OS X V10.7 Lion :: Any Way To Include Description To Timemachine Backup?
Jun 17, 2012
- Is there any way to include a description to a Timemachine backup? It would be helpful to include information such as "backup before installing a specific program or system update".
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have an brand new HD that I want to restore from TimeMachine. Erased and partitioned this brand new drive. Created 2 partitions and formatted as “OS Extended Journaled/ GUID.”
Did a “Command R recovery boot” and went through the steps to backup from TM to my new HD. 15 seconds into the restoration process Msg. reads: “Error occurred while restoring from the backup.Restart your computer and then try restoring again.”
Trouble shooting:
Luckily my original files and initial boot drive that TM was backing up from remains fine and I performed some more TM back ups as well as a TM backup onto another drive as well.
I even tried restoring to another empty drive with older backups and backups off of another HD and got the same error message. All my BU’s and BU attempts have been within 10.7.3 on the same MP.
Info: Mac Pro 2X3 Ghz duel core intel xeon, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 16 GB Mem
Is there a way to make Mail show messages from the Trash when "include related messages" is turned on? If I have trashed a message and receive a later reply from that conversation, Mail won't show me the previous message.
I am currently pondering how to make a backup of my Imac. On the old threads I skimmed through I could not find the right answers - so I made one of my own In my imac I have a 500 GB hard drive (~300GB in use). I also have a 1.5 TB external hard drive which will be my backup drive. I am planning to combine CarbonCopyCleaner (or SuperDuper Im not 100% sure yet - any suggestions?) with Time machine to get.
a) a bootable copy of my system b) regular backups with time machine.
On top of this I want to move certain things (like movies and stuff I dont really need to back up) on the external hard drive. Now I am wondering two things however: Can I achieve CCC, Time machine backups AND seperate data on one partition? I guess not because then it would not be bootable? If I use 2 seperate partitions (one for CCC and one for Time Machine and the data/movies etc) - can they be resized WHILE data is on them? I am asking this because I am using my mac to produce music and the data keeps growing. I would love to avoid fixed-size-partitions if possible.
I have been using my airdisk as a method to share files. I was sharing them using a sharepoint but it required that I keep that mac on.
All seems to be fine using the airdisk (I share it over the LAN) but today I realized none of those files are getting backed up by time machine. My time machine backup is still hooked up directly to my main mac.
OSX 10.6.3 Airdisk shared via AE first edition (non-dual band)
I have just noticed that Time Machine does not seem to want to backup certain big files I have (such as VMware virtual machines 5gb files). I have checked the options setup in TimeMachine and there is no setting here that could imply that these files would not be backed-up. I have made a test and noticed that TimeMachine will not backup the stated files. Does anyone know what could cause this?
I just bought a MacBook Pro 2009 model and would like to have a dedicated external hard drive for performing TimeMachine backups. I know there are probably great options out there for me to purchase, but I'd like to take one of the two that I currently have, format it to GUID and for Mac via disk utilities, and then use it for TM.
The two external drives drives I have are:
1.) WD5000AAV 500gb (about 2 years old, requires AC outlet) 2.) Toshiba Canvio 640gb (about 3 months old, no AC outlet required).
I just can't find specs for the actual drives inside of these external drives (drive speed, cache, etc.). Maybe it doesn't matter which? I just want whichever is fastest and most reliable.
I have an imac with two time capsules (1TB and 3TB). I am using the 1TB as a shared drive on the network (mac + pc's), and the second one (3TB) as the time machine backup drive. I have not been able to include the shared drive (1TB) in the time machine backup, it only included the imac hard drive. When I purchased the seconf time capsule, I was told this is possible. Can you help with any configuration recomendations to make this work?
I was wondering if anyone knows a way to automatically sync certain folders from a Windows BootCamp partition to the Mac.
Basically what I'm trying to do is automate a way to backup my Mac with Time Machine but also keep important files that I use on the Windows partition backed up at the same time.
I want to verify if Migration Assistant will restore a backup from NAS drive to a new computer. I just got a WD My Book Live Duo NAS drive which supports Time Machine backups for Lion (and Snow Leopard). Unlike backups in Snow Leopard and the WD My Book World Edition (white light), the new NAS drive creates a sparsebundle the first time a backup is initiated. When I open Time Machine, a single volume for my backup appears. I have 3 Macbooks backing up to this drive but when I open Time Machine on any computer, only the backup created for that computer is shown. This raised a question for me that if my computer dies, how do I restore the backup from the NAS drive to the new computer? Is this what Migration Assistant will do? What are the limitations? Does the new computer have to have the same IP address as the old computer? Can I select what gets restored?
My finder/computer crashes at least once or twice a day when the Time Machine backups start (there are other times where the backup will go fine). I am using a MacBook Pro, 2011 2.2 GHz i7 with 8GB of Ram. I have a 64 GB Samsung SSD drive I use for startup and applications, and a 700 GB SSD/7500 hybrid drive mounted in the Superdrive bay for docs/music/etc.
I have a 1TB WD HDD connected via USB I use for Time Machine. Looks like there might be something amis when I am using Chrome and Time Machine in the superdrive bay SSD/HDD setup? Also some software update errors were being thrown just before the crash too.
Here is the console Log just before the crash through the reboot:
5/27/12 12:45:10.207 PM com.apple.SecurityServer: Failed to authorize right 'system.install.app-store-software' by client '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/in stalld' [8335] for authorization created by '/usr/sbin/softwareupdate' [8334]
Info: macbook, powerbook G4, G5 Xserve, Mac OS X (10.4.10)
In my old version of iPhoto '08, I was able to adjust the size of the photo information dialogue box to type and view a description of a photo. We were able to write paragraphs in the photo information "description" area. In the new version of iPhoto ' 11, I can not enlarge the "Add a description" more than the two lines that are visible. Is there a way to enlarge the "Add a description" so that I can see more than two lines?
I like being able to drag a url down to the dock to create a permanent shortcut to that webpage, but how do I change the description that appears above the url icon? I want to create shortcuts to some google forms I created, but when I do so the description is always the URL, which isn't helpful. I need to change the desciption so it says "timesheet" or "sign up form" instead of the url.
I recently noted that accented characters are lost in long name description of email alias address when using Mail.app but ok when using webmail in iCloud.comSetup in the prefs of the master mail account in iCloud, the long name description for the corresponding alias.is transcripted as "Frdric" in Mail.app when selecting the sender address in the dropdown list box.However, all is fine when using webmail within iCloud.com The problem appears only with OSX not with iOS.
I have been using my alias with accented char in its long name description for the last 4 years with Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion until recently. I can replicate on 3 differents Macs. Even tried to create a new user account.
My internal 1TB hard drive on my iMac is dead and I don't have the money to replace it at the moment. I have everything backed up on an external 1TB drive using Time Machine. As a workaround for the time being,Is there any way I can install the system on the external drive and use that as the boot drive without erasing the Time Machine Backups? It seems to me I would have to have two partitions for the external drive, one for the system, and one for Time Machine. But is there any way to add a partition without erasing the existing one with Time Machine only on it?
Can I include external drives to be backed up using Time Machine? Not only do I want to back up my IMac, but I have several extenal drives for one iPhoto, one iTunes and one for other files & documents. How do I know if they are included in the backup process?
running OS X Lion, and try to backup to a Stora NAS with Time Machine. Have (as so many others) struggled to get it to work, now it seems OK, I have a full backup, and two incrementals have run OK.But the restore GUI! I did have it up and working some time during all my backup tries. But now I can't get it to display. I press the "Go into Time Machine" from the TM symbol on the menu bar. I get the connect to disk progess bar, and it seems to succeed, because I see an icon on my desktop "TimeMachine backups" and in Finder I get the Time Machine entry under Devices. But how do I get nice GUI to be able to browse back in time and restore? When I saw it before, I can't even remember what I did to get there, it just appeared... But not now...
I have a TimeMachine drive running for years over USB. Yesterday I connected it to my AirPort Extreme and ran TimeMachine by accident. Now when plugging the drive back to USB, TM will let me browse all the old backups, but when I try to perform a new backup it acts as if it's the first time I'm running it — meaning it indexes everything and try to store a full copy of my files (which it can't since the drive is full with the old backups).
what might have happened when I ran TM over the network and moved back to USB? Is there any way to force TimeMachine to use the old backups? It's really cryptic how I can browse the backed up files but not make a new backup.
I'm getting ready to migrate our company server to a new server box. I'm doing a complete clean install, and migrating specific information over (we had some corruptions from the initial installation Lion Server). All our users are in LDAP, not the Local directory, and I can't seem to figure out (and don't have the ability to test) if using the Ser Admin app's Archive feature of Open Directory, will include all LDAP information. My understanding is that if I create an archive and restore to it, then all of my users and there information will be put back like nothing happen, but can't get any clarification on it.
Recently My MAcBook Pro 13" was stolen. I have importan archives inside Time Machine (from the MacBook pro 13) and now I want to recover just some iles from the stolen MacBook to my IMac using Time machine.
With TimeMachine, I backup two external drives (let's call them drive A and B). Recently, drive B broke and I restored the data on a replacement drive and gave the volume the same name as the broken one had. I made TimeMachine aware of the fact that this new drive corresponds to the old one by using the "tmutil -a associatedisk" command as described here: [URL]When TimeMachine started the next backup, it did not perform all full backup of the new drive, though still way more than it should. So far so god.
The problem is: if TimeMachine performs a backup while the new drive (the replacement of drive B) is not connected, it does not create the hard links for it. Drive A is not connected either, though hard links for it show up in the Backups.backupdb folder for this backup. If the replacement drive is connected the next time, TimeMachine will perform a full backup of it ... most likely because the previous backup does not contain any hard links.
I'm going to University in September, so I'm ripping all my DVDs to AVI format (NOT MP3, so I can't add them to iTunes) so I can save storage. And I'd like to view them in Front Row with an image and a description of the movie. So is there a way I can add these to the files? This is how they look in iTunes at the moment.
I have been having this problem since I updated safari , whenever I open a youtube video the description in the description box isn't complete and I have to highlight the whole area to see the full content :s