IMac (Intel) :: Movie Player (like QuickTime Or VLC) On External Hard Drive To Watch Movies?
Sep 2, 2014
I have an external drive to store all my movies since I have no room on my iMac. I'd also like to watch my movies on other computers and I was wondering if there's a movie player that can be installed on the external drive to watch some movies like (.mkv) and so on.
I recently bought my first imac. I seem to have an issue about copying movies from my imac to an external hard drive.I try to ''drag and drop'' but nothing is happening.I also tried to copy the movies and then paste them to the hard drive but no luck either.
Digital movies play just fine on my camera, a NIkon Coolpix but once I import them to either quicktime or windows media player they do not play smoothly. Any ideas why or what I can do to correct this?
Info: quicktime or windows media player , Windows XP, camera digital films won't play
i have a new macbook pro only a week old and it keeps freezing when i use firefox or watch a movie using VLC player. is there any reason why it keeps freezing.
I recorded a video using PhotoBooth which now will not open in any of my players, QuickTime, VLC, HandBrake.
Finder tells me that it's a QuickTime Movie file, but QuickTime Player says "QuickTime Player can't open "Movie on 4-12-12 at 8.20 PM" because the movie's file format isn't recognized."
Why won't it open, and how can I get it to open? Additionally, I recorded a different video this morning and it plays just fine.
I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and I have the latest Quicktime Player as well. QP used to have the controls below the video, but now they're over top of it.
I can move them around, but I can't seem to move them off of the video. This is highly irritating because it means I'm missing part of the video any time I use any of the controls, or if I just bump the mouse.
Am I the only one who's bother by this? Is there any way to change it or to revert to an older version while still using Snow Leopard.
After updating Quicktime to 7.2 it has gotten really slow when opening a movie, VLC on the other hand does this in an instant.
I can open Quicktime Player itself pretty fast, but when I want to open something, I get the beachball spinning for about 5-10 seconds, only then I can switch to the player and watch it.
This is really annoying.. I don't want to use VLC, because it is not that stable and I hate to use its FF feature. Is there something I can do about it? I tried downloading QT player from Apple and reinstalling.
QuickTime Player (we have version 10.1) seems to play movies at a minimum movie size of 480 pixels wide. Smaller movies (say 80, 200, etc. pixels wide) get enlarged to 480 pixels wide when played, making them blurry. Movie Inspector confirms the original size of these movies (of various formats) and that the current player window size is 480 pixels wide. They can't be viewed any smaller (either by the window resize handle or from the View menu).We frequently make moves from slices through small sub-volumes of 3D reconstructions and it doesn't seem that this latest version of QuickTime Player can be used to view these small-sized movies any longer. Am I missing a preference or checkbox somewhere in QuickTime Player?
Since my iMac hard drive space (2 terabite) is almost half-full of the Movies I have in my iTunes, I would like to be able to set up my iTunes to store and play the movies from an external hard drive.I just bought a 4 terabite G-Drive for doing this.I would also like to be able to view the movies on my two differant Apple TV's.
I'm using an external hard drive for mac backup and also to store photo files. I copied some photo files to the drive about two weeks ago and their icon appears, but when I want to open them, I get an error message: "The alias “...” can’t be opened because the original item can’t be found." There is also a small arrow on the icon. My other files can be opened okay.
What's also strange is that I found the icon of the external drive in the folder with the picture files, even though I did not drag it there (the main icon is till on my computer's desktop, where it should be.) That icon also has a small arrow on it. When I click on it, it opens and I can see my folders, but the photo folders with the arrow on it will still not open.
I tried ejecting the drive and reconnecting it, but it didn't work. Is there anything I can do to recover the missing photo files, or are they most likely gone? I have deleted these pictures from my computer hard drive. What should I do about the mysterious second external drive icon? Delete it or keep it? Can I somehow use it to restore the photo files?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4 GHZ Intel Core Duo 6GB RAM
I have a 1TB external hard drive , and I would like to know how to move all my photographs to it and use that file when opening my photos . I have conflicting issues ( but I think the process will be the same ) , I use Nikon , my wife prefers Canon , and i try not to use iPhoto (it's the worst piece of software I have had the misfortune to use ) now that my memory is sparse i want to put our photos (raw and jpeg) into the external hard drive and open it from the Mac ...
I have an Intel iMac and wish to move the movies and music I have in ITunes to a WD 2TB MyBook Studio External Hard Drive, free up my hard drive and still use iTunes. What is the easiest way to move movies to the external drive and then wipe them off my computer to free up space.
I need to move the music and movies from my MacBook Air (original) to an external hard drive, after I do this, do I create a new music folder and media folder on my computer to load music/movies in via the dedicatd external drive and then would I be able to move the newly imported to the external drive which would be my main site of storage?
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Moving music/media
i cannot save my folder to the external hard drive by simply dragging it. how can save a folder to a hard drive. my hard drive is 500 gig free space and folder is about 5 gig file.
I got my macbook pro yesterday and I am already loving it - I was looking for some advice on some accessories and things.
When I got the macbook with my student discount I got a printer for �20 from apple, as well as applecare for 3 years and a �18 ipod nano and a case/sleeve for when I have to bring it travelling.
1. I am at university/college and I was wondering what accessories you would recommend me?
2. I am looking at getting an external USB hard drive - for either my music and movie collection or for time machine.
What drive would you recommend? The apple one is too expensive, I assume any standard USB one will work though?
And is it possible to partition the drive, if it was big enough, and make like a 320gb partition for time machine and then have the rest for normal storage?
3. I know everyone says there are no viruses for macs etc. and stuff, but there is antivirus software available, which there must be a reason for? Is it wise to get antivirus software for a mac, or is it completely un-needed? I have also enabled the firewall.
4. Does anyone think mobileme is worth paying that much for? The guy in the apple store said it would be especially good since I have an iphone as well. And would it work with my gmail account?
My mac says I have 126 gig of movies in my memory and I can not find where it is so I can delete it. I looked in itunes and found movies and deleted them but I am unable to find the 126 gig that is remaining. How do I find the movies? It also says I have 113 gig of other, what and how do I find other so that I can clean up my mac?
My 500gb iMac (purchased April 2010) is about at capacity. 350gb of space is taken up by home movies (.mov) in iMovie. I bought an external hard drive and have moved about 200gb over to that drive.
After transfer, I deleted the original Events off iMovie and emptied the trash. I checked in both iMovie and in Finder and no longer see those files present on the Mac.
I thought this was going smooth and everything worked perfectly, but….when i went to check how much storage space i created on the Mac, the amount of available space barely budged (i moved 200gb of data to the new drive and i created about 30gb of space on the Mac).
Are these "deleted" files hidden somewhere and I need to go delete from somewhere else? How do I make sure I get back the storage that i need?