the iDisk on my older iMac to backup some of my data files, such as my Quicken backup. My older computer had crashed and I have not been able to access the icloud idisk.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 2, 2012
I just accidently closed out of a powerpoint file I was working on. It had been auto saving but it is not in the auto recovery section. Just wonder if there is any way to get it back I just lost about 3 hours of work.
MacBook, iOS 4.3.3, Snow Leapard
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Jan 8, 2010
I got a file named myfile.dat from my supervisor and he said myfile.dat is a helix database file. I tried to open that file after installing helix server 6.1.5, but I couldnt open it. I am really in a confusion that whether the given file is helix format file or something. Can anyone tell me that how to open *.dat file or how to identify the format from the file extension.
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Apr 10, 2012
I try to open an Open Office spread sheet and it simply saves the file as another file with the .cpgz extension which does the same thing. This did not happen a couple weeks ago; I think my download for Apple updates may be the culprit. My OS X is now 10.7.3, I believe originally it was 10.7.2 but I could be wrong.
The original document is a zip archive but now "saves as" a .cpgz archive. I have tried the "Unarchiver", which I just downloaded, but it only creates another file with subfolders, none of which appear to have my original spread sheet. (To be honest, I never noticed this Open Office spread sheet file was a zip file until a few minutes ago when I tried to unsuccessfully open it).
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 14, 2012
I keep several encrypted disk images in the Dropbox folder on my laptop. Can I use File Vault to encrypt the laptop when it contains these already encrypted .dmg and .sparsebundle files? Or will this double encryption harm them?
(These folders need to be individually encrypted to reside in an encrypted form on the Dropbox server. If I unencrypt them and use only File Vault, then when I'm on the computer and File Vault is off, the folders will sync to Dropbox in their unencrypted form. I want to keep these folders individually encrypted for security on the Dropbox server, then use FIle Vault on top of that to secure the rest of my laptop in case of theft).
Airport Extreme, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 17, 2012
If I encrypt an external drive using File Vault 2 (Lion 10.7.3) as a Time Machine backup from my current laptop, then later purchase a new laptop and attempt to read that encrypted backup, will there be any problems to consider?
1) I expect that, since the password will be stored on my current laptop, there would be a problem reading the password on a new laptop
2) I was told that opening a File Vault 2 encrypted external drive would require the same laptop, as the encryption creates a match of serial numbers between the laptop and the encrypted drive.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 11, 2010
I recently used time machine for the first time in a long time. I use my external HD USB for the backup. After the back up was complete, I unplugged the USB cable. I got an error that I needed to put the HD away first (I wasn't thinking). And I didn't pay attention to the error either.
I thought the data was gone, when I didnt see the data in the back up file. I do see the back up file with that date on it. In the file is the .InProgress file. In that file, on right clicking, I see the contents of one folder. This folder has a very long name of numbers and letters. It shows no contents in the finder. THough I know the files must be here. The HD has capacity of 100 Gig. There is only about 20 gigs showing on it. Though there is only 20 gigs available. So, my back up data is there on the HD, and I assume it's in this "empty" file.
* How do I extract the saved files ?
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Feb 8, 2009
When I try to use Software Update it downloads the file but will not open, and shows me the error message, "Update can't be installed - Software Update could not expand the package correctly". This happened the first time a week ago and I thought was an isolated event, but it is happening again, so obviously there is a problem with Software Update. If I download it from Apple through Safari it works.
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Jul 28, 2009
Using a newly purchased Sony DCR-SR47 Handycam, I am attempting to import the still images from the Memory Stick Pro Duo (preferably into iPhoto). Using the Sony instructions provided here [URL]... when I open the file all I see are MEMSTICK.IND and MSTK_PRO.IND. Unfortunately when I attempt to open files with the .ind extension it comes up as an unrecognizable format. The images are viewable on the camcorder but I can't seem to open the file.
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May 17, 2012
As stated in the title, when I try to download a file from the internet, clicking on the link associated to the file will not start a download, but instead opens a new tab in my browser showing the url of the associated file. If I then right-click and choose 'Download linked file as...' the file can be downloaded with no issues in most of the cases, at least as long as the website allows right-click downloads to happen.I have tried resetting Safari, emptying the cache and, of course, updating my software. It is a midly annoying problem, but it doesn't happen when I use other web browsers in my iMac.
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 19, 2012
I am unable to open one MPEG4 File in my Macbook. what can be done or what software is to be downloaded to open it.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 18, 2012
My apple mail (gmail account) keeps recovering a large sent email file. Repeatedly.I keep deleting it or exporting it to the trash, but a new recovered file soon reappears in the RECOVERED messages folder.
How do I prevent apple mail from continually recovering the same old email?
Info:iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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