OS X :: Creating Bootable DVD - Won't Include Windows Boot Images
Jan 3, 2011
My brother is a windows user and as a gift i thought I'd get him an update to windows 7. I've bought the 32bit upgrade from software4students and selected digital download. Unfortunately it gives me a .exe download manager so i've downloaded the file on a windows pc and now transfered it back to mac as I'm trying to relearn how to do stuff the mac way (fairly new user ). So i now have the following files on my mac:windows 7 32bit imageas a .img file indows boot image as a .00 file Read me file and i want to make a bootable dvd. Disk Utility will let me make a new image from my usb with the files on, which just seems to be creating a .cdr file of everything on the stick. I was looking at the dvd options and it will let me burn the .img file to a dvd but wont let me include the windows boot image. Currently I'm creating a .cdr file of everything and then i'm going to burn that onto the DVD. This didn't work, it created a 16GB .cdr file as it captured all the empty space on my usb stick... Is this going to work? is there a more efficient way of creating this DVD on mac?
I have a netbook that I am trying to reinstall windows on. Unfortunately, I only use this netbook very occasionally for guests and such, and right now it is completely not able to boot. It doesn't have a CD drive, and HP thoughtfully has only given me CDs for my recovery disks. I have come up with plenty of guides on the net for creating a bootable XP install, but they all seem to require windows. Is there ANY guide out there for creating a bootable USB XP install from the mac?
The DVD drive on my Macbook Pro is not working, and I need to boot from a DVD to run Disk Warrior.
I have:
- An Intel-based Macbook Pro - A Windows laptop with a DVD-R - A USB 2.0 external HD - A bootable Disk Warrior DVD
Is there any way to use my Windows Laptop to copy the bootable Disk Warrior DVD onto my external HD and make it bootable on my Macbook Pro? (ideally without having to buy software?)
Currently I am running Windows 7 Ultimate (400GB) and OSX 10.6(100GB). I mainly use windows 7 (don't ask why). Anyways I am wondering how I can create a bootable backup of my entire drive (both partitions) form my windows side. Also the software should be able to handle incremental backups, so that the backup don't forever and ruin the backup drive. I have tried a few different pieces of "cloning" software but they don't seem to handle the GPT partition (the efi partition?) very well. I don't know much about partitions. My goal is to create a fast (incremental) bootable backup so if I plug my backup drive in and hold option down four (2 windows and 2 osx) bootable partitions should appear. If that is not possible switching the hard dives is also an option.
I always get this error when I try to boot up to my Windows on Bootcamp: No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key
I installed Windows 7 through Bootcamp and I got everything installed perfectly! I partitioned my Mac's hard drive into 3 before the Windows installation: -Mac OS -Data For Windows -System for Windows itself
It all worked fine and i could drag and drop anything into that Data Hard drive through Windows very easily. However, when I came back to my Mac OS and partitioned my Mac Hard Drive into 2 parts(Which makes 4 partition now) and tried booting back up to my Windows, it gave me that error. I then decided to re-partition it like before which was Mac, Data and Windows. Booted it back to Windows and it gives me the same error again. I have an attached Picture showing how my partitions look now. Does anyone know how to fix it? I think it's because what my Windows is booting from is the Data Hard Drive but not my Windows 7 Hard Drive with the OS on it. Is there a way to change it's place or to tell it which Hard Drive to boot from?
if y'all are kind enough to respond to this, can you keep it in baby language. I have very, very poor knowledge of the world of technology, and jargon will only confuse me! Step by step would really I have a PC I need to reinstall windows xp on, so i downloaded a torrent copy of xp from the net ( i know it's illegal, but i had a licensed copy, and my horrible ex decided to take it when he left, so i don't feel so bad ) onto my mac. I expanded the .rar file, and was left with three icons. one says image.img and has a little pic of the harddrive on it, and has about 650 MB of info. the other two are small (4kb and 24 MB), and just show a blank page icon, and say image.ccd and image.subNow, I assume I need to get those files onto a c.d, which when inserted intomy P.C will automatically begin the install process on my P.C.
I'm trying to install windows xp professional sp3 from an iso I torrented. I burned it to a disc, but my computer can't find the disc during the start of installation ("No bootable device, press any key").
I have loaded XP with boot camp on about 20 IMAC's over the last 6 months at my work. Everything has gone fine until about 1 month ago. When finished instaaling the Mac drivers and when rebooted, in XP, boot camp creates not only the 'C' drive labelled "Boot Camp", but also creates and mounts permemently a 'F' drive on the Windows computer. The 'F' drive is no longer mapable on the XP. I can't have an 'F' drive because other softwatre on the XP need to map a 'F' drive.
Why is it creating an 'F' drive and how do I get it to stop, like the other 20 installs that went fine.
Some details, - yes the Windows partition is very large, usually 500gb
No, I keep it from connecting to the internet - some one said that might be the reason.
"The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved. Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again." Does it really mean I have to partition my whole hard drive and then reinstall everything? I'm hoping I'm just misinterpreting....
I have had my uMBP for about two weeks, I boot camped, decided I needed more space for windows, used Winclone to clone my windows partition, merged the windows partition back into OS X, and now I get an error message when I try to repartition. Please tell me there is an easy fix. BTW, my harddrive is 250GB, there is 87GB free, and I am only trying to create an 81GB partition.
I have seen in the Parallels instructions that you can create a new Virtual Machine from an existing Boot Camp partition - but is the reverse possible??I have a functioning Windows XP VM in Parallels and have unsuccessfully tried to create a Boot Camp partition (trust me I tried all the conventional ways) but failed. So the question is can I somehow convert my Windows XP VM into a bootable Boot Camp partition? I tried copying the files of my VM into the Boot Camp partition, but when booting I get an error that it is not a bootable volume.
I tried to create a bootable recovery drive using my usb for OS Lion and was successful with it. Unfortunately the files which I had stored in the usb stick prior to this seem to have disappeared. How can I locate these files? The usb now doesnt mount on the desk top and is only accessible through disk utility.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Is there a way to make Mail show messages from the Trash when "include related messages" is turned on? If I have trashed a message and receive a later reply from that conversation, Mail won't show me the previous message.
I'm currently in the process of trying to install Win7 on my Macbook Pro (purchased July '07) using an ISO burned to a DVD with Disk Utility. Unfortunately, the DVD isn't bootable, and while the symptoms match what's in this blog post, the author's solution involved using a Windows-only program.
I'd like to know if it's possible to re-burn the ISO without the version number in the filenames as in the original solution, but with Disk Utility or something else that a Mac can use.
I'm low on internal hard drive space. Am using Time Machine. It appears that Time Machine is creating disk images in my downloads folder, taking up even more space. Is there some way to limit or stop that process and just use Time Machine to back up.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I am running Leopard on a 1st gen macbook. I used boot camp assistant to partition the disk, and then went to install windows. I didn't back up bc I am an ass. Then I got to the part where I had to choose a partition. I reformatted the Boot Camp partition to NTFS. I then realized that the partition is too small. I have to get back into Leopard to fix the partition problem. Now, I can't reboot to Leopard. Holding alt or the apple key or both does not prevent the windows dvd from booting. When I eject the DVD, it tells me "no bootable disk." I never installed Vista. I don't understand how I could have overwritten anything or caused any data loss.
I have a very old PowerBook that did have OSX running on it fine. Recently it has stopped working completely and when you startup it takes you to a blue screen with a question mark and a finder icon flashing on top of a folder. If you give it long enough it will just shut off. I have tried booting from a CD but I can't seem to get that to work. I boot up holding down the option key and it brings me to a window with a picture of my hard drive and a picture of the CD drive but when I click the cd drive and then click the forward button it merely acts like it's refreshing the list and doesn't actually boot from the CD at all. I've also tried holding down C during boot up but it ignores that and just goes to the same old flashing question mark and finder icon screen. The CD I am trying to boot from is the same OSX cd that I originally installed OSX on this computer from so I know it works.
So earlier after installing a windows 7 ultimate 64 bit RTM copy into bootcamp, things started acting up;
After installing some updates for 7, rebooting, it took about a minute to get the HD icons up to even choose one, and after that it was fine, except then the windows partition eventually just had a blinking cursor in the top right and stayed there.
I went into OSx, removed the 7 partition completely! my HD is one partition for Osx, but when I boot now, it takes yearsssss to just boot to osx, but if I hold option, then I instantly get a Macintosh HD (that's it) and it will go straight away.
What do I need to do? Reinstall SL? Please god no.
Partitions seem to be all messed up, maybe I will re create a windows install, and remove it again. (Xp this time)
Edit, This happened on 2 different MBP's one a 2.8 duo after I put on 7, they both take forever to boot to OSx. (With no BC partition even on)
I have a mac mini. I used boot camp Assistant to install windows 7, and to make the partition screen stayed black and I get the following poster: "no bootable device- insert boot disk and press any key".
I want to create a minimal recovery boot disk for SL. I've followed how-to's on creating one for 10.4 and 10.5, but so far it I couldn't get it to work with 10.6. If you have successfully done this, or can point me to a pre-made image or how-to.
I have a Macbook pro and when I turn on the computer the message: "NO bootable devices, insert a boot disk and press any key" appears. I click the button "alt" and I choose the option Macintosh HD and the computer works. But I can't do this procedure always. This problem started after install the Paragon software to save my files on the external hd. How can I fix that?
Not only will holding Option while booting not work, but all of the other boot tricks (safe mode, single user mode, etc), will not work. I am at a loss. I also don't have an optical drive in this particular MBP. I have an SSD where it once was.
I'm receiving the "no boot-able device insert boot disk and press any key" error every time I go to turn on my macbook air. The screen chimes, turns on and then goes black. I've been holding down the option key and that seems to work but do I have to do this every time I turn my computer on from now on?
I created a bootable usb drive on a windows pc using windows 7 to install windows 8 preview and want to make a copy to install in virtualbox on my imac and burn to a dvd that will work on pc.
I've tried using disk utility to create an image and get a file ESD-USB.dmg, but virtualbox won't boot a dmg file.
I just recently purchased a Macbook, and I created a bootable backup of the system. The macbook boots from the backup, but when I try to boot from the backup on our G5 and also our Powerbook G4 it will not work. The G5 does not even see the bootable partitions I created, and the G4 sees them, but when I select the partition to boot from, the computer just restarts and boots from the Powerbook hardrive. We are having to send the Macbook back for some small power issues, and we need a bootable backup of this sytem that works. Does this have anything to do with the fact that the Macbook is an intel based computer and the Powerbook G4 is not? Also, the macbook is running Snow Leopard, and the Powerbook is on Tiger.
I'm trying to fix a frozen chkdsk on an imac. It can't see the keboard yet so you can't stop the chkdsk. Next step is to try to boot into dos to fix some things.
Anyone know how to create a msdos bootable cd [that an imac can read]? I can create the cd in a working windows environment. I have found many dead end links online thus far.