MacBook Pro :: Make A Boot Cd Dos And Include A Firmware (192kb) For Flashing?
Aug 12, 2009can somebody make a boot cd dos and include a firmware (192kb) for flashing i would send ?!
View 1 Repliescan somebody make a boot cd dos and include a firmware (192kb) for flashing i would send ?!
View 1 RepliesIt seems that going by the OCZ site the drive can only be reflashed with the latest firmware from a windows based machine. Is that correct?Haven't plugged it in yet but I hope mine comes with v1.24.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know that the RAM limit in the MacBook Pro is 2GB. However, this is most definitely not due to hardware limitations. Technically speaking, the CPU and chipset can address up to 3.3GB RAM. I also know that the computer won't boot with more than 2GB in it. I have reason to believe that this is therefore a firmware limitation. Has anybody done any work modding MacBook firmware? I am considering working on this myself, but if anybody has information about how the firmware flashing process works, that would be quite useful. I also would particularly like to know if Apple firmware updates are signed or if anything can be flash into ROM.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to make Mail show messages from the Trash when "include related messages" is turned on? If I have trashed a message and receive a later reply from that conversation, Mail won't show me the previous message. Â
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy brother is a windows user and as a gift i thought I'd get him an update to windows 7. I've bought the 32bit upgrade from software4students and selected digital download. Unfortunately it gives me a .exe download manager so i've downloaded the file on a windows pc and now transfered it back to mac as I'm trying to relearn how to do stuff the mac way (fairly new user ). So i now have the following files on my mac:windows 7 32bit imageas a .img file indows boot image as a .00 file Read me file and i want to make a bootable dvd. Disk Utility will let me make a new image from my usb with the files on, which just seems to be creating a .cdr file of everything on the stick. I was looking at the dvd options and it will let me burn the .img file to a dvd but wont let me include the windows boot image. Currently I'm creating a .cdr file of everything and then i'm going to burn that onto the DVD. This didn't work, it created a 16GB .cdr file as it captured all the empty space on my usb stick... Is this going to work? is there a more efficient way of creating this DVD on mac?
View 2 Replies View Relatedbut I just did a MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.7 to my MBP,and when I restarted the computer, the computer made unusual beep for a second before it was getting ready to boot,
im fairly new to the mac so i don't know if that's normal..
so the question is, is it normal for the macs to make that beep( not the starting sound) ?
So, I'm still having trouble with the MacBook I posted about here. It kernel panics even more frequently now, a month later, about once every 30 minutes. I'm running 10.5.8 now (no Snow Leopard for me!).
Anyway, the problem I'm posting about is that I can't boot into Open Firmware. It works fine just booting straight through to OS X (except about a third of the time I start up it kernel panics right after the Apple logo appears) but it won't boot into Open Firmware. I hold down Command-Option-O-F to no avail and it just won't go. (I'm trying to do reset-all to see if that helps any.)
I tried booting into Open Firmware successfully on my other Mac so it's nothing I'm doing, this MacBook obviously has some serious issues.
I'd rather not have to take this computer to the Apple Store again - every time I do they just reinstall the system/replace the hard drive and don't take me seriously when I say the problem is not with software. (Plus the warranty on this machine is up now and I'm trying to avoid paying hundreds of dollars!)
Anyone know what the issue could be? i really need a new computer hahaha...
Oh! I also tried booting into Open Firmware by holding down the power button continuously as suggested here... the on/off light blinked 3-4 times, the computer made a really long beep (like I was trying to do a firmware update), then started as normally. So I don't think that worked either lol.
I have a Rev B 1.86 SSD.
Can someone else please use a watch and post your times?
BEFORE the 1.1 firmware update
10 seconds from power button to apple logo - 17 more seconds to load to my desktop = 27 seconds
After 1.1 update
45 seconds from power button to apple logo - 15 more to load my desktop = 60 seconds
I just used a stopwatch 2 times - same results....
UPDATE: tried SMC Reset - same result.
My MacBook Pro (Late 2011) which is fully up to date, no longer boots up. The last thing I did was set a firmware password via Lion Recovery mode. After setting the password, I restarted the MacBook Pro, logged in, unbound the Mac from AD and OD, gave it a different computer name and chanegd the IP settings to DHCP. I shutdown the MacBook, plugged in a Firewire cable and turned it back on whilst holding down "T" to boot into Target Disk Mode.
The screen turned on for a second then suddenly turned off and the light on the front of the MacBook slowly pulses as if its in sleep mode. I've restarted the MacBook several times, with and without holding down any buttons and now it will not boot up properly. When you turn the MacBook on, you can hear the CDROM Drive/HDD moving - like it usually does but with no feedback on the screen. After the normal sounds have stopped the light on the front of the MacBook pulses as if its in sleep mode.
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have a late 2008 alumunium Macbook 2.4GHz, upgraded to 4GB RAM, running Snow Leopard 10.6.2. Due to a kernel panic earlier today I went through the websites shown in this thread: [URL]. As I was doing some of the procedures, I came across a website about EFI and SMC firmware updates for Intel-based Macs shown below: [URL].
According to that website the Boot ROM Version on my late 2008 Aluminium Macbook, should be
Instead it is
If I understand correctly, the support website probably has a typo, because my Macbook is coded Macbook 5,1 and not 5,2. Also on this website: [URL] it says MacBook5,1 will update to MB51.007D.003, which is still not the number I have in the System Profiler. Of course the above website has Mac OS X 10.5.7 as a requirement, so I'm not sure if the number changes in Snow Leopard. I just want to know if the Boot ROM Version in my System Profiler is ok, or if something is wrong.
I have a strange boot issue having (tried) to install EFI 2.7 update. When I restart the laptop, it 'chimes', displays a grey screen, then chimes, displays a grey screen, forever. I hit the bower (off) button for 5 secs or thereabouts, and restart, same thing. I do this 4 times and finally it reboots. But the EFI update still appears as needing to be installed (software update tells me it is not installed). Update history shows however that it IS installed. I can go through this process any number of times. I now have Software Update history showing quite a few installs opf the EFI 2.7 update. If I just do a restart without installing, I also go through the same fail to restart / fail to start / ... / eventually restart sequence.
So it seems now that the laptop will only start after 4 failed restarts and finally it starts. After starting it all appears to be perfectly fine. Nothing strange in the console logs that I can see. The failed reboots don't seem to register in the console logs - I suspect that the failure to restart is pretty early on in the boot sequence, well before it tries to load any semblance of the OSX kernel. It is almost as if it is trying to boot from someplace other than the disk ... until eventually it gives up and tries the disk. (I have tried booting with and without network cable - no difference) I don't know enough about mac bootup sequences to know if there is some config/setting that is screwed up causing this odd behaviour.
MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a flashing file folder wheni boot up my MacBook pro
View 1 Replies View RelatedProblem: When I boot up my Macbook, I get the flashing question mark. Failed Solutions: I booted using the Install disk and went to Disk Utility. The hard drive was not mounted.I reset the PRAM. I noticed that the Mac startup sound goes on now, but the same problem (question mark) persists. I went to Disk Utility again. HD still not mounted. I held the option key when booting to go to the Startup Manager. The mouse pointer appears on a grey screen, now, but nothing else What do I do?
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy macbook won't boot. A folder with a questionmark keeps flashing...What do I do, so I don't lose my documents?If I send it to reperation, will they see the last thing I did on it? Cause it was quite private...
MacBook Pro, MacOS X (10.5)
I woke up to my MacBook fan going nuts. Had an error message on the screen that said something about a disk error. The machine wouldn't do anything (force quit, launch app) so I hard powered down. Now.....NOTHING. All I get is the white screen, followed by the flashing folder. Here is what I have tried so far.
I already booted from the restore cd that came with it and opened disk utility. The hard drive shows up as something like disk1 but not "Macintosh HD."Tried to repair permissions and got an error message. Thought then to do an archive and install......and the HDD isn't even a viable option to install the OS on.
I had the original (but smaller) HDD that came with my MacBook, so I put it back in and everything booted up just fine and is back up and running. (Thank God for MobleMe that had all my contacts, etc on it). But I still have some info on that other HDD that I need. I ordered a usb enclosure for the drive to maybe try some recovery, but it seems to me that the HDD failed or something. Is there anything else I can do?
I have a iMac G3. I can't make it boot from the CD to install the OS. Keep pressing the C key, but no luck. How can I edit it in open firmware to make it boot from the CD? Or, is there another option to install the OS from a different Mac? I have Mac OS X installed on a PC.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a dual 1.8 PPC G5 power mac that I bought used about a year ago. It came with OS 10.5 preloaded but the only discs I have for it are the original system disks(10.3). I've got it hooked up to a HP 19 LCD via DVI. The other day I tried to boot into open firmware using the command-option-O-F start up command. Well, something happened cause OS X never came up, but nothing else did either. The screen just stayed blank, the fans starting ramping up and just got gradually louder and louder. I tried entering mac-boot via the keyboard thinking that maybe I was in OF even though I couldn't see anything on screen, but nothing changed.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust received SuperDrive Firmware Update 3.0, MacBook EFI Firmware Update 1.4, and AirPort Client Update 2009-002 1.0 on Software Update for 13" Unibody MacBook.
View 2 Replies View Related"Boot Camp Assistant cannot be used: You must update your computer's boot ROM firmware before using this setup assistant"."
That's the dreaded message I get every time I try to use boot camp 1.2. Unfortunately my firmware is already updated, and any attempt at updating my firmware (again) results in the message that I "don't have to update my firmware."
I've google'd this problem numerous times, but I have yet to find a solution.
i just restored new Mac OS 9 already so now i have a problem that say i need to update firmware so i follow the instruction i hold the programmmer button and it just pop up with white screen say welcome to firmware update continue mac boot or shut down? i have no clue why is that i mean it say it will update loud buzz so i waited for long and it didn't
View 7 Replies View Relatedso i downloaded the new 3.0 beta 3 software the CD wouldn't eject from the drive so I pressed down both mouse buttons while rebooting... tried to boot back up again and all i get is this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have MacBook Pro 2.4GHz Penryn 15". OS X Leopard, 6 months old.
In trying to add up to a wireless network at home (with a PC and a laptop Windows XP) I switched to "start from network" on System Preferences. On reboot, shows image of file with a ? or flashes a world clip. Usual command+S or C, Alt, attempt to reboot from CD fail. Before attempting anything else I don't want to lose my documents. When reboot with Alt, the padlock with space for password appears. I didn't set a password when I installed OS.
i accidentally hit the power switch on the wall during an upgrade (might even have been a firmware upgrade, I didn't really look at what was going on). Anyway, now it hangs on the silver Apple logo screen with a spinny wheel on reboot. It's only 3 months old, it's the $599 model.Â
What to do? I see that you can download firmware restoration disks but they appear to be limited to earlier versions of the Mac mini.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7), I think the OS is OSX 10.7...
Is there a way to make the Boot Camp menu the default boot screen, as opposed to holding Alt? This is the latest SL release, if that matters.
I know this is possible in some manner, our networked iMacs all do it; they start up and give the option to boot OS X or Windows, with a countdown to boot the default OS. I'd just like the same thing to happen on my MBP.
My beloved iBook 1.33 wont boot, has flashing? and freezes when I try to boot from original CD with a bunch of vertical lines. I ran the diagnostic DVD and it says Invalid memory access. I removed the external ram chip for computer and still get same error. I also zapped PRAM, reset NMVU (whatever it's called). I already have the iBooks case open and willing to try anything.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have an ibook that boots up first to the flashing folder with the question mark then quickly loads to apple screen , then into the os x. This just started happening but I've never seen it before is this a bad sign?
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy iBook G4 will not boot even from DVD.Boot with option does not show the hard drive, but shows the Tiger dvd.Memory access error shows at open boot.How can I get this thing to boot?
View 11 Replies View RelatedMy iBook G4, 1 GHz, 1.2 G RAM white plastic 2 USB purchased 2004 refuses to boot. When I try to use the startup disc, I get the "You need to restart your computer." message. The HD was replaced 2 years ago after a fatal crash. Has it happened again? That repair at an authorized dealer was so expensive I'll be halfway to a new laptop if I go back. I have been able to get it up 3 times since the problem started, so I suspected kernel panics or RAM problems. But not been able to run disc utilities--it just stares at me. Now can't get it to boot at all.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have an aluminium cased iMac (2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) running OS 10.6.8.Â
Recently I have found that sometimes the machine will not boot - I get the normal chime, grey screen and then the flashing question mark icon. I first noticed the problem a few months ago when restarting after a power outage had occured whilst I was using the Mac. After a couple of tries the machine booted and so I thought little more about it because in usual circumstances when the machine was shut down correctly it started as normal and behaved perfectly. However, after another power outage over the weekend the problem has become much worse.Â
I have tried all the usual things like trying to boot up in safe mode and recovery mode but with no success. The only way I can get the Mac to boot at all is to simply keep powering down and powering up again and hoping that it will spring into life. Once it does boot the Mac behaves perfectly.Â
I have an 10.6.8 universal system disk and I got the machine to boot from this disk. I then tried to perform some diagnostics on the hard drive (320Gb) but when I got to the pane that shows the available drivesthere was no drive to be seen.Â
After a lot of tries I have got it to boot off the hard drive since so, I have been able to back up files that weren't archived to an external drive.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I was trying to delete partitions on my hard drive to get it ready for a clean Yosemite install. All of a sudden the screen went grey and after a considerable amount of time I turned off the MacBook Air and then turned it back on. A grey screen with a folder and '?' showed up. I don't have much experience with Macs, but I know enough that something happened to the Boot files. I don't have any other Macs. Is there a way to make a bootable drive on a PC? I have saved HD images on a portable hard drive along with time machine backup...I was running Lion OS
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)