OS X V10.7 Lion :: Include Related Messages = Include Trash?
Jul 4, 2012
Is there a way to make Mail show messages from the Trash when "include related messages" is turned on? If I have trashed a message and receive a later reply from that conversation, Mail won't show me the previous message. Â
- Is there any way to include a description to a Timemachine backup? It would be helpful to include information such as "backup before installing a specific program or system update".
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Can I include external drives to be backed up using Time Machine? Not only do I want to back up my IMac, but I have several extenal drives for one iPhoto, one iTunes and one for other files & documents. How do I know if they are included in the backup process?
I'm getting ready to migrate our company server to a new server box. I'm doing a complete clean install, and migrating specific information over (we had some corruptions from the initial installation Lion Server). All our users are in LDAP, not the Local directory, and I can't seem to figure out (and don't have the ability to test) if using the Ser Admin app's Archive feature of Open Directory, will include all LDAP information. My understanding is that if I create an archive and restore to it, then all of my users and there information will be put back like nothing happen, but can't get any clarification on it.
well i dont want to upgrade just yet on my ilife08 right now. i have a white macbook 2.1ghz with 1GB RAM will Snow Leopard run well on this macbook? if so then i hope ilife09 will be included in snow leopard then i'll just buy snow leopard. however if snow leopard can not be run on my 2.1macbook then i'll just upgrade my ilife?
I inherited an older G4 powerbook and while it has itunes on it, it lacks iphoto. Is this normal? I have OSX Tiger installed and I always thought that it would include iPhoto. Am I wrong about this?
I know the prevailing opinion is to move the Users folder (i.e. all home folders) off an SSD boot drive and onto an HDD in order to increase available space and avoid thrashing the SSD. However, it occurs to me that by moving the users folder the Library folder is also moved (~/Library/). Doesn't this compromise the speed increase gained from having an SSD? The application will start quickly but then have to wait for the HDD in order to load preferences.
I looked at Apple's website and searched some threads here and still don't know for sure. Want to get my dad iLife '09 so he can take advantage of iPhoto's "faces and places". I bought iLife '09 last year for $79; but does the $29 Snow Leopard upgrade have it as well? He is running Leopard now.
My brother is a windows user and as a gift i thought I'd get him an update to windows 7. I've bought the 32bit upgrade from software4students and selected digital download. Unfortunately it gives me a .exe download manager so i've downloaded the file on a windows pc and now transfered it back to mac as I'm trying to relearn how to do stuff the mac way (fairly new user ). So i now have the following files on my mac:windows 7 32bit imageas a .img file indows boot image as a .00 file Read me file and i want to make a bootable dvd. Disk Utility will let me make a new image from my usb with the files on, which just seems to be creating a .cdr file of everything on the stick. I was looking at the dvd options and it will let me burn the .img file to a dvd but wont let me include the windows boot image. Currently I'm creating a .cdr file of everything and then i'm going to burn that onto the DVD. This didn't work, it created a 16GB .cdr file as it captured all the empty space on my usb stick... Is this going to work? is there a more efficient way of creating this DVD on mac?
I just got my Mac Pro today and I installed a 1 TB drive as my main drive, and i've noticed everything I do such as typing this question and moving windows around is extremly laggy.
Do you think it is becauese the install CDs that came with the Mac don't included the 10.5.7 custom driver for the 4870 card? I didn't erase the default 640 HD that came with the MP yet so i'm going to reboot using that drive and see if that changes anything.
I have been using my airdisk as a method to share files. I was sharing them using a sharepoint but it required that I keep that mac on.
All seems to be fine using the airdisk (I share it over the LAN) but today I realized none of those files are getting backed up by time machine. My time machine backup is still hooked up directly to my main mac.
OSX 10.6.3 Airdisk shared via AE first edition (non-dual band)
Hi all, here's what I'm trying but failing to achieve in Automator:Â
1) When files are added to "foldername" or any of its subfolders
2) Copy that file to "newfolder"Â
What is actually happening with my workflow below is it only takes action if something is added directly into "foldername" and ignores files added to subfolders like "foldername/subfolder".Â
To burn my music collection onto a DVD I used Select All in the edit menu and dragged everything from the Music Folder into the Burn Folder. When I burned the songs onto a DVD the songs were all there but the artist names were missing.
I'm doing a presentation, and I'd like to include a bar graph of world population trends. I created a bar chart to show the data, but I need the x-axis to be "to scale", asin, have the correct amount of space between the bars. This is it so far: [URL] I need the gap between "Year 1" and "Year 1500" to be 1500 years! Not the same distance between the year 2006 and 2009, if you get what I mean?
Apple's Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard operating system will include tools borrowed from the iPhone that let developers determine the geographical location of Macs, as well as extend additional support for multi-touch to their apps, AppleInsider has learned. People familiar with the latest pre-release distributions of the next-gen OS say the software now includes the CoreLocation framework previously available via the iPhone SDK, which will allow Mac applications to identify the current latitude and longitude of the Macs on which they're running. Since Macs don't include GPS technology like the iPhone 3G, CoreLocation will utilize a Mac's existing networking hardware to triangulate the system's location in a manner similar to the way the original iPhone was able to use the technology to emulate a true global positioning signal. Meanwhile, those same people say that developers writing applications for Snow Leopard will also gain access to a new set of Cocoa-based programing interfaces for leveraging the multi-touch features of the latest MacBooks and MacBook Pros within their applications. AppleInsider first revealed plans for the new multi-touch framework in a an article from last June titled "Five undisclosed features of Apple's Mac OS X Snow Leopard." The report noted that the framework would "consist of code libraries and functions that ordinary developers can use to enhance their applications with the same multi-touch capabilities currently available in Apple-born apps like Safari and iPhoto, and do so with ease." Word of the new location tools in Snow Leopard comes on the heels of an announcement by Google that it will soon deliver its own software that will let iPhones and Macs broadcast their location information over the Internet.[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
When I burn a playlist to a CD, the disc doesn't list track titles and artists. When I've searched the community I find posts that show how to change burning preferences, but these posts were from a couple of years ago.It appears that Lion doesn't give us the options for burning that Snow Leopard did.Are there settings that I can change to fix this problem, or is this another example of Apple becoming less user friendly.
I am trying to build a modular workflow to perform a NetRestore of Lion, rather than the old fashioned way of cloning a system. I am using SIU 10.7.3 on a 10.7.4 client iMac. Our servers are running 10.6.8 Server. I am also trying to follow the directions from the 10.6 Deployment book from Peach Pit, as well as looking things up in SIU's built-in Help and I am running into problems.Â
Firstly, I am not clear on how to install 3rd party apps such Office 2011 or apps that install via .mpgks. I created a couple of test Workflows and when I tried to include the Office installer, it would fail at the very last step of the NetRestore. Mpgks would not even install at all. Â
I am also not clear on how to inlcude apps that do not install via packages, such as Firefox.
Secondly, documentation is confusing regarding workflows that work for Netinstall and Netrestore. The Add User action is only available for NetBoot workflows and not NetInstall modular workflows, which doesn't really make sense.Â
Why is the Add Packages and Post-Install Scrpits available only on NetInstall images? It makes more sense to me that this action should be available for NetRestore workflows.Â
I have a new AppleTV set up in my entertainment center on the other side of my house from my office, where my MacBook Pro is. Currently I have my U-verse gateway(which has a wireless router built in) in my home theater. The AppleTV is wired into the gateway. The signal from the gateway does not reach my office so I was able to hack a linksys router into a repeater bridge (different SSID as my U-verse setup). This allows me to stream my iTunes library, which is stored on an external HD (1.5tb) connected to my Mac, to my Apple TV.
I've been trying to install and use BootCamp from Apple, so I can use Visual Basic for my classes. Obviously, I need Windows for this. Anyway, i downloaded BootCamp, installed it, and then Windows XP. After this I was told to insert my OSX disc to get the drivers. Well nothing happened at all. I suppose because this install of Leopard didn't include BC, it was a seperate download.I then read that BC Assistant should give me the option to burn a drivers disc. I looked at the provided screenshots, and right where the button should have been, there was nothing.